Marathon Weekend 2025

Alrighty friends! Here we go!

Welcome to the 2025 version of the Marathon Weekend Dislist! With the help of @Kerry1957 and @The Expert we were once again able to fill @DopeyBadger 's shoes and keep the tradition alive! As always, we are using our best guesses for corral assignments (we based these on the POT thread and the times entered during registration) so I guess we will find out how that went in a week! On a side note, we did have to reduce the file size and therefore the resolution on this to be able to attach it on the boards. If you need a sharper resolution please send me a message and I can email you the larger file.

Super excited to see familiar faces and meet new friends on this trip!
This is fantastic! Thank you all for putting this together! Way better than rD's race guide.
Someone posted this tip when I first "joined" the rD section, take your race day shoes and gear in your carry on. If your luggage is lost, at least you can hit up a local store for some park clothes, but it's harder to go replace your running gear.
I was listening to the Rise and Run podcast this morning and they mentioned this exact thing. I haven't flown to a race before, but always planned on carrying my shoes, headphones and gels with me. However, they also suggested carrying your outfit with you in your carry-on and it seems simple, but such a great idea. Nothing new on race day! It's a little harder if you have to bring a cold weather outfit, but I would definitely bring my socks, shorts and top.
I was just looking through the hourly on my Wunderground app. I’m liking the temps it’s showing. Seems to be trending wamer. So hopefully they will hold.
I have been watching three of four weather apps and they all seemed to be trending upwards. As long as that winter storm stays north, I think we are going to end up with some pretty pleasant weather for the marathon.
I have been watching three of four weather apps and they all seemed to be trending upwards. As long as that winter storm stays north, I think we are going to end up with some pretty pleasant weather for the marathon.
I hope to God that you're right, because Weather Underground is saying that it's going to be 37 degrees for the start of the marathon. 🥶
I was listening to the Rise and Run podcast this morning and they mentioned this exact thing. I haven't flown to a race before, but always planned on carrying my shoes, headphones and gels with me. However, they also suggested carrying your outfit with you in your carry-on and it seems simple, but such a great idea. Nothing new on race day! It's a little harder if you have to bring a cold weather outfit, but I would definitely bring my socks, shorts and top.
Good thought on fuel. I can't remember what I did in the past. I thought that I had always packed mine in my checked luggage. Can you take fuel in your carry on? I guess since the packs are 1 to 2 oz, they should clear no problem. I have about 30 gels in luggage, I may put them in my carry on. I would just hate for TSA to say no and then have to ditch them at the airport.
Good thought on fuel. I can't remember what I did in the past. I thought that I had always packed mine in my checked luggage. Can you take fuel in your carry on? I guess since the packs are 1 to 2 oz, they should clear no problem. I have about 30 gels in luggage, I may put them in my carry on. I would just hate for TSA to say no and then have to ditch them at the airport.
The allowed weight is 3.4 oz per item, so your gels would be fine. I would make that decision based on the gels that you use. If it's Gu, then I would just check them because you can get those at any Dick's Sporting Goods or at the Expo. I use Precision Hydration gels and I wouldn't trust that I could get the gels for the HM and M, so I plan on carrying them with me when I eventually fly to a race.
I hate last-minute packing, but it’ll have to be last-minute this time because I don’t own more than a week’s worth of cold weather clothes and I need to wear them through the next week.

I do have my race packing cube packed, though, as well as a plastic bag packed with throwaway stuff, and a small string backpack with items I’ll check at gear check. The non-running stuff will be a mish-mash of jeans, tees, sweaters, warm hats and gloves, down jackets, and a pair of shorts because seriously - you just never know down here. I once packed for a 4-day trip that was supposed to be cold the entire time… and the last day wound up being 80º: very much regretted not having a pair of shorts with me.
Good thought on fuel. I can't remember what I did in the past. I thought that I had always packed mine in my checked luggage. Can you take fuel in your carry on? I guess since the packs are 1 to 2 oz, they should clear no problem. I have about 30 gels in luggage, I may put them in my carry on. I would just hate for TSA to say no and then have to ditch them at the airport.
If they are gels and are going in your carry-on, they would need to be in your quart-sized fluid bag. Sometimes a small hand sanitizer will go through outside the quart bag, but if it is a whole bag of gels, they may make you toss what doesn’t fit.
You could put some in Carry-on and some in your checked bag if that works.

I usually pack one pair of running shoes and one simple race outfit in my carry-on (not necessarily extra layers, but maybe) and the rest in checked.
I’m debating whether to just carry on one pair of shoes and then split my running clothes between two checked bags - hoping that if something gets lost, it is only one bag.
I’ll see how much space I have left in my Carry-on. I hate when my backpack gets overstuffed and then I have to stuff it under the seat if there is no space above.
I have a question that hopefully @DopeyBadger or others who are more experienced with the cold and tapers could help with. My plan was to do all of my runs at an easy pace leading up to Dopey next week. However, we are getting a taste of the cold front with a predicted low of 48 degrees for Saturday morning. I'm trying to figure out what to wear for the HM as the current prediction is 43 degrees and I was planning on running at my (Hanson's) long run pace until Magic Kingdom and then slowing down to my easy pace for the remainder. HERE IS THE QUESTION: is it stupid to run a portion of my Saturday run at long run pace to see if I am too hot wearing tights and a long sleeve shirt under my costume short sleeve shirt? I want to know if I will get overheated running at that pace, but I don't want to do something stupid and run too fast during the taper. Additionally, would it be dangerous to run at MP to see if I get overheated in the same outfit?

How long does it generally take you to warm up/reach body temp stasis when you usually run? If it's a mile or so, I don't see the harm in that, i.e. do your first mile or two at that pace to see how you feel.

Everyone's training plans are different, but even in taper, I have always had higher intensity--albeit short-runs in the last week or two of training.

Personally, I would like to know that my race day outfit wouldn't cause me to overheat. I would also want to check out whether I could roll up the sleeves of the shirt and the legs of the tights if I really needed to.
Was hoping we might see some hint of whether there would be any merch from Brooks at Marathon Weekend or if it was just too quick a turnaround for the partnership to start. Everything in that first preview was just the 2025 version of the same stuff they have every year.
Was hoping we might see some hint of whether there would be any merch from Brooks at Marathon Weekend or if it was just too quick a turnaround for the partnership to start. Everything in that first preview was just the 2025 version of the same stuff they have every year.

Somewhere along the way they posted that Springtime Surprise was going to be the introduction of new merch.
I’m not a runner, but I’m related to someone who’s running the full and is active here. I just wanted to thank y’all for that awesome spectator document - I’ve screen shot the pages with my runner’s estimated times and saved the whole document as well. I’m sure I’ll be referring to it many times!

Wishing everyone a wonderful run!
Was hoping we might see some hint of whether there would be any merch from Brooks at Marathon Weekend or if it was just too quick a turnaround for the partnership to start. Everything in that first preview was just the 2025 version of the same stuff they have every year.
As was mentioned, it is starting with Springtime, but during the influencer previews for the W&D expo, the rD folks mentioned additional "athleisure" merchandise was coming to the generic rD line. That could have been in reference to Brooks (which was not yet announced at that time), or it could be something else new. There was a whole new (and improved, imho) generic rD line at W&D.
Somewhere along the way they posted that Springtime Surprise was going to be the introduction of new merch.
As was mentioned, it is starting with Springtime, but during the influencer previews for the W&D expo, the rD folks mentioned additional "athleisure" merchandise was coming to the generic rD line. That could have been in reference to Brooks (which was not yet announced at that time), or it could be something else new. There was a whole new (and improved, imho) generic rD line at W&D.

Thanks. I figured it might have been mentioned somewhere, I don’t really follow the other weekends very closely. Well, I guess it’s an easy skip on the merch for me.
I’m going to be fine, I’m going to be fine, I’m going to be fine.

Slipped on Tuesday afternoon. I was walking my dog and taking him to a favorite field to throw his ball. It has a steep hill on one side and we had a ton of rain/sleet/ice/snow pretty much that whole day so I decided to walk to the right of the hill. At least avoid the steep part. Feeling proud of my decision I confidently took a step at the top of the little hill and promptly lost footing with my left foot, slammed my right foot down and with all my strength held my body weight for a hot second on the one foot as my weight shifted backwards. I immediately felt significant tension/pressure in my right quad. It hurt like hell.

Tip toed down the rest of the hill and acted like nothing happened, repeating “I will be fine”. But walked home with a very sensitive leg. Going up stairs on my right leg super painful that night! RICE immediately, spent New Years Day following that plan strictly (and watching Squid Games).

Today at work it feels a bit better. Looks like according to the internet, a level 1 or 2 quad strain. So skipping out on remaining runs and replacing with walks, sticking with the rest and ice as much as I can and repeating I will be fine… Easily could have been so much worse, how dumb! I keep thinking I should have just fallen into the snow, I would have been wet and muddy but no I had to pretend I was the Karate Kid…. Taper madness has a full grip on me!

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