Marathon Weekend 2025

SAFD: I have a Nathan vest that I replaced the interior bladder with an insulated version. While I like it and the lack of water sloshing around, it is very hot to wear in the summer. Afer hearing someone else talk about it (probably you @camaker ) I also got an UltraSpire SpeedGoat that I use while in Texas. I like that it's cooler overall than the backpack and that I can freeze bottles the night before. Only downside is the sloshing of the water in the bottles. I also have a small Nathan handheld for short runs, but don't use it very often.

SAFD: I really hate carrying anything on me when I run, but here lately I will just carry a small 8 oz bottle of water for my runs during the week. For longer runs on the weekend, I will either make loops around my neighborhood and stash water and Gatorade on my porch, or I have two wonderful partners that will drive down and stash water and Gatorade in various locations on my route so I can grab them as I go. I might need to just break down and get a hydration vest, but I don't like having anything strapped to me when I run so I just keep doing my method for now.
My maintenance runs are typically around 4 miles, maybe 5 or 6 on a weekend run, so no hydration for me. I drink some water before heading out the door (neighborhood run) or getting out of the car (greenway) and then drink when I get back to the house or car.
I hate carrying anything in my hands (it's painful any more) so I have gum or candy in my mouth and then re-hydrate afterwards.
Maybe not the best choice, but it's mine...

Meanwhile, I did manage to lose a pound or two at the beach this past week.
Me: It was the seafood diet.
DW: All your food was fried!
Me: I'm taking the "W" and going with it.
Typically don’t hydrate if it’s under 10 miles or so. In the past I tried a vest and the belt. Hated them both because they felt too hot and constricting. Using hand bottles felt easier. Now days I do the long run on the treadmill and stage a couple of bottles up to marathon distance. Getting a little long in the tooth, nursing a few aches, and if the wheels fall off, and I need to shut it down to stave off injury I don’t want to be too far out.

SAFD: an extra thought for the not-so-fast people, or any lurker who might be just starting in their running journey...

It can be a little intimidating to look at other people saying things like "I don't hydrate on runs shorter than X" and X is something like a 75min+ run for you. When I started out with longer runs, I was taking water on 4mi runs. If it was hot, then I was taking water on 3mi runs. This is fine. If you want to drink less water during runs that are shorter, then you just have to practice doing it. (If there are health factors for you where you need that extra water, listen to your Dr.)

(On a personal note, this became a necessity for me because having had 4 kids, I was needing bathroom stops on 4 or 5mi runs, and drinking water was only exacerbating the issue. AND I knew that I didn't want to need to make 5+ bathroom stops during the marathon. So I worked on weaning myself off of water for runs under an hour, unless it was super hot out, and worked more on being hydrated in general.)
SAFD: an extra thought for the not-so-fast people, or any lurker who might be just starting in their running journey...

It can be a little intimidating to look at other people saying things like "I don't hydrate on runs shorter than X" and X is something like a 75min+ run for you. When I started out with longer runs, I was taking water on 4mi runs. If it was hot, then I was taking water on 3mi runs. This is fine. If you want to drink less water during runs that are shorter, then you just have to practice doing it. (If there are health factors for you where you need that extra water, listen to your Dr.)

(On a personal note, this became a necessity for me because having had 4 kids, I was needing bathroom stops on 4 or 5mi runs, and drinking water was only exacerbating the issue. AND I knew that I didn't want to need to make 5+ bathroom stops during the marathon. So I worked on weaning myself off of water for runs under an hour, unless it was super hot out, and worked more on being hydrated in general.)
And if you think you might need it, it’s better to have it and not need it, than to not bring it and then want it later
Emotional-support water bottle. Totally did that. I have this water....but I like to play a game called "am I thirsty, or do I just have dry-mouth?"

Also related to the emotional-support porta. "Do I really have to go, or am I just unsure where the next bathroom is and afraid I'll have to before I get to it?"
I’ll add the standard Floridian disclaimer, as well, that in cooler times, I won’t bother carrying hydration on a less than 1 hour run, but in summer? 100% of the time. I’ll also add that I’m a sipper: I sip maybe 2oz every 1/2 mile, so carrying a bottle isn’t about needing huge amounts of hydration so much as what works best for me is taking in small amounts at frequent and regular intervals.
SAFD: I carry a Nathan insulated handheld. Can't stand to have something around my waist bouncing around, and I think a vest would be uncomfortable. I will take water with me on pretty much any run, especially in the summer. Longer runs (>8-10 miles) and I will do Tailwind. For really long runs (and marathons) I have to refill my bottle at some point.
SAFD as wrong as I know it is I get dehydrated. I have one small maybe 8 oz bottle on my running belt that I only carry at 10 or more miles to have a bit when I take a gel. Normally enough for a ten mile slow run, but not enough for 20 miles in July or August. If it gets to be too much I slow sown, but I really dislike carrying more than that.
SAFD take two - after 11 miles yesterday I will retract my answer and say this is what I used to do. This summer I’m finding that I need to hydrate better. I really dislike the bottle on a belt so more of the same won’t work for me, so now my answer is I will reread the previous responses and hope for more replies to help decide. My choices are:
Bottle on belt which sloshes and bounces
Bottle in hand which I don’t like ( that’s where it ends up now when it starts annoying me)
Short loops to stop at home, really prefer out and back
Vest which I’ve never tried but figured would be hot and uncomfortable
Never been a fan of picking the lesser of evils…
SAFD take two - after 11 miles yesterday I will retract my answer and say this is what I used to do. This summer I’m finding that I need to hydrate better. I really dislike the bottle on a belt so more of the same won’t work for me, so now my answer is I will reread the previous responses and hope for more replies to help decide. My choices are:
Bottle on belt which sloshes and bounces
Bottle in hand which I don’t like ( that’s where it ends up now when it starts annoying me)
Short loops to stop at home, really prefer out and back
Vest which I’ve never tried but figured would be hot and uncomfortable
Never been a fan of picking the lesser of evils…
I would suggest that if you find bottles on belts to bounce, slosh or spin, you probably haven’t found the belt with the right fit for you. The same can probably be said for vests, too. I gave up on belts for a while because the Nathan options spun and bounced, but the Ultraspire snugs in comfortably and doesn’t move at all on me.
IMG_2815.pngIMG_2814.pngSAFD: I use a handheld Amphipod with insulated sleeve on every run (4.5-6.5 maintenance runs) this hot, humid summer, generally with half ice and half (10 oz.) Gatorade. As the ice melts it becomes 20 oz. liquid. I also sip it which helps with bathroom stops, since it becomes sweat as I go along instead of drinking more than my body can use at once and having excess end up in my bladder. I have the strap loose enough that I don’t have to grip it because I kind of wear it around my wrist/ lower palm. It works while running or walking with my hand on my hip! BTW on the other hand is a buff used as a sweat towel. (I’m too cheap to buy the photos.)
SAFD: I use a belt from NB outlet store for my water. I hate hand held and I want to wear something I can wear at Disney and a vest covers to much of my costumes ;) Belts aren't great though I have a smaller waist and huge hips so things never stay well, I have to make it super tight to make it stay. I put a keto friendly electrolyte in my water called: Hi-Lyte Keto K1000 Electrolyte Powder, Hydration Drink Mix | 50 Servings, Raspberry Lemon. Love it and highly recommend for people wanting to control their suger intake.

Emotional-support water bottle. Totally did that. I have this water....but I like to play a game called "am I thirsty, or do I just have dry-mouth?"

I love this, I am soo in the water bottle crew... I might not need it on my short runs which are 5k or under for me... but I need it just incase. What if I am thirsty? Lol.
Emotional-support water bottle. Totally did that. I have this water....but I like to play a game called "am I thirsty, or do I just have dry-mouth?"
So when it is really hot, I do a weird thing and get sugar free cough drops, the menthol cooling kind. It tricks me to think my mouth is nice and cool when the rest of me is roasting. And the water tastes colder as well, even if I know it is not.
Emotional-support water bottle. Totally did that. I have this water....but I like to play a game called "am I thirsty, or do I just have dry-mouth?"
My mind likes to play nasty tricks on me during hot runs. When I get overheated my mind equates it with being thirsty, regardless of how much I've drunk. If I'm not careful I'll end up drinking to the point that my stomach gets sloshy and I make myself nauseous. Always a grand accompaniment to being overheated.
So when it is really hot, I do a weird thing and get sugar free cough drops, the menthol cooling kind. It tricks me to think my mouth is nice and cool when the rest of me is roasting. And the water tastes colder as well, even if I know it is not.
This also works with peppermint gum, which I always run with
So when it is really hot, I do a weird thing and get sugar free cough drops, the menthol cooling kind. It tricks me to think my mouth is nice and cool when the rest of me is roasting. And the water tastes colder as well, even if I know it is not.
I've heard a couple running coaches say if you need to cool down, try putting Biofreeze on the back of your neck. I have not had a chance to try it yet.
Nathan Vaporhowe vest here for anything over 5 miles, otherwise a Nathan handheld. I have medical issues that require me to be a camel at all times. I don't find that the vest makes me overly hot and I prefer the bladder in the back to the bottles in the front which mess up my posture. I either freeze the bladder or put lots of ice in to keep me cool at the start. And if you invert the bladder and suck all the air out before putting it in the vest, no sloshing.


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