Lulu201's Healthy Living Log (comments welcome!)

Good Morning princess: Lulu! I hope you are taking some time today to concentrate on yourself and give your body a minute to rest so that it can stop breaking out in hives. Yikes! It sounds like you have another busy week ahead of you - amazing how quickly the time fills up. We have a busy week as well although I am trying not think about it (life is good in denial land!):tongue:

I'm sending you lots of good thoughts and :sunny: today! Take the time to sip a glass of lemonade and concentrate on you!

I just had to pop in and say hi! I hope those hives are just a stress reaction and will go away soon! After Liz gets out of school on Friday, will things calm down for you in the coming weeks?? Please schedule some down time, OK??

Hi Erin,

Just a fyi. hives can appear/dissapear for a couple of weeks after an allergic reaction to antibiotics. Try taking some benedryl at bedtime. You also shouldn't take penicillin again.

I hope the day wasn't too crazy. Have a great evening.
Thinking of you, WISH-sis, and hoping the day isn't too crazy. Take a deep breath and just put one foot in front of the other.
I take it is another crazy day. Here's some extra energizing :wizard: for you. Be good to yourself.
Good morning! :sunny: It's a sunny, warm, humid day here in PA. Typical June Wednesday in Bucks County.

Things are a little crazy, but pretty much manageable. I have a long to-do list until DD heads to Seattle next Wednesday. . .plans like "do Liz's laundry," "buy new hair straightener," and "clean house for in-law visit," are right up there with "mail curriculum proposal" and "take laxative for colonoscopy prep." It's a weird life.:crazy: :D

I'm trying to take my vitamins every day and drink my water. I walked 4 miles yesterday and hope to do it again tomorrow. The food intake varies--I'm not counting points at all. Got on the scale yesterday and was steady at 167; I'm OK with that for now, but still want to get down to 155 by 8/17.

OK, I'm off and into the day. Thanks, everyone, for posting and offering your support. Hugs to all.

Sending good thoughts your way today & every day, WISH-sis! Just one step at a time will get you where you need to go. Hang on for the crazy ride and you'll make it through. :sunny:
Good morning Erin!
Sounds like you have a few busy days coming up. ::yes:: I hope that you are able to find some time for rest and relaxtion. Have a wonderful day today!!:Pinkbounc

It's a bright and sunny Thursday!:sunny:

I've got a load of laundry in the washer and I'm starting to get DD packed for her trip; I feel more in control of things, thank God.
She has one more rehearsal--one of her singing groups is singing at a last-day-of-school concert tomorrow--and then she's done! I don't know who's happier, DD or me!:D

I had my oatmeal and coffee for breakfast and plan on some soup for lunch. No, strike that. Better have a sandwich for lunch and some nice light soup for dinner. I think I'll go make some sugar free jello, too.

My plan was to get on the treadie this morning and do 4 miles. Still might do that, but I might ride my bike instead. That seems to be what I'm in the mood for. . .we'll see.

Tracy and Doreen, it was nice to read your posts yesterday. Thanks for stopping by. I just finished another book by Christian author, Karen Scalf Linamen. This one is called "Sometimes I Wake Up Grumpy. . .and Sometimes I Let Him Sleep." Emotional, funny, and inspiring. I highly recommend it, particularly if you're going through stuff--and aren't we all??? :p

OK, I'm off into the day. I think I'll nose around a couple of journals first. . .

Good morning Erin!
I love Karen Scalf Linamen's books!!! :Pinkbounc She is so funny and inspiring at the same time. The last book of hers that I read was I'm not Suffering from Insanity.... I'm Enjoying Every Minute of It!:teeth: Love that title, huh? ;) Between her and Lori Wick, I have plenty of books to read and re-read and then when I am done, re-read them again. ::yes::

Have a wonderful Thursday, Erin! Take good care of you!:teeth:

Dear Erin, you're sounding light and happy in spite of your hectic schedule. It's great to hear the happiness in your post. Also thanks for mentioning the book you're reading - sounds like something I'd like to read!

Face the day with a smile, WISH-sis!

Hi Erin,

Just thought I'd pop by and see how you are doing. It sounds like you're doing just great and I'm happy to hear that.

I know you're busy with getting your daughter ready for her trip but I hope you take some time for yourself too! Take care and I'll check on you again soon.
Hi Erin.

Sounds like you have a pretty nice day ahead of you. Do you have any special plans with DH while DD is out of town? Enjoy your bike ride.

:wizard: :wizard: for weighin tomorrow.
Oooh, what fun to come to my journal and find so many friends have visited! Thank you Lisa, Tracy, Doreen, and Beth.:hug: Your support means the world to me.

Tracy, I don't know about Lori Wick. . .I'll do a search on the library catalog and see if I can get any of her books. I've read all the Karen Scalf Linamen that are in my library system; I'll be visiting the bookstore, I guess.

TODAY IS THE LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!:Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc We're all celebrating with DD. No more teachers, no more books! NO MORE PROJECTS!:p

Oh, I got weighed in. 168.:rolleyes: I'm struggling with eating late when I get home from work. Plus I'm not supposed to have fruits and veggies, so I only have pretzel pips that I can eat. :rolleyes: Can we just change the subject for now?? I'll address this seriously tomorrow. I promise.

Yesterday I walked 2 miles on the treadie. This morning I'm walking from 8 to 9 a.m. Should get in four. Forgot my vitamins yesterday, will try to remember today. Drank hardly any water, will try to do better today.

Gotta run,
:hug: Erin,

Sorry about the scale encounter. I'll bash it for you.:badpc: :badpc:

You have been so busy lately. Are you getting enough rest? Believe me I discovered the downside of running for days on end. Are you still going out to lunch with DD to celebrate the end of school?

Enjoy your workout. 4 miles is awesome.

Have a great day celebrating.
Yippie last day of school:bounce: :bounce:

Sorry to hear about scale:( I truly believe a man invented the scale to torture us;) Better luck next week.

Awesome 4 miles - way to go Erin! Have a great TGIF:wave:
Erin, when I was a kid I LOVED the last day of school, but I didn't TRULY appreciate it until I became a parent!! Congratulations for DD and also for you and Mike for getting through another year of school! Enjoy the celebration!!

As for that scale, forget it. As the summer progresses, the scale will cooperate as you have more time to take care of you.

Have a great day!!

So Erin,

Is DD off on her trip? Will you get some quiet time, or are there a million things on your schedule? I hope you have a great weekend.
Erin, with things being so hectic at your house, I bet you're taking a break from journalling - good for you!! You know how to walk the walk!

Happy Father's Day to Mike and best wishes to Liz on her trip. I'm sending good thoughts your way and hoping your days are sunny!!
Hi Erin!
I hope that you are having a wonderful and relaxing weekend! Have a great Sunday!


P.S. Please tell DH we said, "Happy Father's Day!":bounce:


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