Losing While I Can and Must (comment away!)

And of course you're all invited over anytime! I love company and I love to cook :)

I have to share this picture my DH took on our hike, he's a huge photography buff, and this is with his new lense that he's all excited about. I think it looks like it's from a magazine. Anyway, it's a marten, which is realted to a weasel or something. All I know is we sat and watched him for like 15 minutes because he was so cute and made this funny chirping noise :)



its sooooooooooooooooo cute!!!

Great pic :)
thanks for the invite too ;)
Kim - i'll pick you up on my way across the pond :lmao:

I had an off the wagon week too so your not alone Bekki!
looks like your back on form now & well done for getting the lovely long hike in - much better than the boring TM!!
That's a great picture, Bekki!:goodvibes

I hear ya about falling off the healthy eating wagon. We have 5 birthdays in the span of 4 weeks in late July and August and I have had more than my share of burgers and birthday cake lately.:rolleyes1

Great job on getting that hike in!:thumbsup2 I hope that your knee is feeling better.:goodvibes

Have a great evening!:hug:
awww, what a cute little rodent-y thing. :laughing: I think I could sit and start at it for hours. :cloud9:

Tracey - tell me what time to be ready! There's a par-tay at Beki's house! :woohoo:

There's definitely something in the air. I think for me, it's the end of the summer putting me in this eating funk. Like, I have to eat all kinds of bad summerish food before it's gone. (of course, I couldn't have this feeling for the wonderful produce that's available now. :sad2: )

We will all get back on track. :thumbsup2
Not an awesome day, but I'm ok with how I did

Tuesday, 8/28
B: 2 scrambled eggs, 1 slice toast, glass of OJ

L: Roast Beef and avocado on potato bread w/ light mayo and mustard

D: Mexican rice/chicken/pepper cassarole. It had queso fresco in there as well, and I diced up some avocado on top. Root beer

S: Granola bar, 2 pieces of cookie dough

E: Nothing, my knee is killing me. It's really pretty though, all different colors, yellow, green, purple :lmao: It's a rainbow!
Bekki we went out today i had to laugh as i thought of you, i thought i will take a cute pic of a squirrel....well we all rolled with laughing when we looked at the pic - the flash went of so i scared the squirrel & got a pic of a red eyed rabid looking squirrel jumping out of its fur! :rotfl:
here it is:




says a lot for UK wildlife eh!!!!
Bekki, the pic your DS took is amazing! He certainly has a great eye. Photographing wild life needs a special talent, and your son certainly has it. I am still working on posed friends and family. :rotfl2:

Time is moving quickly. I am glad the summer is over. I never really do well in the summer, and this one seemed extra busy. DS is now all together in his dorm room, he had a great time at WDW. Thursday we get some options for my dad and his kidney issues. Guess the one is totally dead and the other only at 25%. When it rains, it certainly pours! At least that is what it seems like.

Well, enough babbling. Still have lots of journals to catch up.

Take care!

did anyone like me crazed squirrel pic???? ;)
Bekki hope all is well :)
Loved the crazy squirrel picture ;)

Sorry for being MIA. My friend was in town and then I started work again this week. I was very distracted. No matter, I'm back now!

Wednesday, 9/6

B: Bowl of cinnamon puffins cereal w/ milk

L: Kraft mac and cheese w/small can of tuna (ok, I'm weird!) and a root beer

D: Roast beef and horseradish on a roll, sprite, 6 :eek: oreos w/ glass of milk

S: Handful of trail mix

Exercise: not much, I met w/ a new student and had coaching, so I'm still trying to figure out how to fit in something on these days. I'll work it out (umm...litterally!)

Have a great day everyone, and thanks for keeping me bumped! I need it :lmao:
L: Kraft mac and cheese w/small can of tuna (ok, I'm weird!) and a root beer

Thats not wierd its like a tuna pasta bake!!

Glad you liked the pic ;) DD & i were crying with laughing when putting on line & she keeps asking if anyones mentioned it!! Hopefully she'll be happy now :)
Have a great week
Hey Bekki,

We do the mac-n-cheese and tuna thing too! Our DDs love it!:love:

Hope you have a great weekend!:hug:
I am so glad to hear I'm not alone--they even do tuna/mac&cheese on the other side of the pond :lmao: Thank you for making me not feel so weird :)

Thursday, 9/6
B: 2 kashi waffles w/ jam

L: Grilled chicken on salad w/ red wine vinagrette and feta, a piece of pita bread

D: Caesar salad w/ grilled salmon, cup of potato soup, peice of bread

S: Handful of chocolate chips and a granola bar

E: Took the pup for a walk. My knee is still really bothering me, esp. when I move it (which I suppose is ALL OF THE TIME :) ), so I had big plans for another walk, but it just hurt too much. If it's not feeling better by the weekend, I'm just going to start ignoring it :rotfl:
I hope your knee is feeling better soon.:goodvibes

How are the Kashi waffles? I love the cereal and have wanted to try the waffles for some time now. :goodvibes

Hope you have a great weekend!:hug:
Hi Bekki
get that knee checked out if its not getting better!!!
Hope you had a great weekend :)
Thanks to all of your well wishes, the knee is finally feeling close to normal! I'm pretty sure I bruised my kneecap (down to the bone) and bruised bones take forever to heal! But now it really only smarts if I kneel on it, and I think I can avoid that :D

Weekend was so lazy..I think I left the house to walk the dog each day, and that's about it! I'm getting excited for next weekend, we leave Friday to visit my cousin at school (he goes to Penn). I'm sure I'll eat like crazy, so I'm trying to be especially good this week in preparation :lmao:

Monday, 9/10
B: Bowl of frosted mini wheats w/ skim milk

L: 2 reduced fat hot dogs on whole grain buns and about 1/2 cup of baked beans

D: 1.5 balsamic glazed sausage and onion hoagies (easiest recipe EVER! Cut up enough sausage for who ever your cooking for, we eat about 2 each, and you totally can use turkey or chicken or whatever sausage you like. I always use the spicy italian. Toss it in a baking dish w/ about 1/2 of an onion per person chopped up in biggish chunks. Sprinkle about 1/4 c. of balsamic vinegar and a tbls. or water or so. Mix it all up and roast at 425 for about 45 minutes, stiring once or twice during cooking. Serve on rolls, in pita, whatever floats your boat) Yum-O!

S: Handful of chocolate chips, small bowl of Cocoa Puffs

Exercise: walk w/ the dog
hey bekki
the sausage recipe sounds good thanks for sharing :)
Glad your knee is on the mend!
where or what is Penn????
Sorry :lmao: Penn is the Univ. of Pennsylvania and it's in the city of Philadelphia. My cousin plays (american ;) ) football, so not only will it be my first visit to Philly, it'll be my first college football game! So excited :)
Tuesday, 9/11

B: Bowl of frosted mini wheats w/ 2% milk

L: Panera small asian chicken salad and 1/2 chicken ceaser sandwich and a piece of whole grain bread. Also a sprite

D: Shredded pork burrito w/ pinto beans, sour cream and guac

S: 5 Ak-Mak crackers, granol bar, Starbucks Iced tea/ lemonade

Exercise: 1 mile walk w/ the dog and 1.5 mile walk on my own

Long day ahead for me, but I'll check in w/ Journals later :)
Wednesday, 9/12

B: Bowl of mini wheats w/ 2% milk

L: 2 reduced fat hot dogs in whole grain bun w/ about 1 cup of baked beans and a root beer

D: 3 smaller sized pieces of pizza (w/ sauce, cheese and sausage) and a big salad w/ blue cheese on the side

S: Bowl of cocoa puffs, 2 big handfuls of trail mix

Yippie, we leave for philly in the morning! I'll see you girls next week!
I know I am a bit behind, but tuna and mac and cheese is 'SWEET'

Bekki, have a great time in Philly! See all the cool historic spots if you can, but enjoy the football as your number one goal!



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