Losing interest in the main show


DIS Veteran
Mar 31, 2005
When the show went to YouTube a few years ago I found myself watching week to week. I enjoyed the camaraderie between whomever was on the show. While I still enjoy those on the show I find myself skipping entire episodes. At least to me the regular format feels a bit stale. Now when it’s a slow news week I do like some of the more open ended discussions that have popped up. And I still very much enjoy the in park or restaurant segments and will click on those first thing. But thought I would mention it and hopefully give some respectful criticism instead of what generally passes for it on the internet
Hit or miss for me, I still watch weekly but it’s not as engrossing as it was a year or two ago. The house keeping can sometimes be way too much, and there are too many times that other show topics like the Cruise line or ABD take up way too much time in a show that should be about WDW.

Edit: fixed awkward wording
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I have too felt a dip in interest. I turn off many episodes on the disunplugged channel about half way because it’s stuff that has already been covered, said before over and over or is more 101 then I am looking for at this point.

The Dreams show is partly my favorite because if they have already covered a topic, they are pretty good about skipping over it. They will suggest new listeners go back and enjoy the old episode. They may say something like, we visited such and such restaurants in Hawaii again and since our opinion hasn’t changed it’s not necessary to do a new review. And I am like...cool beans. I like that approach! I have listened to every single Dreams episode since the beginning and I learn something new each and every show. I like that!

But that’s just my experience and unfortunately with so many different opinions is hard to make tweaks. And of course it’s free content and all for fun, so there is that.
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I still like the show, but I don't watch weekly like I used to. For me, I have changed. Disney World is really pricing my family out. Between the tickets, hotels, and flights from California, it is becoming a pipe dream for me. Very frustrating. We have Disneyland, so we will just not go there as often as we used. It took me nearly a month to realize I haven't watched the main show in awhile. I still play catch up when the urge strikes me. My frustration at knowing I am not going makes me not want to watch the show. It is an actual case of "It's not you, it's me."
I will admit, I had stopped watching for a while, not because of lack of interest, but because of time constraints. I actually randomly watched an episode yesterday and I enjoyed it a lot, but I also can very much see where you're coming from. It definitely feels like "this is our format and we have to stick to it even if there's not much going on", and I think they could benefit from changing up the format a bit, but I know it can be tough to make changes to a show when everyone is so busy, so I do my best to just appreciate the content they give us, even if it doesn't always grab my interest.
Of course, that may be easier for me because I watch so infrequently :).
I always like when they have an open discussion about an article on the DIS or from a post here on the boards that gets a lot of responses. Wish they would do that more often. They trimmed back housekeeping stuff a while ago and they seem to have regressed back to having too much of it. Still like the overall show though.
All the housekeeping business bores me.

This. It's brutal now. The DVC show is even worse when they plug candles, Dreams, DISboards, DVC Facebook group, DVC Fan website, Pete Shydley's DVC website, and reminding us to rent points as an alternative.

I get it, they have to promote their own content, but when 1/4 of the WDW weekly podcast is dedicated to it, it's tiresome.

I still won't stop listening though haha
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I don't sit down and watch it on Youtube much anymore but I do listen via Stitcher when I walk after work. I have found that I am watching most of my Disney favs a little less since this is an off year for us. I am sure I will be watching full force again by the end of they year for our 2021 trip. If anyone other that Pete or John are hosting, I sometimes skip it.
It definitely feels like "this is our format and we have to stick to it even if there's not much going on", and I think they could benefit from changing up the format a bit
When the Disneyland show moved to YouTube video and away from Podcast, the format changed away from the "formula" that the WDW and the Disneyland show both had been using (e.g. Housekeeping, News, Rapid Fire). The new "format" of the Disneyland show (at least to me) just didn't flow very well. It was nothing but topic based or what to buy at the park. I think this put a fair number of people off and the number of people watching or listening just declined. Granted, the Disneyland show was on a very long hiatus with no show (which probably didn't help either). When Craig started hosting the Disneyland show, they reverted more to the original "format" and the show became much more watchable. But by that time, I think the damage was done and they had lost their viewership/numbers and just couldn't justify the Disneyland show.

I do agree with others that the current format does get to be a bit repetitive and dull. Like others, I do continue to listen (more of a podcast person than video for the DIS shows). If the WDW show is ever changed, hopefully they look at what they did with the Disneyland show and learn what not to do.
This. It's brutal now. The DVC show is even worse when they plug candles, Dreams, DISboards, DVC Facebook group, DVC Fan website, Pete Shydley's DVC website, and reminding us to rent points as an alternative.
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At some point, it became exhausting to be a fan.
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I enjoy the Q&A episodes so much more than the weekly news roundup. Teach me something new! Y'all are experts with insights many of us don't have use that to your advantage. I already know about the candles,dvc sight, and forums many time over.
Also all the DVC talk bores me so I usually skip the whole thing rather than FF through the DVC parts. Also I tend to view these boards to locate subject matter than may be interesting or controversial ( Pete giving the Star Wars character the bum’s rush for “interrupting” his broadcast.) and therefore worth the trouble viewing to me.
I love Disunplugged; its one of the few channels my wife and I check for new videos every day. That being said, I often find myself skipping the housekeeping since I watch videos everyday and the housekeeping is the same plugs each time, all of whom we know and patroned, and don't feel like spending our evening with the same pitches. I'm not begrudging them for doing it; many may be tuning in for the first time. I just get straight to their content and discussion
For me, whether Pete’s hosting makes all the difference.

This also. There was a good stretch last year where Pete didn’t host and to be honest the show turned into a circus those weeks and it really turned me off. That was the only time I was actually skipping episodes. Yes he’s responsible for the endless plugs but he also has the best screen personality and understanding on how to host a show like this.
I am still enjoying the podcasts, especially the cruise information. Yes, the housekeeping is lengthy and boring. Put it at the end of the show.


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