eye R.N. said:
Right now it's Capt. Thord and Rachel she is doing a great job, lots of style and grace. Capt. Thord is going to have a long time before he lives down the "brown ****ie" comment he made on one of the 12 noon updates.

14 days is nice. I have made some great friends and had some amazing experiences but I'm ready to go home and see all the p.c. video of the cruise of a lifetime.

Time for reality.
Captian Tom made the brown ****ies report
I'm still at WDW, suffering in a two bedroom villa at Old Key West. The strangest thing, I've noticed, the people here have prices on the menus and they expect you to pay for meals ;)

Of our ports, my least favorite was Acapulco. It was very much like a border town with people accosting you trying to sell you stuff.

My favorite was Curacao, what a quaint and beautiful place.

I found out while we were still in port at Acapulco that I'm going to be a grandmother for the first time. I'm feeling pretty blessed right now, a 14 day cruise and and grandbaby. I'm so happy!

nativetxn said:
I'm still at WDW, suffering in a two bedroom villa at Old Key West. The strangest thing, I've noticed, the people here have prices on the menus and they expect you to pay for meals ;)

Of our ports, my least favorite was Acapulco. It was very much like a border town with people accosting you trying to sell you stuff.

My favorite was Curacao, what a quaint and beautiful place.

I found out while we were still in port at Acapulco that I'm going to be a grandmother for the first time. I'm feeling pretty blessed right now, a 14 day cruise and and grandbaby. I'm so happy!


Congrats there Grandma!!!!! :goodvibes
nativetxn said:
I found out while we were still in port at Acapulco that I'm going to be a grandmother for the first time. I'm feeling pretty blessed right now, a 14 day cruise and and grandbaby. I'm so happy!


Wow, congratulations!!! That is awesome!
We are home, got here around 4 pm yesterday. Just long enough to unload the essentials and get Dominique situated before going back to work. We were quite tired this morning.

It truely was a once in a life time trip. We will forever remember the DISers we met and everyone else.

Congratulations Kath on "I'm gonna be a gramma, I'm gonna be a gramma".
I'm working my way backwards, but thought I should start responding to stuff. My friends thought that Amanda Stern killed Ben Dead, not Ira Bow. Plus there were other questions that you had to answer. We weren't the only ones who got it right, just the first one that turned in their conclusion. :flower:

The Castaway Ray's stingray adventure was so great!! We did have to switch the time because it was lightening and raining, but we were able to do it. First we fed the stingrays on a platform that Tom McAlpin referred to as the closest thing Disney will get to a Blackjack table :rotfl: We had our pictures taken with them too. Then we we able to snorkel with them for about 1/2 hour. This excursion will cost $29/$35 for children/adults when they start it officially on September 20. We really enjoyed being able to do this.

Chuck's room was a category 3. Still have yet to see a cat 2.

kellib36 said:
You can't prove that..........

It's true! The sign said "The Whipples, Bringing the Magic Home" "Hi JPC&M" and "Go Packers". We missed the games, we had to cheer somehow.

Celeste, I have Verizon too, but on the ship we used Skype (internet voice over IP calling). I didn't dare try to call with my cell phone. Too expensive.

Welcome Home fellow fools!

I was really great getting to meet many of you! I'm sorry I didn't get to meet everyone! Thanks for everyone's efforts to make this cruise truly a once-in-a-lifetime memory for my family!

Loved all of the Fool's events!

Thanks again everyone!

icunurse_celeste said:
Fincantieri, the Magic cost $350 million
does this mean I get to swim with the stingrays too??? For free?

I also got the follow up question correct -- where is Fincantieri? In Italy of course :flower:
winotracy said:
I'm working my way backwards, but thought I should start responding to stuff. My friends thought that Amanda Stern killed Ben Dead, not Ira Bow. Plus there were other questions that you had to answer. We weren't the only ones who got it right, just the first one that turned in their conclusion. :flower:


MY group didn't believe me that it was Ira Bow.... and I got outvoted :teeth: So we did not get it right..... :flower:

Welcome home!

Home again...and I actually worked today. My families were happy to see me. I have a horrid cold so I don't think I was at my best, but no one seemed to mind. To get over the ickiness of my messy house, cold, endless laundry (and I used $26 worth of quarters on laundry while on board), and having to be out of the house at 8 am...I had a yummy 2nd breakfast at my favorite dive Mexican drive-in...taquitos w/ guacamole and cheese. On the whole I adore the food on the Magic, but I missed real guacamole, tacos, taquitos, burritos, etc...I have to work tomorrow too...maybe I'll stop at See's Candy and buy rum nougats and date chews.
wide awake said:
...maybe I'll stop at See's Candy and buy rum nougats and date chews.

My Favorite Candy! Yum, Yum!

I have spent 2 days washing clothes and ironing. Back to work tomorrow. Reality sucks! ;)

I have been waiting for Philip to make my bed and for Jonathan to bring my coffee and Depesh to bring my dessert. I think I will be waiting awhile :rolleyes:

Tracy I am glad you were able to experience the Horn Blowing, Sting Rays, etc. etc. You are such a nice person and did all you could to make this a memorable vacation for many families. Thanks again for organizing the wine tasting and story time for the kids. :goodvibes

Now I am on the DL boards to plan our DL trip in 2 months! :rolleyes1
I have finished reading this entire thread. ...WOW! Thanks to everyone who got pictures and slideshows. We had a great time! Alvaro, did you hear us yell your name? We were looking for you at the Visitor Center. Everyone on my balcony said your name at once. No Bumblesquats for the eastbounders :rotfl2: During the canal passage we had Valiant instead. I skipped it. A lot of people late for dinner though. Celeste (and anyone else wondering) on the pictures of my verandah, I am wearing the bright yellow/lime green tank top and my DH is wearing the light blue t-shirt. The entire cruise was the best!!! We had a great time, met some wonderful people and did a lot of spectacular things that I'll never forget. Thank you everyone for sharing it with us. And thanks Peter and Jenn for everything! It was so nice to talk to you two when we were onboard and have you relay message to the boards and home. Also to make you jealous :rotfl2: much like we were in May when it was your turn.

I showed many DISers onboard the videos and some of the crew and cast members as well. They all thought it was great! Thanks GoofyGuy777!!

rsschneck said:
My Favorite Candy! Yum, Yum!

I have spent 2 days washing clothes and ironing. Back to work tomorrow. Reality sucks! ;)

I have been waiting for Philip to make my bed and for Jonathan to bring my coffee and Depesh to bring my dessert. I think I will be waiting awhile :rolleyes:

Tracy I am glad you were able to experience the Horn Blowing, Sting Rays, etc. etc. You are such a nice person and did all you could to make this a memorable vacation for many families. Thanks again for organizing the wine tasting and story time for the kids. :goodvibes

Now I am on the DL boards to plan our DL trip in 2 months! :rolleyes1

Roxann, I saw your avitar and thought you were Dairyou (who I never got a chance to meet). I saw "she" had Jonathan and Depesh and wondered how since that's who I had :confused3 LOL. It was great meeting you and your family. It was all the DISers like you that made this vacation such a memorable one for me :grouphug: Thanks!
nativetxn said:
I'm still at WDW, suffering in a two bedroom villa at Old Key West. The strangest thing, I've noticed, the people here have prices on the menus and they expect you to pay for meals ;)

Try going off Disney property and handing a cashier your key to the world card to pay for something. I did that a couple of times after the westbound repo cruise and was amazed when they refused to take it.
winotracy said:
I have finished reading this entire thread. ...WOW! Thanks to everyone who got pictures and slideshows. We had a great time! Alvaro, did you hear us yell your name? We were looking for you at the Visitor Center. Everyone on my balcony said your name at once. Tracy

Tracy, I did hear that... I was taking a picture at the moment and tried to find out where did that come from, but was unable to figure it out :confused3 ... but it felt nice to hear my name coming from the MAGIC :cool1:
winotracy said:
Celeste, I have Verizon too, but on the ship we used Skype (internet voice over IP calling). I didn't dare try to call with my cell phone. Too expensive.


At first I wasn't sure how this was being done...then Peter told me. I thought you guys were initially using your cell phone with skype then I figured out that you guys were talking via your computer. Too bad skype doesn't have a cell phone feature- without roaming charges. My verizon phone would only work in Mexico as I don't have the international chip in mine....

We should host a mid-west meet at some point....could be fun!
icunurse_celeste said:
We should host a mid-west meet at some point....could be fun!

Sounds great! But first, I need to unpack :rotfl2:
winotracy said:
I showed many DISers onboard the videos and some of the crew and cast members as well. They all thought it was great! Thanks GoofyGuy777!!

Very Cool!! Your Welcome...I'm glad you guys were able to enjoy the video, as I had fun making it.

Steve :cool1:


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