Lisa's Weightloss Journal (comments welcomed!)


LOL LOL LOL :p :p :p

You had a great day, good eating & good exercise:Pinkbounc

Maybe you need to have earplugs for this week at work, don't they realize you are busy:p

Cheese on top of stir fry? want kind? I need some new ideas, easy recipes.

And Feebee - hopefully others will be calling us skinny cows someday:p You are too funny!
Good job with your exercise and diet!!! Your menu looks good!
I know what you mean about feeling like you over-ate! I don't know about you, but when I'm on a weight loss plan (and this is the 2nd time in my life I am), I feel like everything I eat is dangerous and detrimental to the cause! You feel like less is better...but of course, it's not. I'm sure most days you don't eat enough and I think the same is true for me. I hardly ever snack and I thought...maybe I should have an afternoon egg, to keep the metabolism up! I've dropped alot of cheese from my diet, I was just so excited in the beginning that I could have it...but I think I was overusing it...

DO tell us about this stir-fry thing! What do you use in it? I'm also looking for some ideas!

Make sure you try to get that water consumption up! 7 glasses is still only 42 oz. and more is definitely better! I chug a bunch before and during and after a workout, I can easily put away 32-48 oz. in that time! I find I'm thirsty ALL the time too! Of course, it gets tricky when I have to leave the house...there must be a restroom every 5 or 10 feet or I'm in trouble! LOL Actually, that has gotten bladders expand? :confused:

I guess I too would like to be called a skinny cow someday...or maybe just skinny since I try my best not to be witchy! (at least not in public! :rolleyes: )

Keep up the good work..and yeah, are you going to register with WISH and get clippies? It's fun to see it there under your sig, I gotta confess! :)

Have a great day!
Karen :smooth:
I worked out this morning with the help of a personal trainer. She made me do 30 minutes of cardio! I told her that I wouldn't be able to and would try 15 minutes, but I did it! Boy, did I work up a sweat. After that she had me do 30 minutes of weights. I feel pretty good right now.

Regarding chicken stir fry: I do my grocery shopping at Costco. Don't know if you ladies have one where you live but it's basically a warehouse where groceries are sold in bulk. With three boys, it's a must for our family. Anyway, I buy a big bag of frozen stir fry precut veggies. It includes green beans, carrots, red peppers, etc., you get the idea. It also includes two packets of asian sauce. I cut up fresh chicken and when it's fully cooked, I throw in half of the bag of veggies, stir fry some more, then add the sauce towards the end. I serve it with white rice for my family. Last night I sprinkled cheese on top of the stir fry just for myself and had a small salad. I know it sounds odd, but it was good.

Gotta go, ladies, I have a problem to tend to here at work. I'll post later.:rolleyes:
Wow, what a great workout you had today! A personal trainer. . .yeah, I like the sound of that--could I have one, too, please? Drinking your water, eating your lunch, working out. . .you're living that healthy life, girl! Way to go!:)

P.S. MY skinny cow is an ice cream dessert treat made by Silhouette. It's creamy and yummy and has only 2 pts. You can get the ice cream sandwiches in all flavors (chocolate peanut butter is in my freezer now) or instead, you might have a fudge bar! One problem, though. Carb count: 27 for sandwich, 22 for bar. Think about it. As far as those other skinny cows. . .maybe we'll all be so thin one day, we can make our own herd!:p
Originally posted by lulu201

P.S. MY skinny cow is an ice cream dessert treat made by Silhouette. It's creamy and yummy and has only 2 pts. You can get the ice cream sandwiches in all flavors (chocolate peanut butter is in my freezer now) or instead, you might have a fudge bar! One problem, though. Carb count: 27 for sandwich, 22 for bar. Think about it. As far as those other skinny cows. . .maybe we'll all be so thin one day, we can make our own herd!:p

Ok, I'm having a thought here...forget the veggies and the protein...I'm thinking "the skinny cow bar diet" for me!!! One bar per day and that's it...well, that and anything else with -2 carbs in there anything that has negative 2 carbs? :confused: Surely there must be, I'm going to do a google search...


Karen :smooth:
Karen, I hate to be the one to burst your bubble, but my mom already invented the skinny cow diet! She was visiting at our house last summer and I formally introduced her to the cow. She had me run out to buy a pack of six so she could "have a snack in the afternoon." You have to picture my sweet little mother. She's almost 80, sharp as a tack, and has ALWAYS been on a diet even though she's not overweight. She prides herself on the fact that she has black coffee and dry toast for breakfast and hasn't had any margarine or butter for three years!! Anyway, I came home from work a couple of days later and went to get a s.c., and I couldn't find them. I said, "oh, gosh, we must've forgotten those cows at the store." She kind of got this sheepish little grin on her face, and said, "oh, no, we didn't forget them. I had a COUPLE for my snack!" The little lady had eaten 6 in 2 days!!!:p

Like Mother, like daugher!:p

Lisa, go look for these things. You'll like 'em, too!
Karen and Lulu, I'd love to try the Skinny Cow. But I'd only be able to that and nothing else. Oh well, maybe I can have one once I'm in premaintenance or ongoing weight loss. For now I'll have to stick to my sugar free popcicles.

The personal trainer was great. Today's session was free but they offered me three different plans that I almost went for. Right now I can't afford it because of the trip to WDW. The rates are really not that bad but I just don't think it's feasible right now. Who knows, maybe some unexpected money will fall from the sky.

I'm being interrupted on my lunch hour. Gotta go!
..........................FAT COWS!!




Lisa, I'm off to visit my mom (THE inventor of the skinny cow diet, sorry, Karen:p ), so I'll be out of the loop here for a couple of days. Know that I'll be thinking of you. Try to rest and relax over Labor Day. . .sounds like you've had quite the busy time at work lately; be good to yourself.

Take care!:)
Are you having a good day, despite the contast co-worker interruptions?
The trainer would be great, someone to always watch your back. I know at my gym the fee is about $60/hr, too much for my blood or should I say fat:p

Great that you did 30 min cardio-yahoo! Keep it going:Pinkbounc
Hello ladies, sorry I haven't posted but I've been so busy at work. Last night I actually had to take work home with me. The staff is running me ragged and so is my family. I've been wearing too many hats this week. Just wanted to say I worked out this morning, 45 minutes of cardio but no time for weights. I'll post my menu on Saturday and take a peek at your journals.

I haven't forgotten about you MeMe, Lulu, Karen and Feebee. You'd better not be cheating while I'm away!:mad: :p
I'm baaaaack! Whew, what a week. Thought I'd never get through it. I hope you ladies haven't forgotten about me, because I haven't forgotten about you.

I'm not even going to try to post my menus for the entire last week. Just know that I didn't cheat except for two days ago when I had one piece of wheat bread.:eek: It sure was good though. I'm too scared to add bread to my diet, so I consider that one piece a slight cheat. It sure was good though.

I had about 1/2 cup of milk today for the first time since I started Atkins. It was good, but it was 1%. I have to pick up a quart of whole milk for myself because I'm adding it to my diet on Monday.

I lost another pound, so that's a total of 9 pounds so far. I worked out only once this week. The kids started school this week and it's been really hectic at home, so I've been too exhausted to get up at the crack of dawn to go work out every day this week. But I have been taking the stairs at work, so that's something, right?

I'm not too concerned about the slow weight loss right now, because now I can definitely tell by the way my clothes fit that I'm losing inches too. I now weigh 216. I feel lighter too. I was in denial the last few days though. Every time I put something on that felt loose, I kept thinking that it was stretched out or something, even my underwear! But they're not stetched out, my clothes really do fit looser! What a weirdo I am sometimes.:rolleyes:

Well, tomorrow night or the next morning, I'll try to get back to posting my menus. Have a good night ladies.:D
Hey, Lisa. . .it is so good to have you back! I was missing you! When I checked my log this a.m. and there was a post from you, it made me smile. Thanks!:p

It sounds like you're really hanging in there. With all the work and back to school stress you've still managed to hang onto your goals. Way to go!:Pinkbounc

Wheat bread as a cheat. . .geez, you Atkins people are TOUGH!
OK, I know it's not on the plan and all, but common on: it's wheat bread!!!!:confused: Now if you were munching on Evil Poison Donuts or were attacked by angry tootsie roll midgees, that would be definitely be a cheat, but wheat bread??????

Good for you on walking those stairs at work. They definitely count! Do you have good weather out there today? Maybe you want to go out and take a walk at lunch. It's beautiful here after about five solid grey and rainy days, so I think I'll skip the ole treadmill and walk the dog instead.

Good to see you back on the boards, Lisa.
9/5/03: I'm forcing myself to post tonight because if I don't, I'll forget what I ate by tomorrow. I've been doing good this past week even though I didn't have time to post to my journal. I've stayed pretty focused and have tried not to obsess about what the scale says. I weighed in today and lost another 3/4 pound, so I'm about 215 now. Not too shabby. Oh my goodness, I've forgotten what my starting weight was. I'm going to have to read my first post.

Breakfast-About a 1/3 cup of cottage cheese. I tried to eat more, but didn't have time.

Lunch-I did better this time. Had two hamburger patties, lettuce and tomato. I added a little bit of ketcup, mayo and mustard, drank water.

Dinner-Rotisserie chicken with the yummy skin on it, salad tossed in oil and vinegar, water.

Dessert-Now this was the kicker. I had two diet jellos with whipped cream. Soooooo delicious. Amazing that one serving of whipped cream has less than 1 carb. I guess it's all the air. Oh, I also had a no sugar added creamcicle which was pretty bland.

I think I went slightly over my carb allowance. I'm supposed to be having 25 carbs and I think I had 27-30. Oh well, I'll do better tomorrow. I don't think I caused any damage. I still need to do better with the water. That's always been a struggle for me. It's so strange, I feel lighter on my feet lately. Only three weeks ago I felt my legs were made of lead. Yay!
Hey welcome home! You are doing fabu almost 2 lbs, great! Isn't great that clothes fit looser, I'm waiting for mine to fall off:p One pound at a time is the best way and keep climbing those stairs, it all adds up. Have a wonderful cheat free weekend:D
Lisa!!! :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

Great to see you back here!!! I haven't been much better, but I've been lurking and watching everyone...and I was hoping everything was OK with you since you weren't around!!!

Just remember every hat you wear is extra weight you're carrying around and it makes your body work harder and burn more calories!!! (ok...they'd have to be pretty heavy hats, I guess :rolleyes: ) I'm trying to be peppy! :)

I am with you on the weight loss thing...I feel like the scale is just not reflecting my hard work and I get frustrated, but then I tell myself it's not just about the scale...but still! We're approaching a month, and I can remember seeing other people after a month on Atkins with their big clippies and now I'm thinking they surely weren't exercising or eating at all, or something! My DH2B has lost 17 pounds and I'm at about 7.5! I was down 4, then 1.5 then .5 and now finally, I think it's moving again...I think this is common, to have it slow a week or two and then move again. I think we're in the same boat, anyway...and we just need to keep doing what we're doing and know it will come off slowly...but it will come off!!! :bounce:

I'm glad to see you've added some stuff to your must be loving THAT! I haven't done that yet...with the exception of a few berries and a breakfast bar 2 mornings, I've really only stuck with induction stuff. If it's not going to make me lose faster though, then the heck with it, and I'll have a few different items here and there, I guess. I think for me, I had to eat more veggies to get the scale to start moving, I don't think I was having enough carbs...or veggies.

We'll get there though, I know it!!!

Anyway, sorry to go on and on, I'm just so glad to see you're back and doing ok!!! I worry when someone isn't around that maybe they've given up! So don't!!! :)

Have a great weekend!

Karen :smooth:
Lisa - WOW! You're really sticking with it in spite of the craziness at work and the kids heading back to school! Keep up the good work! With low-carb, the scale often stays the same for a bit and then all of a sudden you get a visit from the whoosh fairy. That's just one of the quirks of low-carb - try not to take it too personal. The scale WILL move, I promise, as long as you keep making good choices.
I was bad and didn't post to my journal for yesterday. Let's see if I can remember what I ate....

9/6/03: It was a pretty rushed day. I went to work for six hours, then took my eldest son shopping AGAIN! I don't know if I like this high school teenagery thing. It sure is getting expensive (I sure adore that boy though). But that's another topic, back to the subject at hand.

Breakfast-Chorizo and egg, milk.
Lunch-Got too busy with paperwork at the office, so only had 1/2 cup cottage cheese.
Dinner-It was pretty late when I got home, about 8:00 so I didn't feel like eating a full meal. Had one piece of leftover chicken and about 1 cup of salad.
Dessert-Two sugar free jellos with whipped cream. Very yummy.

9/7/03: May as well post what I ate today because I know I won't have time tomorrow. It was a busy day again. Was about to go out the door this morning to do groceries at Costco when my eldest son ran upstairs and said that he lost hold of a heavy speaker while he was helping his dad unload DJ equipment from our minivan and it crushed the tip of his right middle finger. Fortunately we leave 1/2 mile away from the doctor (also where I work) so I took him in. He only suffered a hairline fracture with skin avulsion. Poor guy, he's an artist (extremely talented if I may say so myself) and was so worried as the injury was on his dominant hand. He should be fine in about a week or so. After that I had to run to the pharmacy for his antibiotic, ran to Costco to do groceries, rushed home to put them away, then was out the door to take my other two boys shopping for MORE clothes, then to Target for household stuff, and last but not least picked up a few more school necessities. Boy am I chatty tonight.

Breakfast-Needless to say, not time.
Lunch-Bought a hot dog at Costco but threw out the bun, diet coke.
Dinner-By the time I was able to sit down and have a moment to myself it was already 10:00. Had two pieces of lunch turkey rolled with cream cheese, a cup of stawberries with whipped cream.

Oh, I almost forgot, I lost another pound! I'm down to 214 and have lost 10 pounds, whoohoo!:Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc

Hey there Doe, thanks for the vote of confidence. I was worried about the scale at first, but I'm over that now (at least for a little while). Are you on Atkins too?

Karen, you're right, I think the problem may have been that we weren't eating enough. I had fears about adding more carbs, but I haven't had a problem. Glad to see you're having more veggies. I remember you saying you didn't eat them as much before. Keep up the good work, you're doing great.

MeMe, I cant' wait to go clothes shopping for myself. I think I've gone down one dress size. I don't want to hit the mall until my clothes are sloppy big though. That way it'll be a shock to see what my new size is.

Ok, I've edited three times now, time to hit the hay. Good night!
Wow, Lisa, you're doing great!:Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc
When are you going to sport a clippie around here? You should get one in your signature TODAY!

Sounds like you had quite the weekend, but you managed really stay focused. I can't wait until you go to the mall and get new clothes--I want to share in your joy!:) It really sounds, though, like you're not eating very much. Don't forget to be healthy about all this!

Have a great day, Lisa!


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