Let's speculate about Polynesian some more!

How likely do you think the Polynesian tower will be part of a new/old association?

  • 100% new association

    Votes: 113 37.0%
  • 80% new association / 20% current association

    Votes: 64 21.0%
  • 60% new association / 40% current association

    Votes: 28 9.2%
  • 40% new association / 60% current association

    Votes: 17 5.6%
  • 20% new association / 80% current association

    Votes: 32 10.5%
  • 0% new association / 100% current association

    Votes: 51 16.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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A month ago, DVC was selling Poly direct at $250/point. Why would DVC direct sell the new Poly Tower lower than that?

That was a sold out price. They always price a resort higher when it is sold out because they really don’t need or want to sell it.

Poly tower will be back in active sales and they will need to price it competitive with the other active resorts so it can have its share of buyers.
A month ago, DVC was selling Poly direct at $250/point. Why would DVC direct sell the new Poly Tower lower than that?
For some time now the "Sold out" resorts have been getting bumped up high to direct prices that encourage the purchase of the current resorts they are selling. VGF was the same before the added on the Big Pine Key section.
That was a sold out price. They always price a resort higher when it is sold out because they really don’t need or want to sell it.

Poly tower will be back in active sales and they will need to price it competitive with the other active resorts so it can have its share of buyers.
Do they actually lower the price though, or just offer different levels of incentives to make it lower?
I think he’s referring to the 2 poly contracts that were just posted as ROFRed in the ROFR thread. I believe a few others are still waiting to hear back so we’ll see what this means but it’s definitely a new development.
DW was on Facebook and some groups had 4-5 people saying they were taken.
So will Disney release an updated & revised point chart for PVB 2025? Assuming it’s same association, of course.

Yes, it will come out shortly before sales begin.

But, we know that for now, the current chart will remain the same for the studios and bungalows…at least for the dates that will have alraady entered the 11 month window
Yes, it will come out shortly before sales begin.

But, we know that for now, the current chart will remain the same for the studios and bungalows…at least for the dates that will have alraady entered the 11 month window
Right, you’d think if they were planning to rebalance the bungalows, they’d do it right away.

I guess they could rebalance in 2026, but to me that’d feel like a bait and switch IMO.
Now that it seems more likely than ever that Poly 2 is same association with same rules my mind is drifting to the 7 month game. I really wonder if there will be any availability at all at 7 months for non PVB points. And if rooms do open up how long after opening will they be available for reservations. Will it be similar to BCV where you have to be very lucky. Or will it be like AKV club level where it's nearly impossible except for a random waitlist lotto ticket.
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