Lesli's Live Long and Strong WISH Journal

Oh Lesli! Congratulations on the four pounds gone, and on the *wonderful, responsible choices* you made--that's what it's all about! CHEESECAKE... :scared1: Good for you, sweetie--you're just jammin' and I'm so proud of you! :hug:

:cheer2: GOOOOOOO LESLI!!! :cheer2:
First of all, thank you guys for your words of encouragement! And I am vowing to stick the plan!! :banana: :banana: I will most definitely report back on our (me and DD17, only) trip to England. We are only doing a week, but it is better than nothing.

I thought that today was my official weekly weigh-in and measurement, but when I looked up my fitness chart, it was yesterday. So I put down yesterday's weight and quickly measured today. Not alot of change, but the BMI index is moving. :cheer2: Obviously, a week went by faster than I realized, which is good. :flower:

Yesterday was a pretty good day. Again, I worked through my AM snack. I really need to watch the clock more, because I was hungry late last night......But I didn't eat anything!!!! I did have carrots for the afternoon snack, but was hungry and grabbed a small handful of raisins and peanuts. I ALMOST went for the cookies........but I have decided that if I want a cookie then it HAS TO BE on my plan for the day or I don't get it. Otherwise, I am afraid I will continue to snitch. After all this weight loss is a decision and decisions are planned. Supper was leftovers and pretty well cleared out the fridge (my family saved me). I had some rotisserie chicken, green beans, and a small amount of corn pudding (has egg, corn bread mix, corn, too much margarine, and sour cream; thank God it's gone). Everything was on a small plate, so I did pretty good. Normally, I would have gone for the pizza but I chose to eat healthier.

Today started out well:
Breakfast: 1 scrambled egg w/onion (accidentally put in too much salt, ick :crazy: ), 1 slice 7 grain toast w/jelly, 1c. hot tea.

Am Snack: Apple
Lunch: leftover taco salad (small plate)
Pm Snack: Yogurt and celery
Supper: Homemade Chili (gotta clean out the freezer; I will NOT eat 3 bowls)
Treat before 7:30pm: 1 lc fudge bar (9g carb, 35 cal - maybe planning a treat every now and then will help with the "cookie problem")

Hubby has been working on getting the treadmill going!! :love: Also, the days are getting nicer and I can start walking outside in the morning and maybe bike riding in the evening. Or the other way around. Also, on Monday, I will start back at Curves because I really need that discipline to get back in the exercise routine. I think I will switch to a closer Curves though that have opened since I first started (gas prices, ouch.)

Goals today:
1. Bookwork
2. Errands and meeting (plus prep)
3. 15 minutes doing steps
4. GS Patches to sew (have lots)
5. Stay off the DIS

Since my DVC points are now fully rented, I am going to make a point to only visit the DIS once a day so that I have enough time to get other things done. I love it here, but I want to lose weight more and am tired of being behind on some things.

I feel really good today, so time to take advantage of that. ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo

********Added at 10pm*********

Today was a really good day! I had quite a bit more energy and actually felt "awake" for most of the day. Not walking around tired and just existing. It is obviously the fact that I am not overstuffing myself. I tend to dance from room to room now and have been doing little happy dances before I sit back down in my office. Sounds silly, but it sure does keep the spirits up and is more movement then just sauntering from place to place.

I did good on water, but probably could have had another glass, which I might before going to bed. Also, I have noticed that my feet aren't hurting much. I think that has more to do with the right vitamins and drinking enough fluids, because I have noticed that my wrists, ankles, and feet don't swell up anymore. It's not the weight loss, because I have weighed a little less and things hurt then. So I'm leaning towards the vitamins and the extra boost of water beyond my normal intake, which is alot. Whatever it is, I'll take what I can get!

GREAT NEWS! I didn't nibble, I didn't cheat, I didn't feel the need for sugar or any other junk. :banana: :cheer2: :banana: :cheer2:

The food plan went good. I actually got my AM snack, but then I worked through my PM snack. It didn't matter much since I ate a little too much taco salad at lunch (wasn't alot, but I felt full) and really wasn't hungry for a snack. I had supper a little late, due to a meeting that I had to attend, but I only had 1 bowl of chili and too many saltines with butter (can't remember how many, I didn't count). Actually, I ate significantly less for supper but I was full. Guess my stomach is shrinking. ;)

The sad part is, or maybe it is good. Yeah, it's good. I had planned a treat and I didn't even want it. Wasn't hungry and didn't FEEL like eating it. :flower: In fact, let's take that one step further. My DD17 just got into the GS cookies and I told her that I had no craving for them!! Am I cured now? :rolleyes1

Did accomplish most of my goals, but still need to get in more exercise. Although, I have noticed I am bouncing up the stairs now or taking a few minutes to do a little "dance" on the stairs. Mainly it is because I am happier and feel better and might as well get the body moving somehow.

Well, it's almost bedtime. I have finally "caught up" on sleep and have not been staying up late for almost a week. Now I am noticing that I sleep much better and am beginning to wake earlier without any grogginess. Next goal is to get out of bed when I first wake. Talk to you all tomorrow. Good night. ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo
Great Job !!! :cheer2: If you are cured, please share with me! I know i ma not cured! :rotfl2:
Today has started out pretty good, other than the fact that I forgot to send DD7's lunch to school. I didn't get up when I first woke, like I had planned, because DS had crawled in to bed with us early this morning and I took advantage of snuggling. That won't happen much longer, so I thought it was a good excuse. I did however get up ealier than my norm and got quite a few things done before the kids went to school (except for that lunch). :rolleyes1

I didn't get my breakfast right away, because I was busy doing other things and then ran a few errands after I dropped of DD7 at school. I even had my grocery shopping done by 9am. Now that is amazing! I did great in the store, went with list in hand and the couple of things that I did pick up that weren't on the list were either paper products or healthy foods. I am soooooooo proud of myself. :cool1: I even made it down the pasta and cereals aisle and didn't really think twice about NOT grabbing half of the quick foods. Remember this was all before I ate breakfast, so I am starting to rethink things. I spent alot of time in the produce aisle. The last aisle was frozen foods, pop, chips, and bread. I stopped and looked at the freezer cases and then thought to myself "why am I even stopping, there isn't anything here that I need or want". So I moved on to grab the 7 grain bread and got out of that aisle! :moped:

This weight loss plan is going to work this time, I can really feel it.

Breakfast: 1 scrambled egg, 1/2 slice 7 grain toast w/ jelly, and 6 oz grapefruit juice (I have my juice back!).
AM snack - yogurt
Lunch - Seared Tuna Salad
PM snack - Guacomole (we had avacados!) and veggies
Supper - Herb Roasted Chicken, Asparagus (we had fresh!), and salad (didn't have fresh squash, as the plan called for)

I am not really going anywhere today, so I should be able to get a good start on Dr. Phil's meal plan. I'm so excited!! :cheer2:

Checking out of the grocery store was great, because you could smell all the fresh fruits and veggies. So much more appealing than boxed anything. I am looking forward to meals that have real flavor!

Goals for the day:
1. Bookwork
2. Catch up on GS paperwork
3. Work out to tape or take a walk when kids get home
4. Do my class work
5. Clean a few rooms

I'm doing good at keeping busy. Also, I measured exactly how much water my glass holds with ice cubes and even though I drink a lot of water all day, it looks like I need to make sure that I get at least 5 1/3 glasses to meet the minimum daily. I usually do about 3-4 and sometimes more, but now I know I need to bump it up.

By the way, why did the Smilies change? I liked the other group better and don't like looking them up. Time to finish the day. ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo
Okay, I admit, I was REALLY BAD yesterday. Things were going great, then after the AM snack it just fell apart. DH went out of town on a day trip and it threw off my routine a little, but I can't really blame my downfall on that because I usually adjust pretty well to changes. That and we are not so dependent upon each other that we can't do our own thing from time to time. So that wan't really the problem. I had a new cousin find me through my genealogy research!! That was great news, but I stayed on the computer too long exchanging and sharing information. Was that the problem? In some ways yes and some no. I was keeping busy which was good, but I think that the extra INACTIVITY triggered some bad habits. Now, I spend alot of time on the computer for work, research, classes, and non-profit organizations that I am involved in. But, I think the difference since I have started my Plan is that I have been making a point to get up and walk away from the computer every so often for a break, to regroup, and for some added movement. THAT'S IT!! ::yes:: ::yes:: I didn't make the extra effort or take the extra time to dance around the house. Priority one - Get up and MOVE TO THE GROVE! :banana: :banana:

Now that I have that figured that out.....I fell into some bad habits and told myself that I didn't have time to prepare proper meals. Inactivity will do that and you can rationalize anything. So for lunch I polished off the remaining taco salad (wasn't much left at all) and I ate 3 crackers later. Now that's not too bad, but it was off plan and I just got that thought "well, I already strayed so why even bother sticking to the plan today." ..........OH, HOW DANGEROUS.......SUCH A TREACHEROUS PITFALL..........So, I ate 2 GS cookies, then later decided to have that lc fudge bar (they are really disgusting :sick:, so I threw it out), and I had 2 more GS cookies instead. By now, I have lost my way and have told the family that we can scratch tonight's menu and order Pizza Hut. DD17 and her boyfriend were more than willing to go get it. Supper's taken care of, but now I was beginning to feel guilty. Old habits creeping in......Solve it with food. I ate 4 small slices of pizza (could have had more) and two were taco, loaded with Doritos. The food didn't work, I was still feeling guilty. In fact, I have not felt so guilty in a long long time. I cheated on myself! How could I do that? :confused3

The good news is that I didn't drink any pop and had more than the required daily amount of water. :jumping1:

Needless to say, I felt very guilty this morning and was worried about how much weight I had added on. Also, I noticed that I slept later than the last few days and didn't feel energized. Those "off plan" foods can really do a number on you. It's 9:35am and I think I am finally past the guilt. I had to go cheer on a few others and realized that I just need to see this through. If I back down know, it's over. The great news.......I didn't gain anything, but that may be because I kept up my water intake and didn't completely over indulge in the portions yesterday.

So today.......Back to Dr. Phil's plan
Breakfast: 1 scrambled egg, 1/2 c. cream of wheat (don't have any grits), 1c. milk, 1c. cup hot tea, and 8 grapes (forgot to buy strawberries)

The rest of the menu today is the same as yesterday's plan since I didn't follow through. I WILL stay on plan today, oh mighty one! :worship:

Goals of the day:
1. 30 minutes on the treadmill
2. Organize a few things in my office
3. Sort a box of pictures to get that old closet looking better
4. Sew GS patches
5. Stay on plan

To those of you reading, Thanks for listening. The BEST NEWS is that I am still here! :cool1:

Time to tackle the day. ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo
Hi Lesli! :flower3:

Oh, girl, if I had a nickel for every time I went Off Program, I could *buy* WDW and take all the Dis'ers with me!!! :teeth: It happens to all of us, but you did the most important thing--you put it behind you, got back OP and moved on! Good for you! It can be so easy to allow little slip-ups to derail us from reaching our ultimate goals. I know many times I had to literally talk myself into continuing with my diet and exercise routines after having a bad off program day--I figured, "Why bother? I messed up, I'm a big failure and I'll never get to goal." But like I tell my ds9: Failure is not falling down, but refusing to get back up again. :)

You did a great job handling your off-day, Oh Mighty One! :worship: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: (you've got a great sense of humor, Lesli!)

Have a lovely Sunday! :sunny:
Kim - Thanks for the encouragement. You're right, failure is actually giving up all together. Too bad you didn't get enough money to buy WDW and take us all with. That would have been fun! :rotfl2:

Well, I stayed on plan, Oh Mighty One! :worship:

Yesterday was a pretty good day. The PM snack was changed a little because I realized that I didn't pick up all the ingredients for that guacomole. So I ate carrots. Then later I got hungry and realized that supper was after 7pm (DH and DD17 get home from work) so I ALMOST grabbed the GS cookies. Instead I ate about 1oz hard cheese and 4 small crackers, just enough to "tie me over". Is that cheating? I mean, I didn't eat all that I was supposed to for snack. Lunch and dinner went well with most of the family. Little kids just don't know what they are missing. We had corn instead of a salad for supper, it was supposed to be squash, but we didn't have any and I decided to go for a colorful plate (didn't want to overdo the salad at every meal or my family will boycott. Salad at lunch was enough.) And who would have imagined that Asparagus tasted good? Even DD17, was commenting last night how good she felt all day. DH didn't complain, because anytime that I cook a "real" meal and he doesn't have to fix something quick, he is happy. I also noticed that he didn't go for his usual syrup laden ice cream or extra sandwich before bed. Maybe there is hope for him. :rolleyes1

So the food was fine yesterday........Except........about 1 1/2 hours after supper I was hungry and more so than before supper. DD17 had the same problem. Is asparagus like chinese food? Of course she went and had some grapes and a mini pizza and told me she was growing and didn't have to worry about not eating (size 6 dress she is). I said that I was going to waste away and she asked if that isn't what I wanted. Quick, what to do? The GS cookies are calling. So I ate about 1Tbsp of almonds. Not on the list, but I was hungry. It didn't work. I told her I had drank all my water for the day and in order to get past this I would have to drink another glass and a half, but I thought that if I did that I would drown! :rotfl2: She just laughed. Quick, what to do? Found a solution! :idea: A nice cup of hot tea! Actually, that worked really well, had no calories, very little caffeine, and relaxed me through the hunger. Sorry Dr. Phil, I had to have something.

The good news is.......I lost 1 lb.!!!! :banana: :banana:
Got my first 5 lb clippie!! :cheer2: :cheer2:
Signed up for a few challenges to keep me on track!! :dancer:

Losing weight this way is fun!! On to today.
Breakfast - 1 scrambled egg w/ hint of cheese (we don't like Dr. Phil's Tex Mex eggs), 1/2 grapefruit, hot tea, 1/2 slice 7 grain w/jelly (I forgot to look ahead and make the bran muffins)

AM snack - banana smoothie
Lunch - Cauliflower soup, leftover chicken on salad greens
PM snack - yogurt
Dinner - Dijon Roasted Salmon, broccoli, carrots (that is unless DH takes me out to dinner, doesn't happen often)

Goals for day:
1) 45 minute treadmill
2) spring clean another room

DS is very crabby and whiny today, so I may not get much done beyond that. Time to go finish the day. ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo
Just wanted to pop in and say hello and thanks for visiting my journal. I read yours and sounds like your doing great. It is understandable to have a rough time....you just need to get back up and start again. Also remember to keep smiling.

Thanks for the votes of confidence Kristin and Jen. You guys are great! :flower3:

I am now wondering where along the line I "lost" my life, because I got a good glimpse of it yesterday and felt like I wa getting it back. I felt great all day, not tired during the day at all! If fact, DD7 and I took a 3/4 mile walk in about 15 minutes, which I thought was pretty good considering that we stopped at every corner so she could decide which way we should go next. I would have loved to go further, but I slightly pulled the instep on my right foot and thought I better quit before I made it worse. It feels great now. Also, I walked around my yard for a little bit to look at the things trying to come up and cleaned out one of the beds a little. It is still a bit too nippy for me to go clean up everything. But it felt so good to be out and spend time with one of the kids (DS was napping, DD17 w/boyfriend, and DD15 working).

Well DS's crabbiness turned into Mom and Me time as he came down with a fever. He wouldn't let anyone else touch him for a good portion of the morning. So, we snuggled up on the couch and I worked on a puzzle book, just to keep myself busy. He didn't mind, he just wanted to be held. Actually, it was great (even though he was sick), because I didn't feel like falling asleep once we got all covered up with blankets. My mind was very alert, as opposed to days before the plan. It just amazing how eating better foods can change you so quickly. Only got about 10 minutes on the treadmill because of DS, but family comes first. Oh now I remember how I "lost" my life, it's called being MOM! :rotfl2: It's funny (and sad) how we focus so much attention on nuturing our loved ones that we forget to nurture ourselves.

DH has been supportive and told me he loves it when I cook, so right now he is getting very spoiled! :cloud9: :eek: I am enjoying the variety in meals and am having fun being a "gourmet", but it really takes alot of time out of your day. Hopefully, soon, I will see where I can save a little time and still prepare great "no box" dinners everyday (not just some). The cauliflower soup was okay, but bland, even with all the seasonings. I ate it, but won't make it again. The banana smoothie was pretty good, a little light on the banana flavor, but now I know how easy it is to have a snack and get in my milk (remember, I hate milk). Dinner.......well.........let's say, I was really psyched about trying the salmon (not a fish eater), had fun making it, it looked good, but I just didn't like it. You know I am serious about weight loss when I will try to eat fish. But I will find other ways! So, I ate all my veggies and then grabbed 2 slices of leftover pizza (bad, bad, bad :sad2: ) because I had to eat something and there really wasn't alot to choose from that wouldn't take 1/2 hour to prepare. So I drank extra water (80oz for day). DH loved the meal and plans to finish it for lunch. :love:

I am going to stick with the meal plan as much as possible, but will make a few adjustments for fish days and such. The main thing is that following this plan is "forcing" us to eat better and at least building a good habit that I can maintain later.

Breakfast: 1 yogurt, 1 slice 7 grain toast w/jelly (didn't have time to make the granola), 1 c. grapefruit juice, and 2 slices of ham

AM Snack - apple
Lunch - Large salad w/ ceaser dressing. (Not having the chili in the menu because I will be gone part of the morning and no time to make)
PM Snack - 1/2 c. lf cottage cheese, carrots and other veggies
Dinner - Herbed Beef Tenderloin, peas, and cauliflower

Kids are home on break so it will be loud and hectic. I am planning to recruit them for spring cleaning. Only have 8 weeks before graduation, so I need to start now.

Plans for the day:
1. run errands
2. take a walk
3. find the rest of my exercise videos
4. play "catch up" on all my paperwork

Time to go take on the world. ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo

I'm sorry it's taken me so long to catch up on your journal. I've read it all now and I must say that I love it! You're so open and honest and that's a great way to get through all this.

I'm so proud of you! You've made awesome choices and it sounds like you're learning to navigate through the slip-ups. You're doing so great--don't worry about a few ups and downs along the way. You've got a great plan for success and you can do it! :cheer2:

By the way--aren't the Girl Scout Cookies just evil! I finally had to pawn mine off on other people to get them out of the house!
Thanks for the words of encouragement Pearliq! Oh yes, those GS cookies might just be the root of all evil (at least when it comes to throwing off your plan). :rotfl2:

I am really late on journaling today, since I went and got my hair cut so that I could sport a new style and begin feeling like a new person when I look in the mirror. DH loves it :love: , which was a surprise because it hasn't been this short in 7-8 years probably. He loves my long hair (think Ariel, therefore my Avatar). It feels much lighter although it is not short and I think it will make losing more fun because I feel that I look better already. Still trying to get "before" pictures up and not having much luck.

Yesterday went really well in the first part of the day. When I ran my errands I parked way out in the parking lot so that I could walk further. Downtown, I parked right across the street from my destination (only spot available) and was tempted to run across, but instead I walked up to the cross walk and over. It only took an extra minute longer, but it was more exercise and I really felt like I was getting away with something. How dare a mom take an extra minute to enjoy walking to an errand! It's almost sinful. We spend so much time run around in our busy lives these days that I think we forget to enjoy living. So yesterday, I enjoyed it with confidence.

I also picked up a yoga mat to make exercising more comfortable. Almost went with the cheapest, but then remembered that you get what you pay for and if I am going to see this through then comfort would be a great motivator. I also picked up a Yoga and Pilates DVD, since I figured that it would help get things stretched out. Also, I am going to try Taebo. It looks like fun and DD17 said she would do it with me (she likes it). Oh yeah, and some 2lb weights. I'll go back for the others when I decide to increase the weight. Now that I have some "equipment" there is no reason why I can't get in some exercise. By the way, does anyone know what the marketing strategy is for putting big bags of chips on a center aisle display right next to the exercise equipment? I wasn't tempted, but I thought "how cruel that they want to sabatoge people at every turn". :rotfl2:

It was close to lunch when I headed out of town and I didn't stop at any fast food, because I had planned ahead that I would be home to eat a salad. :cool1: But I forgot to bring my water and so for the day I got behind by about 12oz. (note to self: have water in hand when headed out the door) and I forgot to take my apple with so I missed the AM snack. I forgot to buy the cottage cheese for the PM snack. Is this diet throwing my brain into a loop? So I ate less than 1/4c raisins and peanuts for my PM snack. MISTAKE! It set off the old habits and I grabbed 2 GS cookies. I really was thinking of buying more to get through the year, but I think I will be done after I finish feeding them to the kids and deal with their sugar high. :rotfl2:

Supper was good and I substituted the cauliflower (I'm getting tired of it) for stir fry veggies. I was full, but then came the downfall. :sad2: It is going to be the week of craving all the taboo food, if you know what I mean. I ate 2 more GS cookies, then decided to indulge in Bunny Tracks ice cream. I ate alot less than normal, which was good. But, it just doesn't taste as good as it did "before", I slept horribly, and woke up later this morning. It felt like I lost control and I didn't like it. I never noticed how much control I had given up before doing this plan. SO.....No more sweets until Easter where I will allow myself a small treat. I will get through the cravings somehow. :rolleyes1

On the plus side, I sat down with the girls and painted ceramic ornaments (after Christmas special from 2 years ago). It was fun and I forgot how much I enjoyed doing projects with them. DD7 and I walked to the store for groceries. I forgot to mention that I bought a pedometer, so it was almost a mile by the time we got back.

Today is almost over and going well. I have been tempted to scratch everything, but I know that now is the time to stick it out.

Breakfast - Mushroom & Tomato frittata, 1c milk, 2 strawberries, 1/2 c. hot tea
AM snack - 2 strawberries
Lunch - Tuna Salad wrap (it's a keeper)
PM snack - yogurt
Dinner - DH and I are having the healthy leftovers (portion controlled) and the kids? I don't know, but I thought they needed a break. They have been so good in trying everything. Tonight, was supposed to be a pork loin that servese 8 and I just can't keep storing all this leftover food. It doesn't make sense to keep throwing it out Dr. Phil.

Goals for the day:
1) try the new workout tapes
2) work on class project
3) sew more GS patches

Gotta get going. I have rambled more than enough. ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo
I stuck with the meal plan today. For supper, I had 1 slice beef tenderloin, 1/4 c. corn, and 1/3 c. stir fry veggies/peas and the last half slice of pizza (thin crust). Could have done without the pizza, but I didn't overstuff myself and was actually getting hungry around 9:30pm. So far, I have resisted the temptations and am doing great on water. :flower:

I didn't get around to trying out the workout tapes because I began to feel a little under the weather and took a nap. Now I have a sore throat coming on. It is snowing here and believe it or not the snow is coming from the Southeast. I have not seen it come from the east before. Usually it goes the other direction. So much for getting outside this week to clean up the yard.

I did sit down and paint with the girls again for a little bit. It is so nice to feel relaxed enough to do things with them. :cloud9:

Funny, I haven't seen Dr. Phil in quite a few weeks (too busy) and then finally got to see him today and guess what they were talking about? His weight loss challengers. By the time they were done with the show, I was determined again to keep working through and not to give up now. God must have thought I needed the extra boost. Also, everyone here on the boards has been wonderful and I know it has helped to keep me going now for 2 weeks! Thanks to all who are cheering me on. :rose:

Gotta go get some hot tea and read a little before I go to bed. It's been too long since I took time to do that. ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo

Way to go to take time for yourself! :cool1: We ALL need to do that and don't! I hope you are feeling better today! :flower:
I didn't get in that hot tea and book last night because I realized I was just too tired. Learning to listen to your body is what it is all about, right? So I will schedule tea and book time for tonight. Still feel the cold coming on.

Does it tell you what kind of day you are going to have when you get up earlier, all ready to start a new workout tape, put the yoga mat (which is very comfy) on the floor, you start the tape and do a few stretches, then as you lay stetched out on your back (I'm thinking beached whale) waiting to move into the next exercise................THE POWER GOES OUT! pirate: ......It stayed out so I rolled up the mat. The battery backup on the computer didn't work well and had a constant whine. :badpc: Next thing you know DD7 and DS decide to get up earlier to. Then the power returns and I figure I will try exercising again. Roll at the mat, start the DVD.......The power goes out! pirate: pirate: AND the computer is freaking out again. :badpc: Everything comes back on and so briefly did I think about rolling out that mat........when the power went out. pirate: pirate: pirate: So I just decided that it was time to move on with the day and do my workout this afternoon. :rolleyes1

I need to go start breakfast as it seems the day has already slipped away.

Breakfast: 1 scrambled egg w/chives and cheese, strawberries, 1 c. hot tea, 1 c. milk, 1/2 bran cereal (didn't make the bran muffins)
AM snack: raw veggies and 1 oz. hard cheese
Lunch: Salad
PM Snack: 1 pear
Supper: Moroccan Chicken w/ veggies

Goals for the day:
1. Workout to my tape from this morning
2. Some house cleaning
3. Catch up on paperwork
4. Anything else that will keep me busy and not eating

Time to go start the day. Hope it goes better than earlier this morning. ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo
That is so funny with the power going out. I am sure it was a pain but some higher power was at work to keep you from working out lol. Sounds like your doing great with your meal plans. Wanna come to my house and fix mine? Keep up the good work.

:rotfl2: Hopefully that's not some kind of omen!

You're doing great with your food choices and exercise!

Sending you some :wizard: so that cold doesn't catch you! Have a wonderful Easter!
Well, I am glad to know that my life can amuse some people and give them a good laugh for the day. ;) There was something stopping that workout and I best not question why. You guys are great! :banana:

I did pretty well yesterday. The veggies and cheese snack was a great change of pace. For lunch, I had a slightly smaller salad (although still good sized) and added about 1/2 a small bowl of chili. Then I managed to work through my PM snack. I just have to pay more attention to the clock. Supper, however, was changed because DH and most the kids went shopping and ate chicken for lunch. I didn't think they wanted chicken again. So we ordered pizza. I shouldn't have, but I was busy getting things done and couldn't think of something that would be quick and healthy. Mind was just too busy. Does that sound like an excuse? I think it is just being aware of what I really tend to do at times. I ate three small slices and I know I could have easily stopped at 2. That is a lot of progress in itself considering that I used to eat 4 large slices. After the holiday is over, I need to sit down and plan some meals that I can make up and freeze. That way when I am thrown off the plan or just too busy, I can pop them in the oven and still provide a nutritional, well rounded meal.

My water intake was great and I did get a lot of little things done. I also noticed last night that I am not looking for food late in the evening. That is a big plus.

I need to take the next couple of weeks to bump up my exercise and really get serious about it. The last 2 weeks have been spent mainly on portion control, better foods, more food awareness, and a slight increase in my daily water. It's been great! But now the only way that I am going to lose is with a better exercise regimen, so that will now be my main concentration. :cheer2:

DS still has a touch of something. Just now interrupted my breakfast so I could get him cleaned up and taken care of. Soggy cheerios leave a little to be desired.

Breakfast: 3/4 c. cheerios, 1/2 c. milk, banana, 4 oz grapefruit juice. (Didn't have enough eggs to follow the meal plan so I made sure I had fruit and watched the carb exchange 32.5g carb = just over 2 exchanges. Not bad.)

AM snack: yogurt (I will be on an errand, so I don't know how I will do this)
Lunch: broiled lean hamburger (4oz) no bun, salad, grapes
PM snack: 1/2 c. cottage cheese and veggies
Dinner: Thinking about the Moroccan chicken (it's supposed to be Halibut, but I just don't care for fish)

Goals for day:
1. Errands.......& TAKE THE WATER WITH :banana:
2. Map out a weekly exercise plan that I can follow :cheer2:
3. class work
4. try to finish up the spring cleaning so I can paint
5. Stay busy and away from the food. Busy gets things accomplished, food is only fuel to get them accomplished.

Well, I better go get a few more things done today. ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo
Wow your day made me tired just reading it. Your doing great just take it one day at a time. Once all the puzzle pieces fit your gonna start seeing more results. Thats kinda what I am doing.



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