Laurie's journal - Atkins plan (comments welcome)

Thanks Castillo's Mom...I won't worry about my appetite so much, just trying to convince DH that I don't need as large a portion as he's putting together for me. (Could be dicey...I don't want to offend him...he's been taking such great care of me and the food he prepares is so delicious!) I'm trying not to go more than 3 1/2-4 hours without munching on something - I really think there is something to not letting yourself get too hungry or letting your "blood sugar" drop too much, if that is the right term. I've had trouble with light-headness prior to starting Atkins if I didn't eat within 4 to 5 hours. Problem was, when I was eating carbs, I'd get hungry every 2 hours or so - sometimes less.

Day 10 menu: noon brunch - leftover frittata, real diet coke; snack at 4pm - cream of watercress soup; dinner at 7:30pm - flank steak over romaine lettuce, w/ranch dressing & goat cheese and 6 small crab stuffed mushrooms. Lots of water & a fake diet coke. I'm quite full - haven't felt a need to break into the cheese and salamie packed for snacks.

The fun part about lots of water and my job is trying to figure out when I'll need to run to the ladies (all the way across the building) and not need to go during one of our live productions. But at least I'm getting a little time to stretch my legs between the water cooler and the ladies room LOL.
Day 11 menu: brunch - deviled eggs w/crab, "real" diet coke; snack - cream of watercress soup; dinner - spinach salad w/oil & vinegar dressing and parmasan cheese, crab stuffed mushrooms and "fake" diet coke; lots of water. (Not hungry for late snack.)

Am I glad this week is over - after being overly busy Tuesday-Thursday, today was an exact opposite. I'm proud that I didn't equate boredom with the need to snack. A break through for me.

We are going out to my favorite restaurant with a dear friend for dinner on Saturday. I'm hoping that they will be accomodating. Turning down their creme brulee will be torture.
Just checking in to see how you are doing. I hope your weekend went well and you were able to stay on program. I look forward to reading your journal entries. Take care!
Days 12, 13 & 14

Old habits definitely die hard...Saturday (day 12 induction) - we had plans to go out to dinner to my favorite restaurant with a very dear friend. We've all been friends since high school, went to college together and he and my husband worked together for many years as well. DH and John spent the afternoon working through a stack of computer parts and I had errands to run. The problems began for me right away. We up early and finish vacuuming and generally picking up - so I don't grab anything to eat, besides I'm just not hungry. On my way across town I stop by the little espresso shop to help diminish the caffeine headache beginning to make its appearance and pick up a Breva - this will be brunch. Run my errands, get home and notice upstairs in our bedroom that there is a small discolored wet spot on the window side of our bed. (Our "middle child", Matilda is a very shy 5 1/2 yr old cat who will hide from company and not venture out of our bedroom while someone other than DH or myself is in the house.) I blame her for the wet spot and get out the cleaner to take care of the mess - Tilda doesn't usually have any accidents and I give her a good talking to. I heat up a slice of leftover meatloaf for a snack about 2:30pm and force myself to eat and drink a large glass of water, our dinner reservations are for 5:30 pm. DH, John and I are headed out the door for our reservation and my work calls - one of our operators has been in a car accident and they want me to come in. I give some help over the phone and plead with them to look for somebody else. We've had plans with John for over a month - and since he travels extensively for work, it is unlikely we could reschedule before the holidays or even for a couple of months. I guiltily head out the door for our reservations.

Dinner is at Stanley & Seaforts (we had dinner there for my 40th birthday last month). I swear I'm going to be good...and I start out pretty well. Shared appetiser - just a taste of garlic shrimp, mini beef tenderloins, a little crab dip on a tiny bit of bread. Skip the wonderful foccacia bread they serve, have a romaine salad with bleu cheese dressing, egg & almonds and order the lamb shank w/winter vegetables hold the mashed potatoes. But then DH orders up a nice bottle of pino noir (Kings Estate) and I have 3 glasses! I know, bad very very bad! Did not give in and have dessert even though the creme brulee was calling.

We get back from dinner - watch Pirates and send John off and we go upstairs to bed...the wet spot has grown! Now Tilda would have ventured downstairs while we were at dinner and this wet spot is huge. I grab a towel and blot it. DH says lets get some sleep, maybe I just used too much water when cleaning earlier and it hasn't dried yet.

Sunday (day 13): wake up and the spot is huge - DH gets down on his hands and knees and comes up really wet - the wet is all the way over in the corner under our armoire. We've had a lot of rain and wind lately but there is no leak in the ceiling or around the window. DH gets dressed and gets out a ladder - the flashing has slipped where the gabled end of our bedroom meets the roof letting a flood of water in. Rip up the carpet and pad, bring up the shop vac and start sucking up water - DH rips off the siding and gets out some plastic. We hit the home improvement stores looking for the right size of replacement siding and flashing. Food? whats that? totally don't think about food until really late in the afternoon. We stop for a chicken taco salad at the only Atkins friendly fast food joint we know - Taco Time. A late dinner is leftover watercress soup and scrambled eggs. As much water as I can get in me. Then the real breakdown happens before bed...we pop up a bag of microwave popcorn and split it (51 carbs for the bag).

Monday (day 14) and weigh-in day: First thing in the am I'm up and on the scale...181 lbs - I've actually gained a pound in the two weeks I've been on Atkins induction! I started to cry. DH can't console me. What are we doing wrong - DH has lost - he won't tell me how much and his clothes are looser but I'm up a whole pound. Other than the wine and the popcorn, I swear no cheating! My clothes aren't any looser and DH has been eating more carbs on a daily basis than I am! It's just not fair. Food on Monday - well I'm resigned that it really doesn't matter if I eat or what I eat...I'm convinced I'm just going to put on weight. We weigh and messure all cheese and greens...I have exactly 3 carbs cheese and salami for brunch; snack is 2 carbs of string cheese; dinner is 2 cups romaine salad, 1 egg, bleu cheese dressing, 1/2 oz toasted almonds, 4 oz baby shrimp - 5 carbs total; snack - 1 oz almonds 4 carbs. Total for the day: 14.

DH swears he hasn't been sneaking any carbs into my meals for the last two weeks - keeping me under 20 per day. I'm ready to give up but DH says we're going to keep on going for another 2 weeks. I'm now taking my temperature 4 times a day and charting that and my blood pressure. I know I need more exercise and that is another problem.
LAinSEA, hugs to you.:hug: :hug: I'm so sorry about your weekend, and your house, and the extra pound, and EVERYTHING.
You have been doing so well, give it 2 more weeks. I also fell off the wagon this weekend, but I'm doing better now. I can be so frustrating. Also, men have more muscle mass than women, so DH should be losing more than you. PM me anytime. I'm proud of you.
I am so sad for you that you gained a pound. When you are doing all you can to make this way of eating work and the scale doesn't show, it can be very disheartening. I don't know what else to say to you expect we are all here for you and I'm sure if you stick with it, the weight will come off. What is the alternative? That's what I keep telling myself. I hope you have a good evening.
Strings and Lisa: thanks so much for your kind words and support, it means a great deal to me.

On ward and downward (hopefully): My temp is all over the place - 99.1, 98.1, 98.4 - I'm taking advil for a terrible sinus headache but I also think I'd have a low-grade temp if I wan't taking the meds. I hope I'm not coming down with the flu! Busy day at work - not much time for a decent break. I plan on doing my pilates DVD when I get home.

Menu Day 15: breakfast (yes, breakfast) - 2 scrambled eggs, 3 strips bacon; lunch - smoked salmon with cream cheese rollups; dinner - flank steak (8 oz), 1 cup steamed broccoli, 2 cups mixed greens salad w/oil & vinegar dressing, egg & goat cheese. Total carbs: 9.5 (I have 2 oz brie & 1 oz salamie, 3 carbs & 1 oz almonds, 4 carbs available for snacks if I need them). Diet Rite soda & "fake" diet coke, lots of water. No caffeine today!

Had the brie and salamie snack when I got home - we were on the air for an hour & 1/2 last night straight! so total carbs for the day: 13.5 carbs

My DH and I went over the menus the last 2 weeks and he figured that I couldn't have been over 20 carbs (most of the time I was 10-15 carbs) except for Saturday and Sunday. He's losing weight on 40-60 carbs per day (he didn't want to go down to 20 carbs/day for induction based on remembering how awful he felt). This is so incredibly frustrating - but I'm going to keep trying. Does breathing cause weight gain?
:wave2: Laurie!

Are you drinking enough water? That could be a culprit. I exercise everyday and my DH has not done any and he has lost more weight than I have. It's just not fair that men lose faster than women!

I hope you are able to report a loss real real real soon!
Thanks Lisa - I think I'm getting enough water, especially while at work. I don't count any soda in my liquid intake (and if I have a caffinated drink I make myself drink at least that much in water). I'm getting off the caffeine, albeit slowly...will go 1 every other day for this week and try to go every two days next week. We have 2 water coolers at work - one close to the control room and one all the way on the other side of the building (near the restrooms) - I always get up and grab water from the far away one so I can stretch my legs and get away from the monitors for a few minutes. But sometimes timing my trips to the ladies between shows is tricky.

I tried the diet rite soda yesterday but I had a little cramping and a quick dash to the ladies before I drove home last night. I'm wondering if splenda and I don't get mentioned on the can that some distress may occur when consuming it.

My DH is a little more active than I am - doing chores around the house, but he's not doing any significant exercise either currently. I know I need to get more excercise daily - but finding time in my schedule is really tough right now. I keep hoping that getting off the carbs will boost my energy level like all the books say it will and I won't be as tired in the morning and we can get up and walk for 45 min. to an hour before I have to get ready for work.

Thanks again for all your kind words of support.
Day 16 menu: brunch - deviled eggs & real diet coke (I'm down to one every other day); lunch - chicken salad & avacado; dinner - flank steak & mixed green salad w/bleu cheese dressing, extra bleu cheese & egg, diet rite soda. Lots of water. Total carbs meals - 11.1 Snack (if I need it) 2 oz brie & 2 oz salamie 4 carbs or 1 oz almonds 4 carbs.

One of our producers is also doing Atkins - started after I did - and people are already noticing that he's lost weight around his middle. Men! So frustrating! (oh and he cheats!)
Day 17 menu: brunch - smoked salmon & creme cheese, diet rite; snack - brie & salamie, fake diet coke; dinner - 2 slices ham, cup of green beans, mixed greens salad w/ranch dressing & parmasan cheese, diet rite. lots of water. snack - 1 oz almonds.

15 carbs total

No caffeine, no headache...kind of a miracle. Very busy day a work.
Laurie, I finally had time to read over your journal. I'm sorry to hear you've been going through but try to hang in there for the next couple of weeks. Have you tried doing a fat fast? It's explained in the Atkins book. Have you gone to the doctor for a physical by any chance? Maybe there's an underlying reason why you're not losing that could be related to your health. Keep your chin up, ok?:D
I did have a physical recently, just prior to starting this PMS study. My cholesterol and triglyceride levels were actually very good for me (My sister and I have been on cholesterol studies since college - we both have extremely high overall levels but a 90/10 HDL to LDL aberation in the medical world.) If my cholesterol hadn't been in the ballpark, I wouldn't have been able to participate in the PMS study. (I had tests for diabetes, heart stress test, and all the other stuff too - all within normal range - although my thyroid level was in the low end of normal, my body temp norm is 97.3 (not 98.6) and my BP is very very low for someone who is NOT a marathon runner (nor gets enough exercise at all). My maternal aunt had thyroid problems and she keeps saying that it looks like that's where I'm headed (she eventually had to have hers out - it grew (goiter) but didn't produce the right amount of hormone.

I'm going to give it another week and a half before trying the "fat fast"...DH and I are really weighing and measuring every thing. No way I'm over 20 carbs per day - although the 2 weeks prior we've gone back and looked at everything we fixed and couldn't have been much over 20 if at all.

My own guess is that for so long - at least a couple of years - I haven't been eating much at all. Doctor said to cut fat, salt, protein and eat carbs. If I can't lose weight then I must be eating too much - so because I couldn't be as active, I really cut down. I would typically eat only dinner and snack on work days (very small meal at that) and brunch and dinner on weekends. I think my metabolism just simply shut down. Now that I'm trying to eat something (within my carb count) every 3-4 hours maybe my body will realize I'm not trying to starve it to death and let go of the fat stores.

My father is about 150 lbs overweight - and he is not one to overindulge (my tiny little mother wouldn't let him). He's pretty active with his job and plays basketball, but he's given up on trying to lose weight as well. I must have inherited his metabolism.

I haven't given up yet - but I have pretty much given up on the medical community and their advocation of low-fat/high carb diets. I was doing just fine before the doctors' admonishments "that I was killing my husband" with Atkins the first time around. After all the doctor had to have bypass surgery a couple of years ago himself - so what does he know?

Thanks for letting me vent - and all your help, advice and support.
Laurie - I just wanted to check in with you to see how you are doing. It can be so frustrating trying to find the plan that will kick your body into gear to lose weight. I have tried everything with very little or moderate success. When I was did Jenny Craig and spending a boat load of money, and some weeks I would lose nothing at all! Of course I wasn't exercising either but I feel like I've done every diet known to man and it wasn't until I found the South Beach Diet that I found what was right for me. I know you will find the program and way of eating that will help you take off the weight. Take care and have a good weekend!
Friday - Day 18 menu: breakfast - 2 scrambled eggs, 2 links turkey sausage; lunch - chicken salad & avocado; dinner - mixed green salad, ranch dressing, egg, parmasan cheese, 2 slices ham; diet rite and lots of water. (No time nor was I hungry for my 2 snacks: havarti & salamie and 1 oz almonds) Work was crazy busy!

Saturday - Day 19 menu: off to shop - grabbed the havarti & salamie and almonds snacks and shared with DH on way to shop. Got all the "send to" gifts bought, wrapped and shipped. Snack - some ham during the gift wrapping phase. Not enough water. Dinner - out at Red Robin (a gourmet burger joint) I had a cobb salad, mixed greens w/bleu cheese crumbles, egg, tomato, avocado, bacon, grilled chicken breast & bleu cheese dressing (skipped the cheesy bread), kendal-jackson merlot (only 1 glass).

Sunday - Day 20 menu: breakfast - scrambled eggs w/ham & cheddar & 2 turkey sausages; snack - 1 oz macadamias; "real" diet coke (actually 2); dinner - mixed green salad with turkey, avocado, bacon, tomato, mushrooms & ranch dressing. 4 "cheat" carbs on a single hersey's miniture - reward for being good passing by the cinnibons, cookies, samples of peppermint bark & smores' at the mall. Extended family christmas shopping finit!

Even with the cheat, I'm under 20 carbs for each day - 9.5 Friday, 15-20 Saturday, 13.5 Sunday. But the weigh and measure thing is getting old - but it sure makes me aware of everything I put in my mouth. You should see DH and I shopping at Costco - walking around checking carb counts on everything! (and only walking out with a Christmas gift!)

Thanks, Lisa for checking in on me. I know that low-carb has worked for me before...why it isn't working for me now - I'm at a loss to explain. Weigh-in day is Monday. As well as holiday lunch out with my grandmother...who, BTW, is 89 and has put on about 30 lbs in 2 years living at an assisted living facility where she is served her meals in their restaurant. A complete "US Gov approved" balanced diet - low in fat, low in sodium and ....high in carbohydrates! Maybe it's a government conspiracy to keep us all in plus sizes!

Happy Holidays to all of you!
It sounds like you had a busy but successful weekend. Other people's menus always sound so much better than what I report eating. You walked passed the Cinnabon store? You did deserve that little piece of candy:teeth:.

It is interesting what the government considers a "healthy" diet, isn't it? We really do have to make our own informed choices as to what we put in our mouths.

How did your weigh in go today?
Hi Laurie!! I've finally gotten over to read your journal and you are inspiring me!! Your persistence and patience will take you far!

So, how did your weigh-in go?? I hope the scale showed a number that you were happy with. If it didn't then don't worry - you're eating healthy food and the scale will cooperate eventually. Between the birth control pills and low thyroid function, you will probably have a tougher time than most, but it is NOT impossible. I just know if you stick with your plan, you'll see results!

Keep journalling - it really does help when you are having a problem, like not losing, and you want to go back and check what you've been eating, etc.

Hang in there, Laurie!! :sunny:
Weighed in this morning...I've lost 3 (one, two, three) whole pounds. So that 5 lb clippie is not coming this week. But at least the scale moved in the correct direction.

Weight now 177 lbs (no I've not done any measuring yet - jeans are still tighter than I'd like - if the scale goes down again next Monday I'll dig out the seamstress' tape).

We took my Grandmother out for a holiday lunch today at Cutter's Bayhouse in Pike Place Market, Seattle. I was very strong turning down their great bread and they were extremely accomodating substituting some yummy sauted spinach for the mushroom risotto that usually comes with their ahi tuna (done rare - exquisite!) with an ice tea - very light jasmine flavor. DH did not stay low carb and enjoyed a piece of bread and a little of the rice that came with his parmasan crusted mahi mahi with dungeoness crab/macadamia nut stuffing. Grandmother had king salmon with the best mashed red skin potatoes (yes I had about a 1/4 teaspoon full to taste). Then we walked off lunch around the market.

Pike Place market is not quite open air (to rainy here usually) farmer's market. There are many fresh vegetable, seafood and craft stands. DH picked out 3 live dungeoness crab and we are having them tonight for dinner with a romaine salad.

Not enough water yet today - I'm trying to make up for it tonight. Seems we most of our day on the freeways (total travel time was about 6 1/2 hours because of traffic). I will remember that we need to take bottled water in the car the next time we head out and about.

Thanks Lisa and Doreen for your encouragement. I'm hanging in there - but I really didn't expect the weight to come off so slowly. What a difference a few years make!
Laurie, I had to laugh when you described going to Costco. I did the same thing this week. I did find some frozen scallops wrapped in bacon and margatitaville frozen shrip that I will try in the next week. I'm so glad the scale is finally acknowledging all your hard work. You are inspiring. ou really kept with it even though you were frustrated with the results. I'm proud of you.

I won't be able to check in until Sunday. I hope your holiday is great.
You have stuck in there and showed us all the benefits of sticking with your plan even if you don't see immediate results. Three pounds is awesome!!!! Good for you. See you when you get back!


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