Kids Club Age Change

@meremac would you want the Edge to then have parents need to sign for permission for ship wide activities? I assume If they need to be signed in/out, they need to be discluded from these things.

When I was 12 we went to Vegas. This was back when Vegas was trying to be family friendly and my parents signed myself and my younger sisters into this secured childcare area. There was a large open glass to the bigger arcade area where everyone may age was hanging out. I remember it was me and other boy stuck inside. It was mortifying as things can be for 12 year olds. I imagine this playing out in the Edge and these same overprotective parents then being upset that everyone left.

There’s no great answer. I suspect Disney knows how many 11-12 year olds are really in the Club and it’s not as many as it seems here on the Dis. The flexibility was nice, but not as important as preventing young preschoolers who don’t have fully developed verbal skills from SA. And even on a lesser note preventing kindergarteners from hearing F bombs which I do think it’s normal for tweens to play with cussing. Now I’d punish my own kids for it… but it’s not unexpected either. Listen to 5th grade boys play football at recess sometime 😫
So just to kind of address several responses to my previous comments overall. Most 14-year-olds are in 8th or 9th grade with some in 10th grade. There is a big difference between a 14-year-old in high school and one in middle school. They have different life experiences and are exposed to different things. Kids are going to behave in the clubs like they do with their friends at home, and that behavior is often different between middle and high schoolers. It doesn't make kids "good" or "bad". It just makes

I do think DCL is going to have to change some things in the Edge now that the only option for 11-year-olds (most of whom are still in elementary school) is to be in an unsecured space with kids who are in high school. Maybe just implementing a policy where the default requirement is that parents have to check their kids in and out of Edge with the option for parents to give kids permission to come and go on their own if they want (similar to the policy in place now for older kids in the Club/Lab).

Ultimately, DCL has every right to implement whatever policy they want. But when there's a significant rapid policy change like this, they need to allow people to cancel and get a full refund regardless of sail date. As of yesterday, this was not the case. It sounds like they may be walking that back today, and I plan to call and confirm today or tomorrow. If that's true, I have much less of a problem with the whole thing.
What exactly do you think they need to change? The activities are age appropriate. There are rules the kids must follow. They don’t allow bad language, fighting, bullying etc. The counselors do a good job of keeping it a safe environment. I’m interested in hearing what they should change.
@meremac would you want the Edge to then have parents need to sign for permission for ship wide activities? I assume If they need to be signed in/out, they need to be discluded from these things.

When I was 12 we went to Vegas. This was back when Vegas was trying to be family friendly and my parents signed myself and my younger sisters into this secured childcare area. There was a large open glass to the bigger arcade area where everyone may age was hanging out. I remember it was me and other boy stuck inside. It was mortifying as things can be for 12 year olds. I imagine this playing out in the Edge and these same overprotective parents then being upset that everyone left.

There’s no great answer. I suspect Disney knows how many 11-12 year olds are really in the Club and it’s not as many as it seems here on the Dis. The flexibility was nice, but not as important as preventing young preschoolers who don’t have fully developed verbal skills from SA. And even on a lesser note preventing kindergarteners from hearing F bombs which I do think it’s normal for tweens to play with cussing. Now I’d punish my own kids for it… but it’s not unexpected either. Listen to 5th grade boys play football at recess sometime 😫
I understand. Having 12 year olds with 3 year olds was a recipe for issues. And I agree that there's no great answer here. But now in the Edge you have elementary schoolers with high schoolers who can literally leave the club with one another without parents having any idea where they are. I'm sure DCL with work to figure out something soon. But the biggest issue for me is they weren't letting people cancel who weren't comfortable with the new policy.
What exactly do you think they need to change? The activities are age appropriate. There are rules the kids must follow. They don’t allow bad language, fighting, bullying etc. The counselors do a good job of keeping it a safe environment. I’m interested in hearing what they should change.
the in and out Prilvages.
I understand. Having 12 year olds with 3 year olds was a recipe for issues. And I agree that there's no great answer here. But now in the Edge you have elementary schoolers with high schoolers who can literally leave the club with one another without parents having any idea where they are. I'm sure DCL with work to figure out something soon. But the biggest issue for me is they weren't letting people cancel who weren't comfortable with the new policy.
You keep making statements like “Now in the Edge they allow grade schoolers with high schoolers” They have always had elementary schoolers with high schoolers. You act like this is something new.
I have been following all you families and I feel bad for those who want to cancel and such. Maybe it’s cause I never cruised with kids and I am for the first time in July but are these kids areas that big of a deal for the families with 11-17 year olds. I mean are they such a central portion of a cruise one would cx? Maybe once I go I will realize but I don’t even see my 11 year old spending time there except once to see what the deal is. I think he is going to want to swim and do everything else around that city of a ship. Maybe I’m missing something and maybe I’m wrong. My 14 year old was checking out the edge on line today and she said it’s a bunch of tv’s. She was more interesting in the incredible hero thing and the pool the water ride the dinners at night and a bunch of other stuff. I don’t know I shouldn’t really talk till we go but I just kinda dismissed these kids areas. Except for the really really young kiddos
Honestly I don't have kids, but back in 2002 when I was 14 years old and 2005 when I was 17 years old I didn't go to Common Grounds or The Stack old names for teen area and I had a blast. So if it's your first cruise don't worry you'll see what you all like and dislike
I have been following all you families and I feel bad for those who want to cancel and such. Maybe it’s cause I never cruised with kids and I am for the first time in July but are these kids areas that big of a deal for the families with 11-17 year olds. I mean are they such a central portion of a cruise one would cx? Maybe once I go I will realize but I don’t even see my 11 year old spending time there except once to see what the deal is. I think he is going to want to swim and do everything else around that city of a ship. Maybe I’m missing something and maybe I’m wrong. My 14 year old was checking out the edge on line today and she said it’s a bunch of tv’s. She was more interesting in the incredible hero thing and the pool the water ride the dinners at night and a bunch of other stuff. I don’t know I shouldn’t really talk till we go but I just kinda dismissed these kids areas. Except for the really really young kiddos

We just sailed on an 11-night on the Dream - DS was 15 at the time and, yes, he really looked forward to going to Vibe and meeting other teens so he didn't have to hang out with mom and dad the whole time (he has much older brothers who did not cruise with us). On sea days, there was then, what we called the "roving band of teens" - who were all very well behaved and just enjoyed what the ship had to offer and the new friends they made. So, yes, for some older kids, it's a way to have some social time with people their age.

For 11 and `12 year olds, I think it's an even bigger deal. Many adults want to enjoy the adult-only areas and, while I was fine letting our 15 year old hang out in the room or Vibe on his own, this would have been a no-go for us when he was 11 and 12 - we still used the Club and Lab for him at those ages and, while he was bored with it by the time he was 12, there was no way I would have felt comfortable with him roaming or being in our room alone at that age. Could I have told him he had to hang out at Edge until we were done with dinner? I guess, but there are some kids who may not follow those directions and still need a secure child-care area. If my DS were 11 or 12 now and we were about to set sail, I would be canceling all of our adult dining reservations at this point.
Well, count us in the bummed out group that are affected in a few ways, just further out than others. We have 2 upcoming cruises, one in August and one in April 2025. We particularly like some overlap because, while our son actually went to Edge a bit more this past August, he still went to the Club some to go with his sister (she's 9, he had just turned 11). We like that overlap to allow them to do things together more - makes it more likely - now the age cutoffs mean a much longer gap between when they can be together. So for our next two trips, our kids can't do activities together (they're also only a grade apart and really do a lot together normally).

We actually booked the Treasure in Aprils 2025 specifically because it would be the last chance for our son to do the Club and wanted him to get a chance to use it on one of the new ships. We went on the Wish in August 2022, but it was only a 3-night, and because of the length, because many of the features in the club weren't working yet (many of the interactive Marvel things weren't operational, among others), and they had what seemed like a lot more open houses and character meets that closed portions, they hardly got to use the Club.

That, to me, is a bigger issue here. There's a lot of discussion on the age ranges, but there's such a large difference in the amenities. DCL is putting the bulk of their attention and money into Oceaneer Club - it's a big chunk of space, and it has all the coolest stuff. Especially with the new ships, there's a lot more that's actually probably less for really little kids it seems, and more interactive things that seem better for the older kids a bit. Given how expensive the Treasure is for Easter week in 2025, I think we will be among those re-thinking this, and my wife might not agree, but right now I'm more inclined to cancel and go some other time and save a few thousand dollars. With the change, there's no longer any incentive to do it that time of year.
Should make all kids sign in and out or just some kids? Should they eliminate activities around the ship too?
Parents have always been able to drop their kids off and pick them up at the Edge. There is nothing stopping you from setting the rules. You are the parent.
At the Edge all kids have in and out privileges. In the Kids Clubs parents have to sign a waiver to give the kids in and out privileges. I believe the Cruises will end up havering some type of parent permission for an 11-12 year olds to leave. There is a real concern with an 11 year old elementary student to be able to leave with an unrelated 14 year old high school student and the counselors have no ability to stop it. The activities of the Edge may or may not be changed to accommodate this.
You keep making statements like “Now in the Edge they allow grade schoolers with high schoolers” They have always had elementary schoolers with high schoolers. You act like this is something new.

You are missing the point, there was choice before now if 11/12 wants or needs a hang out space they only have the edge.
You keep making statements like “Now in the Edge they allow grade schoolers with high schoolers” They have always had elementary schoolers with high schoolers. You act like this is something new.
It is something new..... Before parents had the choice if their elementary aged kids were mature enough to hang out with high schoolers. Now there is no choice. I am currently planning a cruise with my twins who will be turning 11 right before the cruise. Both of the kids are nice and respectful. One of the twins is already growing up and is very ready for the Edge. The other is still a little kid at heart. Believes in magic, will bring her stuffies with, and will follow any older kids without hesitation. She is not ready for the Edge. She would gladly go and hang out on the ship with other kids and follow them where ever. I am lucky I have twins and her sister will take care of her. However we still have to decide if this makes since for us. With out the more mature twin we would cancel for sure.
Allowing parents the option to deny check in/check out privileges seems like the easiest tweak. Those kids can wear a band or something indicating they can not participate in out and about activities.

I do hope they don’t punish the 90% of these tweens that have functioned just fine for years by drastically changing programs. Time will tell.
Allowing parents the option to deny check in/check out privileges seems like the easiest tweak. Those kids can wear a band or something indicating they can not participate in out and about activities.

I do hope they don’t punish the 90% of these tweens that have functioned just fine for years by drastically changing programs. Time will tell.
This was my thought I feel bad for tweens who are actually fine. This would be a great tweak to make and easy too
Allowing parents the option to deny check in/check out privileges seems like the easiest tweak. Those kids can wear a band or something indicating they can not participate in out and about activities.

I do hope they don’t punish the 90% of these tweens that have functioned just fine for years by drastically changing programs. Time will tell.
They don’t check in out though. You’d have to have some kind of security gate and a cm policing it. I think the kids not allowed through the gate would feel pretty inferior.
They don’t check in out though. You’d have to have some kind of security gate and a cm policing it. I think the kids not allowed through the gate would feel pretty inferior.
True- but that seems to be what some parents want. Kids can check out of the club. Or not. They could install a system.

I personally think most kids are far more capable than they get the opportunity to show. I say this as a parent and teacher. I see this as a wonderful chance for kids to practice spreading their wings. But it’s obvious not everyone thinks this or wants to allow their child to try. So those kids either can attend during open house or if Disney tweaks things, be left behind to play inside games.
I’m honestly not understanding all the angst about “elementary school with high schoolers.” Yes, 14-yr-olds may be in high school — but those kids are most likely to move up to Vibe which is geared towards high school programming/activities. Those kids have no desire to hang out with young 11-yr-olds.

Schools come in many sizes and grade splits. Some include 5th as middle school, some include 9th as middle school, some are K-8, etc. 11-yr-olds with middle schoolers is really not that far afield. I suspect even "immature" 11-12 yr olds are capable of finding like-minded 11-12 yr olds onboard to group up with and will not suddenly hang out with 14-yr-old high schoolers (who aren't interested in them anyway).

I fully understand and sympathize with the short notice issue from DCL. I get the disappointment, but I don’t understand the knee-jerk reactions demanding changes to Edge. Unfortunately, there comes a point in life that as parents we have to make decisions whether a situation is right for our child or not, whether we can appropriately prepare our child and trust them to obey our rules; but expecting everyone else to adjust for our (personal, family's) needs isn't the right answer.
I absolutely understand why many families would be upset about this change and agree that Disney should offer refunds.

But I don't understand the comments that assume the Edge will now HAVE to change to become a secure area. It sucks that families with 11 and 12 years old who aren't ready for the Edge or in/out privileges don't have an option for a kid's club now. But I don't see how that automatically means Disney would change the Edge (and a parent of a now 12 year old loves it, I hope they don't).

Don't get me wrong, we love travel options that includes a kid's club (DCL, resorts). But we also know that there is always a chance they might not be available (we've had a lot of hit and miss at resorts), so they aren't make or break for our family. We never booked adult dining or adult activities on DCL because we knew there was a significant chance that DS might not be willing to stay the kid's club at any point.

I do wish with this change that they would increase the amount of open house hours. My son enjoyed going both to the Edge and Oceaneers and we were hoping to sail on the Wish/Treasure before he turned 13 so he could spend time there.


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