June 2024 WISH Thread- Jumping into SUMMER ☀️🍉🕶️

Getting lost in our future dreams….does that include manifesting tips to achieve them? I have been so tired at night lately I kind of slacking off on that.

How has June gone for you so far?
June has been busy and will continue to be busy. Being in the office for longer periods of time is helping me to avoid mindless snacking and is forcing more walking out of me since water and the bathrooms are not right next to me. The coffee vending machine may become a calorie problem so I’ll have to only do that on days I am audibly yawning
How is 2024 panning out for you?

It’s chugging along and is about to get busy with a big project at work and a co-worker getting ready to leave. But I hope I will be able to use these two things to better my career. Got a lot of interesting stuff coming up.
What are your dreams for the remainder of the year?
To continue with the gentle ebb and flow that has been the year so far. This year has not been without its issues but it has been better than 2020-2023 so hoping that continues. Dreaming of being able to use the work situation to my advantage professionally and financially. And always day dreaming about what the future holds for the kids. DD had the kindergarten moving up ceremony yesterday and we found out kids in her program do not often participate so the fact her teacher judges her to be capable was amazing. She had a ta with her the whole time but she did it. Participated stayed with the group everything she was supposed to do. And the teacher did not protest when I said I wanted her to spend time in a regular ed room for part of the day next year so it gives me high hopes for her continued progress.
And of course dreaming about vaca. We’re traveling during retrograde which isn’t ideal but we will go with the flow, take our time and roll with the punches. If having neurodivergent kids has helped me with anything it’s learning to just kind of gently switch gears when I need to.
Astrologically this week is a BIG one for manifesting, and I love the idea of manifesting the plan as well as the end goal. At work we often have to have a plan-for-the-plan when things are not progressing as planned, and I love the idea of applying that personally as well. And well done to your daughter!
June... after a week of good weather we are back to cold and damp, so it's hard to comprehend that we're in mid-June. Next year I need to plan a sunny vacation in April/May to get me thru this period. It is hard to get excited about being outside, but the Sunday morning beach walks I have been doing are so lovely, I need to just suck it up and do them in the evenings as well.

2024... health wise I feel like I am more solidly back-on-track after a few false starts. The sugar switch has flipped to off and I don't want any of the things I was consuming. I think going to the Nia classes will be good for me on a couple levels. First for the physical moving and calorie burning benefits but also because it is a class of older women, so maybe I'll be able to build some community as well as better health.

Solstice... I'm starting to think about what I want to do for a ritual. I know last year there was a gathering at the fairgrounds, which I went to, but it didn't really speak to me. The actual solstice is mid-morning, so maybe I'll look at my calendar and see if I can be away from my desk for a bit around that time and go down to the beach.

Dreams for the rest of the year... one dream is getting weight off and feeling better, both physically and emotionally. My overall goal is to be back to the weight I was for my Disney trip last fall by the time I head to the UK in late September. I want to have the energy and stamina to do many things while in London and in Scotland we'll be walking and hiking and I want to be able to do all of that as well. The other big dream is love and romance. I keep getting messages that the time has come... last message was actually reading an email advert from a tarot site where it spoke about love and relationship in the exact words I use when I'm journalling on the same. It was kind of spooky but also made me a bit giddy. My manifesting visualizations this week will be focused on relationship for sure.
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Woohoo... I finally put together the garden hoop kit I got back in March, to protect the strawberries from the birds. I kept avoiding putting it up because it looked complicated with many parts, but it was easy as could be and looks so cute. I ordered a second kit to make kind of a poly-tunnel over one of the beds with zinnias, to see if it will protect them from the wind.

Woohoo... at my Monday Chiro appt she suggested using the red-light laser on my shoulder, which has been a problem for over a year. There is maybe a 30% improvement with just the one treatment, so I'm quite excited about finally being free of the bother it has been causing. I read up on what all the laser can do, and it should also help with the neuropathy in my feet, so a second woohoo for that!
So, for the topic today:
How has June gone for you so far?

June has been pretty good, but has again flown by! I feel like eating-wise, I've gotten back on track after a not so great May. I still need to stop procrastinating about some type of exercise.

How is 2024 panning out for you?
2024 has been good so far as well. With young adult children now, DH and I are traveling more and really enjoying it. I find it exciting to have trips to look forward to most of the year now.

What are your dreams for the remainder of the year?
Like I said earlier, our kids are all young adults now, DD27 and DD26 live in the city about 40 minutes away and DS 21 is still at home. I see and talk to DD27 often. We talk on the phone 2 or 3 times a week which I love and I usually see her once a week. DD26 is a different story though. She is busy and not a great communicator, so I rarely hear from or see her.

My dreams for this year are to start a tradition of sorts and start taking dinner every other week to one of the girls' houses and we can all get together. Just like DH and I do now, we've always gone to my mom's and MIL's on Sundays. DD27 still joins us about once a month for these days. I'd like to start something similar with my kids, but right now a week night would be better for them, so I really want to get that started.

I'm hoping when we get back from our trip with DS, I can get this going.
It's been a hugely difficult time for me mourning the loss of my brother, compounded by the chaotic end of the school year. I have been in a brain fog, which is apparently a thing very common with widows. It didn't happen to me when my parents and grandparents died, but this phenomenon has affected me greatly. I forget important things and make pretty big mistakes. When doing anything of importance, I have to really try hard to focus and concentrate on the task at hand. At home, DD is a real source of support, and fortunately, my friends at school also had my back. With their help, I managed to not only complete all of the end of year tasks and paperwork, supervise and support my team (truly a group effort), and produce a beautiful and moving graduation ceremony.

I continue to make errors, be late, or entirely miss appointments (not typical of me), because I wrote down the wrong information on my calendar. Today, I received a confirmation for a 9 AM appointment on Saturday, meanwhile, I wrote 10 AM on my calendar:rolleyes2. Today, I was at the grocery store, and I got carded (I forgot that I bought Mike's Hard Lemonade), and I asked her why she needed my license. Instead of telling me that the computer required my I.D., she proceeded to look at me like I was insane, yell at me, and tear me to shreds. That saying, "you never know what someone is going through," really rang true in that moment. She was obviously stressed out and took it out on me, but the saying goes for me too. I'm not okay, and in that moment, I needed some grace. I have been a mess since my brother went into hospice. I'm literally on the verge of tears all of the time. Bottom line, I had a foggy moment and forgot about the alcohol I was buying, and I genuinely didn't understand why she needed my I.D. I mean...she couldn't just explain in a nice way? Normally an interaction like that would not reduce me to tears. I would give it right back and move on.

I'm just not myself right now. I'm not okay, which is why I haven't been here. It has taken everything in me to deal with my grief during such a busy time of year. Losing my brother has been devastating. He has been in my life from the day I was born...cradle to grave...and now it's come to an end. I know that he's in Heaven, and that helps.

I'm happy that I have the summer to decompress and explore my emotions. We will be back in Cape Cod in one month, and we planned another trip in October for my birthday. Being there when he passed helped me a lot, and I just want to get back there. It will be crowded, but those morning walks on the beach before everyone else wakes up and those peaceful sunrises will be healing for me.

In the meantime, I'm recovering from a uniquely wonderful yet challenging school year. I have my backyard...more stories to follow...and my pool. I have my friends who will visit, and my family who loves me.

Happy summer:sunny:
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It's been a hugely difficult time for me mourning the loss of my brother, compounded by the chaotic end of the school year. I have been in a brain fog, which is apparently a thing very common with widows. It didn't happen to me when my parents and grandparents died, but this phenomenon has affected me greatly. I forget important things and make pretty big mistakes. When doing anything of importance, I have to really try hard to focus and concentrate on the task at hand. At home, DD is a real source of support, and fortunately, my friends at school also had my back. With their help, I managed to not only complete all of the end of year tasks and paperwork, supervise and support my team (truly a group effort), and produce a beautiful and moving graduation ceremony.

I continue to make errors, be late, or entirely miss appointments (not typical of me), because I wrote down the wrong information on my calendar. Today, I received a confirmation for a 9 AM appointment on Saturday, meanwhile, I wrote 10 AM on my calendar:rolleyes2. Today, I was at the grocery store, and I got carded (I forgot that I bought Mike's Hard Lemonade), and I asked her why she needed my license. Instead of telling me that the computer required my I.D., she proceeded to look at me like I was insane, yell at me, and tear me to shreds. That saying, "you never know what someone is going through," really rang true in that moment. She was obviously stressed out and took it out on me, but the saying goes for me too. I'm not okay, and in that moment, I needed some grace. I have been a mess since my brother went into hospice. I'm literally on the verge of tears all of the time. Bottom line, I had a foggy moment and forgot about the alcohol I was buying, and I genuinely didn't understand why she needed my I.D. I mean...she couldn't just explain in a nice way? Normally an interaction like that would not reduce me to tears. I would give it right back and move on.

I'm just not myself right now. I'm not okay, which is why I haven't been here. It has taken everything in me to deal with my grief during such a busy time of year. Losing my brother has been devastating. He has been in my life from the day I was born...cradle to grave...and now it's come to an end. I know that he's in Heaven, and that helps.

I'm happy that I have the summer to decompress and explore my emotions. We will be back in Cape Cod in one month, and we planned another trip in October for my birthday. Being there when he passed helped me a lot, and I just want to get back there. It will be crowded, but those morning walks on the beach before everyone else wakes up and those peaceful sunrises will be healing for me.

In the meantime, I'm recovering from a uniquely wonderful yet challenging school year. I have my backyard...more stories to follow...and my pool. I have my friends who will visit, and my family who loves me.

Happy summer:sunny:
I’m so so happy to see you hear today-I have missed you and I know everyone else has as well!!

I am so so sorry that you are having such a tough time right now, I cannot imagine having to push through such demands at work while being in such a state of mourning. I am just so sorry for your loss. I will be praying for you 🙏🏼
It's been a hugely difficult time for me mourning the loss of my brother, compounded by the chaotic end of the school year. I have been in a brain fog, which is apparently a thing very common with widows. It didn't happen to me when my parents and grandparents died, but this phenomenon has affected me greatly. I forget important things and make pretty big mistakes. When doing anything of importance, I have to really try hard to focus and concentrate on the task at hand. At home, DD is a real source of support, and fortunately, my friends at school also had my back. With their help, I managed to not only complete all of the end of year tasks and paperwork, supervise and support my team (truly a group effort), and produce a beautiful and moving graduation ceremony.

I continue to make errors, be late, or entirely miss appointments (not typical of me), because I wrote down the wrong information on my calendar. Today, I received a confirmation for a 9 AM appointment on Saturday, meanwhile, I wrote 10 AM on my calendar:rolleyes2. Today, I was at the grocery store, and I got carded (I forgot that I bought Mike's Hard Lemonade), and I asked her why she needed my license. Instead of telling me that the computer required my I.D., she proceeded to look at me like I was insane, yell at me, and tear me to shreds. That saying, "you never know what someone is going through," really rang true in that moment. She was obviously stressed out and took it out on me, but the saying goes for me too. I'm not okay, and in that moment, I needed some grace. I have been a mess since my brother went into hospice. I'm literally on the verge of tears all of the time. Bottom line, I had a foggy moment and forgot about the alcohol I was buying, and I genuinely didn't understand why she needed my I.D. I mean...she couldn't just explain in a nice way? Normally an interaction like that would not reduce me to tears. I would give it right back and move on.

I'm just not myself right now. I'm not okay, which is why I haven't been here. It has taken everything in me to deal with my grief during such a busy time of year. Losing my brother has been devastating. He has been in my life from the day I was born...cradle to grave...and now it's come to an end. I know that he's in Heaven, and that helps.

I'm happy that I have the summer to decompress and explore my emotions. We will be back in Cape Cod in one month, and we planned another trip in October for my birthday. Being there when he passed helped me a lot, and I just want to get back there. It will be crowded, but those morning walks on the beach before everyone else wakes up and those peaceful sunrises will be healing for me.

In the meantime, I'm recovering from a uniquely wonderful yet challenging school year. I have my backyard...more stories to follow...and my pool. I have my friends who will visit, and my family who loves me.

Happy summer:sunny:
So happy to have you check-in but so sad to hear how things have been going for you. Sending virtual hugs and please know we're here whenever you need to "talk".
How has June gone for you so far?
Busy - back and forth to the vet with one of the cats lately.
How is 2024 panning out for you?
Crazy-fast so far - I can't believe it's already June! I feel like somehow the weeks are much shorter than they used to be.
What is currently nourishing you?
Sunshine, routines, and a new show I'm watching that keeps me walking on the treadmill a little longer. :laughing:
What are your dreams for the remainder of the year?
I really need to work on my capacity to plan ahead. It's something I used to be very good at but lost a little bit of in the "covid shift". - Ever since then, I kind of see everything as a "maybe" until it happens, so I tend to avoid turning vague ideas into actual boxes on the calendar. Since I want to do some more traveling, I need to get comfortable investing time in future plans again.

What has you doing the happy dance today?
My cat's testing so far ruled out what I considered the worst case scenario. We're not completely out of worry-land, but grateful for small victories.

@Summer2018 - Huge hugs :hug: I'm glad to see you back, and hoping the summer is healing for you.
It's been a hugely difficult time for me mourning the loss of my brother, compounded by the chaotic end of the school year. I have been in a brain fog, which is apparently a thing very common with widows. It didn't happen to me when my parents and grandparents died, but this phenomenon has affected me greatly. I forget important things and make pretty big mistakes. When doing anything of importance, I have to really try hard to focus and concentrate on the task at hand. At home, DD is a real source of support, and fortunately, my friends at school also had my back. With their help, I managed to not only complete all of the end of year tasks and paperwork, supervise and support my team (truly a group effort), and produce a beautiful and moving graduation ceremony.

I continue to make errors, be late, or entirely miss appointments (not typical of me), because I wrote down the wrong information on my calendar. Today, I received a confirmation for a 9 AM appointment on Saturday, meanwhile, I wrote 10 AM on my calendar:rolleyes2. Today, I was at the grocery store, and I got carded (I forgot that I bought Mike's Hard Lemonade), and I asked her why she needed my license. Instead of telling me that the computer required my I.D., she proceeded to look at me like I was insane, yell at me, and tear me to shreds. That saying, "you never know what someone is going through," really rang true in that moment. She was obviously stressed out and took it out on me, but the saying goes for me too. I'm not okay, and in that moment, I needed some grace. I have been a mess since my brother went into hospice. I'm literally on the verge of tears all of the time. Bottom line, I had a foggy moment and forgot about the alcohol I was buying, and I genuinely didn't understand why she needed my I.D. I mean...she couldn't just explain in a nice way? Normally an interaction like that would not reduce me to tears. I would give it right back and move on.

I'm just not myself right now. I'm not okay, which is why I haven't been here. It has taken everything in me to deal with my grief during such a busy time of year. Losing my brother has been devastating. He has been in my life from the day I was born...cradle to grave...and now it's come to an end. I know that he's in Heaven, and that helps.

I'm happy that I have the summer to decompress and explore my emotions. We will be back in Cape Cod in one month, and we planned another trip in October for my birthday. Being there when he passed helped me a lot, and I just want to get back there. It will be crowded, but those morning walks on the beach before everyone else wakes up and those peaceful sunrises will be healing for me.

In the meantime, I'm recovering from a uniquely wonderful yet challenging school year. I have my backyard...more stories to follow...and my pool. I have my friends who will visit, and my family who loves me.

Happy summer:sunny:
So glad to hear from you. I've been thinking about you having to deal with the loss of your brother. Glad your school year is over so you have some time to deal with everything and decompress a bit hopefully.

I read something one time talking about siblings - it basically said something to the effect of - Our parents leave us too early. Our spouse and children come along too late. Our siblings are the only ones with us through it all. I know it must be a devastating loss. I'm so sorry and will be praying for you.
I am thankful for:
  • God
  • my family
  • my friends
  • all of you
  • DD's boyfriend who is becoming a part of the family and will probably be my son-in-law
  • that school ended last week before the heat wave, and that we had half days allowing teachers to get work done without having to entertain students
  • Cape Cod
  • the ocean and all of it's beautiful creatures
  • sand between my toes
  • my home
  • my backyard oasis
  • that after 5 tries and multiple repairmen, our pool heater was repaired
  • vacations
  • my career
  • hard work
  • rest
  • summer
  • air conditioning
  • that my friend is coming over today to have lunch and go swimming in this heat wave
Hi Everyone, I am still around. We got busy at work (normal for this time of year) so I haven't had time to get on during the day, which is when I normally get on. Everything has been going good. DD is still doing pretty good. No headaches now for the last month and the dizziness is getting better. She has her days, However this week I thought it would be bad because of the heat (we are over 100 with the heat index this week) and that is a trigger for her with POTS but she she has been good all week. We have also been busy getting ready for DS grad party that is next week.
I am thankful Mother Nature heard me whining about the weather (again) and has brought back the sun.

I am thankful for my home and garden. I love starting each day going out to stare at my plants and see if they've grown over night... or at least not died.

I am thankful that the Momma Junko nesting at the bottom of the fig tree has had a couple eggs hatch. What a treat to be able to watch this cycle of life.

I am thankful that I've gotten some pretty significant things done this week, both work and personal, and I'm feeling so much more on top of my game.
Also thankful for online ordering! And pools and air conditioning.
Thankful for the Olympic trials and how exciting they are even though I have no idea who anyone is.
Thankful for the amazing teachers who had my kids this year, especially the special educators who worked with DS9 and DD. Tonight my mother in law was looking for DD and when she called “DD where are you?” She answered “whereareyou” all one word. Is that the expected answer? No. Is it an identifiable sentence that works in the situation? Why yes it is!


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