June 2024 WISH Thread- Jumping into SUMMER ☀️🍉🕶️

Thankful for my lovely new office. I have a window seat now and was able to take my monthly one-on-one with my manager on the walking path where we did almost a mile.
Got some news at work that is sad for me but great for a co-worker that has become a friend. I am hoping I can get up the courage to have a conversation with management and use my co-workers good fortune to my advantage as well.
Only plans for the weekend are doing a couple exercise classes... Saturday it is Nia Dance and Sunday it is Spin which I haven't done in forever, so it is going to be brutal.

Just checked the weekend weather forecast and it is also going to be brutal, with thunderstorms predicted for tomorrow. What the heck? I'm going out to a movie this evening and if that's how the weather is going to be will probably see another either Sat or Sun.

This has been a good food week, and it shows on the scale. Hallelujah. Will keep working away at it.
We're going to see a couple of movies this weekend too - Inside Out 2 and Tuesday. Sunday we'll eat lunch at my mom's and dinner at my MIL's. We may end up eating out for lunch since it's Father's Day, but haven't decided on firm plans just yet.
For movies I'm seeing 'Wildcat' tonight, it looks so good and is showing upstairs in the fancy theater. I think I'll do 'In and Out' Sunday, it seems like a perfect matinee film. We'll all have to compare notes on it next week.
I am excited to see inside out 2! We don’t have any plans to see it, but hopefully DD wants to and we can go!!

For the weekend-I went to yard salespeople yesterday and babysat. Yesterday evening DH and I went on a date-which my sister and BIL so kindly paid for as a thank you for us helping with my niece! So unexpected and so kind of them. Our meal was absolutely delicious-I’m eating my leftovers now lol!

DH spent the day with his dad today and I went to the SPCA and walked. 3.5 miles and 10k steps…walking dogs who are strong in the summer really takes it out of you. I took a 2 hour nap when I got home!

Tomorrow we are doing 11am church to let DD sleep in after she returns from her trip tonight. Our extended family is meeting up at church then attending the father day bbq at church afterwards so I am excited!! Wrapped DHs presents and have balloons hiding in my car to decorate with in the morning. I am also going to get crumbl cookie for him as a surprise!

Have a good evening everyone!
Happy Sunday to everyone! We had a good day here today! DD1 was here for the day for Father's Day. DD2 had a bachelorette party this weekend, so couldn't make it back.

We actually ate out for lunch and dinner today with my mom (for lunch) and my in-laws for dinner. One was a new restaurant, which we'd been wanting to try, so overall a good day!
Evidently my Sunday self-care was driving around in circles. I started the morning with a walk on the beach, then went in to town to pick up some breakfast but the tea shop was full of steampunk revelers, so I got it to go and went back to the beach to drink my cuppa. Then I took a roundabout route back to town to fill up with gas and get some watercolor paper. Decided to drive the to the state park about 30 min away, another beach. On the way back I decided I wanted to eat lunch out, and so yes, I ended up back downtown. The silliness stopped after that as I headed home and stayed there the rest of the day.
Good Monday morning - I had to wait a bit to figure out what's good about this morning lol! I have a Teams meeting this morning - I honestly prefer in person meetings, but today it's kind of nice to be able to sit at my desk instead of driving to our quarterly meeting with this particular group. We're having breakouts within the meeting, so we'll see how that goes!

This week, I'm focusing on logging my food. That is so helpful to me, but for some reason I just can't get myself in the groove of doing it each day. That's my goal for this week going forward - track everything I eat!

Hope everyone has a great week!
Last week was a good food and exercise week, so I'm going to build on that. I was going to add reducing gluten intake to this week, but newski_mom I like your idea of getting back to logging food, so that's what I'll work on.

The Nia class Saturday morning really kicked my behind, so I didn't do cycling Sunday. The other Nia class is 3p Wednesday afternoon, but I'm going to block that time out so I can go. I'll also look for a class on YouTube, partly to practice because really, I'm just flailing my arms around for the most part and would like to get better at some of the movements. At least arm flailing burns calories...
Hello!!! Happy Monday!!! Busy week for me here as I am covering down for my team lead and we received our new quarterly data today…however it is also a federal holiday in the middle of the week so VERY heavy leave week-every email I sent this morning was returned with a out of office so I am hoping for a quiet week!! Having Wednesday off is going to be great!!

I am on day 17 of closing all my Apple Watch circles! Hoping to make it the entire month of June!

Logging was great with food Monday-Friday-Saturday and Sunday was a literal free for all sooooo back to logging today and I am right in line with where I need to be so early to bed for me tonight and no late night snacks!!!


Somehow, we are already half the way thru June, half of the way thru 2024 and later this week we have the Summer Solstice. The Summer Solstice is traditionally a time to "turn inward and find the nourishment needed to grow and evolve". Astrologically this year it is also the "time to get lost in our future dreams".

So, for the topic today:
How has June gone for you so far?
How is 2024 panning out for you?
What is currently nourishing you?

What are your dreams for the remainder of the year?
Getting lost in our future dreams….does that include manifesting tips to achieve them? I have been so tired at night lately I kind of slacking off on that.

How has June gone for you so far?
June has been busy and will continue to be busy. Being in the office for longer periods of time is helping me to avoid mindless snacking and is forcing more walking out of me since water and the bathrooms are not right next to me. The coffee vending machine may become a calorie problem so I’ll have to only do that on days I am audibly yawning
How is 2024 panning out for you?

It’s chugging along and is about to get busy with a big project at work and a co-worker getting ready to leave. But I hope I will be able to use these two things to better my career. Got a lot of interesting stuff coming up.
What are your dreams for the remainder of the year?
To continue with the gentle ebb and flow that has been the year so far. This year has not been without its issues but it has been better than 2020-2023 so hoping that continues. Dreaming of being able to use the work situation to my advantage professionally and financially. And always day dreaming about what the future holds for the kids. DD had the kindergarten moving up ceremony yesterday and we found out kids in her program do not often participate so the fact her teacher judges her to be capable was amazing. She had a ta with her the whole time but she did it. Participated stayed with the group everything she was supposed to do. And the teacher did not protest when I said I wanted her to spend time in a regular ed room for part of the day next year so it gives me high hopes for her continued progress.
And of course dreaming about vaca. We’re traveling during retrograde which isn’t ideal but we will go with the flow, take our time and roll with the punches. If having neurodivergent kids has helped me with anything it’s learning to just kind of gently switch gears when I need to.


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