Judy's Life of Change

Judy, you're doing great! I'm glad DIL is feeling a bit better. I've a friend w/ Lupus and know it is NOT fun.

Glad you had a good day off!

Have a great rest of the week!
Morning All :grouphug: Thank you all sooooo much for keeping track of me. I have been working, working, working. This is, of course, the busy season at Disney. I am still going to the gym. Although not as frequently as I would like. I have also sort of been watching what I eat. Despite that I have lost 13 pounds in the last 4 weeks! :cool1: If I had really watched what I ate I would have done even better but I will more than gladly take (lose) those 13 pounds. I wish I had more time to read everyones journals. They are always so inspirational. It's good to know that you are not alone. As always - thanks for all your supporting words.
Hi Judy,

Congrats on the awesome weightloss this last month. 13 pounds is awesome. I know yu are watching a ton of hours, but try to take care of yourself, so you can keep your energy up in the heat. Of course it hit 102 here on Saturday.

Take care and don't worry about journals right now.
Day off - Day off - nanny, nanny, boo boo!
Since you have a day off.......

Does that mean we get to have a party in your journal? :teeth:

:rockband: :dancer: :drinking1 :flower1: :jumping3: :thewave: :jumping1:

Have a wonderful day Judy! :goodvibes
Hahahahahahaha Tracy - you make me laugh. Laughing burns calories doesn't it???
I think it does! :teeth: ::yes:: :rotfl: I heard that when you laugh from something someone posted in a WISH journal, you burn double the calories! ::yes:: :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :banana: :banana:
Hi Judy,

So tell me what did you do with the much needed day of rest?

Take care,
Hi Judy! :wave2:

Is the party still going on?????? :dancer: :thewave: :teeth:

How was your day off yesterday?

I hope you have a wonderful day today! :flower: Take care! :hug:
Well Beth and Tracy - I did laundry and grocerys. ooh ooh and then I went shopping for a few new things for the kitchen. I ended up with new towels, washclothes, pot holders, pictures, vases and a new olive oil bottle. All done in a coffee cafe theme with red, white and black. Walah - a whole new kitchen and all for under $50.00. I love a good challenge.

Then Randy and I went to friends for dinner. I didn't want to offend the cook so I had to eat. :earseek: Fried chichen, real mashed potatoes, gravy made from the chicken grease pan. Oh and caramel apple cake. :earseek: Good thing that was all I ate yesterday. The fried chicken made my stomach quesy. :sick: I haven't eaten anything fried in a very long time.

My friend knew that I had been dieting so she took it upon herself to fix my husband a good meal. :rolleyes: Both husband got leftovers for lunch today.

Hope you all had a good day too.
Yikes - So much work so little time. I did make it to the gym this morning though. 30 aerobic and 60 with my trainer. Whew :drinking: Off and running errands then to work. :grouphug: to all!
Way to go Judy!!!!

I am so proud of you for getting a workout in before a busy day at work! :hug: That is wonderful!!!! :cool1:

Have a great day! :flower:
Thanks Tracy - I know if I didn't have an appt with my trainer, I would never have made it.

Today is rough. Got off work at 4 am home and in bed by 5am. Up at 930am to get ready for work. 1230p - 0100a. I see sugar free RedBull in my future today.

Hope everyone has a happy and safe 4th weekend.

God Bless America and God Bless Iraq.
Twelve hour shift again today. Boy is WDW packed! Good food choices yesterday until hubby gave me a pint of hagen dasz butter pecan ice cream. I ate the whold darn thing. Hmmmmmmm Another day today. Have a great day all.
Day off! :jumping1: :jumping1: :jumping1: Actually I'm not sure if I have the energy to jump but what the heck.
oh oh yes, a day off...i had one of those (actually three of those) over the weekend...so lovely, so nice...i want ANOTHER!!! ;) hehe

hope you have a SUPER weight loss day Judy!!
Hi Judy,
I hope that you did something good for yourself on your day off.
Take care,
Hi Judy!

How was your day off??? Did you get a chance to rest and relax? I know you got a lot of exercise in from :jumping1: in your journal!;)

Hope today is a fabulous day for you! :flower:


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