Jody's moving to The Beach 03/15/04!


DIS Veteran
Feb 12, 2001
I am going to use this thread to finally start keeping track of my food intake and to eventually add my daily excersize also. That treadmill isn't in my kitchen to cook with afterall!:rolleyes: I weigh in every morning so I will use this space to be accountable for that also.

starting 03/15/04 I will be recording my 'move to the Beach' journal as I switch from the Atkins way of eating to SouthBeach!

The following are some of my favorite low carb links....

A Beginners Guide to LowCarbing

The Rules of Induction

Why Low Carb WORKS

KISS Guidelines [Keeping it Simple Sweetie]

Terrific Resource for ordering Low Carb Products

Another KISS Guidelines site

Dateline NBC - Taking off the Pounds

Nicks Low Carb Story

Diabetes and Atkins - stories by WISHers

100 Pound Losers tell THEIR stories

Hold the Toast - Dana Carpenter's Site

Prevention.Com -- The Southbeach Diet

I was always one of those skinny girls thru high school. I started putting on the weight in my adult years. I gained alot with DD(20) but managed to get down to 124 with diet pills. Gained it all back with DS(14) and have managed to put on more every year! In April 2002 I was at my highest of 247. I am only 5'2'' (and 40 years old).

I started my low carb lifestyle in June 2002. By the end of December I was down to 215 but put on some weight after the holidays. I started the WISH challenge on day one (January 30th) at 222. Right before my hysterectomy in July 2003 I was at my 'low carb' low of 207. So close to ONDERland that I could taste it! My body began a really bad struggle after my surgery. I stayed on program about 98% of the time and have gained and lost the same 5 pounds or so and just cannot get down to that low of 207 again! March 15, 2004 I began The SouthBeach program to try and jumpstart my metabolism again. I've also started back at Curves on a regular basis.

My DH and I have been married 21 years -- he and my beautiful two children are the love of my lives. I want to be healthy and around for a LONG time for them and the grandchildren that will come along one day.

I was originally eating controlled carbohydrate [pretty much Atkins] and have since switched to SouthBeach. I know that 'Controlled Carb Eating' is a lifetime change for me. I had horrible IBS prior to this way of eating and it has now regulated itself. I can go away now without having to worry that a bathroom will be a minute away. That was worth the change in eating in itself -- the weight coming off is just an extra bonus!

A word of warning for those considering low carb eating. The first week I went thru horrible sugar withdrawal. My body must have been very addicted. I had major headaches and felt flu like. It was rough getting thru the day. I stuck it out and by the second week I couldn't believe how great I felt!

Looking forward to seeing your 10 lb. clippie, then the 15, then 20 and so on!!

Best of luck to you on your journey!!!

Weight on Tues. AM (start of Alex challenge): 219
(I had some cauliflower-official start won't be until Wed!)

I ate more than usual today. I thought I would be LESS hungry!:rolleyes:

cheeseburger (no roll) 9am
chicken cheesesteak (no roll) 11am
pot roast with horseradish 3pm
Red Lobster for Supper (21st. anniversary) Filet Minon, skewer of Lobster Tails and Scallops, Skewer of Grilled Shrimp, and drawn butter. I left feeling SO THIRSTY so I am a little worried about what might have been in that drawn butter. Hopefully it was just lots of salt.

I'll be looking at the scale tomorrow morning with one eye closed as I know I'll be retaining water.
Weigh in - 218
(I new that I would have water retention today!):rolleyes:

9:00 am - 1-2oz of cheddar cheese
1:00pm - chicken cheesesteak [no bun]
6:00pm - stromboli
(it was basically lots of melted mozzarella with ham and a little salami. I just slice open the crust and use it as a bowl while I eat the insides out).

I also drink water and diet soda's and iced tea throughout the day. I need to work on my water intake --- and will start to journal that soon (to show accountablility).

Off to NYC on a bus trip tomorrow! I'm sure it will be a day with much more excersize than usual -- I am just hoping that I can keep up with everyone!:eek: )
I have been part of Webmaster Alex's Atkins challenge this week. I decided this wasn't going to work for me during the 'different' day that I was going to have in NYC today. That is okay --- because I've learned so much about my eating by following the challenge for most of the week -- and for that I truly thank Alex for opening my eyes. I personally need my veggies. I have a spastic colon (IBS) and just was not feeling as good on that end of things without them. But I've come to realize that I don't need the extra low carb 'treats' that I was eating. I now know to use the bars, shakes, and even nuts to get me thru those special instances and not use them to get me thru every day. Today WAS one of those special instances.....

I was up at 3:45am to get ready for a bus trip to NYC. This was mine and my daughter first time to visit the city. We had a wonderful (but busy and exhausting) day and will surely visit there again! We didn't get home until after 10pm and I was aching from head to toe! But, it was a good kind of ache that I haven't experienced in way to long!

They served juice, donuts, and coffee on the bus trip to NYC. First came the juice, then the donuts (when were they going to bring that COFFEE?) then finally came the coffee. As I politely said no thank you to the juice and the donuts -- I realized that I truly did not WANT them. I wasn't just doing what I thought was best to be a good little girl on my low carb plan.

1:00pm Lunch at Macy's - Smoked Turkey Cobb Salad with Ranch Dressing --- it was heavenly!

5:00pm - TGI Fridays stop before having to board the bus again at 6:15. I ordered a large diet coke and a decaf coffee and asked to please keep both refilled! I had no desire to eat -- but boy was I thirsty after the day I had! Once again -- as my tablemates were eating dessert, shakes, and soup -- I was feeling very content and undeprived drinking my soda and coffee!

8:00pm during the bus ride home I had another decaf coffee, a bottle of water --- and realized that I was hungry. I had 1/2 of a chocolate browie Atkins Advantage bar and 4 pieces of pecans. I was satisfied --- and felt like I had a succesful day in more ways than one!
Weigh In - 217

noon - tossed salad with ranch dressing
Smoked Cheddar Cheese Burger with onion and tomatoe and topped with blue cheese dressing. [no roll]

4:30pm - Sunday supper at MIL is always a REAL chore. Nothing but carb laden food. [she adds sugar to everything imaginable]
tossed salad with blue cheese dressing
side of hamburg bbq
apx 2oz of cheddar cheese chunks

confessional - I almost cheated at MIL. The jelly beans, chips, and pizza were calling my name. BUT I knew that I commited to this journal and didn't want my WISH friends to know I cheated. That is what kept me away from those foods! I cherish the WISH so much!

8:00pm - Mock Root Beer Float
Diet Rootbeer with a splash of Heavy Cream
Weigh In - 217

7:30am - Chocolate Mint LC Shake

Posted by Glo on the LC Recipe Thread:
1 tbls Davincci chocolate syrup (SF,no carbs or calories)
1 tbsp Davincii Creme de minte (SF,no carbs no calories)
.25 cup of heavy cream (205 calories, 2 carbs, 1 protien)
.33 cup water ( 0 everything)
1 serving EAS chocolate whey protien (115 calories, 4carbs, 1 fiber)
1 tbls or whipped cream cheese (35 calories, 0 carbs)
add 7 icecubes

put in blender and blend....ENJOY!!!!

total calories 355 total carbs 6 minus one fiber only 5 carbs protien 22

11:00am Chicken Cheesesteak [no bun]
2:30pm - Rotisserie Chicken Breast

5:00pm Grilled Chicken Breast
Smashed Cauliflower w/butter & Chive/Onion Crm Chse
I cook cauliflower until fork tender. Then I put it on my plate and 'smash' it with a fork. I vary the toppings -- using almost any topping I would have normally put on a baked potatoe. HEAVENLY!

Small handful of Sunkist Italian Parmigan Almonds

8:00pm Mock Root Beer Float

(SF Metamucil before bed - I need that extra fiber!;))
Weigh In - 216

Even though I didn't follow the Alex challenge as it was meant to be followed --- it ended up being a challenge of my own. I couldn't go no carb -- just wasn't feeling very good with my IBS symptoms. I did drastically cut carbs compared to what I had been eating -- and I thank Alex for opening my eyes!:D
I lost 3 pounds during the week of the Alex Challenge!

7:00am - EAS Chocolate Shake
VERY GOOD - but it didn't satisfy me near as long as the shake I made yesterday.

11:00am - Phila Cheesesteak [no bun]
Decaf Coffee with a splash of vanilla cappachino

2:00pm - Smashed Cauliflower
with sour cream, butter, S&P
Dang -- I'm hungry today!

5:00pm - Chicken Salad Plate with Ranch Dressing

If you are wondering -- "How can she eat this way and think she is going to lose weight and be healthy?" here is an explanation from a scientific view - (PAdisMOM is a biology teacher)

Originally posted by PAdisMOM
Your body breaks down carbohydrates through a process called glycolysis, followed by the Krebs cycle, and then electron transport chain. All a bunch of (really exciting!) biology stuff. BUT in the end it has tuned glucose (C6H12O6) into water (H2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2). So that's where all the stuff goes. It doesn't "melt away". This process makes ATP, which is the chemical your body uses for energy. Ever time you move you use ATP.

Fats and proteins break down through basically the same process, but enter the steps at different points along the way.

Does this help? I love this type of stuff, but my students usually think I'm crazy!

PS: Your body is programmed to burn carbohydrates first. That is why Atkins works. If there are no carbohydrates to burn, then your body will break down fats.
Weigh In - 218
UGH - I am up 2 pounds again!

7:30am - Protein Shake with DaVinci Kaluhi syrup
I cut out the cream cheese and it was as delish as ever!

1:00pm - Chicken Cheesesteak [no bun]

6:00pm - Choc/Mint Protein Shake

8:00pm - Mock Root Beer Float

I really was not hungry today. I think drinking the water really helped to curb the appetite.

Vija's 48oz/day Water Challenge - (60-oz)

aren't the shakes awesome!!! I love them, but for now am taking a break, because they slow me down. You are doing awesome...keep it going, remember that weight fluctuates wildly, and it could be water you are storing :) Do not get discouraged.
Weigh In - 216

8:30am - 2 'dippy' eggs with 3 slices bacon

12:noon - Chicken Cheesesteak [no bun]

8:00pm - Mock Root Beer Float
I had intended to have a 'shake' for supper. UGH! I didn't have any ice -- and by the time I went for some ice, I realized that I would be just as satisfied with the RBF. Ice Cube trays are in the freezer -- and I'll have my shake in the AM.

Vija's 48oz/Day Water Challenge - 60-80oz?
I actually forget how many times I filled this 20oz cup!

Journaling here on WISH has been very good for me! I made a HM Beef Veggie Pie for the family and didn't even have a taste! I didn't want to have to write down even one teaspoon of 'cheat'!;)
Weigh In - 214 :cool:

7:30am - Choc/Mint Protein Shake

1:30pm - Stromboli minus the dough

6:30pm - Chicken Cheesesteak [no bun]

9:30pm - 2 slices Cooper Sharp Cheese

I didn't get water in today. Nothing except the shake and diet soda's. I know tomorrow will not be a good weigh in day. I can feel myself retaining since I had the stromboli. I'll have to be careful with those! I'll try to make up tomorrow by drinking extra water to 'float the badness away'!

Weigh In -215

I put on one of my new outfits and headed off for a new 'do'! I got my hair cut short (ears out!) and permed. Then I headed to Fashion Bug to shop (hey, I had a coupon that I just HAD to use!). I finished with lunch at Hoss's:

11:30am - Tossed Salad w/Ranch Dressing
Very Thin Sliced Steak
It was actually meant to have as a sandwich but I disposed of the bun.;)

6:00pm - Dinner at a Chinese Buffet!
Sampling of chicken wings, green beans, shrimp scampi, and Beef Tenderloin. And two 'generous' helpings of crab legs with drawn butter. VERY GOOD! And I managed to stay on program. I just LOVE this way of eating. Although I stayed on program -- I know the food was way over salted and it will cause me to temporarily retain water (again).

I did manage to drink plenty of water today -- although I don't know the ounce amount.

Weigh In - 216
I expected to be retaining water today

9:30am - Ham, Cheese, and Onion Omelet

Today is the day we always have dinner at MIL's. It is a VERY challenging day for me. I wonder what kind of carb laden food I'll have to choose from today?:rolleyes:

5:00pm Salad with Blue Cheese Dressing, Hamburger with Tomatoe, Onion and Horseradish Mayo. [no roll ofcourse] Also snacked on some cheddar cheese chunks and celerly with dip. I lucked out today at MIL's! YIPEE!!

7:30pm -- after resisting all the sweet stuff at MIL's I decided to splurge and had a low carb toffee bar.

Weigh In - 216

11:00am - Chicken Cheesesteak [no bun]

2:30pm - an ounce or so of cheddar cheese chunks

5:30pm - Choc/Mint Protein Shake (Yum)!

8:00pm - Swiss Miss 'diet' SF Hot Chocolate with cream


Water Intake = GOOD!

Oh my -- I just commited to working toward a goal of participating (and succeeding) in the WDW 1/2 Marathon in January 2005. This gives me 19 months to drop 75+ pounds and work toward walking/jogging up to 13.5 miles at a minimum of 16 mile minutes average. I told DH my goal and he laughed at me!:eek: He really is supportive though

Weigh In - 214

8:00am - Cheesey Scrambled Eggs
2 eggs, 2 slices cooper sharp chs, 1 tbs cream

11:30am - Chicken Cheesesteak [no bun]

2:00pm - Chocolate Mint Hot Chocolate [YUM]
Swiss Miss 'diet' hot chocolate, Davinci sf chocolate and peppermint paddy syrups, and 1 tbsp of heavy cream.

6:00pm - Chicken Tenderloins

8:00pm - Mock Root Beer Float

Water Intake = Good!

Weigh In - 214

Metamucil in the AM

11:00am - Chicken Cheesesteak [no bun]

6:00pm - side southwest ceasar salad
Cheesey French Onion Soup [no bread or croutons]

Metamucil in the PM

Water Intake = Fair

Weigh In - 214

8:00am - Chocolate/Tofee Protein Shake
These DaVinci SF syrups are the BEST!

11:30am - Chicken Cheese Steak [no bun]

12:00noon - serving of Reese's PB Cups Sugar Free
I'm actually eating these HOPING that the lacticol will have an effect on me today -- the metamucil isn't seeming to do its job. And to think before this WOE I had the opposite symptoms. I had the IBS that caused me to have to be near a bathroom at all times!

5:30pm - 2 Slices Sandwich Pepperoni, 2 Hot Dogs,
Dill Pickle

8:00pm - Mock Root Beer Float

Water Intake = Excellent!
I couldn't get enough water today. I was so thirsty. But could also feel myself beginning to retain ALOT too! Oh isn't this "TOM" so much fun!



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