January 2024 W.I.S.H. Thread - Happy and Healthy New Year!!!

Change of plans for today. I have a very snuffy nose, so no sitting in a movie theater for me. Instead my self care has been to do an entire re-set on the house. I’ve been having skin issues and realized it was because my desk was right next to the propane stove, and to resolve this everything had to shift. The living room is now the living room again, and the dining room is now the office. It feels pretty good, but is just the first step in spring cleaning.
For self care today, I had a great relaxing day since DD1 came home for lunch. We all went to my mom's to eat and visit awhile, then she came back here until around 5 or so - it was a great day! It did make me miss my Sunday afternoon nap lol, but so worth it ❤️
Happy Monday everyone.

This week I'm going to capitalize on having stirred up the energy in the house with the furniture reset, to break free of the unhealthy rut I've been in. It's interesting... the window my desk is now facing is maybe 10 feet away from the window it was in front of, so basically the same view and yet so different. It's kind of a metaphor for small steps adding up to big change.

Our weather is going to be wet for the foreseeable future, but I have got to get outside walking as much as possible, even if just in the neighborhood. I've got to get moving and getting to feeling better.
I haven't done much. I really need to get motivated.

We have another possibility of a snow day tomorrow. We are supposed to get freezing rain in the early morning through like 9. They are saying the morning commute will be a mess. Thankfully I don't have to go into the office.
I also need to get motivated - have just been hovering doing everything the same for too long now.

I used to have a quote hanging on my desk that was something like - thoughts don't do anything for us, we actually have to take the action to get anything done. I'm definitely not saying it right, but it's my problem with everything - I think it to death. I just need to do!
TUESDAY TOPIC: The Vagus Nerve


As I've been searching for more ways to self-regulate, the vagus nerve has come up a couple times. It is a complex part of our nervous system the connects our brains and our digestive systems. 'Vagus' is Latin for wander and it does wander thru our bodies. The saying about having a "gut feeling" is tied to the vagus as our gut sends fight/flight messages up it to our brains. It is sometime called the 'love nerve' because compassion and empathy are tied to healthy vagul tone.

There are very simple exercises you can do to reset your vagus nerve and return to a calm, clear, compassionate self-regulated state.

Deep breathing using the Square Breath is one: this is where you breathe in and count to 4, hold count to 4, exhale count to 4 and hold count to 4.

Another is to lie on your back, interweave your fingers and place your hands behind your head. Without moving your head, look as far to the right as you can and rest there until you sigh or yawn. Return your eyes to neutral, then repeat looking to the left.

Yoga and meditation are also good for vagus nerve health.

These are all things we hear about regularly in reference to balanced mental and physical health, but I had not realized the connection was the vagus nerve.

Do you regularly practice only of these exercises? Do you find they help? Is this something you are interested in exploring?
Sorry for the late response to Monday. DH is sick with a sore throat (strep was negative) and he is a baby. We spent tremendous time together this weekend, so I’m praying that I don’t get it too.


I’m at a standstill, but I’m very motivated by my physical in 3 weeks. I was hoping to be lighter for the appointment so I am ramping up for it. No carbs with dinner. Sugar free pudding only for dessert (I must have my sweets). I typically stay away from sugar free stuff because it’s not healthy, but this is a temporary solution. I lowered my coffee intake to one mug in order to lower my sugar and half & half amounts per day. Breakfast and lunch are already on point.

Oneanne, you posted intriguing information today which interests me enough to explore further. Thank you for that.
We're just over half way thru the month, how are you doing with your goals and intentions?

Goals for January
keep exercising
up my decluttering efforts
learn two vegetarian recipes this month

Well, I made a great lentil soup, so I'm halfway there on that one. And my exercise is OK because of a big start, but this week I've mostly been resting - I had an infected cyst, so was on a lot of antibiotics and just listening to my body.

Decluttering will still be there when I have the bandwith.

As I've been searching for more ways to self-regulate, the vagus nerve has come up a couple times.
Timely topic for me, as I just clipped this on my fridge the other day:


DS is prone to stomach issues, so I want to learn some stuff I can casually share with him.
I used to have a quote hanging on my desk that was something like - thoughts don't do anything for us, we actually have to take the action to get anything done. I'm definitely not saying it right, but it's my problem with everything - I think it to death. I just need to do!
This is me. I have a plan for how I am going to lose weight and I just don't ever do it.
@Oneanne such interesting information about the nerve that’s great to know!

This month has been ok for me I need to get on the scale Friday and see where I am at! I don’t anticipate any real progress but I have been able to start exercising as of last Tuesday and I have been doing well with that!

As of yesterday mom had not slept in 3 days. She was up and down, as I described on Sunday, 24 hours a day. They restrained her for her safety-this was hard for us to see, but us physically restraining her was too mentally difficult for us. They sent her for a CT scan yesterday and it was normal with no further damage-this was the best news we could have asked for 🙏🏼 They stopped her steroids Sunday. They took her off moraphine yesterday. Last night she slept. Today during her exam she raised both her feet on command (had never moved them on command) and lifted her left arm, which we thought she lost use of her left arm but she didn’t 🙏🏼 she ate jello, applesauce and ice-first food in two weeks!!!!! What a day to celebrate!!

Thank you for the prayers and encouragement for my mother, it has meant the world to me. Today was a great day! The first great day she has had!
Well, I made a great lentil soup, so I'm halfway there on that one. And my exercise is OK because of a big start, but this week I've mostly been resting - I had an infected cyst, so was on a lot of antibiotics and just listening to my body.

Decluttering will still be there when I have the bandwith.

Timely topic for me, as I just clipped this on my fridge the other day:

View attachment 827991

DS is prone to stomach issues, so I want to learn some stuff I can casually share with him.
That's a great list, some of the things I hadn't come across yet.
@Oneanne such interesting information about the nerve that’s great to know!

This month has been ok for me I need to get on the scale Friday and see where I am at! I don’t anticipate any real progress but I have been able to start exercising as of last Tuesday and I have been doing well with that!

As of yesterday mom had not slept in 3 days. She was up and down, as I described on Sunday, 24 hours a day. They restrained her for her safety-this was hard for us to see, but us physically restraining her was too mentally difficult for us. They sent her for a CT scan yesterday and it was normal with no further damage-this was the best news we could have asked for 🙏🏼 They stopped her steroids Sunday. They took her off moraphine yesterday. Last night she slept. Today during her exam she raised both her feet on command (had never moved them on command) and lifted her left arm, which we thought she lost use of her left arm but she didn’t 🙏🏼 she ate jello, applesauce and ice-first food in two weeks!!!!! What a day to celebrate!!

Thank you for the prayers and encouragement for my mother, it has meant the world to me. Today was a great day! The first great day she has had!
This is amazing progress!
As mentioned I started looking into the vagus nerve as a way to better self-regulate, but the connection to gut health is also resonating. And after having been back on the sugar wagon for several months now my gut is pretty angry, so I'm hoping regularly doing some of the exercises will also help me to settle that down.
This is me. I have a plan for how I am going to lose weight and I just don't ever do it.

Same... I either forget to do it or do the exact opposite.

I read a quote on Instagram earlier that called things like that "intellectually simple but emotionally difficult" and the words really resonated with me.

I've found the changes I've succeeded at are the ones that I've:
1) found exactly the right slot in my day for, and
2) attached to an existing, or rewarding, routine,

and the goals I'm still struggling with are the ones that I just haven't found the right "place" for yet.
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I read a quote on Instagram earlier that called things like that "intellectually simple but emotionally difficult" and the words really resonated with me.

I've found the changes I've succeeded at are the ones that I've:
1) found exactly the right slot in my day for, and
2) attached to an existing, or rewarding, routine,

and the goals I'm still struggling with are the ones that I just haven't found the right "place" for yet.
Nice quote... attaching to an existing task or routine is a "hack" often mentioned for ADHD folks. And doing the opposite of what I've just said I'll do is one of the ways my ADHD manifests. I wish I could tell myself "go have as much sugar as you want" to trigger the opposite action, but there is also the addiction to sugar to contend with.
I read a quote on Instagram earlier that called things like that "intellectually simple but emotionally difficult" and the words really resonated with me.

I've found the changes I've succeeded at are the ones that I've:
1) found exactly the right slot in my day for, and
2) attached to an existing, or rewarding, routine,

and the goals I'm still struggling with are the ones that I just haven't found the right "place" for yet.
I agree with this.
Interesting topic @Oneanne will have to look into it more!
Kind of fell off the healthy wagon between my annual physical and my birthday...need to get back on track. Need to look at my schedule and find some time to make soup etc. Need to shove some exercise back into my routine as well...being back in the office threw a wrench into this. But I'll be working at home Friday so will need to make some time during lunch.


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