Jane E.'s Fitness Journal

Jane, your holiday sounded nice, and good eating too!! Hope you're feeling all better now.

That was very sad about Steve Irwin. There's a thread over on the Community Board about celebrity deaths and what an effect they can have on us. :guilty:

Have a good week! :sunny:
Wow, what a nice weekend you had! That's great that you are incorporating more exercising into your daily life. That means you must have learned something this past year! Now if we could just wean you off the Milk Duds... :rolleyes1

What a freak accident for the Crocodile Hunter. It is very sad, especially for his wife and little ones. :sad2: I guess the only bright spot is that he died doing what he loved best.

When does the Biggest Loser start back up? I need to get my TiVo set up for it.
Sounds like a wonderful weekend. You did a great job with your food choices and getting in exercise while having fun too.

Pretty amazing about Steve Irwin. Makes me appreciate every day as special because ya just never know what the next day will bring ...
My scale needs new batteries. I got on three times today and I got 3 different weights all within one hour. The weights ranged from 154-159. AACCCKKK!!!! :crazy: I had additional problems with it - I'd stand on it & it would read "YES" or it wouldn't register a weight. Guess I better get more batteries.

Not much is going on around here - today I worked doing activities with my Alzheimer residents. Ds brought his 'friend girl' over for dinner. We had quesadillas.

#1 cereal, 1 peach, nf milk, oj
#2 jr bacon cheeseburger, Milk Duds
# 3, 1 quesadilla w/chix, peppers, onion & salsa

20 minutes of cardio. I wanted to go on a trail walk with the dog before work but it poured down rain this morning. Tomorrow the dog & I will get in a trail walk if it stays dry. I also got my new Kathy Smith ball workout from Netflix today.

CJK, everyone in our family loves fajitas, nachos, quesadillas. I wish they loved soup more because I love fixing quesadilla soup with the leftovers but no one will eat it except me!

Kate, I loved our day off on Monday. It was nice just to hang out in town and relax.

Amy, The Biggest Loser starts on September 20th. I'm looking forward to it. I'm always motivated by their weightloss. I've left mine on Tivo from last season so hopefully, it'll remember if i don't. It looks like Jillian is not on this year. They have a new trainer listed on their website.

Anna, I've been watching some of the updates about Steve Irwin. I feel horrible for his family. His daughter seemed to adore him. A friend of mine today was saying how she went to the Bahamas & went swimming with the Stingrays. She never thought that they could actually kill someone. With all of the dangerous stunts he did, its almost anticlimatic that a stingray killed him.

I'm looking forward to getting on track this week.
Definitely time to try new batteries in the scale! It is so sad for Steve Irwin's family. His children are so young.

Quesadilla soup sounds good. How do you make it?
Yes, that Quesadilla soup sound delicious! How do you make it??

It is so sad about Steve Irwin. It's amazing how people who have never met the man are all in mourning. That says a lot about what kind of guy he was. Prayers for his family and especially his children.

Hope your week goes well!
Milk Duds for lunch?!?!? Did you go to the movies or something? I think you need a 30 day Milk Dud Challenge...

Bummer about your walk getting rained out. But at least you got in a workout! :thumbsup2

I wish my kids would be more adventurous with eating (I would love those quesadillas!). They just freak out if anything is "different". I guess I'll just have to make new stuff while they are at their dad's! I still need to try the EFL chicken enchilada recipe. I am getting back in a recipe rut...
I figured out what was causing my achilles pain. My casual black shoes. Dh said he thought those shoes were the culprit so I haven't worn them in awhile. I put them on today and within 15 minutes the pain was BACK! I'm bummed because I love the shoes - they're great for running to the store in. Also, they have enough cushioning for my heels - I'll just have to find a replacement.

Today I did 20 minutes of walking. :cool1:
#1 chix curry salad
#2 watermelon, nachos w/chix, cheese & salsa, mocha bar

I was dying for nachos so I made nachos out of a tortilla. Dh is always amazed all the stuff we can make from grilled chicken.

Anna & CJK, for my soup recipe I use the Santa Fe Chicken Soup recipe on p. 87 of the Eating for Life book. It uses chicken and chicken broth for its base, and taco seasoning & green chilies for spice. They use sodium reduced chicken broth but I just use regular chicken broth. I also use whatever I have leftover from having fajitas - sometimes peppers &/or onions. I usually keep a can of fiesta corn on hand which I also put in the soup along with tomatoes. Unfortunately, no one else will eat it. My guys just don't like soup. :sad2:

Amy, I can relate. My boys were the same way. They hated anything with onions, spices etc. Now, younger ds loves spicy but still hates onions. When I make tacos for him I don't put any onions in them, but, I absolutely refuse to do that with my chili. Even as a child I loved sauted onions in almost everything. It made cooking for my family so boring. I always had to make separate meals for them & dh and I.

Lets not even discuss the Milk Duds!!!! :confused3 :confused3 :confused3
I'm glad you figured out what was causing your foot pain. Maybe you can still wear those shoes when you're not doing much walking? At least you now have an excuse to do some shoes shopping! ;)

Thanks for the soup recipe! I'm going to give it a whirl! Have a great weekend!
Thanks for the soup recipe. Sounds very yummy. Bummer on the shoes, but at least you know the cause of your pain now and can get new shoes.
You are a nicer mom than I am - I make one dinner and they have to take at least 3 bites of it if they don't like it. I don't make separate dinners since I really don't like cooking to begin with!

Yay on all the exercise you've been getting lately! You need to get your scale fixed so you can see your progress.

I think a new pair of shoes are in order! At least you finally found out what was causing all your problems!
Workout: 10 minute walk, 15 minutes on the exercise ball

#1 2 soft tacos
#2 Milk Duds

CJK, Anna, & Amy, I'll definately have to pick up some new shoes now. Those were great to slip in and slip out of. I threw them out today. I don't even want to be tempted to wear them. Everytime I do, I pay for it. Well, Amy, your kids will probably be easier to feed than mine were. When mine were young they'd eat anything - avocado, cauliflour etc. all of that stopped when they hit first grade.
Glad you found the source of the heel pain, Jane! It's really hard when your feet hurt.

I'm praying about your DS and hoping they find something out soon.

Enjoy the Weekend and BOYCOTT MILK DUDS!!!
Jane - You have a Milk Dud problem! I am quite sure they are not part of your detox plan. :sad2: You are exempt however, until the doc's figure out what is going on with DS. :grouphug:

My MIL can't doesn't eat onions, so I always have to make a small dish just for her w/o them. It is really hard to cook w/o onions. :confused3 They are good in everything.

Good for you getting rid of the shoes.
I'm glad you found the culprit for the achillies pain! That sure is no fun. Mine finally cleared up with a couple of week's rest.

Happy shoe shopping! Have you tried Crocs? The Aspens aren't quite as unfortunate-looking as the regular ones (no holes on the top) and they're super supportive and easy to slip on and off.

Your meals always sound so tasty! I bet the grilled chicken nachos were amazing. Mmmmmm And Milk Duds... double mmm!

I hope your weekend is a great one!
Do you have any fun (Milk Dud free) plans for this weekend?

When do you find out about DS's test results? I hope they are able to quickly determine what the problem is and it will be minor and easy to fix. :wizard:
:tink: We went to Disney this weekend! ::MinnieMo One night only but it was worth it. We decided on Friday night to go if we could get a good rate. I phoned and was able to get $111 plus tax for POFQ. We decided to grab it.
We just needed to get away for 2 days.

We arrived around noon and I was thrilled when they had a room ready for us. (I love going off season.) After settling in our room we took the boat to Downtown Disney. We headed to RAinforest Cafe and sat at the bar. Our waiter was fast. I had some kind of a margarita, and dh and I split the quesadillas. Afterwards, we went shopping. Then headed over to House of Blues. It was one, long, hot walk. Once there we purchased tix to the Gospel Brunch. Then headed to the bar for a drink. I had the best drink ever. A mojo mojito - its water, rum, sugar and lots of mint. Its the most refreshing drink I've ever had. I couldn't taste any alcohol at all.

After more shopping we headed over to Raglund (sp?) Road, the new Irish pub. Dh and I split a grilled chix appetizer and I had a honey wine. We'd love to go back sometime when the band is playing. Later, we each had a choc covered strawberry & fudge which we bought at DD's candystore.

That night we wanted to see Eliot Dyson who performs regularly from W-Sun at POFQ. Upon check in I had asked if was performing and no one was sure. We hit the bar about 8:45pm and he wasn't there! Apparently, he's on vacation. There should be a # to phone and check. No one seems to know until the bar opens. The new guy was having technical problems and couldn't get set up. He wasn't even playing.

Next, we went over to POR to meet up with family we had staying there. We decided to have dinner at the bar and view their entertainment. They have a bigger appetizer selection than POFQ does. (POFQ only has 3 items in their bar but you can buy from the food court and take it to the bar.) Dh and I split shrimp and nachos. I had two white zinfadels.

The first 30 minutes the entertainment was fine. He's a very energetic, entertaining piano player. The kids & parents & old people loved him. I guess I'm at that 'in between age'. After 45 minutes I couldn't stand it anymore. He bangs the piano closer, claps, yells, makes us stand up, do the hokey pokey etc. I just want to watch and have a drink! I don't like mnemonic songs & thats all he sang. Its me! Everyone else loved him and I ended up with a headache. You have to understand. I was in the mood to see Eliot Dyson who plays jazz, rock n' roll etc. Nice, entertaining music. My kind of music.

We all head back to POFQ & the substitute guy is playing. He was fine but he also chats up the audience alot. I come to hear music. But he was very well received and everyone seems to like him.

I had two more white zins there. They really need more waitresses. They only had one & she had a busy night. She informed us that Eliot was on vacation. :sad2: I guess the new guy had techinical problems and didn't start until 10pm. They close at midnight so that only gave 2 hours for music. Bummer!

The next day I woke up early and went for a 30 minute walk along the river. Then we checked out. No one else was in line. It took me 30 seconds. THen we headed over to House of Blues. They did a fantastic show. The gospel group we saw was playing two Sundays that month - they rotate schedules. They were really really good. Apostle Cash or something like that.

For my brunch I had salad, fruit, homemade biscuits and butter, a Western Omelette, 3 slices of bacon, 1 sausage, a choc brownie & apple crisp. The food was very good. I also had a huge glass of oj and water. Dh had a crawfish omelette! :crazy: Upon leaving the restaurant they offered homemade choc chip cookies which i refused! You know I'm full when they don't appeal to me.

I think Dh loved the gospel brunch even more than I did. He said it was one of the best performances he's seen.

Last night we had a big family dinner to go to. We had veggie lasagna, salad, fruit salad, and homemade bread w/oil &herbs on it. I also had 2 glasses of white wine.

Last night at bedtime I had peanut butter & jam toast.

This a.m. I had jam toast.
homemade chili & bread for lunch
I haven't had dinner yet.

I watched Celebrity Fit Club and Carnie Wilson got in trouble for only eating 3 meals a day. She hasn't been losing like she's supposed to. Everyone encouraged her to eat 5 meals a day. They said her attitude was one of dieting is punishment & I think thats me, too!

:sunny: Julie, I've asked ds several times and he keeps telling me he hasn't gotten the results yet. Also, he still hasn't taken an MRI. I guess I'll just have to wait this one out.

Anna, I hurt my teeth eating those darn Milk Duds on Friday. I had pain all weekend. Its not worth it!! :guilty:

Pearliq, I guess I'm an anticrock! After reading about croqs on the board I went to the store and tried them on. They hurt my feet! I couldn't walk in them. Around the house I wear Birkenstocks but I won't wear them out in public. I need to find a comfy shoe that looks halfway decent to wear out in public. We certainly did have a great weekend! :cool1:

Amy, after all the teeth pain I've endured this weekend I hope I have a Milk Dud free life! :sad2: It is not worth it! Like I told Julie I'm still in the dark about ds's condition. He never volunteers info I have have to ask him stuff. I think he's scheduled to go back to the neurologist later this month.

The great thing about going to Disney if you don't have alot of time to take off is that you can spend a whole weeks worth of money in one night! :rolleyes:
Hi Jane!

Wow, wish I could do a one night trip to WDW!! That must have been a great time, and a good rate!

When DH and I were there last year for our 25th, I really wanted to do the house of Blues Brunch, but unfortunately we didn't arrive until Sunday afternoon. I'll have to make a point to schedule it in on our next trip (whenever that might be!!??)

OK, I think we need to find a meeting for you - Hi I'm Jane, I've got a Milk Dud addiction..... :rotfl: Seriously, I can't point any fingers cause I'm the same way with bags of chocolate or swedish fish or whatever strikes me at Walgreens. Just another thing to overcome!

Enjoy your week. :sunny:
The great thing about going to Disney if you don't have alot of time to take off is that you can spend a whole weeks worth of money in one night!
:rotfl2: :rotfl2: What fun to have a spur of the moment overnight trip to WDW! Sounds like a great time. :mickeyjum . Lot's of good food & drinks too :teeth: .

Glad to see you are back on track today, and let's hope that the love affair with Milk Duds is now over! Remember Milk Duds = Pain!
Your spontaneous Disney trip sounds downright dream-like to me!! It would be my dream to live so close that you can just drop by for a day or two (nevermind how much money you could still spend in that short time!! :teeth: ). Glad you had such a great time!

I know the guy you're talking about at POR. Was his name Bob Jackson? Here's a link to his website. http://www.yehaabob.com/Page5.html I totally understand what you're saying about wanting to sit and watch! He pulled me up to do some dance with him. I about died!!!! ;)

Have a great week!


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