It's A WONDERful 2015 - Feb Cruise, May WDW grand tour, and France/DLP! NEW 10/25 Nice & End!

Price were a bit higher than I would have liked so I held off. Not necessarily high, just more than I wanted to pay. But that is to be expected I guess seeing how it is across the country. It's really my first time booking flights as we usually drive so I think it's just sticker shock mostly. I'm waiting for a decision on the southwest credit card to see if we can't get them with the bonus miles.

Hmmm have you seen the website - I use it to see flights all the time. I have seen quite a few flights going to LA area at reasonable prices (though Southwest isn't on there since they don't allow 3rd parties to show their prices). (coming from boston/providence). I'd love to jump on an under-200 rate for sometime next year and visit DL lol.

Yikes on the back pain! :eek: I'm glad it turned out normal, though, and that the new meds are helping!

What you describe is a lot of why Izzy's first trip wasn't until she was 14 months - the eating/drinking and mobility were appealing to me.

Random thought I had earlier: your due date is timed well for maternity leave - missing out on winter commuting is great! :thumbsup2

Other random thing: one of my co-workers was telling me that she is going to a conference in Orlando in late April/early May. I joked that I could come with and she said if my boss doesn't go, maybe I could. I'm pretty sure that won't happen, though. I'd be very surprised if my boss didn't go/let me go in his place. I don't know the exact dates, but one of my first thoughts was that we'd possibly overlap again if that were to actually happen.

Ugh, that's such a bummer! Being sick on vacation is the worst! :sad2:

Those are hilarious! Haven't seen anything quite like that before.

Nice to have the chickens and kitties roaming to make you feel at home. I guess people with cat allergies really need to avoid that house! :cat:

Especially with you feeling the way you were! :scared1: And I'd be all paranoid with a 3-year-old climbing them too. Stressful! :scared:

I'm glad that I'm not the only one who checks reviews before making decisions. :goodvibes Also glad you found a good place.

Haha, yes, you really were sick! It's so ironic that you are not a napper and Aria is a championship napper. :rotfl:

Aw, how sweet! :lovestruc Hope you enjoyed it!

Beautiful! Pretty cool sand castle they made too!

Eek let me know about your May plans!! That would be so perfect! I am toying with making it 4 nights again and leaving baby home. I just don't know what to do - I feel like I'll be able to decide better when the time gets closer (and once baby is already here).

I told Andrew we have to be sure and do the same things we did with Aria as an infant to get baby 2 to nap well too - which included sleeping in many different places (i.e. not just the crib at home - she slept in a bassinet, pnp, crib, rock n play, on her play mat sometimes LOL etc.) I know baby 2 will be different but I am hoping our parenting styles are not that different so we can form her into a solid napper too. Along with other positive traits of Aria :)

That is really terrible about the migraines! My second pregnancy was a lot tougher than my first, so while I didn't have migraines, I can totally commiserate on that. I hope you start feeling better soon! Although I think you are due soon right? That delivery usually ends up being a cure all!

So, the meds that my migraine specialist have been working and I haven't even had a headache in about a week! It's been amazing! Thank you! Yes 37 weeks today, so not sure how much longer until she makes her debut but she is welcome anytime now lol!
So I'd like to finish up this TR today! I only have today and tomorrow left of work (YIPPEE) then I'm off for 14 weeks! Today I am 37 weeks along - and really hoping baby comes in a week or so. Next week was a bonus week for me to stay home, but I decided to because 1) I can get in more 1 on 1 time with Aria before baby comes and 2) since Aria was 1 week early, this baby may come even earlier and I don't want to go into labor at my office which is an hour away from home and about 45 minutes away from the hospital. So the plan is to do some fun activities with Aria next week and finish getting stuff ready (although aside from bringing some supplies into the living room from the basement & garage, I don't really have anything left to do).

But back to the TR! So on this day (day 10 of the trip) we were leaving Key West and making our way back east - we had a stop planned mid-morning, then were staying in Key Largo for the evening.

Thankfully I woke up fever-free and feeling MUCH better! It was just some weird 24 hour thing I guess! We packed up our room, got our free breakfast (which included Belgian waffles - I didn't know this bc the day before Andrew made us breakfast and he isn't a big waffle person lol) and headed out. By 10, we made it to our stop for the day - Robbie's of Islamorada! I had prebooked a 3-person kayak and we were planning to kayak around the mangrove trees and out to a state park run island. Now I feel I need to state I am not a very good kayaker/canoer/paddler of any sort. The last time I went kayaking was in college and about 20 minutes in I made Andrew tie up my kayak to his so he could pull me. He still married me so I guess that wasn't that awful of me to do lol! Anyway, the 3 person kayak was perfect for us especially with Aria sitting safely with us. Yes, I did paddle (or whatever kayakers do) but it was nice to break every now and then but still move hahaha).

Back to Robbie's -

While waiting for our kayak I ordered some food from the snack shack - they were still only serving breakfast so I ended up with breakfast burritos to-go as our picnic items lol!

Soon we had our 3 person kayak and were off headed towards the mangroves!

Aria was having a blast

She also enjoyed checking out the waterproof maps they gave us

Kayaking through this area was just stunning - we were on the lookout for manatees which make the mangrove areas their home, but never saw any. We still have a ball enjoying going through this beautiful area though.

Once out of the mangrove area we kayaked across a bit of open water and made it to the state park island.

We had our food & snorkeling gear and finally had some really warm weather - it was a perfect day!

We found some rocks to sit on and Aria and I started in on lunch while Andrew went snorkeling. Water was a bit chilly for me but I enjoyed the scenery.

Aria and I waded about ankle deep lol

Andrew took some photos with the water camera

Refreshed and full, we went to check out the island. The whole thing could be walked in about 45 minutes so it was a nice size to check things out without losing sense of where we parked the kayak! There was even a lookout tower.

I believe the island was a tiny town at one point, with a hotel, casino, and mainly used for people who were sort of "pirates" in that they spent their days looking for shipwrecks and recovering anything of value.

Around 1 we headed back to the kayak and saw there were a number of others here too!

Instead of leaving immediately we stopped at the bar area for some drinks and a snack for Aria since she was going to nap during the next leg of our journey.

continued in next post!
Continuing along the beautiful coast, we went about 1.5 hours east and ended in Key Largo. Once again we stayed in a chain hotel, this time a Hampton Inn. Again it had a heated pool and the room was a great size, so it definitely worked out fine.

Soon after unloading all our bags we decided to head to the pool! Looks like we had a life jacket for aria and drinks in tow for us LOL

Pool temperature was great and we had a nice time swimming around and chatting with a few other guests.

Then we got out and decided to check out the property, as nearby there was a nice sandy beach!

I think Aria ended up getting a time out because she wouldn't stop climbing the rocks that led to a fast moving stream that was about 5' deep. So she got to sit on a chair huffing and puffing while Andrew checked out the water.

After some showers, we headed out to dinner. In this area there weren't that many great TA reviewed places but we found one that was canal side so decided to go for it. It was sprinkling a little bit so we saw a rainbow on the way there!

Then we made it to dinner

We braved the weather and sat outside

but within about 10 minutes we moved tables to someplace more protected as the sprinkling started up again.

Our view was perfect though!

Andrew had some clam cakes which we all tried and enjoyed (I enjoy fried dough dipped in sauce and usually pick out the clams lol)

This was a lobster bisque - very different from what we are used to in MA, and I didn't enjoy it.

But we did enjoy the view as the sun went down

My main dish was better (and huge!) - fried chicken with a sauce of some sort and risotto balls.

Aria had a nice time and ate her meal well

We also shared a slice of coconut cake, of course!

Afterwards we headed back and all went to bed.
2 days left of work until maternity leave - how exciting!!! I hope for your sake that she comes early like you want her to. I thought Lola would be early since Rory was, but nope, she made me wait until her due date!

We are going to just miss each other in May. We arrive on May 4th for a couple of days before our cruise.

Your kayaking adventure looks really fun. I'm glad it went better than your last kayaking experience!

Your dinner looked amazing, especially that view!
Eek let me know about your May plans!! That would be so perfect! I am toying with making it 4 nights again and leaving baby home. I just don't know what to do - I feel like I'll be able to decide better when the time gets closer (and once baby is already here).
Well, don't get your hopes up, as I think that a 1% chance of it happening is probably generous. But a girl can dream. I think once you have the baby and see how things are going, it will be easier to decide what to do for your trip.

So, the meds that my migraine specialist have been working and I haven't even had a headache in about a week!
That's fantastic news! :thumbsup2

So I'd like to finish up this TR today! I only have today and tomorrow left of work (YIPPEE) then I'm off for 14 weeks! Today I am 37 weeks along - and really hoping baby comes in a week or so.
Wow, 14 weeks! I am so excited for you and can't believe you're in the home stretch! Can't wait to see her! :goodvibes

Thankfully I woke up fever-free and feeling MUCH better!
So glad it didn't hang on any longer!

which included Belgian waffles - I didn't know this bc the day before Andrew made us breakfast and he isn't a big waffle person lol
Mmmm. We have a Belgian waffle maker, much like the hotel ones, and use it often on weekends. I've also learned that I can make "snowflake waffles" for Izzy and she prefers them - just putting a little batter in, not enough to fill the thing - I learned this when I ran out of batter - it makes a cute little snowflake-like waffle. :rotfl:

This looks like a hidden Mickey! :earsboy:

Love how the gal sitting back there is posing for the camera. :rotfl:

Sounds like a really nice day between the kayaking, island exploring, pool time, and rainbow/sunset dinner. Those risotto balls sound so good!
2 days left of work until maternity leave - how exciting!!! I hope for your sake that she comes early like you want her to. I thought Lola would be early since Rory was, but nope, she made me wait until her due date!

We are going to just miss each other in May. We arrive on May 4th for a couple of days before our cruise.

Your kayaking adventure looks really fun. I'm glad it went better than your last kayaking experience!

Your dinner looked amazing, especially that view!

I've heard a few stories like that (2nd coming later than 1st did) and it has me worried, but I'm going to try and focus on the time I will have with Aria and let things happen. That is too bad we will just miss each other! :(

What a lovely day from start to finish! Thanks for sharing!

Thanks it really was!

Well, don't get your hopes up, as I think that a 1% chance of it happening is probably generous. But a girl can dream. I think once you have the baby and see how things are going, it will be easier to decide what to do for your trip.

That's fantastic news! :thumbsup2

Wow, 14 weeks! I am so excited for you and can't believe you're in the home stretch! Can't wait to see her! :goodvibes

So glad it didn't hang on any longer!

Mmmm. We have a Belgian waffle maker, much like the hotel ones, and use it often on weekends. I've also learned that I can make "snowflake waffles" for Izzy and she prefers them - just putting a little batter in, not enough to fill the thing - I learned this when I ran out of batter - it makes a cute little snowflake-like waffle. :rotfl:

This looks like a hidden Mickey! :earsboy:

Love how the gal sitting back there is posing for the camera. :rotfl:

Sounds like a really nice day between the kayaking, island exploring, pool time, and rainbow/sunset dinner. Those risotto balls sound so good!

Oh boo I thought I read a comment of yours somewhere mentioning meeting up again in May (on your TR maybe) so it sounded more concrete, but I'll keep my fingers crossed that it will work out.

We make waffles a lot too, although my mickey waffle maker (Andrew bought it for me in college LOL!) is usually our go-to waffle maker. Plus the Belgian waffle recipe I use requires it to rise for an hour and that's a PITA in the morning!
Last day! Both at work and on this TR! Of course my boss decided we need to discuss end of year stuff now, today, and I was hoping to just quietly come in and quietly leave like I usually do.

Anyway, on our final day of this trip, our flight didn't leave until about 5PM- leaving us all day to enjoy the area. My original plan included checking out the John Pennenkamp state park right in Key Largo then heading up to an 11 or so Everglades airboat tour (they didn't take reservations, but I wanted to do that, have lunch, then aria would nap in the car). Instead we woke up to downpouring rain so we decided to just pack up the car and meander our way up to the Everglades. (Hotel also had a free breakfast which we took advantage of to start with).

I was navigating, trying to take us a scenic route, constantly going against the GPS's advice haha. Along the way I was perusing Trip Advisor trying to find something to do that would be fun even in the rain. I came across the Coral Castle museum and while it sounded like quite the tourist trap I thought it would allow us to kill some time, so we headed that way. It was still raining but we did have umbrellas.

The visit included a little tour, and we learned that this "castle" was built by one man over a course of nearly 30 years from 1923 onward.

However, admission was NOT still 10 cents!

While this really was a glorified tourist trap it was also really neat! We really enjoyed the visit. Plus the weather brightened as we were there and it was sunny by the time we left!

Doorway with no hinges

After the tour we were allowed to climb around on the coral

The creator's funny little room

continued in next post!
And from there we continued another 45 minutes or so on to the airboat tour. I had purchased a Groupon for Coopertown Airboats - said to be the original Everglades airboat tour operator, so I was very glad the rain stopped so we could use it!

But first we were led to a little reptile show

Again I hoped Aria's weird love of snakes would dissipate after seeing some big ones in person. So far she *seems* to be loving fluffy cute animals more, so I'll take it!

They had some in house gators to see, plus some wild ones on the other side of the fence they warned us about too! Eek

Yes that was about 20' away, no fence between us.

Then we got ready to head out for the airboat tour

Kids had to wear earmuffs which Aria enjoyed lol

Our driver

We saw a lot of this

Aria was having a ball

The driver enjoyed some crazy tricks on the airboat, going over grass that looked to be in maybe 2" of water, and spinning us around. It was pretty crazy but really fun! After the tricks we went off in search of the local gators

I think the airboat tour was about 30 minutes total and we enjoyed every minute of it - totally worth it! When we got off, we took a pic with a baby gator

And then we headed over to their onsite "restaurant"

They had things like hot dogs and grilled cheese, not really much else so we grabbed enough for a snack and then headed off. Aria napped in the car and we made our way to the airport - it was only about 45 minutes away though and we had lots of time to kill so while she napped Andrew drove along the coast and we got lost a few times among other things. Finally decided to just head to the airport. Once we turned in the rental, checked the bags and went through security, it was already nearly dinner time so we sat down for more food lol! (plus some drinks).

I think Aria & I might have been the only ones hungry, but Aria really enjoyed my sandwich too

And she got mini hot dogs

Soon after, we got to the gate we packed up and got ready to head to the plane

The giant tube thing is her birthday banner from the cruise, Andrew didn't want to pack it so it didn't get squished. We plan to use it for her 4th birthday party which is going to be an (indoor) pool party at our YMCA with a Mickey theme (per Aria's request, except that she keeps trying to change that to Doc McStuffins or Elsa or Sofia or whatever else birthday ideas she sees). You can also see that picture we bought in Cozumel that I forgot to take a picture of and post lol! (but it's in plastic so you still cant see it)

Shortly after this photo we boarded and had an easy ride home (thankfully no delays due to more storms, though there was quite a bit of snow on the ground when we got back!!). Aria didn't sleep for the flight but had a fine time playing with the ipad and a few other toys.

The end! Thank you for sticking around for this TR as it was drawn out for quite some time! Amazing that during this trip we were taking a break from trying for baby due to the France trip timing, but just the next month we got pregnant and the rest of the year has been filled with that excitement among all the other stuff we've been up to! And now she is finally ALMOST here! Feels like a long time but that it also passed quickly too.

I have our may trip pics loaded so hopefully I will be able to work on that at home, we'll see how that goes! I'm excited to revisit it though, it was 11 nights total and a total blast with a number of new things for us!
Great end to the trip. I'm looking forward to reading on in the next adventure!

Happy last day at the office!
Loved your TR. Aria is just adorable!!!! cant wait to see more and hear about the new baby!
I just read through your trip report and loved it. Congratulations on your future bundle of joy. I'm looking forward to following along on your next trip report.
Hi everyone! A few days late on the announcement but things have been pretty busy Maya is here!!

image.jpg image.jpg

She came on 11/19 - 2 weeks early! So glad I decided to stay home a week earlier. I had great days with Aria at home which is never enough but glad to have the time of course.

Maya weighed 7lb6oz and was 19.25" long. She has been amazing from the start - nursing, sleeping etc. Aria has been even more amazing as a big sister than I could have ever dreamed!


Hope you all have a wonderful thanksgiving!!
sorry that you weren't feeling well - glad you were able to at least walk around and see a few things in Key West though. The Hemingway House looks nice and good that they have all the cats to keep the kids entertained ;)

Those lighthouse stairs would be about the last thing I would want to do if not feeling well. Bummer about the wait at Blue Heaven. Funny I was thinking "well, maybe you could get a slice of pie to go" - and low and behold Andrew like a champ came back with a slice!

The beach looks nice - too bad about the other kids at the park though

The kayak and island look really fun. Nice they have the multi-person kayaks - to share the work but also in case one adult needs to tend to the little one. The scenery on/around the island looks really nice too

seems like a nice Hampton Inn with a nice pool, and cool that it was near a beach. Oh, gosh, that 5' deep stream would scare me with the kids getting too close. Dinner looks nice - really think this is a great view:

The Coral Castle thing looks pretty neat! As long as you go in knowing that it is a tourist trap some of them can be not too bad.

The airboat ride looks lots of fun. We did one near New Orleans that we enjoyed quite a bit but haven't done one in Florida yet - glad you enjoyed it!

Thanks for writing up this entire TR - it was a lot of fun to follow-along and chime in from here to here with lots of valuable and entertaining comments, I am sure ;)

Sometimes funny how that works that when you stop trying to get get pregnant - is when you get pregnant!


Congratulations again on baby Maya - she's really beautiful and so alert! Glad to hear that Aria is being a good big sister - very important job!

Celebrating Maya.jpg
I'm not really a believer in that sort of thing, but man it was quite the coincidence to visit the Mayan goddess of fertility and get pregnant the next month after nearly 2 years of trying!

Um, maybe you should name her Maya? :scratchin
Called it! :cool1::rotfl::thumbsup2

Okay, whew, I've been waiting several days to do that. :rotfl2: (Ever since I saw your FB announcement, went to bed, then bolted upright going, "Wait a minute!! I know that name!")

So glad everything is going well. She is really a gorgeous baby and very alert. And that's great that Aria's taken so well to being a big sister. I can't say I'm surprised, though - she's such a sweet kid! :lovestruc

Congratulations on your new Disney fan! :earsgirl:
Congratulations. Maya is absolutely beautiful. Aria looks like such a great big sister.


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