In Search of My Body - Not the One I Ate, VOL 8...It's Never Too Late To Start Again!

Erika-The Zhu-Zhus are cute but I LOVE the rug in that picture!

Liz-WTG on the loss!
LOVE IT when I have lots to catch up on!

RONDA--fab Bling pictures! And HOLY SKINNY. You look GREAT. Can totally see a difference in you! Are you still in post-race afterglow?

Liz--will need a full computer report.

Kat--I registered, too. That makes all 7 of us. Registered and getting race ready! WOO HOO!

Paula--JC results?

Kat, was the half $120 or $135? I looked this morning right when registration went live and it was $120 and later when I sent the link to my DH I thought it said $135.

Thanks! we're going to register in a couple of weeks.

Elizabeth--we are registering for the Princess Half Marathon that is in 8 weeks. We'll start talking about the Donald in 2011 shortly, though. :goodvibes

Lisa, is Boost Metabolism more weights?? The thing about 30day is my knee hurts like you know what when Im done, so I have not done it in a while. I think all the jumping it what bothers me.

Hell. It hurts like hell. You can say it. :goodvibes (See my intro. I swear at every opportunity. :lmao: :rotfl2: )

At WW meeting. Just weighed in. Post dinner and workout. Down 2.2. 200.8. Yay! On track for 187 by the half.

AWESOME! And WORD to what Lisa said. You will never taking losing for granted again, I know.

YES YES YES :cheer2::cheer2::cheer2::yay:I just did 2 miles in 30Mins 59 sec on the treadmill, I think its been 9 years since I have done that much on a treadmill, walking and running. I can't believe it. Please God give me the strength to do it again:worship::worship::worship:

Way to go, Jo! That is GREAT! Keep it up! And YES, you will be able to repeat it!

Ok everyone, time to start posting tomorrow's goals.

For me:

Today's goals--water, check. Tracking, check. Run--nope, but that's ok (see next goal). Re-work training schedule--check. And now my long run is later in the week and today ended up being a rest day, which is fine as I will still get all of my workouts in. Basically I just swapped Monday and Tuesday.



Okay, checking in again. Totally lame though, what is this like the 4th page??

Age: 32
Height: just about 5'11"
Weight: 185ish
Personal Stats: Married for almost 7 years, one DD, Delena who is 2!
Live in: Palm Harbor, FL (about an hour and 15 min from WDW)
Favorite Park:EPCOT
But I Love: Walking down Main Street in MK especially since weve had Delena'
Passions: I guess you could say I am passionate about running. I've done 4 half marathons since November 2008, soon to be 5 once I do the princess half in march. Also LOVE to read. Books and FanFic (see my Tag). I also love camping and doing outdoorsy stuff. Also passionate about the beer i drink. I am a beer snob.

Important to know:
I am OBSESSED with Edward Cullen.

Weight loss plan and goals:
Lost 47 as of May 09, and basically maintained within about 5 pounds over the summer and have now gained about 8 or 9. Trying to get to 170s by princess half.

RONDA: AWESOME job on the Donald!!! Love the bling pics!

Amy! :love:

How I miss thee. :goodvibes Two - she's two!!!:goodvibes

LOL on the jump rope. Well if my knee did not bother me, I am sure my b**bs bouncing up and down would knock my out sooner or later. HA ha


Erika-The Zhu-Zhus are cute but I LOVE the rug in that picture!

Liz-WTG on the loss!

Jean said the same thing Erika "yeah but I love the rug". I called her over the see Chunk and his brood.
Ok, Goals for tomorrow...

Hour long run and water.

I did get out for a quick run tonight. All bundled up. Running tights, long sleeve underarmour, Hoodie and gloves. It actually felt really good. Invigorating in fact!!
Lisa--great job on the gym! I hope it works out for you. Keep me posted. And the Zhu Zhus. Listen, those girls LOVE them. And they got the little black and white one for Riley so he could play with them, too. I just can't thank you enough.

Potty training.... When will it be over!!

When she decides. And not a day earlier. :rotfl2:

Erika-The Zhu-Zhus are cute but I LOVE the rug in that picture!

Liz-WTG on the loss!

Thanks, Aim. Believe it or not--Target! And super cheap. That is our playroom, and I knew that we would be replacing everything within a few years of purchasing, so I went cheap on the couches and carpet knowing the kids would be so hard on them--in another year or so I will feel comfortable redoing that room. I hate always telling them "be careful with that" and "don't touch" or "don't you dare spill in there.." It is the playroom. They PLAY in there. And that should be fun and not always careful, etc.
AMY! Forgot to comment on the new addition to your signature! That's your scene! The one that almost made you die of happiness! I think of you every time I see it! Have I mentioned that I have an illegal copy on my computer? OMG, heaven!
Target story. Hmmmm. Yeah I love Nancy stories.

in a minute...

Nancy! I know how frustrating the scale is for you. And you work you a$$ off. But please please for the love of God can this be the year that you actually look at where you are and smile and smile and smile. Please! I know how lean you are and what kind of shape you're in. I KNOW. Please a little compassion for yourself. No! Even more. Some pompous behaviour please. :love: (I do know you want more - I do - but I would love some excitement over where you are so much more!)

sighing :rotfl: I'm working on it. really I am. So jealous of your gym. I still mourn the loss of "my" gym. Now I'm stuck with PF. bleh.

I still have 1000 calories left for my day. Too busy to eat!! I had a WW soup for lunch and a small apple at 4PM.

Off to home and dinner...

Good lord woman! Eat something, would you!?!?

At WW meeting. Just weighed in. Post dinner and workout. Down 2.2. 200.8. Yay! On track for 187 by the half.

:woohoo: She's b-a-a-a-ck

YES YES YES :cheer2::cheer2::cheer2::yay:I just did 2 miles in 30Mins 59 sec on the


Paula--JC results?

Dang it! Would you knock it off :rotfl2:
Dang it! Would you knock it off :rotfl2:

Hey, it's not my fault that you are slowing down in your old age... :rolleyes1

I have my own gym dilemma right now, but I will post about that in another post since it will long.
Lisa. This is for you. 'Cause I'm blaming you :rotfl: all that talk about the Old Navy yoga pants and just what exactly do they do for your butt?!?!

I went to Target today (post alarm clock/flat tire/jury selection/sweaty bra) so, yeah, I was havin' a pretty cruddy day. What could possibly make me feel better today? Perhaps some new work out gear was in order.

So, I start perusing the racks. I've honestly been yearning for some new black workout pants. (note PANTS. not tights.) Some of the Champion C9 wear really catches my eye. These are not the "fitted" pants, but the "semi-fitted" so, supposedly cut a bit looser. They feel nice. I'll try them on.

And you know what? They weren't too bad (bet you weren't expecting me to say that were you!;)). Certainly not like the Old Navy mannequin, but not totally frightening either!
Hey, is anyone running the 5k the day before the Half? I'm thinking about it. Though I have always taken the 2 days prior to a race off. Thoughts?
Hey, is anyone running the 5k the day before the Half? I'm thinking about it. Though I have always taken the 2 days prior to a race off. Thoughts?

Contemplating it. Just because I am greedy for bling.
Gym Dilemma.

I have been at the same gym for 3 years or so. I have never loved it, but it has literally been the only one in town for the past few years (since my old gym closed). And slowly but surely I have gotten used to it and am at home there. Like Nancy, though, I still mourn my old gym. It is $30/month, which is pretty standard for a gym—EXCEPT that really only covers membership. Everything else is an add-on. Wanna take a class? Pay extra per class or jump up to the next pay level ($55/month) for unlimited classes. And even if you pay for the unlimited classes, some of the real specialty classes are STILL more on top of that. Wanna go to a nutrition seminar? $10 please. You get the idea. And this place is super tiny. Two rooms. Really nothing special about it. Hours are not great. Only open 8am – noon on the week-ends, and closes at 8 on week nights. I close the place A LOT.

Finally, a new gym opened in town. And it is a REAL gym. Spacious, state of the art everything, dedicated yoga room, dedicated aerobics room, a POOL, towel service in the locker rooms, and CLASSES at all hours of the day that are really good! Interesting, challenging, different, all of that. And unlike my current gym, everything is included for one flat fee. The catch? The price. It is $59/month. I have never paid that in my life for a gym. I have a free one week pass, so I am going to try it out the first week in February (when my current membership expires). But yikes. What do you think? Would you ever pay that?

We do have a Planet Fitness, about 20 minutes away in the next town. But I know myself. If it is a hassle to get to, I won’t go. Needs to be easy and accessible.

What do you all think?
LOL on the jump rope. Well if my knee did not bother me, I am sure my b**bs bouncing up and down would knock my out sooner or later. HA ha

I hear you on this one. Somewhere in all this weight I managed to get to a D-DD. This means my old standby cheapie sports bra doesn't cut it anymore. I broke down and finally got a decent set of sports bras... the Champion super high support kind. I found a great deal on one at my fav Pittsburgh store, $40 bra for $7, and got the other on ebay.

As to the knees, I don't have knee problems and some of what Jillian does makes me hurt. I have a concrete slab for a foundation on my first floor, so I think that might be part of it. I modify anything super-jumpy into what Lisa said, standard front kick kickboxing type moves.

sighing :rotfl: I'm working on it. really I am. So jealous of your gym. I still mourn the loss of "my" gym. Now I'm stuck with PF. bleh.


Good lord woman! Eat something, would you!?!?

I am the opposite of you... I miss PF!! Can't beat the price, and I liked the no frills part.

I am liking Gold's so far, though, but I am still getting used to it. Always weird to figure out where everything is, how to navigate the locker room, etc... and it feels a little less friendly so that makes it even a bit worse. It supposedly has some meathead reputation but I am one to totally ignore that kind of thing. Also, it has an outdoor pool and is 5 min from my house, so that will be nice in the summer.

I did eat dinner, and have some snacks coming up. Funny how when I am on for a week or so, food starts to become sort of an afterthought...

Love the Zhu Zhu town!!

What is this about the Old Navy and butt thing? I missed it. Do they make your butt look good? Awful?

E, umm, no 5K here. :laughing:

Lisa, glad you found a gym. :goodvibes
Hey, is anyone running the 5k the day before the Half? I'm thinking about it. Though I have always taken the 2 days prior to a race off. Thoughts?

I've been toying with the idea myself. My thought was the 5K could be *my* race and the 1/2 can be *our* race. Make sense?
I've been toying with the idea myself. My thought was the 5K could be *my* race and the 1/2 can be *our* race. Make sense?

Totally. I was thinking along those lines as well. But I am afraid that I will try to PR the 5k and thus be hurting for the Half. *sigh* Well, if we are park touring on Saturday, I probably shouldn't run the 5k in addition.
we'd have to fit in packet pick up on friday too..
Hi gang...

Crazy night for me. Just got home about 30 minutes ago.

The good news - lost 2.4 pounds this week.... :cool1:

The not so good news - attempted first date number 5,325,256 and it was a dud. Amiee - so channelling your first post right now.

Oh and Nancy and E - there is plenty of JC reporting for everyone so stop fighting...

Kat - you can so do this!!!

Liz - sending you hugs over the loss of your Mac. So sad...

Elizabeth - welcome!!!

Ronda - great pics - you look fabulous!!!

Oh and you all are lucky I am doing the 1/2, I am not tacking on a 5k. Nope - not going to do it and you can't make me...

I'll check in later with goals report. Need to make a birthday cake for my project engineer first.

Gym Dilemma.

I have been at the same gym for 3 years or so. I have never loved it, but it has literally been the only one in town for the past few years (since my old gym closed). And slowly but surely I have gotten used to it and am at home there. Like Nancy, though, I still mourn my old gym. It is $30/month, which is pretty standard for a gym—EXCEPT that really only covers membership. Everything else is an add-on. Wanna take a class? Pay extra per class or jump up to the next pay level ($55/month) for unlimited classes. And even if you pay for the unlimited classes, some of the real specialty classes are STILL more on top of that. Wanna go to a nutrition seminar? $10 please. You get the idea. And this place is super tiny. Two rooms. Really nothing special about it. Hours are not great. Only open 8am – noon on the week-ends, and closes at 8 on week nights. I close the place A LOT.

Finally, a new gym opened in town. And it is a REAL gym. Spacious, state of the art everything, dedicated yoga room, dedicated aerobics room, a POOL, towel service in the locker rooms, and CLASSES at all hours of the day that are really good! Interesting, challenging, different, all of that. And unlike my current gym, everything is included for one flat fee. The catch? The price. It is $59/month. I have never paid that in my life for a gym. I have a free one week pass, so I am going to try it out the first week in February (when my current membership expires). But yikes. What do you think? Would you ever pay that?

We do have a Planet Fitness, about 20 minutes away in the next town. But I know myself. If it is a hassle to get to, I won’t go. Needs to be easy and accessible.

What do you all think?

Wow, that's a tough one. $59/month is a lot. Do you think that they will offer specials at all? The Gold's I joined (which has what you described for a flat fee, except no dedicated yoga room) is usually $50/month but we went on Dec 31st and were offered $30... I have read that is usually a good idea to go at the end of the month as they are trying to meet their sales quotas.
Jeff does Gold's too and got a deal like that--his is only $20. But then again, that was a few years ago.

Nope, they won't be running specials any time soon. They just opened in November/December and are getting TONS of people. A friend of mine works there (in sales) and he told me they blasted through all of their target goals and projections for membership sales in their first 2 months, so they have no incentive to offer discounts or do promotions.


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