Illinois Corn Flake..... Mickey Shaped Nugget....


<font color=brown>R.I.P. Possibly Un-PC Tag, R.I.P
Oct 5, 2005
Im still just :sad2: about not attempting to sell my Wendy's Mickey Nugget on eBay. I was encouraged to do so, but I thought only Jesus food items sold. Now state corn flakes are going for big bucks too??? :confused3 :sad2:

Man, Im always a day late and a dollar short.

So - some of you may remember these pics, but I thought I'd do them again...

RIP Mickey Nugget. You could have been worth millions and I treated you like one of those fatty, weird nuggets you get and bite into and then spit out.




The Nugget was a WHITE SOX fan:


Lets play a game, shall we?

Find the Hidden Mickey Nugget!!!




Goodbye Mickey Nugget that could have made me a millionaire.

so cute!!!!

Yep, you should have sold it on Ebay. 20/20 hindsight, huh??:lmao:
OMG, I can't believe you took so many pictures! :rotfl: You should have sold it!

I was laughing my butt off - I mean just laughing like a lunatic when I was taking the pics too.... it was totally tickling my funny family thought i was nuts. :lmao:
I was laughing my butt off - I mean just laughing like a lunatic when I was taking the pics too.... it was totally tickling my funny family thought i was nuts. :lmao:

Well we know you're nuts (just like the rest of us) but we love you anyway!:rotfl2:
I wish I had known about your nugget! We had a Mickey pickle from McDonalds! Yes dh took pictures.:rolleyes: We could have sold them as a set! To think- we could be typing from a suite at the GF right now if only we had known.:surfweb: :goodvibes
Girl, pleeeeze...your Mickey nugget aint got nothing on this one:laughing:

I wish I had known about your nugget! We had a Mickey pickle from McDonalds! Yes dh took pictures.:rolleyes: We could have sold them as a set! To think- we could be typing from a suite at the GF right now if only we had known.:surfweb: :goodvibes

Noooo!! :lmao: :rotfl:

No kidding, we could'a been typing from our GF suite. A Hors De Vours Mickey combo.

If it had not sold you could have shellacked (the way kids do Milkbones) and hung it on your Christmas tree.
If it had not sold you could have shellacked (the way kids do Milkbones) and hung it on your Christmas tree.

I appreciate all the wonder*** idea's now that he's been in a landfill for close to 2 years. :lmao: ;)

I should have sold him - along with the Mickey D's Mickey Pickle. I'd be rolling dough.

I appreciate all the wonder*** idea's now that he's been in a landfill for close to 2 years. :lmao: ;)

I should have sold him - along with the Mickey D's Mickey Pickle. I'd be rolling dough.


Actually, things happen for a reason. Had you made millions off of your Mickey head nugget then Tom Cruise or David Miscaviage would be knocking on your door.
Actually, things happen for a reason. Had you made millions off of your Mickey head nugget then Tom Cruise or David Miscaviage would be knocking on your door.

Auditing me. And no one wants that.

I remember those pics! Always think of you when I eat a chicken nugget, too. :rotfl:


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