Ignore. Just practicing posting pics

Thanks...Ive stolen graphics from stranger places than THIS!!!!! :)
TCD - I seem to remember you promising me one of those kazoos once after one of your backstage break-ins at Pioneer Hall. Or was it your cousin? Anyways, had you come through you would have been my hero. But alas, it seems that my new hero has become KFK's mom.

I wonder if she has a Melvin the Moose kazoo in that stash of goodies?

Originally Posted by kampfirekim
There will be more goodies later on tonight after DH goes to work and the kiddos are in bed!

To my DW KFK, Dew Whaa? :eek:
Now You are ignoring me.
That's not right...:rolleyes:

I could NEVER ignore you DH....

You won't leave me alone long enough! :rotfl2:

Hey KK-

That totem pole is in the WL lobby. It is made up from Disney characters. While it is a great totem pole, I don't think it was ever at FW.

I don't remember totem poles ever being outside of WL.

But, there are lots of things I don't remember, so don't mind me.

No, you're right that one was never at the Fort. That's the one over by the WL giftshop. I was referring to the one over by the Whispering Canyon as the only other possibility of a former Fort totem,but I'm not even sure about that one. I've still got to dig up a pic for comparison's sake. :confused3

Speaking of totem poles, there used to be some in front of the Settlement Trading Post, where the covered wagon is now. Here is a photo of my oldest DD from back in the day:


(You can see the Crockett's Tavern porch there in the background)

And here are a couple of shots of an old Wilderness Home and one of the old rental golf carts (before the new green ones came in):



My oldest DD is about to turn 19 years old next month, so I am guessing these photos are from 14-15 years ago.


:cheer2: Hooray! Great pics! I think on the upcoming trip I will take a pic of everything in sight....just in case.

I really like this picture of Chip & Dale....and its tough to find good graphics of them.....so I hope you dont mind that I slapped this on a slice of log.......


Im gonna post this on the TSHIRT thread too. I agree....this thread is becoming THE SHIZNIT !!!!!:thumbsup2

Don't mind at all! In fact, I love it!!!!! I may actually steal the upgraded version from you! Nice job Rog! or do you prefer to be called Big Daddy? :rotfl2: (hubby's gonna get me for that one! :lmao:)

TCD - I seem to remember you promising me one of those kazoos once after one of your backstage break-ins at Pioneer Hall. Or was it your cousin? Anyways, had you come through you would have been my hero. But alas, it seems that my new hero has become KFK's mom.

I wonder if she has a Melvin the Moose kazoo in that stash of goodies?


It had to be Yuri...TCD would never risk a lifetime banishment from the Fort!
Sorry no kazoos of any sort so far. :sad1: Mom's head is starting to swell. :rotfl:

Loving this thread. popcorn::

Somebody finally quit ignoring me! :goodvibes That makes me happy!

Here are a few more goodies:
Check out the cost of per night in the Contemporary Towers! Wow!

KFK's first pic with the Mouse! 1973 Hadn't been able to catch Mickey the whole trip, on our last day in the last hours we caught a glimpse of his backside as he disappeared behind a gate. kampfiredad and kampfiremom were nearly brought to tears, couldn't take it and booked an extra night in hopes of catching the mouse! As luck would have it, just moments after entering MK the next morning, Mickey walked right out and I was the only kid around. I had him all to myself! Go kampfire dad and mom! You both rock!

Love the World News! I didn't remember that POTC and SM weren't there at the very beginning! I like looking at the old prices for rentals at the fort! Boy have things changed!



MK postcard 1973

River Country postcard 76 Whitewater Rapids

Interesting how the Moonlight Cruises departed the Fort Wilderness landing at 9:30 and 11:30 each evening. Is it just me, or does it seem like people stayed up later in the 70's? I can't imagine there would be much of a market for a cruise on the lake at 11:30PM these days.

Oh, and kampfiremom still rocks.
<-----standing with arms across my chest and my back turned repeating the
montra "I'm ignoring this, I'm ignoring this......."

The flood of memories , the flood of feelings, the flood of emotions, I love it !
I am now going to beg my Mother who is a pack rat to tell me she kept all this stuff, I am going to have to spend hours going through photo books then off to have them scanned.
We have camped so many times I remember all that stuff and yes KFK your Mom does ROCK.

We have stayed throught the years about 15 to 20 times in the the 300 loop and I remember the canoes after dark, the singing , and the docks.
I think we went on the marshmellow marsh more when I was young. I remember the canoes and the singing (as our site backed up to the creek) and the cabin, but not the hike.
I am thinking maybe once out of the canoes they marched down the dusty trail that runs along the beach? or as TCD said maybe the used the nature boardwalk!
Seems like today my kids would LOVE it!
To bad another tradition lost
Interesting how the Moonlight Cruises departed the Fort Wilderness landing at 9:30 and 11:30 each evening. Is it just me, or does it seem like people stayed up later in the 70's? I can't imagine there would be much of a market for a cruise on the lake at 11:30PM these days.

Oh, and kampfiremom still rocks.

Back in '77 there was only the Magic Kingdom, so none of this park hop til you drop mentality. You weren't trying to do 4 parks and 2 water parks plus Universal and Sea World in 5 days. Yes, they were much better, simpler times.

<-----standing with arms across my chest and my back turned repeating the
montra "I'm ignoring this, I'm ignoring this......."

The flood of memories , the flood of feelings, the flood of emotions, I love it !
I am now going to beg my Mother who is a pack rat to tell me she kept all this stuff, I am going to have to spend hours going through photo books then off to have them scanned.
We have camped so many times I remember all that stuff and yes KFK your Mom does ROCK.

We have stayed throught the years about 15 to 20 times in the the 300 loop and I remember the canoes after dark, the singing , and the docks.
I think we went on the marshmellow marsh more when I was young. I remember the canoes and the singing (as our site backed up to the creek) and the cabin, but not the hike.
I am thinking maybe once out of the canoes they marched down the dusty trail that runs along the beach? or as TCD said maybe the used the nature boardwalk!
Seems like today my kids would LOVE it!
To bad another tradition lost

Glad you gave in, unfolded your arms from across your chest and joined us! This wacky thread is getting my adrenaline pumping for my next trip. I can't wait! By all means, beg your mom for her pack rat treasures.....she just may rock too! We never did the marshamallow marsh excursion, but I do remember paddling the canoes through the CG. I'm planning on doing that with my oldest son this year. I agree with you....your kids would love it! We really enjoyed the wagon ride through the Fort a few years ago. That was a lot of fun, just wish we'd done the later one. It was HOT!

I don't know about everyone else, though I highly suspect what the answer will be, AM I THE ONLY ONE SICK OF DISNEY TAKING AWAY ALL OF THE GREAT TRADITIONS, ACTIVITIES AND LANDMARKS? I don't want to complain...I'm just sayin'.

Yes, I still LOVE the Fort...just missing so many things I enjoyed in years past.
I tried ignoring this thread but curosity got to me :).
I love all of the memories this tread has brought back to me. I remember going to FW to see the Hoop Dee Show.....we rode on the train from the parking lot and we had gone to River Country during our trip. We had stayed at the Contemporary Inn. It was at the time "a trip of a lifetime" for my family of 6. Since marrying in 1982.....I have been to WDW more times than I can count. I'm going to see if my mom has any of the ticket books and other momentos of the trip. She use to be a pack rat but when she moved after Katrina I think she threw alot of things away. If she has anything I will try to post.
TCD - I seem to remember you promising me one of those kazoos once after one of your backstage break-ins at Pioneer Hall. Or was it your cousin? Anyways, had you come through you would have been my hero. But alas, it seems that my new hero has become KFK's mom.

Yes, I did promise to get you a kazoo-if I ever find where they are stashed.

So far, I have only found where they keep the buckets they use to serve the food at the Hoop Dee Doo Review. I am still hoping that Melvin the Moose is hidden somewhere backstage at Pioneer Hall along with a box of unused kazoos.

I will continue my quest . . .


River Country postcard 73 Whitewater Rapids

That post card doesn't say 1973, does it? I didn't think River Country opened until 1976? This is definitely an early photo, though. It looks like the landscaping is brand new. Also, in the early days, they used black tubes, and obviously let people come down the rapids in groups. Later, the tubes were yellow, and it was only one at a time.

Interesting how the Moonlight Cruises departed the Fort Wilderness landing at 9:30 and 11:30 each evening. Is it just me, or does it seem like people stayed up later in the 70's? I can't imagine there would be much of a market for a cruise on the lake at 11:30PM these days.

Oh, and kampfiremom still rocks.

Also- did you notice that they served cocktails on the cruise?

I wish they still offered this. That would be fun!

Oh . . .

Did anyone else notice in the Fort Wilderness recreation offerings that they offered billiards? I have never heard of this before. Where did they have pool tables in the Fort?

Thanks KFK!

You and your mom both still rock!

What else do you have that we can ignore?

In a way they still do have moonlight cruises at the Fort. Only now the cruising is done on golf carts. But it's still late at night. And cocktails are definitely still involved.
Here is about all I can bring for now

That is great! I think this is in mom's treasure box as well. One less thing I'll need to scan! Thanks for sharing!

Yes, I did promise to get you a kazoo-if I ever find where they are stashed.

So far, I have only found where they keep the buckets they use to serve the food at the Hoop Dee Doo Review. I am still hoping that Melvin the Moose is hidden somewhere backstage at Pioneer Hall along with a box of unused kazoos.

I will continue my quest . . .


That post card doesn't say 1973, does it? I didn't think River Country opened until 1976? This is definitely an early photo, though. It looks like the landscaping is brand new. Also, in the early days, they used black tubes, and obviously let people come down the rapids in groups. Later, the tubes were yellow, and it was only one at a time.

Also- did you notice that they served cocktails on the cruise?

I wish they still offered this. That would be fun!

Oh . . .

Did anyone else notice in the Fort Wilderness recreation offerings that they offered billiards? I have never heard of this before. Where did they have pool tables in the Fort?

Thanks KFK!

You and your mom both still rock!

What else do you have that we can ignore?


I'm putting my order in for a kazoo just as soon as you....or cousin Yuri find where they're stashed!;) A Hoop de doo bucket would be great too! I need something to serve chicken in! :laughing:

Could it be?....KFM has placed a postcard in the wrong WDW packet? I believe you are right TCD. Thanks for bringing this to my attention. There is not a date on the back of the postcard and I can find no other reference to RC in the 1973 packet. I will make the necessary edits.:thumbsup2

Yes, I noticed the billiards, but I have NO idea where it was. Unless it was Crocket's Tavern perhaps. I will keep my eyes peeled for more info on that as I make my way through the memorabelia.

Glad to know we still rock! What else do I have?....:rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2: There may be smoke coming out of my scanner before this thread is over with! :rotfl:
If I remember right the pool tables were located in the meadows pool area where the game room now is.
If I remember right the pool tables were located in the meadows pool area where the game room now is.

I have always heard that the Meadow swimming pool was not built until some time in the 80's. Before that you swam in the lake. And you liked it. Remember?

Was there a game room there before the pool was built?

The newspaper that KFK scanned was from 1973. So, I am thinking there was no game room in the Meadow area. The Bike Barn apparently wasn't in that area yet, either. The little arcade area at Trail's End probably isn't big enough for even a single pool table.

The 1977 map that KFK posted showed an area called the Horseshoe Bend Recreation Area in the area where the dog park currently is located. The Bike Barn was also there. It sounds like the bike offerings were more extensive then (they had bicycles built for two, and three wheel bikes), so maybe the Bike Barn was bigger?

There is a set of doors that open up facing Bay Lake on the side of the Trail's End building, on the side closest to the River Country entrance. I have never heard what this space was used for, if anything (it might just be an entrance to the kitchen). I wonder if this might have been a game room?

This is the mystery space adjacent to Trail's End that I referenced in my previous post, above:


If you look at this space today, there is a little porch area on the front. I recall some previous posts about this on the Disboards where folks mentioned that it looks like a saloon.

Does anybody recall any prior use of this space?

KFK- Sorry for the multiple posts, but there was something else I meant to mention, now that you are getting around to posting photos from the MK.

There is a great thread on another part of the Disboards where people post old photos from the parks.

KFM's photos will be a sure hit over there.

Here's a link in case you want to take a look:

Old Disney Park Photos

But don't forget about us campers over here.

TDC you are right about meadows opening a lot late. The game room in TE was about 3 times the size it is now that could be this mystery area. So the pool tables could have been there. The Meadows trading post had a game room too before the moved it to the pool area.
TDC you are right about meadows opening a lot late. The game room in TE was about 3 times the size it is now that could be this mystery area. So the pool tables could have been there. The Meadows trading post had a game room too before the moved it to the pool area.

I never heard of a game room in the Meadow Trading Post. Where was it in the building? Maybe in the area where the clothing and toys are? There is also some mention in KFK's scans about a ticket window at the Meadow Trading Post.

Apparently there were at least 2 (slightly) different styles of kazoos, 'cause here's what mine looks like:



What the Fort?


You really have a kazoo?

And, you live in Largo?

You shouldn't have told me that.

I hope you have a safe to keep it in. Otherwise, I might be sending my cousin Yuri over to have a look at it.

Seriously, though, thanks for sharing. Before I stumbled upon the first photo, I never knew anything about kazoos at the Fort, and now I am finding out that there were different versions.

This thread is the best!

So, did you go to the Melvin the Moose show, or did you come across the kazoo by some other means?



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