If time and transportation were sports we'd never make the playoffs; 2018 spr. break TR *new TR!*

Glad to see that you love ToT as much as I do! It gets a lot of hate from certain members of my family (thankfully not R though) and I could ride it over and over again! The drop sensation gives me the giggles.
It's my favorite in all the parks :love: Ricky has enough after 3 rides, Steve has enough after 2 and Chris doesn't like it at all, but I'd do a HS After Hours or Early Morning Magic if it was the only ride open!

Yup, THAT is what I remember about Amish country, super tasty food and baked goods!
OMG all the baked goods looked fabulous, it was hard to choose what to buy! Just yesterday Chris said he wished he had more of the caramel brownies he and Ricky got.

I hope you have been having a great time! R has to report back for pre-planning on July 30 :scared1: I can't believe how fast his summer break has passed this year.
July went fast for us! I have a feeling Aug. will go a little slower since Ricky won't be doing much. Chris does have 2 more weeks of camp left and I might finally clean the house :laughing:

Sounds fab :crazy2: I think WDW has forever ruined the whole amusement park experience for me. My kids drag me to Six Flags New England and I'm always confused that they don't post their wait times outside the rides. At least it's fairly clean, but all the food is gross so I usually leave sandwiches in the cooler in the car. It's just not Disney :sad2:
I went with Chris on his class trip to Six Flags NE in June. I was sure I'd hate it and be disappointed after being used to WDW, but I was pleasantly surprised! Yes the lack of wait times outside the rides was perplexing lol. But the park was very clean, staff nice, rides fun. But I do agree the food was absolute disgusting. Add in the food at Hershey and I will no longer feel for those who complain Disney food is expensive, because the quality of (most of) Disney QS food is so far above other theme parks.

He's never been to WDW?! I think his favorite aunt needs to remedy that, stat!
He has not! My sister is at the opposite end of the Disney spectrum from me; in other words she hates it :confused3 I'd love to take him however he has two brothers and to take the 3 of them with my family would be $$$$$$$. He does love to tell me I should take him though, and I'd love for it to happen.

We even went down to an Amish community in Iowa and had lunch in an Amish home. The house looked normal, but a little old-fashioned. And they served us very normal food, with a little more sugary items then I was used to, which surprised me
The farmhouse was actually fairly "normal" with the exception of some appliances. the refrigerator looked normal but was run by gas; the iron was also a gas iron, very weird! And no pictures on the walls, little things like that. As far as I could tell they do eat regular food but yes, lots of sugary baked goods!

No park compares to a clean Disney park!!! And, Timmy can personally tell you every area on Main Street where he cleaned up every disgusting bodily fluid that exists...LOL!!!:rotfl2:Believe me, we got that tour back in March...:cool1:
Um......gross! And poor Timmy lol
Totally agree with you 100% about Hershey on all levels. We'll be back there in a few weeks though for my daughter's soccer tournament. Can't wait to do Skyrush!
Nice, have fun! I wonder if August is less crowded than July the way Disney is? And enjoy Skyrush, that's the best!

I'm kind of bummed that my son is finally too old to want to go there anymore. I would suffer through hours there just for the chance of a off-disney year dole whip :)
I don't blame you! I did love our trip there with Ricky and my parents took me when I was small, it's a great park for little ones

So that's what's behind the masks on IASW :scratchin
:laughing: Maybe Mary Blair was Amish!!!

We felt the same way about a Six Flags park we went to after we started going to WDW. We had an awful, awful experience at SF NJ, and we had a lot of the same complaints.
Six Flags NJ is definitely not as nice as the one in NE. They hire tons of high school kids to work there and I think that's one of the problems; I also think they do that at Hershey or so it seems. And so they don't learn much for the short time they work there, they don't seem to be trained well, and honestly don't care. Much different than Disney customer service.

So this whole TR has been going on since I was absent, but now I'm caught up.
:thumbsup2:thumbsup2 So glad to see you back here :hug:

I think my eyes about fell out of my head over your stepson's declaration that he wanted to move in with these random parents. I'm sure he was just caught up in the rush of feelings at being with her for the first time. But still.
Right??? I couldn't have answered any quicker with my "whoa whoa whoa, slow down there!" after he said that! But I agree he was caught up in his feelings and in the moment. During her latest visit earlier this month they had some issues and it really showed her age. They're still............dating? But it's different. Not sure how much longer it'll last and when she went back to Florida she left a really bad taste in everyone's mouth, Eric's mom and my older stepson included. I'm pretty sure at this point he is NOT thinking about moving down anytime soon.................

Hayden is so cute, I loved seeing her on Facebook!!
Thank you! We were with her today, she's such a doll princess:

Oh, I still maintain that Xavier and Chris would have a great vacation together just eating and lounging in the room :rotfl:
Well then we just have to make sure a vacation overlaps so they have something to do lol

We're on the fence about when to go in April (so Jason can do the Star Wars half) and one of the weeks starts the spring break insanity. I'll have to talk to you some more before we do/don't decide to do that.
I would hope you'd talk to me :hyper2: but yeah, definitely about that week if it's the one before or right after Easter.......

For sorry to hear Hershey was a bust. We enjoyed our trip there last year but it was in the fall so maybe not quite so crowded. It definitely wasn't dirty though, but when we tried to get something to eat it was completely disorganized!
The dirt may have been due to crowds but the disorganization at all the quick service places was unreal. Again I think it's because they hire high school/college kids just for the season and don't train them well, and they don't care about customer service.

We took Casey to Dutch Wonderland as her first amusement park and she loved it. Its definitely geared for little kids
And it's a wonderful park for little kids, wish we'd brought Chris but you usually forget to do s**t with them after your first one :P

We had gone once as kids (when my parents subjected me to amish torture) but it was closed and all we could do was ride the "monorail" around the park.
That reminds me of National Lampoon's Vacation, when the finally get to Wally World and it's closed :rotfl2: Except they didn't have an awesome over-the-highway-monorail!

I've been there about 3 times now and it's been a lot of fun! I did go to Hershey, but not the park, just to the chocolate world. That was not too bad, and there's that chocolate ride that you con on and you get free samples of chocolate after, LOL. It smells good in there
Chocolate World definitely wasn't as dirty or unorganized and the ride is cute. Steve and I gave my nephew our chocolate bars so he had 3 at like 10:15 in the morning lol. Unfortunately the next day my sister took her 3 boys there where you can make your own chocolate bar and it was broke, so that sucked. I do love how you can get certain Hershey's in so many different flavors than you find in stores!

I live in Lancaster PA! Amish country is my life, as my job is Supervision of the Presbyterian churches in Lancaster, york and Chester counties. So I am on the back roads all the time, and sometimes pass as many as 30 buggies in one trip. Co-existing on the roads is a challenge. A bunch of the Amish kids come to our local park for killer volleyball games. It’s fun to watch the girls take out the boys, skirts and all.
Cool! Funny you mention volleyball because when we went by the "picnic", a huge group of kids were playing volleyball and it was girls vs boys. Must be one of the few things they can do for fun!

I have been to Hershey only 4 times in the 8 years we have lived here, and never once have I been able to actually get on rides. I got on SkyRush exactly once, after a 90 minute wait. They have an express pass you can buy. It is obscenely expensive.
Kind of like us with NYC; when you live close to something touristy you don't go that much. But that really stinks you don't get on rides when you do go, I'm surprised! Although I had read that when you go late evening the lines are lower and we found the opposite. We had longer lines Sat. night than we did through 4pm Sunday.
Guys I just want to thank everyone again for your thoughts and comments about Ricky and his surgery. Some of you who follow me on FB know this but the surgery Friday went well :thumbsup2 He's actually in much less post-surgery pain than the first time around (so far) and his spirits are good. The surgeon is very happy with how the surgery went; the first time he used a hamstring as a replacement ACL but this time he used Ricky's patellar tendon which is the preferred way to go. However you cannot do this if someone's growth plates aren't closed which his weren't the first time. Now however they are which is why they could go this route. It's a stronger replacement which is great.
He's been resting comfortably, had a big bunch of balloons delivered today from a girlfriend(girl-friend lol) and has two friends coming over tomorrow night I assume to play FortNite for hours. Once again, thank you all for your thoughts and prayers!
Chocolate World definitely wasn't as dirty or unorganized and the ride is cute. Steve and I gave my nephew our chocolate bars so he had 3 at like 10:15 in the morning lol. Unfortunately the next day my sister took her 3 boys there where you can make your own chocolate bar and it was broke, so that sucked. I do love how you can get certain Hershey's in so many different flavors than you find in stores!

I did the own make your own chocolate thing and it was pretty fun. I actually liked the Turkey Hill make your own ice cream flavor much better as it was much more hands on. If you need another place to go to in PA, the Turkey Hill Ice Cream center is really fun!

Guys I just want to thank everyone again for your thoughts and comments about Ricky and his surgery. Some of you who follow me on FB know this but the surgery Friday went well :thumbsup2 He's actually in much less post-surgery pain than the first time around (so far) and his spirits are good. The surgeon is very happy with how the surgery went; the first time he used a hamstring as a replacement ACL but this time he used Ricky's patellar tendon which is the preferred way to go. However you cannot do this if someone's growth plates aren't closed which his weren't the first time. Now however they are which is why they could go this route. It's a stronger replacement which is great.
He's been resting comfortably, had a big bunch of balloons delivered today from a girlfriend(girl-friend lol) and has two friends coming over tomorrow night I assume to play FortNite for hours. Once again, thank you all for your thoughts and prayers!

Glad to hear it went well, sounds like they really fixed the knee this time!
Ooooh a girl-friend? How sweet!
I went with Chris on his class trip to Six Flags NE in June.

I saw that on FB! I was thinking we should have had a DisMeet there!

But I do agree the food was absolute disgusting. Add in the food at Hershey and I will no longer feel for those who complain Disney food is expensive, because the quality of (most of) Disney QS food is so far above other theme parks.

Totally agree! At least with Disney, the food is edible. I made the mistake of getting the meal plans with our Six-Flags APs one year and I think we ate there once. I couldn't even eat the food even though it was "free." :crazy2:

He has not! My sister is at the opposite end of the Disney spectrum from me; in other words she hates it :confused3 I'd love to take him however he has two brothers and to take the 3 of them with my family would be $$$$$$$. He does love to tell me I should take him though, and I'd love for it to happen.

What?? Are you even RELATED? Yea, I can see how you couldn't afford to bring a whole other family, though. Plus, soon enough you'll be bringing your beautiful grand-daughter :love:

Guys I just want to thank everyone again for your thoughts and comments about Ricky and his surgery. Some of you who follow me on FB know this but the surgery Friday went well :thumbsup2 He's actually in much less post-surgery pain than the first time around (so far) and his spirits are good. The surgeon is very happy with how the surgery went; the first time he used a hamstring as a replacement ACL but this time he used Ricky's patellar tendon which is the preferred way to go. However you cannot do this if someone's growth plates aren't closed which his weren't the first time. Now however they are which is why they could go this route. It's a stronger replacement which is great.
He's been resting comfortably, had a big bunch of balloons delivered today from a girlfriend(girl-friend lol) and has two friends coming over tomorrow night I assume to play FortNite for hours. Once again, thank you all for your thoughts and prayers!

Awesome news :thumbsup2
So glad to hear thiings went well and he is recovering nicely! Will continue to keep him in prayers and pixie dust for an uneventful and quick recovery!
Been thinking of you thanks for posting an update on Ricky’s surgery glad it went well and he’s on the mend :hug:
Congratulations on the granddaughter! Teeny tiny baby snuggles are the best. I'm glad Ricky's surgery went well. What more do you need to recover than balloons and Fortnite?!

Your morning in HS was productive!

The Amish tour seemed really neat.
So glad Ricky's surgery went well! What a relief.

Not ever been to Hershey, being a West Coaster, but it does look like a nice getaway and some good old fashioned, if not delicious, fun. :)

I've cruised through the Amish areas of Kentucky and it was similarly interesting although there is no formal tour. We stopped for lunch and had the most delicious Sky High on the planet. Mmm!!! And of course took a pie home. That's what you do. ;)

No dolls for me, thanks. Nearly as creepy as the face chairs at Boardwalk. Nope, nope, nope.
Yay to good surgery for the poor kiddo! And that is a strange sentence lol!
All this talk of chocolate...We are World's Finest Chocolate distributors (work in fundraising with schools-well mostly the hubs, I fill in when needed-I'm in nutrition!) and we've toured the plant in Chicago. Actually turned it down this past meeting in Chicago. If we do ever have a meet up I'm gonna have to bring some good chocolate.
I might finally clean the house :laughing:
With one with limited mobility and the other boy gone-might be the only chance to have a clean house for more than 2.5 seconds right? My son...I call them Ben "droppings"-I can tell where he's been (and his name is Ben-get it:rotfl2:?) by the trail of wrappers, bags, plates, cups etc laying around...

We are by Amish and Mennonite country here-funny story: My husband was on way back from a kickoff at a school (kinda rural) and saw a Mennonite boy walking down the highway-we have signs all over to share the road with the buggy's and horses. So he pulls over to see what is wrong-turns out the boy's horse and buggy got away from him (not sure what the kid was doing that the kid's ride ran away) but he ended up taking the boy along the highway and back roads towards the boy's house looking for the buggy. The poor kid knew he was in for a whoopin if he didn't find them. Luckily they did before they got to the kiddo's house.
I've finally had a break to come back and check in here...and wow I've missed so much. Was glad to see the update on Ricky's surgery, even though we are FB friends I don't recall reading it. Just so much there to read sometimes! Here's hoping this one is stronger and he's back on his feet in no time!

LOVED that you went to Hoop-De-Doo. I'm tempted to book it for our Thanksgiving trip as something different and fun for everybody. We haven't done it in a few years. We'll see. My FIL had talked about booking a tour for ALL of us...but that's tough when we have two small kids (6 and 4) with us. This might be something we all could enjoy and would cost him less than a tour. Now to check my schedule to see if I can squeeze it in during that week.

I'd still like to see BMG myself one day, and I know DH wants to see it too.

So excited about your upcoming stat at Grand Floridian. When we stayed there for TWO nights last August, I wasn't sure how I'd feel about it...but I really did LOVE it and I'm sure you will also.

Jealous about your upcoming trip and seeing MNSSHP as well. I think we'll be doing an Orlando trip in Sept/October, but we will be staying at Universal and maybe take a side trip or two to the Disney parks, or at least that's what DH has mentioned as part of our 20-year wedding anniversary celebration. I have yet to book that though.
Again, I thank you all for your comments and concern for Ricky :grouphug: He's hanging in there, overall the pain has been less than the first time around however due to this surgery being different - patellar tendon vs. hamstring - the pain is in a different spot so it's harder for him to put pressure on the left leg as early on as last time. Therefore he's not as mobile yet as he was a week after surgery last Nov. which aggravates him of course, there's nothing worse for an active teen boy than having to be still. But he understands it takes time and luckily there's Netflix and as @mommaof3boys and I mentioned, Fortnite!

I did the own make your own chocolate thing and it was pretty fun. I actually liked the Turkey Hill make your own ice cream flavor much better as it was much more hands on. If you need another place to go to in PA, the Turkey Hill Ice Cream center is really fun!
I think I mentioned this already, but while we left Sunday my sister stayed until Monday and took her boys to Chocolate World that morning, the sole reason being so they could do the make your own chocolate and it was down:headache: I actually didn't know about the Turkey Hill center until we got there and I saw brochures in our hotel lobby lol! It does look cool, as does touring the Herr's potato chip factory. As someone who researches and plans others' trips for a living, I...............didn't research ours very much :o Although granted we really didn't have much time this trip and focused on those Amish and Hershey anyway!

I saw that on FB! I was thinking we should have had a DisMeet there!
If I hadn't been with a school group my answer would have been YES! And I will remember that if we go again. I much prefer Six Flags NE to the one in NJ.

Totally agree! At least with Disney, the food is edible. I made the mistake of getting the meal plans with our Six-Flags APs one year and I think we ate there once. I couldn't even eat the food even though it was "free." :crazy2:
Um, when we went on that school trip we had lunch vouchers, and I thought we would be using them at any quick service location, or at least have a choice of a couple. Nope. Turns out since the day we visited is basically "school group day", they set up a buffet way back in a picnic like area for all the schools to eat at the same time. The buffet was a dollar store tin pan full of dry burgers, hot dogs, stale rolls and then a big bin of salad :crazy2: little bags of chips plus 1000 visiting students were scooping their food out, dropping ketchup and mustard packs into the salad, not using tongs for their rolls. I was appalled, disgusted, and super hungry so I ate like 3 bags of chips. Then later while all the kids were going on rides with teachers, I got cheese fries :thumbsup2

What?? Are you even RELATED?

Congratulations on the granddaughter! Teeny tiny baby snuggles are the best.
They are! I could sit and hold her all day princess:

What more do you need to recover than balloons and Fortnite?!
OMG Fortnite :sad2: Sometimes one of the boys has a friend over in the neighborhood and they abruptly leave. I'm like, "why did so-and-so go home already?" Why, because they need to be at their own house so they can play Fortnite together instead of hanging OUT together playing outside or something!! It's crazy.

The Amish tour seemed really neat.
It was much more interesting and informative than even I thought it would be, and I was pleasantly surprised that they boys liked it so much.

Not ever been to Hershey, being a West Coaster, but it does look like a nice getaway and some good old fashioned, if not delicious, fun. :)
I think old-fashioned really describes the theme park well, and I don't necessarily mean that in a negative way. Many of the rides are basic, especially the "kiddie" rides; they remind me of carnival rides. Food isn't inspiring in any way but then you have all that chocolate :love: and so some of the things/attractions specific to that are neat.

I've cruised through the Amish areas of Kentucky and it was similarly interesting although there is no formal tour. We stopped for lunch and had the most delicious Sky High on the planet. Mmm!!! And of course took a pie home. That's what you do. ;)
Our tour bus driver told us where else in the U.S. the Amish are and she mentioned Kentucky :) Just not as bit a population as PA. And yes, you have to take home the baked goods!

No dolls for me, thanks. Nearly as creepy as the face chairs at Boardwalk. Nope, nope, nope.
LOL those chairs! We've stayed there a few times, kids were younger, and I always made them stand by those chairs for a picture.

e are World's Finest Chocolate distributors (work in fundraising with schools-well mostly the hubs, I fill in when needed-I'm in nutrition!)
I know that name, I chaired fundraising at Chris's school the last few years and while we didn't go with them (you? lol) I would get flyers from them. I would have been all for a chocolate fundraiser but not everyone was in agreement and sometimes I have to listen to others :rolleyes:

If we do ever have a meet up I'm gonna have to bring some good chocolate.
Oh I certainly won't turn it down! Maybe in May???

My son...I call them Ben "droppings"-I can tell where he's been (and his name is Ben-get it:rotfl2:?) by the trail of wrappers, bags, plates, cups etc laying around...
Love it! Same here, especially with backpacks and sports bags which never seem to make it to their bedrooms or even usually out of the middle of the floor..........and forget it when their friends are down in the family room, it's like a garbage bag exploded by the time they leave!

My husband was on way back from a kickoff at a school (kinda rural) and saw a Mennonite boy walking down the highway-we have signs all over to share the road with the buggy's and horses. So he pulls over to see what is wrong-turns out the boy's horse and buggy got away from him (not sure what the kid was doing that the kid's ride ran away) but he ended up taking the boy along the highway and back roads towards the boy's house looking for the buggy. The poor kid knew he was in for a whoopin if he didn't find them. Luckily they did before they got to the kiddo's house.
Aw, poor kid! I'm glad he helped him! I think the Mennonite's are a bit less strict than the Amish but I supposed losing one's horse and buggy is about as bad as one of our children coming home without the car they left with!

Was glad to see the update on Ricky's surgery, even though we are FB friends I don't recall reading it.
Thank you :hug: I put a vague post up that day, one of those memories came up about Ricky and I sort of referred to the fact that he was having surgery that day but never really said he was or how it went. I was too drained by the time we got home and tired of texting individual friends and family members (all of whom I greatly appreciated!).

LOVED that you went to Hoop-De-Doo. I'm tempted to book it for our Thanksgiving trip as something different and fun for everybody. We haven't done it in a few years. We'll see. My FIL had talked about booking a tour for ALL of us...but that's tough when we have two small kids (6 and 4) with us. This might be something we all could enjoy and would cost him less than a tour.
You should most definitely do this over a tour, and I think Thanksgiving is a great time for it! Both times we've been, there have been younger kids and they totally seem into it. I think everyone in your party would enjoy it :thumbsup2 and it's always great to do something different. Tell your FIL you think it's a better fit for all the different ages you'll have with you than a tour!

So excited about your upcoming stat at Grand Floridian. When we stayed there for TWO nights last August, I wasn't sure how I'd feel about it...but I really did LOVE it and I'm sure you will also.
That's how I've felt, I was never 100% sure I'd love it-which I know can happen even at a resort we're 100% sure we WILL love-but recently I've decided I really, really want to try it so I'm glad the opportunity has come up!

Jealous about your upcoming trip and seeing MNSSHP as well. I think we'll be doing an Orlando trip in Sept/October, but we will be staying at Universal and maybe take a side trip or two to the Disney parks, or at least that's what DH has mentioned as part of our 20-year wedding anniversary celebration. I have yet to book that though.
It's been 4 long years since our last MNSSHP, and if I had it my way we'd do that every year :hmghost:
Your Universal trip sounds exciting, especially if you combine it with some Disney! You guys should try doing HHN on your Universal trip, I've wanted to do that, too but Steve doesn't want to squeeze that in this time so I have to wait.....................
I'm so glad Ricky's surgery went well. Hopefully he will mobile again soon.

Those faceless dolls were really creepy, the rest of the tour sounds really fun though.
The buffet was a dollar store tin pan full of dry burgers, hot dogs, stale rolls and then a big bin of salad :crazy2: little bags of chips plus 1000 visiting students were scooping their food out, dropping ketchup and mustard packs into the salad, not using tongs for their rolls. I was appalled, disgusted, and super hungry so I ate like 3 bags of chips. Then later while all the kids were going on rides with teachers, I got cheese fries :thumbsup2

Oh my Word! That's my worst NIGHTMARE :scared1::scared1::scared1:

I would have done the same thing, but I would have gotten an ice cream cone :thumbsup2
It's been 4 long years since our last MNSSHP, and if I had it my way we'd do that every year :hmghost:
Your Universal trip sounds exciting, especially if you combine it with some Disney! You guys should try doing HHN on your Universal trip, I've wanted to do that, too but Steve doesn't want to squeeze that in this time so I have to wait.....................

Yes when we went last October, we thought we'd all (our huge group of 20+ people) do MNSSHP together, but we chose to save some money and not do it, though the adults went to TOTWL at Bay Lake Tower one night and watched the fireworks after a drink or two. Kids are still sad that when we went a few years ago they missed out on the parade. Maybe one day we will return. There is some new stuff this year that is tempting, but I think the HHN stuff will be enough and maybe a few hours here or there at a Disney park will be in order too.

HHN is THE reason we are doing the Universal Parks. After all, what can be scarier than being married for 20 years? Plus we love that kind of stuff, and we've done different Halloween things for our anniversary in the past. It works out...and DH's birthday is Halloween Day. :) However we'll most likely do a long weekend at the end of September, which is slightly cheaper for the HHN stuff plus I just am in save mode with vacation time at work after Hawaii coming up and then the Thanksgiving trip.
I'm late, but glad Ricky's surgery went well!

It's about a 3.5 or so hour drive and before going to the park I suggested visiting Amish Country, as I've always been interested in that.
Nobody else was :rolleyes:
Still, I had made the decision and was sticking to it. We went here
:laughing: Once driving back from vacation... perhaps Niagara Falls... my mom sent my dad about an hour out of the way to driver through an Amish village. Except it was Sunday and no one was out :rotfl: She was so upset!
Ah why do the men dolls cost more???? Doesn't matter, don't want one in my house!
ughhhh... anyways if I ever need to send you something scary I'll remember these :rotfl:
Hershey Park was............ok. Of course I could stop there every day for chocolate, but we found it
-absolutely disgustingly dirty
-horrible customer service
-too many carnival type rides

But I guess for what it is, it's fine, minus the mess. And there's no excuse for poor customer service. We went for a few hours Sat. night and all day Sunday. The first ride Ricky and I went on was this
Oh no! It makes me think of our local theme park. We had season passes for two years, and it got soooooo bad that we were like, we would rather save the $150 for our next Disney trip. Dirty, terrible customer service, carnival rides, BROKEN rides, poorly maintained - like we were getting afraid to go on them... anddddd now gangs. We haven't been in 2 years now, and the last time was only because my work was paying. It's terrible. They have a drop tower, and only one of 3 sides has worked for the last several years... when we still had passes the Spider carnival ride broke. The big heavy thick chain snapped, and they left it laying under the ride the rest of the summer. I guess the park really used to be something with beautiful gardens you could walk through for free, I wish I'd seen it then.
Those faceless dolls were really creepy, the rest of the tour sounds really fun though.
I could have done without those dolls for sure, but we did all enjoy the tour :)

I would have done the same thing, but I would have gotten an ice cream cone :thumbsup2
I actually did :goodvibes Good Humor ice cream bars were included and since they were individually wrapped I was ok eating one!

HHN is THE reason we are doing the Universal Parks. After all, what can be scarier than being married for 20 years?
lol I'm almost there and I guess..............nothing!

:laughing: Once driving back from vacation... perhaps Niagara Falls... my mom sent my dad about an hour out of the way to driver through an Amish village. Except it was Sunday and no one was out :rotfl: She was so upset!
OMG that's funny Steve would not have been happy with me.

ughhhh... anyways if I ever need to send you something scary I'll remember these :rotfl:
:laughing: I would scream and leave it on the porch, then not sleep that night afraid the doll would somehow get inside the house!

Oh no! It makes me think of our local theme park. We had season passes for two years, and it got soooooo bad that we were like, we would rather save the $150 for our next Disney trip. Dirty, terrible customer service, carnival rides, BROKEN rides, poorly maintained - like we were getting afraid to go on them... anddddd now gangs.
:rotfl2: I'm sorry, but that's funny. Can I ask which park this is, because I think this might be our next vacation :rotfl:
OMG Fortnite :sad2: Sometimes one of the boys has a friend over in the neighborhood and they abruptly leave. I'm like, "why did so-and-so go home already?" Why, because they need to be at their own house so they can play Fortnite together instead of hanging OUT together playing outside or something!! It's crazy.
What is Fortnite? I haven't heard of that one yet.
Day 6 Part 2
A Little Bit of Magic in our Day
I promise this update will be a bit longer than my last, quick HS one! Speaking of, after Ricky and I grabbed some Starbucks, we took the bus over to MK to meet Steve and Chris to begin using our fastpasses. Surprise surprise, the MK bus was waiting for us! Count this as a #transportationwin.
We met Chris and Steve on Main Street at 10:20 - such a nice place to meet :goodvibes They were hanging out eating Starbucks so I had enough time to take this fun picture:

IMG_8538 (2).JPG

And this nice shot of the castle:


Pretty much right after this we were coming up on the end of the window to our 1st FP, so we went over to BTMRR and followed it up with our 2nd, Splash. Both FP lines were reasonable but when we got off Splash the whole area was just so CROWDED! So we decided to take the train over to Fantasyland which would bring us close to our 3rd FP.
I love the train, I find it so relaxing. This ride around I took some shots of.....................the backside of BTMRR!




And one of the Indian settlement you pass:


We exited the train in Fantasyland and were right on time for our 3rd FP at 11:45, otherwise known here as "Steve's favorite ride" which ends with this lovely lady:


I try to get a picture of her every time I ride and this is the best I've managed to get :rolleyes:

So now our FP's are used up. It's spring break, and the park-all parks- are NUTS. So what do we do?

Yes, it was time. I don't have that much to say or show about lunch and what I do have I'll put in my dining report, but I did get to go to Peco's Bills this time. You may remember I wanted to go there on our first MK day but was outvoted by everyone else and we ended up at Columbia Harbor House which is good, fine, but I'd wanted to try something new.

After lunch it was still packed and there were no FP's to be had so we began making our way out of the park. Lucky for me we caught the Move It, Shake It parade and I made everyone stop! It was just coming down Main St. and we got a great spot at the curb in the HUB. Too bad my kids aren't interested in dancing with characters anymore because we were in prime position for Stitch!




I think this parade is adorable and love that the characters come off the floats and dance with the kids. My boys say they think it's boring but I find them both intently watching the character/kid dancing!
This ended our MK time for the day since Ricky's knee was at it's limit and park capacity was, in my opinion, close to its limit, too. Chris's rash was still there also but we'd just done our best not to walk in the sun so he didn't complain that much and it didn't get as bad as it had been the previous few days. We did have some cool plans for the night, stay tuned!



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