I love credit cards so much! v5.0 - 2022 (see first page for add'l details)

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Does anyone have a DP of getting a Chase Ink card while at 5/24? I'm waiting for my DW's CIC to be delivered today. I was looking through our cards on Travel Freely and I noticed that she is at 5/24 until March 2023. I like to keep one of us below 5/24 but apparently it was me not her and she was approved while being at 5/24. I'm curious how common this is.
Does anyone have a DP of getting a Chase Ink card while at 5/24? I'm waiting for my DW's CIC to be delivered today. I was looking through our cards on Travel Freely and I noticed that she is at 5/24 until March 2023. I like to keep one of us below 5/24 but apparently it was me not her and she was approved while being at 5/24. I'm curious how common this is.

Either the card that put you at 5/24 hadn't reported yet or the count was wrong. 5/24 is an instant denial. Read about a few on r/churning that had miscounted and thought they were under and got instant denial because they were 5/24.
Does anyone have a DP of getting a Chase Ink card while at 5/24? I'm waiting for my DW's CIC to be delivered today. I was looking through our cards on Travel Freely and I noticed that she is at 5/24 until March 2023. I like to keep one of us below 5/24 but apparently it was me not her and she was approved while being at 5/24. I'm curious how common this is.

Was the card that put her at 5/24 fairly recent and not a Chase card? Possible it hasn't reported to the credit agencies yet, so Chase wouldn't know about it.

I haven't seen any DPs of Inks bypassing 5/24. There are some DPs of cobrands bypassing, but it seems unpredictable.
Either the card that put you at 5/24 hadn't reported yet or the count was wrong. 5/24 is an instant denial. Read about a few on r/churning that had miscounted and thought they were under and got instant denial because they were 5/24.

Was the card that put her at 5/24 fairly recent and not a Chase card? Possible it hasn't reported to the credit agencies yet, so Chase wouldn't know about it.

I haven't seen any DPs of Inks bypassing 5/24. There are some DPs of cobrands bypassing, but it seems unpredictable.
Her most recent card was an AMEX Plat opened the second week of June. The CIC was approved on 07/28.
Her most recent card was an AMEX Plat opened the second week of June. The CIC was approved on 07/28.

Sounds likes that's it. If you check her credit report, it likely won't be there (unless it reported in the last couple days).

In the past, you can count on Amex cards to not report for a couple months. It varies more these days.
I'm seeing an offer for 100k on the amex biz gold (90k for 10k spend plus 10k for 1k employee card spend) when I log into my BBP account. It expires 9/30. I'm currently taking a break from Chase. Any reason not to go for this?
That’s a great offer, but you may also be able to find the 130k/10k offer by searching online incognito. I was able to pull it up incognito Chrome through DH support link. Unless you’ve already had a Biz Gold and this is a NLL offer? Either way there is a higher offer available if your eligible and can pull it up. Otherwise nothing wrong with 100k either.
Either the card that put you at 5/24 hadn't reported yet or the count was wrong. 5/24 is an instant denial. Read about a few on r/churning that had miscounted and thought they were under and got instant denial because they were 5/24.
I got offered a biz at 7/24 and I wasn't wrong. It was the green star circle or whatever. I app'ed for the CIP they offered and got turned down, so I instantly app'ed for the CIU and got it. It's been maybe 4 years since that. (Time flies when you are having fun!)
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I got offered a biz at 7/24 and I wasn't wrong. It was the green star circle or whatever. I app'ed for the CIP they offered and got turned down, so I instantly app'ed for the CIU and got it. It's been maybe 2 years since that.

Yeah but a lot has changed in the past 2 years. The dps I've seen have been in the past few months. Even the co brand cards that were approved at 5/24 or over not long ago are no longer being approved. Guessing there was a glitch and that was one they actually wanted to close vs starred offers or mdd.
Yeah but a lot has changed in the past 2 years. The dps I've seen have been in the past few months. Even the co brand cards that were approved at 5/24 or over not long ago are no longer being approved. Guessing there was a glitch and that was one they actually wanted to close vs starred offers or mdd.
Yeah, I corrected my post as I think I was maybe 2018 or 2019, I had app'ed for a slew of Marriott cards, plus others - Amtrak, Disney, Amex Gold, Flagship etc.

Oh, and you will appreciate this one: I just got a call to pick up a cat from the Vet. No MSR, and a bill for $761. I can do a 2% card...
That’s a great offer, but you may also be able to find the 130k/10k offer by searching online incognito. I was able to pull it up incognito Chrome through DH support link. Unless you’ve already had a Biz Gold and this is a NLL offer? Either way there is a higher offer available if your eligible and can pull it up. Otherwise nothing wrong with 100k either.
Thanks. I haven't had the card before. I tried incognito to see what I could find and the best I could pull was 85K. Maybe I'll keep trying. :)
By any chance have you had covid in the last 6 months (and were tested)? Apparently you can avoid the random selection if you can prove this.


edit:Also, what city or area are you flying into? If you arrive by boat or ferry, you are not subject to the random test.

edit #2 Check out self swab/virtual:
. Instead, the testing will be conducted either by an in-person appointment at approved testing provider locations and pharmacies or by a virtual appointment for a self-swab test.

You can email or call for further info.
I haven't had covid, but thank you for edit #2 about the virtual/self-swab; I had not seen that and that seems a lot more reasonable than trying to get somewhere in an unfamiliar city.
What city are you flying in to? As far as I know the number of people in Toronto selected for random testing is extremely small.
Saskatoon is the destination.

Thank you both... if we do this it'll be interesting, to say the least!
I have a SW Luv voucher with some unused funds. LUV vouchers can't be applied to taxes, which are about $100 for an intl flight.
I really thought travel funds could be applied towards taxes/fees. Does anyone know? I was thinking of converting a LUV voucher to a flight, then canceling for travel funds, then applying those travel funds towards taxes/fees. Anyone know if that would work?
Thanks. I haven't had the card before. I tried incognito to see what I could find and the best I could pull was 85K. Maybe I'll keep trying. :)
I had to be very persistent checking for the 130k offer. Checked multiple days in a row, and almost cheered when it finally showed up. But like I said I think the 100k offer is quite good as well. Good luck!
I just got back from 2 1/2 weeks in Italy and Greece (and a surprise 2 days in Paris) and our flight home was canceled due to the Lufthansa strike. I thought I would share our experience here in case it helps someone! We had used United miles to book our flight home on Lufthansa. Our flight was supposed to be at 6:55 am on July 27 and we were notified of the flight cancelation the day before about noon. We received an email that said your flight was canceled and we will send you more info. As soon as we sat down for lunch I started to try and chat with Lufthansa and they were completely unhelpful. I entered our flight info and the chat just said your flight has been canceled and there are no alternatives. I tried contacting United and their chat times were over a 2 hour wait. We called Lufthansa and their voice messaging just said no one is available. I decided to try calling United while waiting for their chat and after a 1 1/2 hour on hold and an hour phone call they told me they could get me on a flight on August 4th. I decided at this point to head to the airport to try and talk to someone with Lufthansa. It is an hour subway ride from Athens to the airport and then I waited another 2 hours in line to talk to someone. During this time I was researching flights to try and find a way home. Basically all flights were getting booked, but I did find a flight to Paris on the 27th with Air France and then home on the 29th with Delta. I had all the flight numbers ready when I finally reached the agent. At this point he pointed to everyone in line behind me and told them he wasn't going to help anyone else and to come back at 4 am. The agent first gave the August 4th home option which I refused and then I gave him the info of the flights I wanted and he went ahead and booked me on them. The flights would have been over $4,000 each! Basically the moral of my story is if you have a flight cancellation and can't reach the airline - go to the airport early and research the flights you want to be booked on. Now I'm just hoping to be refunded the cost of the hotel (a Paris hotel room for 4 last minute in July was not cheap!) and food either through Lufthansa or luckily I did pay the taxes and fees with my CSR so hopefully that insurance will help also! I will report back when I find out.
File this one under "never close old accounts." BoA sent me an offer for $200 to switch my sock drawer Customized Cash card to an Unlimited Cash card. I won't use it, but I didn't use the old one either so it's just a free $200 with no pull and no new account.

My oldest card is also a BoA. I got it in college. No sign up offer and I don't think it had anything additional other than allowing you to build credit. I'd jump at some free cash to change it.
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