I love credit cards so much! v3.0 (see first page for add'l details)

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How is everyone handling potential trips to WDW later this year? Are you planning like normal or preemptively cancelling? Our next trip is supposed to be November. I haven't let myself do much planning yet.
I know there has been some discussion of this but I've been mostly skimming lately..🙈
We’ve had to cancel several wdw trips since this began so really trying to get one in before school starts up (both dd’s in college means no traveling from mid-aug to mid-dec now 😭). So we’re planning a late July trip. I’ve not done much in the way of planning because I had to cancel some pretty awesomely planned trips and it zapped my enthusiasm to plan another trip right now. But I know I need to get some things booked.
When I think of the name I think of Stabler from SVU. I really liked Stabler so this elicits happy thoughts. Maybe your baby will grow up to fight sex crimes and put bad people in prison... this is how I will now envision your baby! 🤣
I have no idea what you’re talking about lol. What’s SVU?
An @SouthFayetteFan Fireside Chat: Churning in 2020 - The year of sadness?
Special credit on this one goes out to @mamathompson who has identified a source of sadness that I feel permeates our community of DISchurners...

First off - I'd like to make it known that nothing I'm about to say is intended to disrespect the larger picture in all of this. Life, Finances, Futures, etc., certainly take precedence. Others point to what certain groups (i.e. children, seniors in HS, etc.) are losing right now, and I do not mean to invalidate that either...BUT can we just take a moment and mourn churning in 2020 and the abundance of travel that this game provides for, that has been cut off in the midst of this current situation.

Our lives are finite, we redeem our days for work, for parenting, for other worldly duties, and as churners, we complete these tasks and handle these responsibilities with a hope that is often founded in the respite that our trips, nay the fruits of our churning labor, bring to us! Moments, memories, and meaningful time set aside to step back from the daily life and seek that which brings us all a shared joy: travel!

Yet in the midst of all of this, we are losing days. Days, that we will never get back. Our sons and daughters will never be this age again. Other family may have limited time left with us (or limited time with ability to travel). Our vacation time at work also may have limitations, policies that restrict our abilities to roll them forward into the future.

If you're sad that you're losing a trip...if you're worried that you're going to lose a trip...THAT IS OK! If you feel selfish even thinking about the potential of a trip...DON'T! It doesn't make you a heartless selfish person... we can certainly balance frustration and sadness over the larger picture with our personal feelings on where it hits home the most with us!

Allow me to get personal for a moment (not typically something I like to do in a fireside chat):
I had somebody at work recently ask me why I don't just reschedule the trip I'm worried about in June. (Now not to pick on a generation...but as a childless millennial I think they may have been out of touch with what a summer for a family of 4 looks like). I said, "Well, between golf camp, soccer camp, basketball camp, cheerleading camp, bible school, a family reunion, summer swim team, and coordinating the schedules of 3 different family units... rescheduling something we put on the calendar 7 months ago isn't exactly easy." Now who knows if half of these events will even happen... but sometimes it isn't as easy as "just reschedule!"

My parents are getting older, and as many of you know our Captiva trip each year is my slice of paradise. Basically it's the week I work for all year. And it's in the cross-hairs, and it might be lost, and I don't know that we can reschedule it yet. And as I pondered the words of @mamathompson earlier, I thought to myself: "how many more Captiva trips do we have like this?" Parents getting older, my kids getting older, my sister probably going to start a family at some point. What if we only have 10 of these left...or 5 of these left...what if we just lost one of those 5?? It's sad, it really is! This is a trip we've done 7 straight years... and if I had my way we'd do it 20 more in a row!

But I digress from the personal stuff - I think we all in some way are feeling that right now. That special trip for a 13 year old. That last trip as a family before somebody moves out to college. The first trip for a new addition to the family. And you know what, it's ok to feel bad about that! And I get it, you can't just reschedule!! And even if you can, it might not be the same...and it's ok to be frustrated about that too!

Some simple reminders and takeaways:
  • Some people here go on trips monthly, it'd be easy to criticize their sadness and say "well at least you went on 3 trips already this year". DON'T DO THAT... their sadness is valid!
  • Some people here are only able to go on ONE trip a year, share in their sadness and realize how difficult it may have been for them to arrange that
  • Some people are losing major international trips that aren't easy to put together, respect the effort that may have gone into that and understand that moving that trip could mean hours upon hours of work and lost value of their money and points.
  • Some people are losing annual trips that seem repetitive, illogical even, embrace the fact that their style is different than yours and maybe that trip is special to them in some way that you can't even comprehend.
So friends, we rally together right now and realize that while the "burn" portion of the hobby is on hold, all we can do is embrace the "earn" portion and encourage one another and especially support one another in what I would say are very valid feelings of sadness.

We will never get today back...and somebody somewhere missed out on something today...and it's ok to be sad about that.
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I have no idea what you’re talking about lol. What’s SVU?
Special Victims' Unit. It's one of a few iterations of Law and Order.
PSHT... "One of a few"... It isn't just that... It is The longest-running live-action primetime series in American television history. 🤣 🤣 🤣
An @SouthFayetteFan Fireside Chat: Churning in 2020 - The year of sadness?
Special credit on this one goes out to @mamathompson who has identified a source of sadness that I feel permeates our community of DISchurners...

First off - I'd like to make it known that nothing I'm about to say is intended to disrespect the larger picture in all of this. Life, Finances, Futures, etc., certainly take precedence. Others point to what certain groups (i.e. children, seniors in HS, etc.) are losing right now, and I do not mean to invalidate that either...BUT can we just take a moment and mourn churning in 2020 and the abundance of travel that this game provides for, that has been cut off in the midst of this current situation.

Our lives are finite, we redeem our days for work, for parenting, for other worldly duties, and as churners, we complete these tasks and handle these responsibilities with a hope that is often founded in the respite that our trips, nay the fruits of our churning labor, bring to us! Moments, memories, and meaningful time set aside to step back from the daily life and seek that which brings us all a shared joy: travel!

Yet in the midst of all of this, we are losing days. Days, that we will never get back. Our sons and daughters will never be this age again. Other family may have limited time left with us (or limited time with ability to travel). Our vacation time at work also may have limitations, policies that restrict our abilities to roll them forward into the future.

If you're sad that you're losing a trip...if you're worried that you're going to lose a trip...THAT IS OK! If you feel selfish even thinking about the potential of a trip...DON'T! It doesn't make you a heartless selfish person... we can certainly balance frustration and sadness over the larger picture with our personal feelings on where it hits home the most with us!

Allow me to get personal for a moment (not typically something I like to do in a fireside chat):
I had somebody at work recently ask me why I don't just reschedule the trip I'm worried about in June. (Now not to pick on a generation...but as a childless millennial I think they may have been out of touch with what a summer for a family of 4 looks like). I said, "Well, between golf camp, soccer camp, basketball camp, cheerleading camp, bible school, a family reunion, summer swim team, and coordinating the schedules of 3 different family units... rescheduling something we put on the calendar 7 months ago isn't exactly easy." Now who knows if half of these events will even happen... but sometimes it isn't as easy as "just reschedule!"

My parents are getting older, and as many of you know our Captiva trip each year is my slice of paradise. Basically it's the week I work for all year. And it's in the cross-hairs, and it might be lost, and I don't know that we can reschedule it yet. And as I pondered the words of @mamathompson earlier, I thought to myself: "how many more Captiva trips do we have like this?" Parents getting older, my kids getting older, my sister probably going to start a family at some point. What if we only have 10 of these left...or 5 of these left...what if we just lost one of those 5?? It's sad, it really is! This is a trip we've done 7 straight years... and if I had my way we'd do it 20 more in a row!

But I digress from the personal stuff - I think we all in some way are feeling that right now. That special trip for a 13 year old. That last trip as a family before somebody moves out to college. The first trip for a new addition to the family. And you know what, it's ok to feel bad about that! And I get it, you can't just reschedule!! And even if you can, it might not be the same...and it's ok to be frustrated about that too!

Some simple reminders and takeaways:
  • Some people here go on trips monthly, it'd be easy to criticize their sadness and say "well at least you went on 3 trips already this year". DON'T DO THAT... their sadness is valid!
  • Some people here are only able to go on ONE trip a year, share in their sadness and realize how difficult it may have been for them to arrange that
  • Some people are losing major international trips that aren't easy to put together, respect the effort that may have gone into that and understand that moving that trip could mean hours upon hours of work and lost value of their money and points.
  • Some people are losing annual trips that seem repetitive, illogical even, embrace the fact that their style is different than yours and maybe that trip is special to them in some way that you can't even comprehend.
So friends, we rally together right now and realize that while the "burn" portion of the hobby is on hold, all we can do is embrace the "earn" portion and encourage one another and especially support one another in what I would say are very valid feelings of sadness.

We will never get today back...and somebody somewhere missed out on something today...and it's ok to be sad about that.
And if you think I just typed all of this out to let the feelings and emotion flow...and try to feel a little better about myself. Well you'd be right. I just hope that maybe it helps some of you feel a little better too... 😢
Planning like normal. I have the money in gift cards already so no skin off my nose to put a deposit down.
We’ve had to cancel several wdw trips since this began so really trying to get one in before school starts up (both dd’s in college means no traveling from mid-aug to mid-dec now 😭). So we’re planning a late July trip. I’ve not done much in the way of planning because I had to cancel some pretty awesomely planned trips and it zapped my enthusiasm to plan another trip right now. But I know I need to get some things booked.

We cancelled our May trip and now have two June and two July trips booked as back up. Not knowing when and how Disney will open, as well as not knowing if my DH could take off PTO in July is why we have so many. Our mid June trip is using DVC points, and with the recent DVC rule changes I'm torn about wanting that trip to happen because it using my 2021 points, which would affect what trip/points we can book for next year. So far I've gotten up and done FP's at the 60 day mark, but the FP availability was very limited. For now we're just kind of on hold, waiting to see what happens.

I've thought about booking a beginning of Aug trip, right before school starts, but I'm scared there's a possibility we might need to self-quarantine when we get back and then the kids wouldn't be able to start school on time. So many unknowns! I try to just not think about it all too much but it's not easy!

We also have an end of July trip booked for DL, using Bonvoy free night carts to stay by DLR. I'm pretty sure that trip won't happen, and I doubt we'll be able to book the same hotel again using the certs because I booked it before the point price went up, so that's a bummer.
One thing to note for those of you who have trips planned this summer with AP's that would have expired except for the closure- I had to call and have IT manually extend our AP's before I could make FP's. I didn't realize this so it cost me some time to get it sorted out. If this applies to your situation you might want to call and check a few days before your FP day.
An @SouthFayetteFan Fireside Chat: Churning in 2020 - The year of sadness?
Special credit on this one goes out to @mamathompson who has identified a source of sadness that I feel permeates our community of DISchurners...

First off - I'd like to make it known that nothing I'm about to say is intended to disrespect the larger picture in all of this. Life, Finances, Futures, etc., certainly take precedence. Others point to what certain groups (i.e. children, seniors in HS, etc.) are losing right now, and I do not mean to invalidate that either...BUT can we just take a moment and mourn churning in 2020 and the abundance of travel that this game provides for, that has been cut off in the midst of this current situation.......

So friends, we rally together right now and realize that while the "burn" portion of the hobby is on hold, all we can do is embrace the "earn" portion and encourage one another and especially support one another in what I would say are very valid feelings of sadness.

We will never get today back...and somebody somewhere missed out on something today...and it's ok to be sad about that.

Appreciate the sentiment and agree with all you say, @SouthFayetteFan , but that was one depressing fireside chat to read first thing this morning. :sad1:
And if you think I just typed all of this out to let the feelings and emotion flow...and try to feel a little better about myself. Well you'd be right. I just hope that maybe it helps some of you feel a little better too... 😢
I'm not sure I feel better. I'm about to cancel my big anniversary trip. Unfortunately, between this trip and my DD's trip that I canceled earlier, I will have a ton of united points which are being heavily devalued. I have a SW CP which is lying unused. It has been a crappy travel year.
I got that email too, they do have it every once in a while, but usually the offer tops out at 50k. I’m still salty because it was 40k when I got mine. As a JetBlue loyalist it’s definitely been worth it. The 10x on JetBlue purchases really racks TB points up quick, since it also kicks in for Even More Space purchases. If you fly B6 at all it’s definitely worth having.

I do put a decent amount of spend on it. It’s my grocery card of choice just because I don’t have anything better, but I want to wait until I’m over 5/24 to start looking at Amex cards. And lately with all the Instacart delivery it’s been getting a workout. Worth noting also it’s a World Elite Mastercard so I like the Shoprunner benefit and the $10 Lyft credit for 5 rides in a calendar month. I just used that this morning actually since I got sent to the satellite job site again and the subway is a horror show right now.
right now the all caps announcement blaring everywhere is holding me back MASK MUST BE WORN ON ALL FLIGHTS FOR JB... I have no clue if this will hold,or if they'll all adopt it but I just can't. and I can't pull the trigger on a great offer like that bc I can't get it out of my head.
How is everyone handling potential trips to WDW later this year? Are you planning like normal or preemptively cancelling? Our next trip is supposed to be November. I haven't let myself do much planning yet.
I know there has been some discussion of this but I've been mostly skimming lately..🙈
I'm hoping for a possible December visit..... but fully planning to cancel b/c it prob won't happen.
I like JetBlue too. I might think about this if I can get the offer. I am itching for a new card.
I love JB! which is why I'm tempted yet horrified by the mask policy inflight. If this is the new normal I'll be driving everywhere I guess. Then again, I can easily get direct from east coast to west coast with just those points...... I'm weak!
Appreciate the sentiment and agree with all you say, @SouthFayetteFan , but that was one depressing fireside chat to read first thing this morning. :sad1:
Sorry 😔. I think it’s where a lot of us are at right now. And I’m tired of having then non churning world invalidate my feelings! So I came to the group who I know would understand. 😊
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