I am NOT staying at a value resort

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No judgment from me....I have no interest in staying at a value either. Unless you get a discount, I think they can be expensive for what you get. I would rather spend more and stay at a mod or stay offsite. I have heard nightmares from people complaining about the noise levels, thin walls, and chaotic food court. If I couldnt do a mod or deluxe I would stay offsite.

Ok, I have to defend the values a bit here. The loudest resorts I have been at are a moderate and a deluxe--The Beach Club (the hallway noise was bad) and CSR (we had very loud neighbors). But loud people can happen at any resort. It is definitely NOT a value "thing". And while the food courts may be busy, at least they have decent ones. Decent quick service food at the deluxe resorts is hard to come by. And the food courts at the moderates are just as busy as those at the values, in my experience.

I'm a huge fan of the value food courts. I crave the Italian sandwich at the All Star Music.:p
We've stayed at values the first 6 trips. Our next 2 trips were at a moderate, and then we became DVC members. So far we've stayed at 2 deluxe resorts, but I found the food courts disappointing. They are TINY and don't offer much variety like the values do. Especially when we stayed at BWV, we would walk to Beach Club for quick service and it was SMALL with almost no options. I think for food courts, values win in my books. The garlic knots at Art of Animation and the breadsticks at pop/all star sports are something I miss.
Ok, I have to defend the values a bit here. The loudest resorts I have been at are a moderate and a deluxe--The Beach Club (the hallway noise was bad) and CSR (we had very loud neighbors). But loud people can happen at any resort. It is definitely NOT a value "thing". And while the food courts may be busy, at least they have decent ones. Decent quick service food at the deluxe resorts is hard to come by. And the food courts at the moderates are just as busy as those at the values, in my experience.

I'm a huge fan of the value food courts. I crave the Italian sandwich at the All Star Music.:p

Yes, other than the BTGs, the worse noise and horrid neighbors have been in deluxes. Money can't buy manners.

Food courts (value and moderate) have up and down times just like any QS location and it's up to you to time it right.

We eat breakfast in room, are gone during lunch and prefer TS for dinner .... so each trip we might hit food court once late after park.
It was there for a full day before someone finally removed it.

FWIW that isn't unique to values.

Recent stay at Bay Lake, there was a wine glass sitting right between our room and the next door room. For 3 days. Just sat there. It became an experiment for us to see how long it would stay. It might still be there.

And on our first and ONLY stay at Grand Californian there was silverware right in the middle of the hallway on our floor for a full day. Then it moved; alas, it moved just to the decorative table at the corner of the hallway. And there it stayed until we left. (again, it might still be there)

I like Values just fine. I also like moderates and the villas we've stayed at (Kidani and Jambo aside...won't stay at those again unless coerced). Values are bright and shiny and fun. I like their food courts and I don't mind a walk (heck at the Grand Californian the walk from our room to the center of the area between Disneyland and California Adventure was nearly equivalent to walking from the Howard Johnson!). I'd try it if I were you.

That said, if you really don't want to and going in on a points-rental isn't for your family, then stay elsewhere. Meet up for dining and the parks. Once you're in your rooms for the night it doesn't really matter where people are.
We've only stayed at AoA as far as values go and it was just OK. When we were put in the "right" room it was actually nice (and this is coming from a "former" ONLY DELUXER!! LOL!!)...the issue we had with AOA (Mermaid section) was on the ground floor, SO NOISY all times of the day or night!! and terrible cell signal (if one at all)...I requested to be moved and quite frankly it was much better...quiet, cell signal and a beautiful sunset view from the catwalk.

On another occasion we were upgraded to the Nemo bldg, I loved the bedroom but dd barely slept in the living room area because of the hallway noise (and she's a pretty good sleeper). I think the toughest issue with the values is the noise level, if that doesn't bother you then you should be ok;) The bus at AOA was very good good as well...but the food court was terrible, rude CMs (Very surprising), took forever to check-out at the registers and the food...blaa (especially when it was supposed to be hot but waiting to pay was a ridiculous wait)...prefer the Holiday Inn @ Disney Springs over that as long as the room doesn't face I-4 (I'll save that for another post LOL!)

We are converted Deluxers and pretty much only stay at the MODS now (since we go every month it gets a bit costly at the deluxes these days)-I think you should look into a DVC (renting points maybe)? Our absolute favorite resort now believe it or not are the FW cabins which are moderates as well although at full price can be as expensive as a deluxe but the do have the full kitchen, sofa bed, bunk beds and queen bed. In your case I'd go for the DVC! Good luck and hope you have a great trip!!:flower3:
I've stayed at a value it was okay my kids were small but now we would not fit. My first stay at Disney was the wilderness lodge and I do like hotels with inside corridors. I wouldn't call values a motel 6. That could be the only way some people could have an on site Disney vacation but everyone has preferences. If I were you stay at another hotel and you guys could visit each other and get a feel for both resorts. Have fun!!!
I there is often a misconception (with society in general not just Disney accommodations!) that there is a linear relationship between cost, class & behavior. Ergo, the 'cheaper' the resort, the lower all 3 of the aforementioned variables. We all know this isn't true, and quite frankly it would be easy to argue that there is in fact an inverse relationship! lol...

The Value resorts have some of the best theming and best pools from our families perspective, however, the biggest negative for us is the transport and having to rely upon the buses 100% to get to the main parks. I think if they offered a 'value' resort closer to MK it would be something we would consider. We understand that Disney is ridiculously expensive, but we budget for what we want and make sacrifices. I am lucky in that I can afford to work hard and purchase a few weeks a year at a resort we want, i appreciate that not everyone can do that. And by no means am i a 'Disney Snob'.. everyone's tickets are the same. We loved the POFQ and PORS for our family, and we often split our time with a 'south' location resort for when we do epcot, AK etc... then move to a monorail resort or WL for the remainder when we will spend most of our time in MK.

After being in the hotels we like, I think it would be difficult to go back so far away, but you never know! My son wants to try the Cars family suite, so i guess we will try it at some point!

As a kid some of my fondest memories are from when my family and I went on a 'poor persons' vacation in a trailer, my memories aren't focused on how much it cost, just the feelings i shared and experienced with my parents and siblings. Choose whatever your heart desires and focus on the experience and memories as opposed to the building they were created in.....
I think that it is evident you and your brother have different ideas about vacation accommodations. There is no way I could try to change your viewpoint. It's yours and therefore it's valid.

Tell your brother to join the resort he will he happy with. Pay your mom's way and have her stay with you. Tell your brother to start saving for food, no telling what the discounts will be given the construction at cbr and Csr. Disney may not need to offer much.
im sure there will be some who think I am being snotty, snobby or both but really I am not.
Unfortunately with how your posts sounds combined with the title at least to me that's exactly how you are coming off even if that was not your intent.

I have read lots of posts on the values- smaller rooms, smaller beds, smaller vanity etc. I do enjoy a larger space and love room service but can you convince me to stay in a value resort and if so which one? I don't love a long walk to transportation from the room.
Soooo wait a minute..your entire post is based on never staying in a resort category you have never actually stayed at?

Please Tell me the positives- thanks
Honest question but why would someone offer up advice in this specific situation..you've already advised you will not be staying at a Value but not only that to me it's almost like to you a Value is beneath you given the words "snotty" and "snobby"

Stay where you want to stay and let others stay where they want to stay based on their preferences, needs, vacation style etc. It's really that easy.
Hi OP. Your best bet is really to stay where you'd like, let your mom choose where she wants to stay and then you guys just all meet up! It really works out.

And I also have never stayed at a value, but I know I wouldn't like it. I don't like outside corridors, I don't like the locations, I don't like the decor (outside), and I don't like food courts. Pretty sure they aren't for me. :bitelip:
Hi OP. Your best bet is really to stay where you'd like, let your mom choose where she wants to stay and then you guys just all meet up! It really works out.

And I also have never stayed at a value, but I know I wouldn't like it. I don't like outside corridors, I don't like the locations, I don't like the decor (outside), and I don't like food courts. Pretty sure they aren't for me. :bitelip:
Not for me either, but for Heavens sake everyone should take a breath and go easy a bit.
Some like the values, and others that's what their budget dictates. They are just as excited about their family trip as someone staying in a deluxe.
It almost seems mean to me what is happening.

Perhaps I'm over sensitive, but it just seems wrong to come across so superior.

Stay in a *Blank Blank* Motel, or a *BlankLodge* Inn, then I'm sure you'll have an appreciation to anything on Disney property...Including the values...

It's all in the title...A value is simply just that--> Great value....

We've stayed in values our first 4 visits & quite honestly it was perfectly fine for what we did....We toured from morning to night mostly, and utilized the pool a little.

As the kids got older we moved up to mods. We found this to be a perfect compromise. With a lil bigger room, more eating options, better main pools with slides & hot tubs, so as our touring changed a little, & we built in resort days it was better for us.

It wasn't until we bought DVC, where we started to see things really change...I wouldn't normally pay for a deluxe or a villa prior but knowing now how we do Disney, with lots of resort activities/days...Better TS options, and better transportation options....

If you have the $$, and don't mind spending for a mod, then do so, but honestly a value is really not bad IMHO
Not for me either, but for Heavens sake everyone should take a breath and go easy a bit.
Some like the values, and others that's what their budget dictates. They are just as excited about their family trip as someone staying in a deluxe.
It almost seems mean to me what is happening.

Perhaps I'm over sensitive, but it just seems wrong to come across so superior.


Mean? I was just agreeing with OP that I don't like values and listed the reasons. Other people said they like values and listed the reasons.

I wasn't trying to put down values. :)
Mean? I was just agreeing with OP that I don't like values and listed the reasons. Other people said they like values and listed the reasons.

I wasn't trying to put down values. :)
The reply wasn't necessarily directed at you.. It was generic.

Sorry if it seemed as though I singled you out.

Okay, I feel both snotty and snobby when it comes to hotels, but I love Pop! :goodvibes
Yes, the rooms are a bit smaller and the beds are double, but if you can get past that, Pop is awesome.

The rooms and grounds are just as clean as a mod/deluxe.
Buses are more plentiful.
Lots of food court options at Pop and AofA.
We have stayed at mods and deluxes, but we've had our quietest stays in lakeside rooms at Pop. :)
I am typically a CBR girl, but I am opting to go AoA this trip because they are tearing up my beloved Disney home and I don't want to deal with that. I don't like CSR or POR, and for personal reasons New Orleans themeing gives me nightmares.

Would I like to stay deluxe? Of course. But I would much rather spend the money doing something like a tour or getting a piece of art, so I am embracing my inner child and staying at AoA.

And I will have a wonderful trip because I am going into it with the mindset that I will.
I agree with the others who suggest you should probably stay where you want bc it sounds like you've already made up your mind about the values.
I've stayed at values and moderates. I do like the moderates a bit more, but not enough to justify spending the extra money when we are barely in the room. My kids are young enough that they just want a pool, even a basic pool will do for them. Would I love to stay at a deluxe, esp on the monorail? Yes! I probably can't ever see myself paying those prices though.
Everyone has different priorities, expectations, needs, and wants on vacation. It really is an individual decision. I'd stay at a value in a minute and use the extra money I save for other things on my trip ....or for taking 2 trips in a year instead of just one more expensive trip, but that's just me.
I stayed at AoA once with my family in 2015. We had a little mermaid room that was adorable. We only stayed one night because we had an evening flight and I couldn't justify the extra $ for our deluxe room and meal plan for a night we wouldn't get to use (it was an extra 1K). So I booked a night that was really cheap compared to our deluxe rates and wondered for months if I should have stayed at AoA for the duration of our 6 night trip. Once we got there I couldn't wait for the next morning when I could leave. I would never stay there for a week. It was chaotic everywhere: the food court, walking to our room, the pools, etc. It was like I was in a park. For me, I can't handle that much stimulation in a park all day, and return to my hotel with the same stimulation. The bus line was like cattle call without shade. I'm pretty sure I lost my kids in the food court. The rooms were very small and our suitcases took up a lot of space. I also had a hard time falling asleep because I kept hearing the doors slamming shut from other guests at all hours. I had an idea of what to expect since I stayed at ASMu when I was 13 on a family trip, but even incredible theming couldn't hide the lack of space in the room. I would definitely be at the parks all day because I would never want to return to my room unless I were exhausted. The grounds were beautiful and my kids loved it. If I had a commando style touring, I would totally stay value. While I am grateful for my experience, value is not my preference.
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