We decided to spend a few nights in Atlantic City for my birthday. We normally go to WDW but since we were going in a few weeks, we opted for something closer to home. We also hadn't been to Atlantic City is a few years.
Feb 1st - Feb 3rd (2 adults)
2 nights Caesar's Palace Centurion Tower King Room - $251.73
Gas - $20
Parking -$5 (we booked directly with Caesars so a $20 parking credit was included)
Dinner at Gordon Rasmay's Pub & Grill -$115.00
Lunch at Rainforest Cafe - $62.00
Dinner at Gordon Rasmay's Hells Kitchen - $230.00
Breakfast at McDonald's - $15.00
Total: $678.73
It's funny how quickly these "cheap" trips add up!
We found a sweet deal on a two bedroom at SSR, so we decided to take a trip with my fiancé and his family (brother, mom, and dad) to celebrate his dad's birthday and go to the flower and Garden Festival. My fiancé, brother in law, and myself drove down while my in laws flew.
Feb 24th - March 2nd (5 Adults)
7 Nights at SSR standard 2 bedroom - $1,180
Gas from Philly to Orlando RT - $225
Flights Trenton to Orlando RT - $313.92
5 2 day Tickets - $1,214.10
5 1 day Water Park Tickets - free
Group Total: $2,933.02
Food & Merch Spending: $1,000 (us only)
My Fiancé and I's Total: $2,296.64
I had to update my cruise trip as we didn't get BRV but managed to snag Cooper Creek instead!
Flights are looking more expensive than normal and
DCL transfers also increased in price
We are using discounted gift cards where possible to save money.
Sept 25 - Oct 6th (2 Adults)
3 nights Copper Creek Villas (pre cruise) -$0.00 DVC points
7 night cruise Eastern Caribbean on Disney Fantasy (verandah room) - $3,883.08
1 night Yacht Club (post cruise) - $430.32
RT DCL Transfers - $180
Prepaid Gratuities - $203
Frontier Flights (PHL to MCO) - $226.58
Southwest Flights (MCO to PHL) - $325.96
Mears Connect to/from MCO - $67.20
Travel Insurance - $85 (est)
Passports - $330
Est. Total $5,731.14