How did you get your current job?

So then you don't have any idea how people CURRENTLY land jobs, is what you're saying?
Fair enough. I wouldn’t have a clue either, I got a random phone call from someone in my industry …I get calls pretty frequently as I have a good amount of contacts and am somewhat specialized. It’s who knows you or LinkedIn. Same goes for friends of mine in totally separate industries. Obviously, that’s more common with people who have years of experience but the OP never was specific enough to know their situation.
It’s a long story, but here’s the cliff notes version….

The doctor I work for (he was my doctor before I worked for him) had an office manager with an abusive husband.

I had my store and I decided to close it June 2012

The office manager‘s husband murdered her and killed himself

My DH found out and told me to call the doctor to replace her since I’m now going to be unemployed

I called the doctor, who I’ve known for years and was also a customer of mine, and had the most awkward conversation with him about all this.

He was grateful I called and 11 years later I’m still working for him.

Crazy crazy story
I wouldn’t recommend this strategy with the OP…. 😂
My husband works for the federal govt, and had been keeping his eyes open for jobs for me on USAJOBS.GOV, when he saw one that might work for me, It was a temp job/then seasonal, which still works, and I prefer seasonal. if willing/able to try govt work, is the place to start
I was working at a travel agency that paid little money, no benefits, and was about to put me on base pay plus commission except they were only having me do administrative tasks, graphic design work, and other non-sale related work. So essentially I was going to be struggling to make ends meet even more.

A friend who works for the government helped me with the application process and while I was overseas I got notified by someone apartment-sitting that the government called looking for me. I called from Morocco and a few minutes into the call I was offered a job. 23 years later and I'm still there.
Very cool. It was a hypnotherapist who helped my mother overcome her lifelong fear of nearly age 70. DH and I surprised her with a trip to Italy....and she did great! Wish she had done it years before.

I was sceptical to begin with, before I started training, but then I was hypnotised over the web, believe it or not, and it really turned by life around. Huge advocate now!
I was sceptical to begin with, before I started training, but then I was hypnotised over the web, believe it or not, and it really turned by life around. Huge advocate now!
Nice...and I was a huge skeptic too! But over 8-10 sessions her anxiety just melted away. For years we tried to convince her by medicating her...but she still couldn't bring herself to do it. She flies regularly was really something.
I'm seeing a lot of contract type postings on Indeed in my field (project management), some are offering very good pay, but I just don't feel I can take the risk to be a contract employee at this point. Maybe after my DD graduates college in a few years but not now.

by any chance does your dd attend near you or is there an associated college near to you? reason i ask is i know of a couple of people who wanted to change jobs when their kids were either approaching or in college and had the same concerns you voice re. contract work. in seeking out jobs they took a look at what the colleges their kids locally attended (or were associated system wise with) were hiring for. neither took jobs that were identical to what they had been working nor paid as well BUT that was tremendously (in one case entirely +++) offset by virtue of the free college (or tremendously reduced) tution benefit for employees and their dependants. one remained until a year or so after their kid's graduation (had the security of a job she did'nt hate to keep her going while she sought what she wanted) while the other found she was able to rapidly hire into something much more closely related to her profession/historic pay once she was within the university system so she stayed (and opted to use that tuition benefit to get an advanced degree to make herself even more marketable).

it's something to consider.
followed my great-grandfather, my grandfather and my father and mother into the family business (construction).
It’s a long story, but here’s the cliff notes version….

The doctor I work for (he was my doctor before I worked for him) had an office manager with an abusive husband.

I had my store and I decided to close it June 2012

The office manager‘s husband murdered her and killed himself

My DH found out and told me to call the doctor to replace her since I’m now going to be unemployed

I called the doctor, who I’ve known for years and was also a customer of mine, and had the most awkward conversation with him about all this.

He was grateful I called and 11 years later I’m still working for him.

Crazy crazy story
What kind of store did you have?
Total fluke.

A young recruiter found my 10 year old resume on Career Builder and called me about contract job 3 days after I was laid off.

Temp role became permanent.
Damn husband. Told someone he had worked for/with (he’s in construction) that I’d be great for the job(bookkeeping/accounting). I’d been a SAHM for 15 years. New job was supposed to last a year. That was 5 years ago.

I got the money I asked for per hour but they made me salary at 20 hours a week. Then I tried to quit and they doubled my salary. Now I work three part time days totaling 14 hours. I’m overpaid and pretty much make my own rules.

The job before that was because of my boss. She changed jobs and wanted me there. I hated that job for several reasons.

While in Florida if anyone needs a pizza I’ll be able to help you starting next summer. That’s dh’s and my next and final job (i hope). Should be fun.
My wife and I were moving for her new job 200 miles away. She talked to her best friend whose husband got me an interview. I loved the company but not the job. Three years later I changed departments within the company. It's now been 7 years and I don't plan on leaving this job ever.
17 years ago, long before social media was what it is now, my industry had a local webpage for job postings called BuilderConnect, which was a primitive form of Monster or Workopolis or Indeed. I submitted a resume that way. If I had to find a new one today I'd 100% use an agency. My company recruits through Linkedin (among other methods), as I presume almost everybody does now. After just hiring 3 new staff for my department and having had to wade through hundreds of applications from candidates who were not in the least suitable for the positions, I think their algorithm is extremely poor. :sad2:
Sorry to hear things aren't working out for you at your current job. A friend of mine was an employee, and she referred/recruited me.
Good luck to you!


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