Heart Flutters


Either she is eating a delicious
Jul 31, 2007
Does anyone get these? I have been getting them off and on for a while. It's like a flutter or pounding in my chest. Sometimes I feel weak, but I think that is just my anxiety kicking in. I have an appt tomorrow, but was wondering if anyone else has these and what their diagnosis was. I have googled it and apparently it can be anywhere from completely benign to very serious. I was very nervous after making the appt. because she kept saying "we really need to see you" over and over as she was checking the schedule. Gulp.
Does anyone get these? I have been getting them off and on for a while. It's like a flutter or pounding in my chest. Sometimes I feel weak, but I think that is just my anxiety kicking in. I have an appt tomorrow, but was wondering if anyone else has these and what their diagnosis was. I have googled it and apparently it can be anywhere from completely benign to very serious. I was very nervous after making the appt. because she kept saying "we really need to see you" over and over as she was checking the schedule. Gulp.

This started happening to me in June of this year. All of a sudden my heart would start pounding and I’d get shaky. I had to record what my heart rate would get to and it was around 130 resting..normal is 60-100.

For me, it turned out to be a side effect from a madication I had taken. I was put on heart pills and since then it’s been normal.

It’s easy to panic, but try not to. I put a lot of trust in doctors so you’ll be in good hands. Whatever you do, stay off the internet. Anything can be diagnosed as serious online.
Have you ever had your thyroid checked? Being too low can cause your heart to flutter.
I get them fairly often, at least a few times a week. My Dr. put a holter monitor on me for 24 hours and said they’re normal palpitations. I also had a bunch of heart tests done after going to the ER and everything was normal. They still bother me but if my tests all came back fine maybe they aren’t anything to worry about? I know it’s easier said than done but try to relax and don’t google anymore! Wait and see what your dr says.
My husband had this and they had him wear a heart monitor for a month. It turned out to be nothing at all. He turned 50 this year.
Thanks everyone. Yes I had my thyroid checked at my last physical. about six months ago.

I am hoping it's just hormones. From what I understand, it peri menopause can do a number on you and heart palpitations are a sign of peri menopause.

I have heard they can be very normal, but they still freak me out a bit.
It's likely due to your anxiety. I get it from time to time too. It's scary when it happens but it's not harmful most of the time. Does it feel like your heart skips a beat and then thumps really hard? And then speeds up afterwards? That's what happens to me. My heart is totally fine. It's anxiety.
I have it when my TSH is too low and even after my TSH is brought back into a good range it continues for a few months.
I just started getting it a couple weeks ago and I go to my endo for my yearly check up in a couple weeks so we'll see if my TSH is too low.
Mine is apparently not a danger.
I believe its called... Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia (PSVT)
It's likely due to your anxiety. I get it from time to time too. It's scary when it happens but it's not harmful most of the time. Does it feel like your heart skips a beat and then thumps really hard? And then speeds up afterwards? That's what happens to me. My heart is totally fine. It's anxiety.

Yes, that is what happens. Then I become hyper aware of my heartbeat and it feels like it is beating hard in my chest. I wonder what tests they will do? I originally called a cardiologist and they said I had to go through my pcp, so that is who I am seeing. I know she can do an EKG, but I imagine she will refer me to a cardiologist for the holster monitor thingy.

The nurse I talked to really freaked me out. She kept saying, "we really need to see you" over and over. Then she told me to go to the ER if it got really bad or if I had any pain, which I don't. Just fluttering and thumping and racing heart beat. It has become more frequent in the last few months so that is why I am a little concerned.
Yes, that is what happens. Then I become hyper aware of my heartbeat and it feels like it is beating hard in my chest. I wonder what tests they will do? I originally called a cardiologist and they said I had to go through my pcp, so that is who I am seeing. I know she can do an EKG, but I imagine she will refer me to a cardiologist for the holster monitor thingy.

The nurse I talked to really freaked me out. She kept saying, "we really need to see you" over and over. Then she told me to go to the ER if it got really bad or if I had any pain, which I don't. Just fluttering and thumping and racing heart beat. It has become more frequent in the last few months so that is why I am a little concerned.

They will just do an EKG in office. That will show any potential abnormalities. If there is anything of note they will send you to the cardiologist. I can tell you that if you are otherwise in good health, not elderly, and don't have cardiac risk factors or something like fainting spells, a normal EKG will be as much testing as you will get.

My thyroid function is totally fine, everything else is fine, I'm 39 with a history of mitral valve prolapse, and I was not referred for further testing. I have had this issue for almost ten years now so it's obviously nothing bad.

I had it like crazy a couple months back leading up to some testing to rule out cancer. Once the tests came back normal (2 weeks ago), I haven't had one episode. I haven't even noticed my heartbeat. It's totally an anxiety thing.
I started getting them 5 years ago, after I had my first (and only) child. I was in my late 20's. They did tons of tests, including a stress test, a 30 day monitor, and ECG's, and never found anything beyond normal PAC's, which are harmless. I still get them all the time, and they scare the bejeezus out of me when I notice them, but I just have to trust that the tests would have shown if there were any serious problems.
And all of our different responses for different reasons of having it is probably making the OP's head spin which is why the thread should probably have been more focused on what the OP's likely diagnosis would be and not ours.
I believe OP's are likely just due to anxiety if they are in otherwise good health.
The Dr's office kind of HAS to be concerned with that kind of a symptom and I am sure a number of tests will be done to ensure no other health problem is causing it but at the end of the day its likely anxiety especially since OP said they have anxiety.
I've had them for about 3 years now. I have had them checked and they are totally benign. In my case, my heart is not beating fast or speeding up, but there is an extra beat, then a pause, and then a THUD. It feels like you describe. When I'm having a run of them, I actually feel my pulse and I can feel the extra beat, the skip, and then the one that comes on after the pause.

These started for me right at menopause. It was the year that my period decided to disappear.

Like you, when they happen I get feeling kind of scared and then I feel weird but that's my anxiety.
I've had these since I was a teen, they used to really scare me, but I've had EKGs and worn a holter monitor, so I know they're really nothing to worry about. My kids get them also. From personal experience, I know quite a few people who have the same symptoms, and they're all fine. It's good you're getting checked out, but try not to worry too much, good chance that it's nothing.
I have anxiety, & my heart will flutter & jump around like that as well.

My mom has mitro valve prolapse, & it is supposedly hereditary. I've never been officially tested (because I also have a really bad doctor/hospital phobia). However, the last time I was pregnant, once when my OB was routinely checking my heart at one of my appointments, he heard my heart skipping some beats.

Anyway, when I drink a lot of caffeine, it makes my heart very fluttery & jumpy - so I usually only drink a cup of coffee every 2-3 days. I have to stay completely away from energy drinks.
I was diagnosed with PVC’s several years ago I didn’t know what they were and they sent me into panic attacks. I saw a cardiologist to make sure I was ok, and they even did a holter monitor on me to make sure they were nothing to worry about. Mine are harmless. Suggested I drink more water, and have less caffeine and chocolate.

I really wanted to know if they are hormone related because that is when I most notice them, the week before TOM, but I never got a solid answer on that. In my experience, they ARE hormone related.
Thanks everyone. I can't wait until the appt is over. I hate waiting.
I was diagnosed with PVC’s several years ago I didn’t know what they were and they sent me into panic attacks. I saw a cardiologist to make sure I was ok, and they even did a holter monitor on me to make sure they were nothing to worry about. Mine are harmless. Suggested I drink more water, and have less caffeine and chocolate.

I really wanted to know if they are hormone related because that is when I most notice them, the week before TOM, but I never got a solid answer on that. In my experience, they ARE hormone related.

They tend to be hormone related for me too. I have to watch my caffeine intake all month long, but even more so the week before. But my anxiety also ramps up then as well.
Yes. I did all the tests and everything. I was told everything was okay. I cut out caffeine and I hardly get them any more but they always come back if I have caffeine so I really have to watch my intake.


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