Has Political correctness gone too far?

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old lady

DIS Veteran
Mar 15, 2007
Has it? In Disneyland, the Pirates of the Caribbean was remodeled because people didn't like the pirates chasing women? It is like don't you know what pirates are. soon they don't like them to rob and murder. They are criminals, that is like asking robbers don't to rob or bandits not to steal. Terrorists have terror in their name for a reason. They aren't heroes like they make them out to be. It is like what people are saying about ninja warriors. They make them look heroic , but they were not honor in Japan, but were considered the boogie men because they kill and kidnap people.
Pirates was changed because the whole story of pirates changed in Disney's image. They went from being bad guys who got what was coming to them in the end to being the boy version of princesses. They then got themselves stuck. You can't have little boys dress up as a pirate, and then glorify human trafficking (they were doing more than just chasing women around, they were selling them.) I agree that the change is disappointing to those of us who wants the redhead, but it makes sense when you look at the whole picture. It has nothing to do with being "PC", it's a business decision in order to sell more swords and eyepatches.
Has political correctness gone too far? Absolutely, I'd love it if we brought back more blatant racism, sexism, ageism, disregard for the LGTBQ community, etc., etc., and generally just let white men run the show again. I should really get back in the kitchen and start making my husband lunch. I mean respecting other people, how tacky. :confused3
Ohhh, heck yes, PC has gone way too far.
It is a concerted effort in limiting free speech, but only speech that one disagrees with.

But, Pirates of the Caribbean????? - Nope, I don't necessarily thing that this was PC gone too far. I don't know why there should be that much 'chasing women', and other things like that, in a theme park ride geared for families and children.

Having said that.... I looked into going back to WDW, after many many years, and was disappointed to see that MK was just basically the same, old, sometimes tired and outdated stuff that has been there for decades.

Walt might be rolling over in his grave... He was all about fresh new innovation and technology bringing the very best in entertainment... And, in 2018, I don't think that is plastic characters and sets with simple lame 1970-80 robotic animatronics.

It is time to bring some fresh ideas to the MK!!!!
So, @old lady, do you think it was a good thing that there is a ride at Disney parks celebrating rape and murder?

To be fair, and I have posted this before, the story of the ride really doesnt celebrate a life of piracy, but rather shows the downfalls and horrors of such a life. The DL version tells it a bit better than the WDW one. As you go into it you are met with the grim visions of those who came before, the skeletons resting with their useless treasures. Then you are presented with the action, which seems exciting. As they ransack the town, you see the true nature of it, then they are trapped in a cell as everything collapses around them, and the few remaining fight for the scraps on the shattered tinders of their ship. That's the reward for A Pirate's Life.

Now, that was the original vision. Jack Sparrow kind of turns things upside down, though as we see in the movies, he's more of a "scoundrel with a heart of gold" type of character. He is our "hero" and that does put a different spin on things. While many are worked up about the recent changes, I think they work in this new interpretation. I like Redd and actually think they should make the next Pirates movies using her as the main character. Overall, it's not a change I am too worried about and while I was never offended by the original version, the possibilities of the new version are interesting to me.
Nah. Asking that people try not to offend and demean other people shouldn't be seen as an unattainable task. If you don't want to do it and cite free speech, that's fine, you're right, you're free to say it. People are also free to judge your character on how you represent yourself with your words.
IMO, politicians are never correct, so.... That was what you were asking about, right?? :D
I'm offended that you're offended that they're offended. All though I don't know who they are. Was there some angry, concerted mob that demanded they change the scene?
Pirates was changed because the whole story of pirates changed in Disney's image. They went from being bad guys who got what was coming to them in the end to being the boy version of princesses. They then got themselves stuck. You can't have little boys dress up as a pirate, and then glorify human trafficking (they were doing more than just chasing women around, they were selling them.) I agree that the change is disappointing to those of us who wants the redhead, but it makes sense when you look at the whole picture. It has nothing to do with being "PC", it's a business decision in order to sell more swords and eyepatches.
I don't see this get much mention and I definitely think this played into the decision. I find the whole be a pirate or a princess thing extremely bizarre, but the majority of their market seems to eat it up. At least the kids look like they're having fun in the magical express ads!
Have these "PC has run amuck, amuck, amuck" posts gone too far? Stay tuned.

Pirates was changed because the whole story of pirates changed in Disney's image. They went from being bad guys who got what was coming to them in the end to being the boy version of princesses. They then got themselves stuck. You can't have little boys dress up as a pirate, and then glorify human trafficking (they were doing more than just chasing women around, they were selling them.) I agree that the change is disappointing to those of us who wants the redhead, but it makes sense when you look at the whole picture. It has nothing to do with being "PC", it's a business decision in order to sell more swords and eyepatches.
While I mostly agree with this post, and I even think the change is a net positive for POTC, let's at least admit it has something to do with being PC.
PC-ness is clearly a consideration in just about any significant decision being made by Disney.
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