Guess I need to start this PTR! Only 6 months to go!

Hey Connie! Sorry, I stink at checking in these days. With our Spring Break this week, I'll get caught up I bet! This weather is great. We've spent all day today and yesterday outside getting some sun!
Well, good morning!! I am waiting to go to the Dr for lab work- yuck!!! I found out yesterday that I have early stages of hypertention- just great! For the last 3 visits, my "bottom" number on my blood pressure has been elevated. So, he's worried. HE said to lose at least 20 pounds and watch the sale intake. Now, I'll admit, I am a total salt-aholic. So, I won't add that to everything anymore. And I guess I'll have to switch to low salt Tony's. I also have to do a cholesterol test this morning. Geez, I hope that's ok. I mean, I'm only 34!! And I'm overweight, but not like way overweight. I guess family genes have some to do with it. Anyway. We did our first P90X workout last night!! I was so very nervous and did not expect to make it through it. But, I did! Of course, I couldn't do every rep on every exercise. But, I did a lot of them. The main ones I couldn't do were the push up ones- and the abs where you have to do the banana pose. So, I see what I need to work on! The lunges were good, though. And tonight we'll do the Cardio X. Oh, last night was Core Synergistics. Alex and I will go for a walk today, too. Not to exercise as much as to get ready for Disney walking!!! 51 days to go- whoo whoot!
OK, well, gotta get ready for the Dr. See ya real soon!
Ah, the weather today is wonderful! Mid-80s and sunshine for miles! I hope it's like this for our trip in 34 days!!! WOW! So close:cool1:

So, I am getting close to having all of the things we need money for done- like tickets and meals- lol. I bought my AP, DSAlex has a ticket that will be upgraded to his AP. I will buy DH's AP next week. Then, we'll just need our gas and food money. I am so excited- YAY!

I haven't been planning as much lately- i think I got burnt out :sad2:

But, it's getting so close now that I have to get my butt in gear!

I found out that our district added two teacher days on to the end of the year to make up for our 2 snow days:headache: That just means that I will be on vacation those last two days- oh well!
That just means I gotta get everything cleaned up and out of the classroom fast. I have started cleaning and organizing boxes so I can begin taking them out. I brought one this week-:rotfl:- just one b/c the others were heavy and someone swiped my cart!

I have three ready to go and will just need to do this last bulletin board for May and I can get a few more out. I will just have my center stuff left. I think I'll start taking down the room decorations at the beginning of May as that will be harder and take a bit more than anything else. Too bad we can't come up there on a weekend like at the beginning of the year.

Anyway, going to look at the other TRs to catch up- I am so horrible at keeping in touch this year- gotta blame it on being a new teacher!
Oh- forgot to add that my cholesterol was great- 139! We've been doing the P90X for a little over 2 weeks now! It's hard, but doable. I haven't lost any weight:( But, DH is looking great- MEN!

Oh, and I passed my PLT- made a perfect score, too- WAAHOOOO!! Too bad that doesn't matter when looking for a job!
Congratulations! on passing all your test! and keeping up with the workouts!
How exciting that you are almost all paid up for your disney trip!!!

Happy to see you back! Have a smooth end of the year!
:wave2: Connie
:wave: Hey Brandi, so glad to hear that your lab work came back good :thumbsup2. How has your blood pressure been? I have been working on losing weight too, and all I have been able to lose so far is 5 lbs :headache:.

It is good to know I'm not the only one still saving up the Disney spending money :rolleyes1. I paid my trip off a couple weeks ago and we will renew our APs when we get down there on the 22nd. Since we are on the DDP all we really need is gas and spending money. I can't believe we are only 34 days away from our trips now :dance3::banana:. It seems like so long ago when the planning began.

OK, so I have tried to update this a zillion times, but my computer keeps kicking me out of the disboards before I can finish! So, I'll try to do a quick update!

We are now going to add on points when we get there this year. We really need and want to stay in 2 BRs now with the boys- just 2 and little, but since they'll go to bed early, I don't want to have to either carry them from our bed to the LR couch or be stuck in our room. We decided to go ahead and borrow points from enxt eyar to upgrade for this trip. That way, we will still have enough points to stay since we are in the window to get our 2009 points still (Aug UY). We'll end up with 300 points- and 330 for next year since we have 30 left over. I am so excited that we will get to stay in a 2 BR! BUT, I am a little bummed b/c all we could get was SSR. Now, don't get me wrong, I LOVE SSR and it is our home. But, we were really excited to try AKV or another resort we haven't tried yet. On the other hand, I am thrilled that we are so close to DTD and everything else in general. I was a little uneasy with being at AKV since it's so far from everything. All in all, I am happy, but was really hoping to get something at VWL. I know that's a hard one, but I hoped! Oh well!

Anyway, only about 24 days left I think! YAY!
Can you believe we are almost at Disney? :banana::cool1::woohoo::dance3::yay:. I am getting so excited about this trip :goodvibes. Congrats on adding the points. I am going to really work on Dale this trip about DVC; don't know that it will do any good, but I'm gonna try.
Hey! Brandi
how exciting that your trip is right around the corner and that you guys were able to add to your points!
Have a great time!
Thanks for stopping by ladies! I am starting to worry a bit about having everything ready. With getting school all cleaned out and getting packed, I am not sure when I'll have time for it all. ARRGHHH! But, in 2 weeks, we will be on our way!

I have an interview with a new school next week that I am so excited about! It's a very good private school in the city. I am hoping I will like everyone and the school- and of course, I hope they want me to work there. I also hope that my kids get to go free if I do because there is no way we could afford it! But, that's thinking a little ahead!

We are going to try to do some trip shopping this weekend. I need some shorts, Nate needs a swim diaper and Alex needs a swimsuit. I also want to get those FrogTog cool sheet things as they are awesome and will help us stay cool on the trip! Oh, and I ordered a City Micro from allbeebaby and I am praying that it comes in on time. It didn't say how long until it'd ship, but I did do UPS shipping. I will die if it's not here when we go! Here's hoping!!
Good luck! Brandi on the job interview...I hope it all works out for you!

what is a FrogTog never heard of it; but, it sounds interesting!

good luck with getting everything together...even if you are throwing in the suitcase 1/2 hr before you leave...some of my best packing has been done that way!

Have a great time!
Thanks Connie!! FroggToggs are a brand of rain gear normally- they sell themn at BassPro and the are wonderful. They have something called a ChillyPad that is so cool. It's like a little towel that stays cool for hours, but somehow isn't wet. I mean, you wet it, but it doesn't feel wet. When you put it on your skin, it's really cold. I think it'll be great for the trip!

I went to Target yesterday and WalMart today. I have a ton of stuff for our trip! I still need to get some shorts for me as I'm still too big for most of mine. I was planning on getting out to shop today, but didn't. I decided to be Mother's Day Lazy! I guess I'll have to go next weekend since that's all I have left!! YAY

I really want to get a skort or two as well. I think that will be so much cooler and better as I hate shorts with my fat thighs. We'll see what I can find, though.

I told DH he had to cook tonight so we'll see if I get dinner- maybe that's a good weight-loss tool- make DH cook! We'll just go hungry- lol.
OK- gotta go check in on more May peeps!
So, 2 days and 12 hours until we leave!! :cool1: I have school through Friday, but the kids' last day is tomorrow! I am so very excited! I need to call to put in my room requests, but I still can't decide on doing the online check in. I think I will and then will just ask to switch if the room isn't where we'd prefer. Of course, it doesn't matter really as it will be Disney! :banana:

I packed pretty much everything on Saturday. I had a few things left that needed washing, but that was it. Now, I just need to wash all of our regular clothes because I don't want to come home to dirty clothes. I also need to get the house clean so it's not a mess to come home to! I'll have friends coming into to feed and walk the dog, too.

So, here is what I think is our final intinerary:

Sat- 2 AM- leave home at 2 AM (or earlier if we are too excited to sleep!) Check in to SSR around 2 PM. If room is ready, we will go in, unpack and relax. If not, then we'll wait or explore the resort! CM ADRs at 5 or 5:40- I forget! :confused3

Sun- DHS- for SWW- For me and the little guy, we'll do TSM at RD, then PHD. Then maybe see a few other things if it's not too crazy. Otherwise, we'll head back to resort and nap then meet big boys at MK that evening for SPECTRO!

Monday- EPCOT! Le Cellier for lunch

Tuesday- TL- TRex ADR for dinner

Wed- MK!!

Thurs- AK- Donald's Bfast- dessert at RFC, then either Margaritaville or WCC for dinner- can't decide and will depend on our level of exhaustion!

Fri- MK!! O'hana ADR for dinner- may cancel- we'll see how budget is doing!

Sat- go home :mad:

After a year of planning, it is finally here! I am so excited and hope we savour every minute! Of course, we will be back next year and many more to come since we are DVCers. But, it's been almost 3 years since anything in Orlando- just did US/IOA in 2007 and MVMCP. Been 4 years since Disney. First trip for little guy. Older DS doesn't really remember too much, just what I've told him and the pictures. So, it's been too long and we are ready to go!!


Oh, and we just got a new CityMini Stroller in LIME GREEN!! Yep, that fun DIS color- the color was actually not due to DIS but lack of other choices I wanted! So, say hi to us if you see us!!
you guys have a safe tirp! and be sure to have a wonderful time soaking up the magic!!!
your plans sound great...we were suppose to do T-Rex when we went and we ended up cx'ng due to added party members of our traveling crew! Have a great time!
:mickeyjum :donald: :goofy:
:wave2: Connie
Hi Brandi! Looks like we are going to be at MK on Wednesday. If you see us, please stop us and say Hi! Have a safe trip down!!! :goodvibes
Hey Brandi :wave: Can you believe it is time for our trips? I am sooooooo excited I can't stand it :banana::love::woohoo:. I will BOLO for a lime green stroller :cool2:. Are you coming to either of the meets? Saturday night at Epcot, France 8:30pm or Friday the 28th Epcot, France 2:30pm. Ya'll have a safe trip down :goodvibes.
Hey- I didn't knwo about the meets, but will try to rearrange some and come! That'd be pretty cool!


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