Grand CAL. How much lower will the prices drop ???

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It's ok. Maybe I'll use the money for a down payment on Cotino! Can't wait to see the pricing/fees for that...
Is it worth it to try and get the loaded Fidelity contract down and do an every other year strategy with VGC points?
Update - I only see 5 contracts out there now! Will they be down to 0 by the weekend?? Maybe new ones will pop up though.
I wish VGC made sense for me from a financial standpoint but I really don't NEED to sleep on property to go to DL. It's tough seeing these contracts go but I know eventually over time everything will stabilize and the FOMO will resolve and will come back to a normal level eventually. I DO NEED (well not technically) more direct points at RIV and at Poly2 as those won't be in active sales forever. Best of luck to everyone picking up VGC.
No one will be taking lower end offers for VGC now, I think the market has spoken. Brokers seem to be raising their prices on the handful of contracts that remain.
I haven't seen the price change on the ones that are listed, but was interested to see that the 250 point contract listed at $270 is gone as well as the December 125 at $280. I would have expected to see the two with current points go. I would have thought the Feb 100 point listed at 265 and April 160 that listed at 269 go before the December 125 at 280.
If someone was considering VDH Direct, it seems to me with everything that we know now that VGC resale makes a lot more sense, which I say as an owner at VGC, but you would get this over VDH:

*Lower Dues/Parking Included/No Extra Tax for using Points (included in lower dues)
*A better location/amenities/restaurants/balconies
*Same point cost for all views, and all VGC views keep you in the "bubble" and some have amazing views of the park
*If you go to sell your VGC in the future, you'll recoup much more of your initial outlay due to all the reasons above AND most importantly, the ability for a VGC resale contract to be used at 14 other resorts

Certainly not enough supply of VGC for everyone, but even up to $275+ I'd still rather buy VGC resale than VDH direct at $230.
If someone was considering VDH Direct, it seems to me with everything that we know now that VGC resale makes a lot more sense, which I say as an owner at VGC, but you would get this over VDH:

*Lower Dues/Parking Included/No Extra Tax for using Points (included in lower dues)
*A better location/amenities/restaurants/balconies
*Same point cost for all views, and all VGC views keep you in the "bubble" and some have amazing views of the park
*If you go to sell your VGC in the future, you'll recoup much more of your initial outlay due to all the reasons above AND most importantly, the ability for a VGC resale contract to be used at 14 other resorts

Certainly not enough supply of VGC for everyone, but even up to $275+ I'd still rather buy VGC resale than VDH direct at $230.
I'd pay probably 300 for VGC. Those taxes over the course of 50 years to stay at my home resort in an inferior location with worse theming? No thanks.
I'd pay probably 300 for VGC. Those taxes over the course of 50 years to stay at my home resort in an inferior location with worse theming? No thanks.
I agree, and I also think VGC is far superior as a resort than VDH which I know is subjective.

So, I'm with you at the $300 cost. Which you'd recoup much more of if you sell than someone who buys VDH at $230 and goes to sell later with restrictions for the buyer.
I agree, and I also think VGC is far superior as a resort than VDH which I know is subjective.

So, I'm with you at the $300 cost. Which you'd recoup much more of if you sell than someone who buys VDH at $230 and goes to sell later with restrictions for the buyer.
The restrictions really don't even matter. Anybody who buys VGC resale likely does so knowing the best use of those points is only to use them at VGC. It's just how much that ToT adds up over time and those MFs. You'd likely save more in the long run staying at VGC and have the subjectively better resort.
The restrictions really don't even matter. Anybody who buys VGC resale likely does so knowing the best use of those points is only to use them at VGC. It's just how much that ToT adds up over time and those MFs. You'd likely save more in the long run staying at VGC and have the subjectively better resort.

Agreed, it's just a matter of if someone wants/needs to sell during the life of the contract. Then, the resale restrictions are going to lower the value on the resale market.

Not the biggest issue for VDH, but another that makes it less attractive in my opinion.
Thanks, I'm already an owner but this brings me to the point total I was after!
That's fantastic! We also own VGC. It's been interesting to watch this the past few weeks. I wonder how long it will be before the rest are picked up.
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