Good Job Nelson!


Earning My Ears
Nov 16, 2014
Hi! I'm Camille (I'm the one in the dark blue shirt next to Dug) I'm in 10th grade and want to work in Disney when I'm older. I ask a lot of cast members about DCP and they alway give me helpful tips, which I'm planning on putting in here! My favorite disney characters are the Cheshire Cat and Rapunzel, and my name on Instagram is PrincessCamille529. I post other pictures from our trips that I took on my phone instead of my camera! During this trip we stayed at Saratoga Springs...even though we live an hour and a half from the real Saratoga Springs, NY, I have only been there for swim meets. Our trip was from Nov.19 - Nov.24!

This is my mom! Her favorite disney character is Lilo!

This is my dad! He doesn't have an instagram. His favorite disney character is Goofy!

This is my sister, Cathleen! She has an instagram, but can't use it anymore for reasons you will find out later on in the trip report... it's pretty bad. Her favorite disney characters are Tigger and Eeyore!

You will find out the story behind the title on our last day!
Great start! Am really interested in what your sister did in regards to instagram lol

Day 1

(This is my FIRST TR so I'm pretty excited!!:wave2:) My family and I woke up at 2:00 in the morning :sad2: so we could drive to the airport. We got there around 4:00. The airport is in Albany, and we were flying Southwest.

All of us had breakfast at McDonalds then went to our gate. At this point we were all exhausted so nothing interesting happened until we boarded the plane... then everything that could possibly go wrong did go wrong.

My parents kept comparing us to the Hecks from The Middle when they went to Disney World! We boarded the plane and were about to take off and then the dreaded announcement came on. "Folks, we have a dent in the plane's stabilizer. We have to call in an engineer from Boeing to see if the plane is airworthy." All we could think of was the Friends episode. The Left Falange is broken! The flight attendents were laughing hysterically! :lmao:

We boarded the plane at 6:25, but didn't actually take off until 8:30 :mad:!! It was only 22 degrees out, so we were all very cold. Everyone on the plane was really mad!

The plane ride wasn't as bumpy as expected considering how windy it was. My dad and I just played cards the whole flight, mostly War. There was an adorable little boy in front of us and he kept turning around and laughing for no reason. He was so cute!

Right before the plane landed the flight attendant made everyone on the plane stretch and she called it "Airplane Aerobics". Which ended up being true.

This is where you find out why Cathleen can't use her Instagram anymore. She brought her iPad on vacation and had instagram on there. We went on the tram with the iPad and left without it :eek:. Cathleen didn't realize that her iPad was missing until we had retrieved our luggage and were getting ready to pick up our rental car. We went to lost and found and gave them our cell phone number so if it got turned in they would call us. My parents just assumed that she left it on the tram, and someone would turn it in soon.

Our plan for that day was to go to Downtown Disney then Hollywood Studios for the Osborne Family Lights then on to Epcot for dinner. Since the flight delay and filling out the Lost and Found paper work set us back 3 hours, we had to make a new plan for the day. We went right to the hotel to check in when we got to Disney.

My Mom was hoping to check in early so we could get a room in The Springs, but because the delay made us late we were given a room at The Grand Station. After my Mom talked to the woman checking us in we were able to get a room in The Springs! She can be veeeery persuasive, just ask my Dad!

Checking in kind of took a long time. I sat there Snapchatting my best friend, Emma, the whole time. Emma wants to do the DCP too so I was sending her a lot of pictures of the hotel. When my Mom was done checking in we all ran to Downtown Disney

We ate lunch at Earl of Sandwich. I ate the BLT and chips then ran to World of Disney to buy a pair of red and green Minnie ears. All of us went to the Co Op to look at the Dooney and Burke purses. I wandered into Tren-D and saw a BEAUTIFUL purse that I LOVED!

I passed both my Regents last year, so my Mom and Dad said they would buy me a prize. I decided to wait until our trip to Disney World to get the prize. I knew it was the first day of vacation so I thougt I should wait and see if there was anything I wanted instead of the purse as my prize.

We were about to go to Hollywood Studios when we realized we forgot our pins and my camera in the rental car. We had to run to the car, which was back at the hotel, and get our stuff. Since we were already at the hotel we decided to take the bus to Hollywood Studios. When we got there we went right to Star Tours, Muppets Vision 3D and Toy Story Mania

I had to take the picture of A Net Full of Jello, because I'm related to Annette Funnicello... VERY distant cousins

When we went on all the rides, we went to go meet Phineas and Ferb

After meeting Phineas and Ferb, we went to go meet Baymax. While we were in line for Baymax and Hiro we met the woman who made the Jungle Cruise Wall Tour video on Youtube. She said that she doesn't work at Jungle Cruise anymore. Then this one woman in line who was talking really loud said something that everyone in the line heard.
Loud Lady: "Oh we went on oh STAR TREK ride earlier today and my son was the rebel spy!"
Everyone Else in Line: *looks at her.*
Everyone quietly laughed at her. You could have heard a pin drop!

While we were in line we saw a cast member wearing a Baymax bow! She said her friend made it for her. We had to take off our pins to met Hiro and Baymax, but they didn't sign autographs. They just gave my sister and I a card with their signatures on it. I asked Baymax if we could fist bump and I said "Ba la la la la" after the fist bump. Hiro and the cast members started laughing.:rotfl:

After meeting Baymax and Hiro we went to go get hot cocoa at The Writers Stop, then watched the Osborne Family Lights.

Also I am OBSESSDED with Greys Anatomy! So I got SOOO excited when I saw these!!!!

We stayed for about 30 minutes then took the bus back to the hotel.
While we were walking out we realized we missed our Tower of Terror Fast Passes. The line was too long and we were too tired to go on now. Once we got back to the hotel we went right to bed without dinner
I'm joining! Can't wait to hear about the trip. Awesome that you met Baymax and Hiro. We didn't get the opportunity to on our trip in November.
We woke up at around 7:00 so I could get a new memory card at a store off property. Once back in Disney World we drove to the Ticket and Transportation Center, then rode the ferry boat to the Magic Kingdom. The monorail wasn't working so everyone had to go on the ferry boat. We didn't actually go into the Magic Kingdom yet, my parents knew that we were going to be at the Magic Kingdom late that night (actually early the next morning) so they left the rental car in the lot at the TTC (AKA the worst rental car EVER! My Dad hated everything about it and would not stop complaining about it! It was a mini-van and he couldn't figure out how to work the automatic sliding doors. Every time we got into the car, he was always opening the door for my sister but not for me. I was starting to get a complex. I think he was trying to ditch me).

Once we were at MK we went to take the bus to Wilderness Lodge. I noticed a Sun Dog in the sky when I got on the bus and it was so pretty with the Contemperary next to it!

My family and I were eating breakfast at Whispering Canyon that morning. Our waitress' name was M.T. and there was another waitress there who found out the girl she was serving worked at Starbucks, so she asked everyone in the resturaunt if thay wanted anything from Starbucks because she was making coffee for us. After breakfast I started taking pictures of my dad when he wasn't looking, and the waitress who asked everyone if they wanted Starbucks saw what I was she photobombed my picture. We have dined here a few times before. The food is always good and it is always a riot!

When we finished our breakfast we took the boat over to the Contemperary. After looking around in the gift shop and checking out the gingerbread display, the monorail took us to the Poly and the Grand.

I took pictures of the gingerbread house and looked around the hotel, then we took the monorail to the Magic Kingdom, the bus to the hotel and walked to Downtown Disney. My Mom asked if we wanted to go there since we really didn't get to look around a lot on our first day. Rainforest Cafe was erupting when we walked in. Every time we see this, My Dad says "Oh, that's just the exhaust fan from the men's restroom."

I went and got water and an apple from Goofy's Candy Company because by then I was pretty hungry. We looked around the Co Op a little, and I decided to get the purse now, because I hadn't seen it anywhere since our first day, and I had been in a lot of stores. My mom said we could return it if we had to, because our hotel was right next to DTD. Generally what happens is we shop and buy, then decide to send my Dad back to the stores with our returns. He Looooves us!

We decided to go back to the hotel after getting ice cream at Ghirardelli. My family and I walked back to the hotel and slept until it was time to go back to the Magic Kingdom for Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party!!
Oh and I forgot that I was talking to someone doing the dcp, and she said that during the phone interview you should be smiling because they can tell if your not. You should also be in a QUIET place!

( I took a lot of pictures from today that I wanted to share so I decided to make a Part 1 and Part 2)

I'm here and following! Good to know that breakfast at Whispering Canyon is yummy. I've had dinner there, but not breakfast...which is weird b/c WL is the resort we always stay at.

Love the pics of the G.Flo with the holiday decorations. Hoping to plan a holiday visit in the next couple of years so I can see the gingerbread house!
We went back to The Magic Kingdom at 3:30, and relized that our Jingle Cruise Fast Passes were up in 5 minutes! We ran into the park and saw a HUGE crowd. The Festival of Fantsay Parade was ending. We thankfully made it in time!

After that we went to go get dinner at Cosmic Rays Starlight Cafe. I got the chicken nuggets and a soda.
When we finished dinner we went to go get in line for Jack Skeleton dressed as Santa Claus. When we got in line he wasn't there yet but there was already a 3 hour wait! He littlerally went in every 15 minutes and took a 10 minute break every time. It felt like he was taking a 20 minute break. Once we finally meet Jack he saw my Kermit the Frog gloves and asked if I was a Three Headed Monster!

After meeting Jack we went to go meet Captain Jack Sparrow. We were the last family to meet him, and he thought my gloves were cool too. He was a relly good Jack Sparrow! He was just like the one in the movie, and when we were leaving he said "You will always remember this as the day you met CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow" When Jack left, the pirate band came and Cathleen was picked to be a pirate... she was NOT happy about it

After that we had to hurry up and get to Main Sreet for Celebrate the Magic and Holiday Wishes! We got there just when Celebrate the Magic started! I was right in the middle of Main Street so I thought my pictures would come out great, but they weren't. I couldn't figure out why...until I realized my flash was on the whole time. When I changed the setting the pictures were way better
With flash:

Without flash:

I'm going to add a part 3 for Holiday Wishes and Mickey's Once Upon a Christmas Parade pictures
I wanted to post as many pictures from the fireworks and parade as possible, so I made a Part 3 just for the pics!

After the parade we went to Liberty Square to watch Mickeys Once Upon Christmas Parade :santa::mickeyjum

Your trip report so far is awesome! I have a niece your age and it is fascinating to see things from your perspective. I have my first visit in three weeks and your info and pictures are very informative!

Looking forward to reading more and congrats on your tests!!

I'm here and following! Good to know that breakfast at Whispering Canyon is yummy. I've had dinner there, but not breakfast...which is weird b/c WL is the resort we always stay at.

Love the pics of the G.Flo with the holiday decorations. Hoping to plan a holiday visit in the next couple of years so I can see the gingerbread house!

Hi! I'm glad you are following along! I had dinner there before and there were a bunch of men in business suits. So their waitress made all of them stand up and sing and dance to "I'm a Little Tea Pot":rotfl2: !!! It was probably one of the funniest things I've ever seen!! I hope you get to go see the gingerbread house and other hotel decoration! They are AMAZING!!
Your trip report so far is awesome! I have a niece your age and it is fascinating to see things from your perspective. I have my first visit in three weeks and your info and pictures are very informative!

Looking forward to reading more and congrats on your tests!!

Thank you so much that really means a lot to me! I'm glad I could help with your trip and I hope you have a great time! And thank you about the tests! I'm very happy that you will be following along!! :)
Day 3

My family and I woke up really early so we could get to Epcot before the park opened! I will probably have to do another Part 1 and Part 2 for this day because of all the pictures I took around world showcase! :offtopic:

We were second in line and there was still an hour before the park opened! Once we finally got into the park we RAN to Test Track! Except my Dad can't run (you should see him try to skip :lmao:) so Cathleen and I had to push/drag him so he would go faster! Meanwhile my Mom was just standng there laughing and taking pictures as we pushed my dad past The Fountain of Nations. So every year my sisters car wins in Test Track and I get the joy of her rubbing it in my face. She always makes a car with my dad and I always make one with my mom. This year my mom and I were determined to put them to shame!! This was our car! :cheer2:

Cathleen and my dad won Power and Capibility, but my mom and I won Efficiency and Responsivness! I thought for sure that we had won.....then the scores came up on the screen. CATHLEEN WON AGAIN!!! I couldn't get a picture of us on the ride on my camera, but I did get one on my phone. I posted it on my Instagram. I was really funny! My fist was at the right place at the right time. My insta name in PrincessCamille529. Anyway I only had to listen to Cathleen sing about her victory for a little while. She stopped once we got to Soarin'. We went there right after Test Track. Then we had breakfast at Sunshine Seasons.

After riding Living with the Land, we went over to Mission: Space and The Seas with Nemo and Friends! I didn't take any pictures of Mission: Space on my camera, but I did on my phone and I posted them on Instagram.

After looking around Mouse Gears for A while we went to WorldShow Case. Again, I really want to get as many pictures in as possibe so I'm going to make a Part 2 and possibly 3 for this day.
Enjoying your report. Grammar is pretty good for a 10th grader too, I might add! My dd is 9 and already wants to do the DCP. :yay:
Love Whispering Canyon! We ate there for breakfast on our last trip. They are so much fun.

Crazy that there was such and insane wait for Sandy Claws already! It was like that at the 24 hour party too. Every character worth seeing had a 4 hour wait.

Wow, he is a really great Jack Sparrow! The pictures are priceless.

Yes for ugly cars on Test Track! I'm determined to make the ugliest yet most awesome car ever.
Enjoying your report. Grammar is pretty good for a 10th grader too, I might add! My dd is 9 and already wants to do the DCP. :yay:

Thank you!! I was around that age when I decided I wanted to do the DCP, and one reason I'm writing this is to improve my writing!:)
Love Whispering Canyon! We ate there for breakfast on our last trip. They are so much fun.

Crazy that there was such and insane wait for Sandy Claws already! It was like that at the 24 hour party too. Every character worth seeing had a 4 hour wait.

Wow, he is a really great Jack Sparrow! The pictures are priceless.

Yes for ugly cars on Test Track! I'm determined to make the ugliest yet most awesome car ever.

WC is one of our favorites too! We love going there and asking for ketchup!:rotfl2: My sister and I were laughing for like 10 minutes when we saw the pictures with Jack Sparrow! The ugly cars are the awesome cars :lmao:!!!!!
This part is mainly for the pictures around Worldshow Case! :)

We had lunch reservations at Via Napoli and we order a half Margharita half 4 Cheese pizza!

Once we got to France, we went over to the Board Walk. The pictures for that will be in Part 3!


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