Future of VDH resale now that DL forward has been approved. Give me the good... the bad.. and the ugly.


Just an Arizonan who loves veggies and the VGC
May 29, 2017
Skip to the bold if you don't care to read my purchasing situation.

I am under contract for VGC resale but Im looking to get 150 direct points. I said I would NEVER buy VDH. Ive stayed there and I didn't love it. With that fact aside I am seeing how the availability at VGC is really tight even as an owner. So I will likely have to suck it up and stay at VDH every now and then. I was considering OKW direct but that sold out now Ive been crunching numbers on all the other options. Now Im ready to put my feelings about VDH vs VGC aside and buy whichever direct might hold better value over time.

I have been strongly considering RIV with a switch to Poly if that goes on sale within 90 days. However, DL is my "home" resort because it's so much closer to me than FL. Im really not worried about 11month window at VDH so Im not taking that into consideration. These points will be my SAP+ points. I want this to be strictly whichever could be a better investment. (I realize this is a timeshare and don't expect to profit off of it.) I found out closing costs in CA vs FL are quite a bit less which brings VDH price per point down closer to the price of RIV. (not counting for the TOT which I loathe but have to accept if I cant get a room at VGC)

Do you think RIV will hold value better than VDH? Why or why not.

Will DL forward make VDH more valuable in the future?

Also if you are team Poly all the way over these other 2 options Id love to know that too.
Well, I’m certainly no expert, and can only chime in with our own thought processes when we decided to plunge into both CA properties. I thought mostly about supply and demand when deciding to purchase VDH. With there being only two Disneyland DVC properties for the time being, and what looks to be a whole lot of expansion plans (I’m sure with more DVC included), and 16+ WDW properties, there is a supply constraint on the west coast that is not present on the east coast. So yes, I do believe that VDH will, for now, stay slightly above RIV in terms of resale value should you want to sell.

My main thought on your question is that if you purchase RIV but don’t have many opportunities to stay there, this removes a considerable chunk of value from the contract for you specifically, since purchasing VDH which is closer to you would mean that you’d have a backup in case VGC is already gone for your dates.
I think one big thing that gets overlooked at VDH is the view categories are going to become completely backwards when Disneyland Forward happens. All the standard view rooms currently are pointing straight at where DL Forward would be. We will have to see if the POS allows them to reshuffle which rooms are pointed where, as they will need to reshuffle a lot of rooms. Otherwise standard rooms will be the best rooms in the resort. If that somehow happens, standard view favorite weeks will be the most popular resale (And is likely what we will be looking at for our next VDH direct purchase). Even if changing room location happens, all rooms at VDH will have pretty good views, just based on how the tower is laid out.

DL Forward also will give the tower direct park access, just as close as VGC. Which from our stay there last week, cannot be overstated. a 5 minute walk back to the hotel is unmatchable.

I think VDH will hold its resale value better then any restricted WDW resort. There's just so many less rooms to go around, and nowhere for SAP to work. If all future DL resorts have restrictions as well, that will hold well into the future. I expect Favorite Weeks to be even more popular. All of our direct purchases in the future will be Favorite Weeks, we have a few in the plans.
16+ WDW properties, there is a supply constraint on the west coast that is not present on the east coast.
This makes alot of sense. There are alot of Harbor/Katella hotels to somewhat offset that, but then again WDW also has many moderate and value resorts and DVC still sells well there.
I think one big thing that gets overlooked at VDH is the view categories are going to become completely backwards when Disneyland Forward happens. All the standard view rooms currently are pointing straight at where DL Forward would be. We will have to see if the POS allows them to reshuffle which rooms are pointed where, as they will need to reshuffle a lot of rooms. Otherwise standard rooms will be the best rooms in the resort. If that somehow happens, standard view favorite weeks will be the most popular resale (And is likely what we will be looking at for our next VDH direct purchase). Even if changing room location happens, all rooms at VDH will have pretty good views, just based on how the tower is laid out.

DL Forward also will give the tower direct park access, just as close as VGC. Which from our stay there last week, cannot be overstated. a 5 minute walk back to the hotel is unmatchable.

I think VDH will hold its resale value better then any restricted WDW resort. There's just so many less rooms to go around, and nowhere for SAP to work. If all future DL resorts have restrictions as well, that will hold well into the future. I expect Favorite Weeks to be even more popular. All of our direct purchases in the future will be Favorite Weeks, we have a few in the plans.
Those views on the standard rooms.. it never crossed my mind how the view would change in the future, my standard view at VDH was substandard at best. The favorite week standard view in the future flipping to a premium is super interesting, check one in the pro box for that for sure!
Skip to the bold if you don't care to read my purchasing situation.

I am under contract for VGC resale but Im looking to get 150 direct points. I said I would NEVER buy VDH. Ive stayed there and I didn't love it. With that fact aside I am seeing how the availability at VGC is really tight even as an owner. So I will likely have to suck it up and stay at VDH every now and then. I was considering OKW direct but that sold out now Ive been crunching numbers on all the other options. Now Im ready to put my feelings about VDH vs VGC aside and buy whichever direct might hold better value over time.

I have been strongly considering RIV with a switch to Poly if that goes on sale within 90 days. However, DL is my "home" resort because it's so much closer to me than FL. Im really not worried about 11month window at VDH so Im not taking that into consideration. These points will be my SAP+ points. I want this to be strictly whichever could be a better investment. (I realize this is a timeshare and don't expect to profit off of it.) I found out closing costs in CA vs FL are quite a bit less which brings VDH price per point down closer to the price of RIV. (not counting for the TOT which I loathe but have to accept if I cant get a room at VGC)

Do you think RIV will hold value better than VDH? Why or why not.

Will DL forward make VDH more valuable in the future?

Also if you are team Poly all the way over these other 2 options Id love to know that too.
I wouldn’t buy a FL resort with the goal of using it to stay at Disneyland the vast majority of the time. So, VDH > RIV.

Yes, DLFwd will make all of the CA properties more valuable…. but that will be a decade from now…..

PolyT will probably have the best resale for the next decade of the 3 because the points are unrestricted if sold and WDW has a liquid and deep DVC resale and rental market.

If you don’t think you’ll hold the points for a decade then you could also just buy a resale VDH resale contract now. The board sponsor sold a contract this month for $130pp….

Personally, out of all of that … I would just go VDH direct fixed week and get the DVC-Y.

(FWIW my Aulani direct points work great at VDH as well 🍍)
I wouldn’t buy a FL resort with the goal of using it to stay at Disneyland the vast majority of the time. So, VDH > RIV.

Yes, DLFwd will make all of the CA properties more valuable…. but that will be a decade from now…..

PolyT will probably have the best resale for the next decade of the 3 because the points are unrestricted if sold and WDW has a liquid and deep DVC resale and rental market.

If you don’t think you’ll hold the points for a decade then you could also just buy a resale VDH resale contract now. The board sponsor sold a contract this month for $130pp….

Personally, out of all of that … I would just go VDH direct fixed week and get the DVC-Y.

(FWIW my Aulani direct points work great at VDH as well 🍍)
Just used my WDW points to book Aulani and I am over the moon excited about it. We don't intend to sell in 10 years but just in case I would love to be on the right side of things (looking at all those people who bought VGC in the 170's)
Another team VDH member here. Agree with what others have said. As you already have VGC resale you should be ok to book something at Disneyland. Having direct points at VDH plus VGC will put you in excellent shape for a stay at Disneyland anytime. Suggest you keep the same use year.

While WDW has lots of resorts and you’ll be able to book “something” at 7 months. RIV is a beautiful resort but I’d give the longer term value staying with VDH. I think it will follow the VGC resale trend over time.

Yes Disneyland Forward will increase the value of VGC and VDH. I do believe Disneyland Forward will bring another DVC property. But by the time that happens (~10 years) direct sales on the west coast will likely be close to $300/pt or more.
Skip to the bold if you don't care to read my purchasing situation.

I am under contract for VGC resale but Im looking to get 150 direct points. I said I would NEVER buy VDH. Ive stayed there and I didn't love it. With that fact aside I am seeing how the availability at VGC is really tight even as an owner. So I will likely have to suck it up and stay at VDH every now and then. I was considering OKW direct but that sold out now Ive been crunching numbers on all the other options. Now Im ready to put my feelings about VDH vs VGC aside and buy whichever direct might hold better value over time.

I have been strongly considering RIV with a switch to Poly if that goes on sale within 90 days. However, DL is my "home" resort because it's so much closer to me than FL. Im really not worried about 11month window at VDH so Im not taking that into consideration. These points will be my SAP+ points. I want this to be strictly whichever could be a better investment. (I realize this is a timeshare and don't expect to profit off of it.) I found out closing costs in CA vs FL are quite a bit less which brings VDH price per point down closer to the price of RIV. (not counting for the TOT which I loathe but have to accept if I cant get a room at VGC)

Do you think RIV will hold value better than VDH? Why or why not.

Will DL forward make VDH more valuable in the future?

Also if you are team Poly all the way over these other 2 options Id love to know that too.
1. I think VDH will hold value better than RIV. Supply and demand. There are far more resorts at WDW that people can book than Disneyland.
2. DL Forward will make VDH even more valuable in the future.

That said, I go back to what I always say in these when considering VDH as SAP, buy where you think you'll vacation more frequently. If you think you'll be going to DL a lot more frequently than WDW, you should be buying VDH and then at the very worst you 7 month your way into WDW. Even if you plan to go to DL and WDW an equal amount, you should be buying VDH again because of how limited the supply of rooms is there.

I know a few of us on here are DL locals though or East coasters who either A. Don't go to DL aside from the weekends and after work and don't really plan those trips 11 months out or B. Would rather take a shorter flight to Disney World or C. Simply enjoy going to WDW more so in that case RIV or Poly would make more sense. There is value to owning at RIV in order to book the standard view rooms which cost 20% less than preferred rooms and Poly in order to book the tower which I imagine will be difficult at 7 months.

But again, if DL is your primary target and you can utilize the 11 month window then you should be buying VDH over these other 2 options without contest. At the very least you KNOW you'll be able to guarantee your DL trips and then you may even be able to 7 month your way with those points into VGC to avoid transient taxes and still be able to use these points for WDW trips without feeling as bad about using them compared to VGC.
Skip to the bold if you don't care to read my purchasing situation.

I am under contract for VGC resale but Im looking to get 150 direct points. I said I would NEVER buy VDH. Ive stayed there and I didn't love it. With that fact aside I am seeing how the availability at VGC is really tight even as an owner. So I will likely have to suck it up and stay at VDH every now and then. I was considering OKW direct but that sold out now Ive been crunching numbers on all the other options. Now Im ready to put my feelings about VDH vs VGC aside and buy whichever direct might hold better value over time.

I have been strongly considering RIV with a switch to Poly if that goes on sale within 90 days. However, DL is my "home" resort because it's so much closer to me than FL. Im really not worried about 11month window at VDH so Im not taking that into consideration. These points will be my SAP+ points. I want this to be strictly whichever could be a better investment. (I realize this is a timeshare and don't expect to profit off of it.) I found out closing costs in CA vs FL are quite a bit less which brings VDH price per point down closer to the price of RIV. (not counting for the TOT which I loathe but have to accept if I cant get a room at VGC)

Do you think RIV will hold value better than VDH? Why or why not.

Will DL forward make VDH more valuable in the future?

Also if you are team Poly all the way over these other 2 options Id love to know that too.
One last thought, while VDH is a large tower with lots of rooms, most of those rooms haven’t been declared. This makes it harder than it should be for booking stays. Having some direct points helps. Grrrr….
But again, if DL is your primary target and you can utilize the 11 month window then you should be buying VDH over these other 2 options without contest. At the very least you KNOW you'll be able to guarantee your DL trips and then you may even be able to 7 month your way with those points into VGC to avoid transient taxes and still be able to use these points for WDW trips without feeling as bad about using them compared to VGC.
We are about a 1.5 hour cheap flight from DL so we are loving that we can do a 1 max 2 night stay multiple times a year now with DVC. We used to be able to get affordable flights to WDW but lately the prices are just crazy, so we have to plan 4 nights minimum to justify going to WDW. We think once a year WDW, several short DL trips per year. Im also loving the idea of cruise swapping points to (3rd party of course). I started this journey barely wanting 100 points now Im 2 resale contracts in and wanting direct. HA!
One last thought, while VDH is a large tower with lots of rooms, most of those rooms haven’t been declared. This makes it harder than it should be for booking stays. Having some direct points helps. Grrrr….
Iv skimmed the VDH pages but havent taken a deep dive into that yet. My resale contract wont allow me to even see VDH availability.
We are about a 1.5 hour cheap flight from DL so we are loving that we can do a 1 max 2 night stay multiple times a year now with DVC. We used to be able to get affordable flights to WDW but lately the prices are just crazy, so we have to plan 4 nights minimum to justify going to WDW. We think once a year WDW, several short DL trips per year. Im also loving the idea of cruise swapping points to (3rd party of course). I started this journey barely wanting 100 points now Im 2 resale contracts in and wanting direct. HA!
If that's the case then sounds like VDH makes more sense. VDH definitely has more availability at 7 months than VGC but I still wouldn't call it easy. Especially if you want it for a prolonged period.

You'll be able to book RIV if you still want to stay there with your VDH points, you'll just likely pay the premium for preferred view. But even if you don't like I said, there's so many resorts at WDW you'll find something if you're looking at 7 months.
If that's the case then sounds like VDH makes more sense. VDH definitely has more availability at 7 months than VGC but I still wouldn't call it easy. Especially if you want it for a prolonged period.

You'll be able to book RIV if you still want to stay there with your VDH points, you'll just likely pay the premium for preferred view. But even if you don't like I said, there's so many resorts at WDW you'll find something if you're looking at 7 months.
I was very happy with all the choices I saw when I logged in to book my 1st trip this August.
Even with the limited declarations, we've had basically no trouble getting the rooms we wanted at VDH. We got a last minute booking last december (a week and a half out the 2 nights we were looking for magically popped up). Then we just spent 2 nights in a Garden View duo studio (Right after 4 nights in a VGC studio, that one we were _shocked_ we were able to get). Then we have 2 nights in September for Oggie Boogie Bash, bought one night in October for my Mom for Oggie Boogie Bash with OTU points, and have 5 nights in January. Of all of those, only the 5 nights in January were booked at 11 months, all the rest were 7 month windows, most less then months.

We're west coasters all the way, currently own at Aulani and VDH. I see it becoming highly unlikely we'd ever buy a WDW resort. We were thinking about a week 49 FW at CFW, but when the cost of dues for that came out, that became a non starter. We'd likely use those points as SAP points for VDH most year, and I wouldn't pay more in dues then VDH, that'd make no sense. Especially when we're generally happy with OKW or SSR when we do take WDW trips. I _almost_ bought a bunch of points at OKW in the last incentive cycle, but was still too difficult to stomach. Even though they were really cheap.
Are you planning to book WDW predominantly in the summer?
Gosh no. I came back from DL in April after not being in awhile and was high on pixie dust and decide I wanted to go to WDW for my bday which is in August. Then I realized yeah it's gonna be miserably hot so I jumped on an Aulani opening instead.
Even with the limited declarations, we've had basically no trouble getting the rooms we wanted at VDH. We got a last minute booking last december (a week and a half out the 2 nights we were looking for magically popped up). Then we just spent 2 nights in a Garden View duo studio (Right after 4 nights in a VGC studio, that one we were _shocked_ we were able to get). Then we have 2 nights in September for Oggie Boogie Bash, bought one night in October for my Mom for Oggie Boogie Bash with OTU points, and have 5 nights in January. Of all of those, only the 5 nights in January were booked at 11 months, all the rest were 7 month windows, most less then months.

We're west coasters all the way, currently own at Aulani and VDH. I see it becoming highly unlikely we'd ever buy a WDW resort. We were thinking about a week 49 FW at CFW, but when the cost of dues for that came out, that became a non starter. We'd likely use those points as SAP points for VDH most year, and I wouldn't pay more in dues then VDH, that'd make no sense. Especially when we're generally happy with OKW or SSR when we do take WDW trips. I _almost_ bought a bunch of points at OKW in the last incentive cycle, but was still too difficult to stomach. Even though they were really cheap.
Agree CFW makes no sense unless you absolutely love that place, which I guess some do. But the dues make it a hard pass for me, and most others it seems.
Gosh no. I came back from DL in April after not being in awhile and was high on pixie dust and decide I wanted to go to WDW for my bday which is in August. Then I realized yeah it's gonna be miserably hot so I jumped on an Aulani opening instead.
I was going to say.. cuz you'll pretty much have no problem during the summer lol. The only other argument of VDH is you could just be staying across the street at Howard Johnson or something but I know you still do want to visit WDW pretty regularly so VDH still would make more sense so you could use it at both.
We're west coasters all the way, currently own at Aulani and VDH. I see it becoming highly unlikely we'd ever buy a WDW resort. We were thinking about a week 49 FW at CFW, but when the cost of dues for that came out, that became a non starter. We'd likely use those points as SAP points for VDH most year, and I wouldn't pay more in dues then VDH, that'd make no sense. Especially when we're generally happy with OKW or SSR when we do take WDW trips. I _almost_ bought a bunch of points at OKW in the last incentive cycle, but was still too difficult to stomach. Even though they were really cheap.
Yeahhh... CFW doesn't make sense for most people. I'd still argue though since you're okay with OKW or SSR, a SSR resale could make a lot of sense but you could also just use your AUL points for the WDW trips to spare the more expensive VDH points. But if you're not going to WDW too frequently it's probably better to just keep using the AUL points there.
I was going to say.. cuz you'll pretty much have no problem during the summer lol. The only other argument of VDH is you could just be staying across the street at Howard Johnson or something but I know you still do want to visit WDW pretty regularly so VDH still would make more sense so you could use it at both.

Yeahhh... CFW doesn't make sense for most people. I'd still argue though since you're okay with OKW or SSR, a SSR resale could make a lot of sense but you could also just use your AUL points for the WDW trips to spare the more expensive VDH points. But if you're not going to WDW too frequently it's probably better to just keep using the AUL points there.
I want to find an Oct Subsidized Aulani contract to be our SAP points. Not sure how easy that will be though.

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