Frogmommy's "Time for a change" thread - comments welcome

Hi :wave: and welcome to WISH. Sorry it has taken me a while to get to your journal. Last week was very hectic!

Sounds like you are on the right track. Congrats on losing that 1 pound!!!! That is great!

Keep up the great work!
eeyore25 said:
Hi :wave: and welcome to WISH. Sorry it has taken me a while to get to your journal. Last week was very hectic!

Sounds like you are on the right track. Congrats on losing that 1 pound!!!! That is great!

Keep up the great work!

Hi Eeyore-

Thanks for stopping by! I understand about hectic. My plan was to try to read a new journal everyday, but I got a bit overwhelmed this weekend.

I'm feeling like I am on the right track now. Posting here is going to be a very positive thing for me. :goodvibes
Well I started off the day with my BFL cardio. I hardly remember it - I was probably still half asleep when I started. I don't feel like I really hit my peak intensity levels, but I recovered pretty well.

I'm totally on plan for the day.

Go Lean with peach - 2 pts
Open faced ham sandwich with alpine lace on sprouted wheat bread - 3 pts
1/2 pear - 1/2 pt
bran muffin - 1 pt
2/3 stick of light string cheese - 1 pt
red beans and rice- 7 pts
with shredded cheese (2% milk) - 4 pts
no sugar added choc. ice cream - 4 pts (had a cup)

Still working on my water. I have about 13 oz of my 2 qt bottle left to drink, but I also had a tall glass with dinner. I will be over 64 oz in a matter of minutes.
Welcome to WISH! :wave2: I'm glad to see someone else loves hummus as much as I do! I went through a hummus phase about a month ago - it's all I craved!!! I also love the Kashi Go Lean Crunch in FF yogurt. YUM!

Sounds like you are doing great on your exercising and eating. Be sure to sneak some fresh veggies into your diet! The weight will start coming off, don't worry! As long as your clothes are looser, you are gaining muscle and losing fat. That is the biggest measure of success!!

Keep it up! :cheer2:
lovinaz said:
Welcome to WISH! :wave2: I'm glad to see someone else loves hummus as much as I do! I went through a hummus phase about a month ago - it's all I craved!!! I also love the Kashi Go Lean Crunch in FF yogurt. YUM!

Sounds like you are doing great on your exercising and eating. Be sure to sneak some fresh veggies into your diet! The weight will start coming off, don't worry! As long as your clothes are looser, you are gaining muscle and losing fat. That is the biggest measure of success!!

Keep it up! :cheer2:

Hi Amy!

Thank you for dropping by. I do love hummus. I make my own so that I can control the amount of tahini and olive oil, otherwise I wouldn't be able to eat it nearly as much. I also like it because I can make a batch up and have it on hand for a really quick lunch. I like Go Lean a bunch too. I don't have time or the brain power in the morning to think about breakfast, so pouring a bowl of cereal really works well for me. I like to add fresh fruit to mine when I have it.

Fresh veggies on the other hand. Bleh. I really do have to work at getting my veggies in. I am not much for salads. I try to get green beans and/or brocoli in at least once a week, but it doesn't always work out that way (like this week).
Today has been good. Did a lot of running around, but got most everything accomplished. BTW, I don't know how many people have Publix in their area. They are so expensive, but their fruit is so good. They have the best strawberries I think I have ever tasted. Worth the extra $.

This was my food for the day:
Go Lean with peaches: 2 pts
Hummus on ww pita: 3 pts
1/2 pear: 1/2 pts
bran muffin: 1 pt
lt string cheese: 1 pt
4 strawberries: 1pt
2 wasa lite rye crackers: 1 pt
The last of the red beans and rice: 7 pts
2% milk shredded chedder cheese: 4 pts
WW dessert: 3 pts

64 oz of water

25 minutes of upper body BFL

After hearing good things about BFL for women I decided to see if my library has a copy. They do and are supposed to be holding it for me, so I think I'll pick it up tomorrow.
I think I may be coming down with a cold. Or, it's the same cold that I've had off and on. I think DD and I pass it back and forth to each other. It's not a terrible cold, but it is getting on my nerves.
You did great today! I am loving the fact that you are doing the BFL workouts. That's where I am struggling the most as I've said in my journal. Seeing that others can do it will really motivate me to keep on with it.
gradtchr said:
You did great today! I am loving the fact that you are doing the BFL workouts. That's where I am struggling the most as I've said in my journal. Seeing that others can do it will really motivate me to keep on with it.


Ty, I feel like I've been well the last few days. I like the BFL because it really maximizes the workouts in a short periods of time. Of course I am wiped out after doing the cardio, but I keep telling myself it's only 20 minutes. I endured hours of labor with my kids, I can do anything for 20 minutes!

I noticed that you are doing LOTS of exercise, not just BFL. I think you are really doing well and have no doubt that you will see results. :flower:
Hi to all-

I've been reading journals nearly everyday since starting my own. I realized that I didn't really introduce myself. I changed my first post to include a bio, so take a look if you are interested. :smooth:
Thanks for the bio! As far as veggies go, maybe you could try a light cheese sauce or something on them? Or how about carrots-n-celery in hummus? That is good!!

You are doing great, keep up the exercising!
frogmommy said:
Hi to all-

I've been reading journals nearly everyday since starting my own. I realized that I didn't really introduce myself. I changed my first post to include a bio, so take a look if you are interested. :smooth:

Hi, Heather. I enjoyed reading your bio. You seem very motivated and I hope this time around will be your last time fighting this weight battle. The people around you can bring all sorts of support or disappointment factors to your struggle, but you'll have to get past all their hangups and expectations in order to reach your objectives. I hope it goes really well for you. Just remember all your WISH friends are here to encourage you, regardless of what is going on in RL! :cheer2:

BTW -- I have had several "magic numbers" of my own, and you'll probably find, as I have, that your body will "park" itself at a new magic number occasionally. It is the strangest thing, but my dr. said it is very normal. Your body adjusts to being in a certain range and allows you to eat a lot some days and little other days and exercise a lot or a little and still kind of levels at that number or within a couple pounds higher or lower. My dr. called this a true plateau and I won't tell you how long he told me it is possible for the body to "adjust" to a new range before it moves off it. Suffice it to say, you'll have to be determined and disciplined and concentrate on eating healthy and exercising. You will look and feel great, even if the scale isn't very cooperative. Your WISH friends will remind you of that, if necessary, but we are very confident you have everything it takes to succeed! :goodvibes

Have a great night, Heather!
lovinaz said:
Thanks for the bio! As far as veggies go, maybe you could try a light cheese sauce or something on them? Or how about carrots-n-celery in hummus? That is good!!

You are doing great, keep up the exercising!

Occaisionally I will buy one of those veggie bags and snack on the carrots and califlower. I think what I may try doing is getting some romain hearts and adding some kind of fruit and balsamic vinegar. It's just that salads are such a pain to prepare for so little enjoyment. But I can do it. I made my water goal this week, and it looks like I will make my pt goal. So next on the list is a veggie goal.
keenercam said:
Hi, Heather. I enjoyed reading your bio. You seem very motivated and I hope this time around will be your last time fighting this weight battle. The people around you can bring all sorts of support or disappointment factors to your struggle, but you'll have to get past all their hangups and expectations in order to reach your objectives. I hope it goes really well for you. Just remember all your WISH friends are here to encourage you, regardless of what is going on in RL! :cheer2:

BTW -- I have had several "magic numbers" of my own, and you'll probably find, as I have, that your body will "park" itself at a new magic number occasionally. It is the strangest thing, but my dr. said it is very normal. Your body adjusts to being in a certain range and allows you to eat a lot some days and little other days and exercise a lot or a little and still kind of levels at that number or within a couple pounds higher or lower. My dr. called this a true plateau and I won't tell you how long he told me it is possible for the body to "adjust" to a new range before it moves off it. Suffice it to say, you'll have to be determined and disciplined and concentrate on eating healthy and exercising. You will look and feel great, even if the scale isn't very cooperative. Your WISH friends will remind you of that, if necessary, but we are very confident you have everything it takes to succeed! :goodvibes

Have a great night, Heather!

I am motivated. I really believe there will never be a better time in my life then now to make some changes. I agree, I have my own hangups and I definetely need to learn not to take on the hangups of others! I really do feel the support here, and I like that it doesn't come with strings. I know its going to make a huge difference.

Yeah, good 'ole 195. I challenged myself over the summer to workout 6 days/week. For a month I was doing nearly an hour of cardio/strength training nearly everyday. I didn't count points but I was mostly careful about what I ate. But through it all I stayed 193-196. It was very discouraging and I finally gave up. I hope now that I have found a way to exercise smarter. I believe I have made progress, especially this week. I know I have to continue to accept other indicators of my fitness level and just believe that at some point the scale will respond too.
Hey wow, I've got my ears!!! -> :earsgirl:

Today has been both good and bad. I did fine with my diet and exercise. I'm agrivated with my DH and I accidently shut a door on my DS's fingers. :( DS is fine though - I think I was more upset overall.

Wednesday is the one day I get any time with my DH. It's also the only time during the week that he can take the kids for me while I get some things done. I waited until he got home to workout. The kids took a late nap and were still in their rooms, so DH also got a break. But, after the workout I wanted a shower and the kids needed to get up. DH said he would take the kids, but apparently meant that he would let them watch tv while he napped on the sofa. :rolleyes: This meant that soon both kids were in my room while I was trying to take a shower. I know DH works extreemly hard, but I also work hard, and I don't think it's too much to ask to be able to bathe in private!!
Shortly after I got out of the shower DH had to leave for an appointment. We have a standing agreement that he will come home after his appointment so that we can eat dinner together as a family, but he was an hour late and didn't bother to call. So I'm preturbed. I'll get over it though.

OK, I'm done complaining. This is what I did today:

go lean with peach - 2 pts
open faced ham sandwich, sprouted wheat bread, alpine lace - 3 pts
I tried to eat a Spring greens salad with tomato but couldn't do it
FF yogurt - 2 pts
2 Wasa lite rye crackers - 1 pt
bran muffin - 1 pt
orange chicken stew - 3 pts
basmati rice - 3 pts
WW choc mouse - 3 pts
so 18 pts in all

64 oz of water, some mixed with emergenC. I'm trying to fight this virus that seems to have attached itself to me.

20 minutes of BFL cardio.

Whenever I have a low point value day I always have to go back and recount a few times. I have a hard time believing that I ate so little.

I got the BFL for women today. I tried to skim it earlier. I may try to read a bit before bed.
Sorry you had a tough night. But it looks like you did good on your choices for yesterday. I hope your day is better than yesterday. Hang in there and keep up the good work!

Keep on :banana: :banana:
Hi Heather!!!

Sorry to hear that you had a rough night, but you made great choices!!! That is great!

Hope you have a healthy great Thursday! Keep it up!
Heather, I read your updated bio. You've got your hands full with two young ones. What is it with husbands watching the kids??? I remember when I was pregnant with my second child dh watching our 2 year old so I could take a nap. I was so grateful - I fell sound asleep. THen I woke up to a pounding on the door. It was my neighbor. Apparently, ds was running down the street. I'm in my pj's in the afternoon chasing ds down the street. My neighbor, a young guy with no children must've thought I was the most irresponsible mom in the world. I grabbed ds, made it back to the house & dh was in the bathroom. He left 2 year old son out in our fenced in back yard to play ALONE while he was in the bathroom! And of course ds saw his opportunity and took it.

Sounds like BFL is working for you!
Hi, Heather! You did such a great job yesterday staying below your points even with all that stress. You may find that you'll want to balance a low point day with one closer to your target points today, so that you aren't hungry! I am so sorry you have so much stress in your life and you definitely have your hands full. Too bad stress doesn't burn calories, huh? :teeth:

Have a great day and another one to be proud of! :sunny:


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