? For Women Only


<font color=deeppink>Things turn out best for peop
Oct 26, 2001
Has anyone ever had a breast cyst aspirated? How bad is it?

Felt a lump a few weeks back, went to the gyn (actually one of her partners since she was out) who sent me for my first mamogram. That came back fine, but the dr. wanted me to see a surgeon. My gyn's office actually has a breast surgeon who comes in once a week. I am going to see her this afternoon and this procedure had been mentioned by the gyn I saw.

Any way, I'm just a little apprehensive. So I thought I'd post and see what I could come up with here.
My aunt had a breast cyst aspirated. She didn't say it hurt too bad (and she has a low pain tolerance). {{hugs}} Good luck with the surgeon.
My mom had that done. She said it wasn't a big deal. I think the fear is worse than the actual test.
I did many years ago (14 or so). It was not bad at all. It was the idea of what the doctor was doing that was worse than the actual procedure. The doctor told me based on the color of the fluid that he suspected that everything was okay. To be on the safe side, though, I did have the cyst removed.

Good luck. I hope everythings okay.
Thank you. I'm sure everything is ok. Cystic breasts seem to run in my family. I'm just a little nervous about this whole needle thing.
My MIL had this done last year. She said it was no big deal. Good luck with it.
I've had it done 2 or 3 times and each time it was quite painless and easy. It really is "just the thought of it" that is the worst. In the scheme of things you could have done to you at the doctor, this is one of the easiest. Good luck!
Don't worry too much - easier said than done, I know. I had a needle aspiration done last year (had a lump out a few years back and now I have scar tissue....long story) but my Doctor numbed me up real good and then I didn't feel a thing, just was really black and blue after. Good Luck and God Bless.
You all are very right. Didn't really hurt at all. Of course nothing aspirated, which means I have to go for an ultrasound (since the mamogram showed nothing) and then see if surgery is something I might have to consider.


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