First Ever DISUnplugged Podcast Cruise Ten, Seriously Ten?!? You People Talk Too Much

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I think these last few days will go on forever. I am ready to go now. 9 more days of work I'm hoping for early release on Friday the 8th so I can finish packing. All my FE gifts are done. I gave up on a flattie, I'm not that creative. I spent more time on my magnets. I made one for our granddaughter. I'm hoping for good news on the 12th. See you all soon.
Who is going to be on a hermit crab race team with me?


This is one thing I have never made it to. I would love to be on a team. If it dosen't interfere with Palo Brunch. I'll have to get our time first. But if I can I'm IN..:banana:
9 days from now we will be in DTD looking around as we have dinner ressies at the rainforest cafe. (surprise for the boys.)
I will be on a mission to find the watch.
I was wondering if you can phone me!
I need to discuss something in regards to the cruise.
This is one thing I have never made it to. I would love to be on a team. If it dosen't interfere with Palo Brunch. I'll have to get our time first. But if I can I'm IN..:banana:

They have the races a couple of times a day. We were not on a team, but my son was screaming his head off. I can't believe how competitive he is.
I was wondering if you can phone me!
I need to discuss something in regards to the cruise.

Is it possible to email me? I don't have international calling on my phone and I've been on the phone most of the day (on the phone right now in fact).
9 days from now we will be in DTD looking around as we have dinner ressies at the rainforest cafe. (surprise for the boys.)
I will be on a mission to find the watch.

Do you want a coupon to save $5 off of your dinner purchase? It is a friends and family thing. If so, send me a PM with your email address, and I will forward it onto you.
Is anyone bringing anything to be autographed by a character? I'd like to; however,
a) I don't know what to bring
b) I don't want to look like a weirdo (I don't care about in front of any of my computernut friends, but the strangers I worry about)

I've done it on both cruises, I'm taking 2 pillowcases this time. I'm slowing getting all the kids one - then I need to get myself one. They also have these really nice Capt. Mickey postcards - I bought three of them and had them signed by Mickey - they were a big hit.

Who is going to be on a hermit crab race team with me?


I have always wanted to do that but I've always been a "single" - maybe we can have a DIS team.
9 days from now we will be in DTD looking around as we have dinner ressies at the rainforest cafe. (surprise for the boys.)
I will be on a mission to find the watch.

The watch promo is only in the parks. We tried at World of Disney and were told it is a park promotion. DTD has its own promotions.
I survived my flight-barely. It was as bad as I predicted. Have a good evening and tomorrow all! I should be back online Wednesday morning.
And tonight begins my servitude to Macroeconomics...for the next 5 weeks...ugh...

At least I get to miss one class for a very good reason!!! :yay::yay::yay:
And tonight begins my servitude to Macroeconomics...for the next 5 weeks...ugh...

At least I get to miss one class for a very good reason!!! :yay::yay::yay:

Have fun, Brandie. I've not had much lucky helping James on his paper. It's a very one sided researched subject!
DP sent me a picture of a lime green Nintendo DS and asked if I wanted it for my birthday. He thinks we are addicted to the color (in the same way we're addicted to the boards).

On Saturday night we were going to the store in front of us a guy was driving a brand new convertible lime green Lamborghini - I was so mad I didn't have my camera with me. What would posess someone to spend that much money on a car and choose such a hideous color :confused3
The watch promo is only in the parks. We tried at World of Disney and were told it is a park promotion. DTD has its own promotions.

Well then I guess I will have to wait till the 7th to find a watch. :)
O.K. well DH is home so I am off.
Have to go get the rest of the Kid's FE Gifts. :thumbsup2
Then off to my GF house to finish my pirate costume. :thumbsup2
Then when I come home the boy's will be in bed and I can start packing. :yay:
Have a great evening everyone. :)
Hi everybody,

Just a quick note to say Hello and that we are at the happiest place on earth (for us called: second home).

We have shopped yesterday and today and tomorrow is our first Disney day....

Wheater is perfect!!!!

Color me jealous. :cool2:
What do you suppose they are doing to King Triton?
Anyone know how the crowds have been? There was a post on the theme park boards that things have really slowed down, but that was a couple weeks ago.
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