Fantasy Springs is opening June 6th 2024

Did another round of Peter Pan, Rapunzel, and Frozen, plus Snuggly Duckling mobile order, in about an hour. All basically the same as this morning almost no wait. Standby doesn’t seem very long either they’re obviously keeping things way more limited than previews probably to ensure a good experience especially for package holders.

Frozen is listed 45 but I swear I didn’t even see the standby line there’s hardly anyone here lol, perhaps it’s held back somewhere and I missed it.

If they can maintain these waits I think the package / passport is a great value. Similar to After Hours in the US but even shorter waits.
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Did another round of Peter Pan, Rapunzel, and Frozen, plus Snuggly Duckling mobile order, in about an hour. All basically the same as this morning almost no wait. Standby doesn’t seem very long either they’re obviously keeping things way more limited than previews probably to ensure a good experience especially for package holders.

Frozen is listed 45 but I swear I didn’t even see the standby line there’s hardly anyone here lol, perhaps it’s held back somewhere and I missed it.

If they can maintain these waits I think the package / passport is a great value. Similar to After Hours in the US but even shorter waits.
I am happy to hear that you have such a great experience, but I think from a consumer perspective it’s horrible. Ultimately this seems to be a land that is reserved for those who pay insane amounts for a theme park experience. After Hours is at least only during the late evening, you do have the chance to wait in long lines to experience attractions during the day. This shuts you out, especially if all DPA and Standby passes are gone before the official park opening time. Some people might not have a clue that they open the park well before it’s announced opening time.
I am happy to hear that you have such a great experience, but I think from a consumer perspective it’s horrible. Ultimately this seems to be a land that is reserved for those who pay insane amounts for a theme park experience. After Hours is at least only during the late evening, you do have the chance to wait in long lines to experience attractions during the day. This shuts you out, especially if all DPA and Standby passes are gone before the official park opening time. Some people might not have a clue that they open the park well before it’s announced opening time.
This is day one.

As they gain experience, more.standby and dpa slots until atandby an hour while.keeping the DPA line a constant walk though.

If LL is nonexistent, they will open more dpa to maximize revenues. Once LL slows down, they will increase standby slots to waitnis nearly an hour.

The fact that there were any slots available for general entry on day 1 was remarkable IMHO.

Also general benefited by relatively good times throughout both parks.
I am happy to hear that you have such a great experience, but I think from a consumer perspective it’s horrible. Ultimately this seems to be a land that is reserved for those who pay insane amounts for a theme park experience. After Hours is at least only during the late evening, you do have the chance to wait in long lines to experience attractions during the day. This shuts you out, especially if all DPA and Standby passes are gone before the official park opening time. Some people might not have a clue that they open the park well before it’s announced opening time.
From my understanding the park opened to regular guests at 8:15 today and passes were available long enough for many non-HE guests to get DPA or standby passes. It sounds like standby passes were popping up throughout the day and some people got multiple or all of the passes from refreshing. I have a feeling they will distribute a lot more standby passes as they certainly have capacity. The standby lines peaked at maybe 45 but were more like 15-20 most of the day. The queues looked empty and they didn’t use much space. They probably just wanted things to go smoothly and will adjust as they gain experience. There was almost no downtime today so I think they did a great job and hopefully can increase standby capacity soon. They can probably increase DPA capacity as well as I never waited more than a couple minutes all day long.

In the scheme of things, this land will be here for decades and decades. The current entry requirements won’t last forever.
Final tally!

Frozen: 4
Rapunzel: 3
Peter Pan: 3
Buggies: 1

Probably could have ridden over and over but I only have one more DS day so I did some other stuff too!

Wait times were very short outside FS. Often times the longest wait time in the park was 45 minutes. I waited 10 minutes for Duffy and ShellieMae just before dinner. Did my package tickets for Soarin’ and Journey. Did priority pass for Indy and 20,000 leagues. Bought DPA for ToT.

Did both the FS Hotel shop and Emporio which both had long lines that only took 10 minutes. Pick one, they have the same stuff, FSH shop is prettier. Food lines weren’t bad at all and I waited maybe 3 minutes in the last hour of park hours to buy my Peter Pan bucket (roast beef popcorn was truly dreadful). I think I managed 4 more drinks on my beverage ticket. Stopped by my room in MC twice. Did Lookout Cookout and Snuggly Duckling. Will try for Arendale tomorrow since I waited too long to check for it today.

They are being very strict on merch and buckets and scan your ticket. I think the scan pulls up what you’ve purchased so you can’t buy anything again.

I’m not planning to join happy entry until 7:30 when security should be caught up. Pretty exhausted lol.

Edit: plus Big Band Beat, a busy day!
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That’s so grea
Final tally!

Frozen: 4
Rapunzel: 3
Peter Pan: 3
Buggies: 1

Probably could have ridden over and over but I only have one more DS day so I did some other stuff too!

Wait times were very short outside FS. Often times the longest wait time in the park was 45 minutes. I waited 10 minutes for Duffy and ShellieMae just before dinner. Did my package tickets for Soarin’ and Journey. Did priority pass for Indy and 20,000 leagues. Bought DPA for ToT.

Did both the FS Hotel shop and Emporio which both had long lines that only took 10 minutes. Pick one, they have the same stuff, FSH shop is prettier. Food lines weren’t bad at all and I waited maybe 3 minutes in the last hour of park hours to buy my Peter Pan bucket (roast beef popcorn was truly dreadful). I think I managed 4 more drinks on my beverage ticket. Stopped by my room in MC twice. Did Lookout Cookout and Snuggly Duckling. Will try for Arendale tomorrow since I waited too long to check for it today.

They are being very strict on merch and buckets and scan your ticket. I think the scan pulls up what you’ve purchased so you can’t buy anything again.

I’m not planning to join happy entry until 7:30 when security should be caught up. Pretty exhausted lol.
that so great you were able to get so many rides in! Does HE start at 8? Does it say on the HE ticket? When you say strict on Merch, it means you can’t buy 2 of the same? Pls let me know if lining up at 7:30 for HE you were still able to get in to park at 8?
Someone on reddit admitted to abusing the system by using multiple phones signed into a single account. Apparently I guess you can keep refreshing and get many chances at the passes. I have a feeling this will be patched eventually.
The park had surprisingly few people today. Much fewer people than during sneak previews. But some of my friends got scared off too so I can understand why. Just looking at the app, wait times for popular rides like Toy Story Mania and Soaring were very low for June.

According to Twitter, DPA sold out in like 2 minutes which was a lot faster than during Sneak Previews. Mobile orders lasted very late so this is the first day after the first two previews that Snuggly Duckling did not run out before people were off cooldown from mobile ordering Royal Banquet. With how short the Standby Lines were most of the day, I think they decreased the amount of DPA and Standby Passes, possibly to account for more Vacation Packages than during the previews.
In the scheme of things, this land will be here for decades and decades. The current entry requirements won’t last forever.
Yes, that’s what I am counting on. My husband and I are determined to have a fantastic time at the parks, even if we not ever make it inside the land.

I was hoping that availability would pop up during the day, thanks for confirming that!
That’s so grea

that so great you were able to get so many rides in! Does HE start at 8? Does it say on the HE ticket? When you say strict on Merch, it means you can’t buy 2 of the same? Pls let me know if lining up at 7:30 for HE you were still able to get in to park at 8?
Yes 8:00 on happy entry ticket. Many merch items have a 1 person per ticket per day limit. I don’t know if you could buy again the next day or not, perhaps. But definitely not same day. When the CM scanned my ticket for Peter Pan bucket a list popped up on her screen which I assume included my purchases that day or whether or not I had already purchased that bucket. I couldn’t read it obviously! They scan your ticket at the shops too, they take it very seriously! The CM at FSH even used her translation app to give me all the rules lol.

Unless something changes tomorrow I’m hoping I’ll get in quickly. I went in line before 7 today and there were literally single digit people behind me at the ticket gate. I was like dang, could have slept another hour and only gotten in a minute later lol. Everyone got really spread out in the ticketing lines so even if 100 people came in for happy entry later than me, they got spread across the many ticket lines they had open.
Yes, that’s what I am counting on. My husband and I are determined to have a fantastic time at the parks, even if we not ever make it inside the land.

I was hoping that availability would pop up during the day, thanks for confirming that!
I found the size of DS very overwhelming today. FS is way in the back so it was exhausting crossing the park multiple times. I’m looking forward to taking the rest of the park in tomorrow in a more logical order, lol. There’s so much to see that’s not rides so I’m not even sure I’ll do too many rides tomorrow.

I forgot to mention I did Big Band Beat today! So I really got my steps in considering it’s polar opposite of FS. Couldn’t believe it as I know entry request is hard to win!
Thanks, Disneyhanna, for taking us along :) it’s such a joy to read your reports :)

Quick question: Is your MiraCosta room ‚worth it‘? We are currently booked for a Venice room for our last night (after our 2-nights FS package) and I really wanted a room with a view so that we can enjoy the nighttime show from there. If yes I would start stalking the website for a different room!
to add on to the exploit, I guess the person somehow used a single account with multiple phones. Not sure how, but apparently OLC I guess doesn't check the pass that well, since this person was snagging like multiple standby passes for themself (solo) at a time. Definitely needs to be looked into, I have a feeling it is something that has be on the app for a long time. It just makes no sense to me that someone would roll up on opening day with multiple phones and abuse the system to get like 4 refreshes at a time on the app.

If you want to report it, here is it, just seems incredibly unfair to me that people are doing this.
Final tally!

Frozen: 4
Rapunzel: 3
Peter Pan: 3
Buggies: 1

Probably could have ridden over and over but I only have one more DS day so I did some other stuff too!

Wait times were very short outside FS. Often times the longest wait time in the park was 45 minutes. I waited 10 minutes for Duffy and ShellieMae just before dinner. Did my package tickets for Soarin’ and Journey. Did priority pass for Indy and 20,000 leagues. Bought DPA for ToT.

Did both the FS Hotel shop and Emporio which both had long lines that only took 10 minutes. Pick one, they have the same stuff, FSH shop is prettier. Food lines weren’t bad at all and I waited maybe 3 minutes in the last hour of park hours to buy my Peter Pan bucket (roast beef popcorn was truly dreadful). I think I managed 4 more drinks on my beverage ticket. Stopped by my room in MC twice. Did Lookout Cookout and Snuggly Duckling. Will try for Arendale tomorrow since I waited too long to check for it today.

They are being very strict on merch and buckets and scan your ticket. I think the scan pulls up what you’ve purchased so you can’t buy anything again.

I’m not planning to join happy entry until 7:30 when security should be caught up. Pretty exhausted lol.

Edit: plus Big Band Beat, a busy day!
How was the food at snuggly duckling? Do you think anything would be good there for myself who has to eat GF? I have a reservation there booked as part of my vacation package but maybe I should switch it. If I can't eat anything but the rest of my family can is the ambiance worth the visit?
Yes 8:00 on happy entry ticket. Many merch items have a 1 person per ticket per day limit. I don’t know if you could buy again the next day or not, perhaps. But definitely not same day. When the CM scanned my ticket for Peter Pan bucket a list popped up on her screen which I assume included my purchases that day or whether or not I had already purchased that bucket. I couldn’t read it obviously! They scan your ticket at the shops too, they take it very seriously! The CM at FSH even used her translation app to give me all the rules lol.

Unless something changes tomorrow I’m hoping I’ll get in quickly. I went in line before 7 today and there were literally single digit people behind me at the ticket gate. I was like dang, could have slept another hour and only gotten in a minute later lol. Everyone got really spread out in the ticketing lines so even if 100 people came in for happy entry later than me, they got spread across the many ticket lines they had open.
Thanks for this info! Pls let me know if we join HE line at 7:30, we can be in the park by 8?
Thanks, Disneyhanna, for taking us along :) it’s such a joy to read your reports :)

Quick question: Is your MiraCosta room ‚worth it‘? We are currently booked for a Venice room for our last night (after our 2-nights FS package) and I really wanted a room with a view so that we can enjoy the nighttime show from there. If yes I would start stalking the website for a different room!
Hmmm. It was amazing but I didn’t spend much time in my room. It was worth it for me the first time. Not sure I’d do it again unless a special trip. It was so much fun waving my flashlight last night at close. For me the budget wasn’t a dealbreaker, I didn’t have to give up something else on the trip to make it happen. I think it’s worth it if you have the funds but if budget is tight it’s not a must in any way. I really enjoyed watching the show from the comfort of my room as my feet were tired for sure!
Yes, inquiring minds want to know this too! How easy to use that ticket.
Wow wish I had tried this!

How was the food at snuggly duckling? Do you think anything would be good there for myself who has to eat GF? I have a reservation there booked as part of my vacation package but maybe I should switch it. If I can't eat anything but the rest of my family can is the ambiance worth the visit?
I just had the dessert which was meh. Not a big popover fan though just needed something to get in the door. It’s really cute inside! I’d probably prioritize Arendale as that seems hardest to get mobile order for. Snuggly duckling was available for a few hours.


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