Even with Blisters and Bad Hair, Disney is Still Magical! A Sept. 2014 TR -Updated 5/13

FINALLY read your TR from top-to-bottom. I'm happy to see I'm not the only one who takes extended hiatuses from writing these :)

Due to my late arrivale, my comments require the way-back machine:

Is "I ate a bug" from Overboard? If so, we LOVE that movie, too! Our most quoted line is "I can't hear you, tea rose...I'm shooting skeet!" Applicable in MANY situations.

"Mr. Happy" is also the name of the song by the Insane Clown Posse, and that one is WAY worse than what you implied a Mr. Happy could be. So you should feel somewhat relieved that your gutter mind could always go lower than it does. "Not as depraved as Violent J" is certainly something to be proud of.

As I mentioned in comments in my TR, we're staying at CBR this year for the first time in forev - well, first time in ever, so it's great to hear your praise for it. It will certainly be an adjustment for us after 5 straight years at CBR.

LOVE the idea of the "thank you" cards, and we may have to steal it this year!

Is your sister-in-law wearing a Bad Religion shirt? OMG, LOVE! My second favorite band, only to the untoppable Iron Maiden. That was the "Hidden Mickey" of this Trip Report for me, so far :)

The Villains show looks fantastic, as does the parade. Haunted Mansion characters? Sold! I definitely need to go to MK during MNSSHP some time. The lack of queues at night is an added bonus!

Also LOVE the lit-up pet cemetary. I think even the Ramones would want to be buried there. Magic shots with the Hitchhiking Ghosts are cool, as well!

We heard from a CM who was once a character that a rushed meet and greet is known as a "love and shove" :)

Vanilla bean whipped cream? Wow.

Happy to hear you tried the B1 request on Soarin'! By far the best way to ride, IMO. Definitely worth the longer wait. Cool that my name's in this TR, too ;)

Very cool that the kids are troopers and seem to ride almost everything. Also, no accounts of meltdowns from what I've read in this TR, so it sounds like a wonderful trip.

Looking forward to the rest of this story! Thanks for sharing it with us.
Had a great time reading your report! We are also from the Milwaukee area and have driven to Florida several times, the last being in August, so it was fun seeing the same sites along your way to DW. I love driving through the mountains! I look forward to reading the end of your report. :)

Welcome welcome, my fellow Wisconsinite! We are so used to the drive now, it doesn't even phase us anymore. We like the mountains too, but we always seem to hit them at night, at least on the way down. The end of my report is sadly coming soon. Probably not tonight, but soon. I am purposely dragging it out.

LOOK HOW LITTLE!!!! i adore the Indian pictures!!! Your right they grow way too dang fast. while i stay young.... Yeah i am sticking with that one..

Wasn't she a peanut? And way too fast. I can't believe Lucy will be 9 in the fall. I always tell them to stop.

What a great meet and greet with Jasmine and Aladdin! LOVE when the characters take their time with kids, sounds like a blast! especially with Fuzzy!!! I also spy you in the PP pictures too!!

It was awesome! They really were fun. And Fuzzy. He's a favorite right now so he's been going everywhere with us and also to school, but staying in the back pack. And yeah, once in a while I make an appearance.

Yes peter pan ride is difficult to get pictures on.. I HOPE to get something this trip!

I always give it a try, but with the moving and the dark, it's hard. I should have Jason take one with his phone. He always seems to have good luck.

I'm with you. we love the carpet ride too! the first time we ever rode it Jasmine and Aladdin were on it too! it was awesome. I want to be there now.. Not looking at the snow outside.

That is awesome! Aladdin and Jasmine were on it! I also wish I was there now. Thankfully the snow is gone, but it's cold and dreary. Spring needs to hurry it's butt up and get here.

Your girls are such pretty girl Claire; they both have this mischievous little grin, I love it!

Thanks, Mary! And it's not just the grins that are mischievious! Maura, especially.

And the photos of Lucy with the chief are priceless! It's extra special cause she chose it herself. They grow too fast is right; DD is six months old but I feel like she was just born. :sad1:

I've never met your DD and I can't believe she's 6 months old. She was a newborn when I started this, I believe. They grow too fast for sure, but I'm so glad Lucy started that tradition of pictures. She looks forward to finding him and taking it every time now.

We like the carts a lot too, highly underrated ride; happily that means there is rarely a line!

Love them. They are great!

Dole whip!! My favorite (second only to Mickey ice cream bars, of course), I'm glad you guys enjoyed them. Are you pineapple or orange people? We are a house divided!
YOu know, I couldn't pick a favorite, I loved them both. I think the kids liked the orange more and Jason the pineapple, but they were both amazing.

I like that you're dragging out the last day; just means I have more to read!:thumbsup2

Yep. I don't want it to end again. :(

Joining in!

Woo hoo! So glad to have you!

Ok, so I'm REALLY late, and I have a HORRIBLE history of not reading other people's TRs to completion...but hey, I'm here.

For now.

Now, where were we?

Oh yeah - I have to read your TR! I'll get back to you...

I see that you DID get back to me, and I'll reply to that shortly.

How did I almost miss the whole thing??

No worries! I'm just glad you made it over! Yay! Did you see the Maleficent shirt? I love that thing so much. I can't wait for the weather to get nicer so I can start wearing it more often.

Clare your TR is fabulous, and I humbly insist that you write them for all of your trips. We'll miss you on our August trip by 2 weeks!

Thanks! I am enjoying writing it, so I will definitely do more! I'm bummed we'll miss you. Dang. Maybe we'll just have to meet up in Gurnee or something some time. I'm sure our girls would have tons to talk about!

So much to comment on that I cannot possibly remember it all, but I am looking forward to more adventures of your beautiful family, and of course your hair!

Ugh, my crazy hair. It's still crazy. Even without the humidity. Some days it looks amazing and some days I wish I was bald. :) More adventures coming.
FINALLY read your TR from top-to-bottom. I'm happy to see I'm not the only one who takes extended hiatuses from writing these :)

Hah! I started out at a good clip, but then the holidays happened, and then I signed up to be a Cookie Mom for Lucy's Brownie Troop and seriously, that took up so much time. And then life, between gymnastics, swimming, Brownies... Also, I'm purposely going slow at the end because I don't want it to be over. I already had to end the trip once.

Due to my late arrivale, my comments require the way-back machine:

Is "I ate a bug" from Overboard? If so, we LOVE that movie, too! Our most quoted line is "I can't hear you, tea rose...I'm shooting skeet!" Applicable in MANY situations.

Yes! Love that movie. And I"m totally using the shooting skeet line all the time!

"Mr. Happy" is also the name of the song by the Insane Clown Posse, and that one is WAY worse than what you implied a Mr. Happy could be. So you should feel somewhat relieved that your gutter mind could always go lower than it does. "Not as depraved as Violent J" is certainly something to be proud of.

I can' honestly say I have never heard that song. I guess I'll keep my gutter mind where it is for now!

As I mentioned in comments in my TR, we're staying at CBR this year for the first time in forev - well, first time in ever, so it's great to hear your praise for it. It will certainly be an adjustment for us after 5 straight years at CBR.

I hope you love it as much as we do. It's just so beautiful and fun and SO Disney. That pool.

LOVE the idea of the "thank you" cards, and we may have to steal it this year!

Well I stole it from Shannon (shan23877), so steal away! They were really easy to make and the kids liked giving them out.

Is your sister-in-law wearing a Bad Religion shirt? OMG, LOVE! My second favorite band, only to the untoppable Iron Maiden. That was the "Hidden Mickey" of this Trip Report for me, so far :)

Yes, yes she is. That is one of Jason's all time favorite bands, and one of his brother's as well, so it runs in the family!

The Villains show looks fantastic, as does the parade. Haunted Mansion characters? Sold! I definitely need to go to MK during MNSSHP some time. The lack of queues at night is an added bonus!

Yeah, you need to do it. It's amazing. I don't think we could ever get sick of it. And Jason isn't so much a parade guy, but he loves that one.

Also LOVE the lit-up pet cemetary. I think even the Ramones would want to be buried there. Magic shots with the Hitchhiking Ghosts are cool, as well!

I was so glad we got those magic shots. That one is my desktop background at work and I smile every time I look at it. The pet cemetery at night was so cool. I'm glad Jason got those shots.

We heard from a CM who was once a character that a rushed meet and greet is known as a "love and shove" :)

Interesting. We didn't have too many of those. They seem to happen to us mostly at character meals.

Vanilla bean whipped cream? Wow.

I wish I had some now.

Happy to hear you tried the B1 request on Soarin'! By far the best way to ride, IMO. Definitely worth the longer wait. Cool that my name's in this TR, too ;)

Hey, I'll give credit where it's due! And that was a great tip. Definitely the way to go, especially for our first time riding it. We plan to request that with our friends in August.

Very cool that the kids are troopers and seem to ride almost everything. Also, no accounts of meltdowns from what I've read in this TR, so it sounds like a wonderful trip.

Yeah, we pretty much told them if they are tall enough to ride it, they have to at least try it, and except for TOT, which Maura said made her "tummy feel weird," they both like everything. Even Haunted Mansion, which they were skeptical about.

They don't have a lot of melt downs in general, and at Disney, they are usually too happy to have any. It was a great trip!

Looking forward to the rest of this story! Thanks for sharing it with us.

I was happy to share it! And I have more coming now!
Hello! I have no excuse for my absence again. Really just procrastination so it won't end. Also cookies. Being a cookie mom is hard. But it was worth it. Lucy's troop made over $2000, so that's really awesome.

Speaking of Lucy, she is definitely our kid. A few of you who are my FB friends saw this a few weeks ago, but I have to share it here. She is in 2nd grade and had to do her first book report. They did all the work at school, and I just saw the end result. They had to do a biography. Who did she pick? You guessed it, the man him self. Walt Disney! Here is the report and the painting she did of him. We are so proud of her! Not just because she did Walt, but because she did a really great job.

The top of the picture says "creativity." All the kids in her class did a great job on these. There are inspirational people lining the hallways of their school!

Okay, but back to September. We had just finished our ride on Peter Pan, and it was almost time. Time for the meet and greet of all meet and greets, well, at least to the girls. They had been waiting 8 months for this and I had been lucky enough to score a FP+ for it. Thank goodness, because we have friends who went to Disneyland last April, and the dad waited in line for 8 hours so their little girl could meet these guys. 8 HOURS! I love my kids, but not that much. No way would I have waited, so thankfully, we got a FP+, although by September, the stand-by wait times were down to about 60-80 minutes.

But I digress. Into the bathroom we went, and with one tap of the Magic Bands, we were in! I'm sure you've figured it out by now. We went to meet Anna and Elsa! There was just 1 other family in front of us, and as soon as they were done with Anna, she started talking to us a mile a minute. She just talked and talked and talked and we loved it. She was so in character. At one point she said "Oh my, I am being too quiet. I talked way more yesterday." I started cracking up. She oohed and aahed over the girls, who were both dressed like Elsa. She finally stopped talking long enough to sign autographs and take some pictures, though she did pretty much keep talking the whole time. She gets major props. Her mouth must be like a desert at the end of her shift.

But I'll shut up now and show you some pics.

Jeez, Lucy, why so grumpy?

Anna was so cute. She had the best dimples. I wanted to bring he home with us.

In anticipation:

You like the Elsa dresses with Crocs?

And then it was finally time to meet Elsa! She was nice, but much more stoic than her sister. She was, well, icier. But she was nice to the girls and they ate it up. I'll admit, I am not really a crier, but Disney can do it, and I totally teared up when my girls got to meet these girls, because they were so happy and excited. So here is the Snow Queen herself.

Notice once again Maura doesn't want to turn around to look at the camera. She just wants to look at Elsa!

I love this one.

continued in next post
Phew! We made it! It was totally worth it, though not worth waiting for 8 hours. I was so grateful for FP+. With smiles on their faces and joy in their hearts, our sisters said goodbye to Arandale's sisters. Of course we let out in the dump shop, which was surprisingly full of Frozen merch. The kids still had some money on their gift cards, and we told Lucy she could pick something as her birthday present from us (because apparently going to Disney World isn't enough). Together, they decided on the singing Anna and Elsa dolls that they used their gift cards for, and Lucy picked a small Elsa that came with a wardrobe and a chair and 2 outfits. I swear, I hate that thing. The hands are so small and pointy it's impossible to change dresses on her. I banned Barbies in our house for that reason, and now she has this tiny Elsa to dress. I told her she couldn't take the dress off anymore. I'm done!

Anyway, we also got an Elsa Barbie-style doll for our next door neighbor. She is also 5, and though she is brunette and olive skinned, she is convinced that she IS Elsa and she will tell anyone that who will listen, so we knew she'd be happy with a replica of herself, and she was indeed. We got our packages sent to the front of the park for later pick up, since we weren't going back to CBR. Once out of Princess Hall, we were right in front of The Sword in the Stone, so we had to give it a try.

Lucy went first. Look at those double chins with all the effort she's putting forth.

No luck. Maura's turn. She's not nearly as forceful as her sister.

Maybe if they work together...

Nope. How about Jason? He's a strong guy.

Even Bucky, myself, and my wind-blown, humidity-ridden hair tried. And Maura is being ever so helpful.

Nope. Guess none of us are the true rulers of England.

The girls wanted to change out of their dresses because they "are really itchy." I can't say I blame them. With all the tulle and polyester combined with the heat? I can't imagine they were comfortable. We had to get a couple more pics before they changed though.

Giving their best Elsa poses.

Alright, back to regular clothes. We decided to hop on the carousel because we hadn't been on it yet! On we go.

Lucy usually wants one of the horses that looks like it's going into battle, but I guess she decided on something else this turn. Maura just wanted hers to have pink and flowers.

Oh, I look thrilled. Jason sat this one out so he could take pictures.

I think Maura had been crying here because she thought she wouldn't get a "good" horse, but it all turned out okay.

Okay, enough of that. We now did things that had absolutely no order to them at all. We headed back to Adventureland to ride Pirates again. So, off we went to do that, though I have no photographic evidence. We also stopped on the way over to get a new FP+ now that we had used all of ours. There was one available for Splash for a couple hours from now, so we grabbed that one, knowing we all wanted to ride again.

There was quite a long standby line for Pirates. I think we waited 20-25 minutes which is almost unheard of for that ride! It was worth it, though and we got to ride it one last time. I just found out it will be closed for our August trip and that makes me sad, but hopefully that means it will be bigger and better!

After Pirates it was time for lunch. We wanted to try someplace we hadn't eaten before. Columbia Harbor House! I'd never heard a bad review, and once again, per nilla's recommendation, we went to eat upstairs in the little bridge that goes between Liberty Square and Fantasyland. It was around 2pm, so not prime lunch time, so it wasn't crowded and we had no issue getting a spot up there.

The kids both had the always healthy Smucker's Uncrustables, with grapes and yogurt. They of course loved it.

Jason and I both got the chicken breast nuggets and fish. I got broccoli, he got fries.

No pictures of the fries. They were fries. Use your imaginations.

I guess I couldn't be bothered to take pictures of desert. I'm pretty sure one of had the chocolate cake and one of us had the seasonal cobbler and we shared. We took some fun pics while we were sitting, and it was nice to get into the air conditioning for a while.

Picture by Lucy:

Ah yes, I see the cobbler and chocolate cake in this pic!

We really liked our meal and will go back for sure. It's on our list for this year for sure.

Feeling refreshed, we headed back out into the Florida heat ready for more fun! That will have to wait, though. I need to go to bed! I promise to be back sooner than later. YOu are all awesome for sticking with me! I've even acquired some late comers!
Of course I saw the shirt! I am so glad that you love it! I'm working on some new villain stuff this week...

Can you imagine waiting that long for Anna and Elsa? I just couldn't do it. Just crazy.

That Anna is positively adorable. She's my favorite. But, the look on your girls faces meeting Elsa is priceless. They are clearly in awe of her. That kind of thing makes me cry too. :) LOVE THAT!

We've never eaten at CHH, but I have never heard anything bad about it! someday we'll have to!

What are the dates of your trip? Maybe we'll overlap by a day or two?
Your Back! YAY!

Aladdin and Jasmine were on it!
we had that!!! Look:

Proof! in 2010!

Spring needs to hurry it's butt up and get here.

Your not kidding.. Tired of this dang cold.. walking yesterday was brutal. SO FLIPPING COLD!

8 hours so their little girl could meet these guys.

Oh hell no.

because apparently going to Disney World isn't enough)


Oh, I look thrilled.

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

"are really itchy." I can't say I blame them.

no way! those costumes are not soft and comfy!

loved the updated! and it's good to see you back!!! :thumbsup2
Of course I saw the shirt! I am so glad that you love it! I'm working on some new villain stuff this week...

Awesome! I love a good villain.

Can you imagine waiting that long for Anna and Elsa? I just couldn't do it. Just crazy.

No, nope, no way! I love my girls, but I did't pay through the nose to stand in line all day!

That Anna is positively adorable. She's my favorite. But, the look on your girls faces meeting Elsa is priceless. They are clearly in awe of her. That kind of thing makes me cry too. :) LOVE THAT!

They were so excited. Stuff like that makes me with they didn't have to grow up. I love seeing them so happy.

We've never eaten at CHH, but I have never heard anything bad about it! someday we'll have to!

It was great! One of our new favorites for sure.

What are the dates of your trip? Maybe we'll overlap by a day or two?

We arrive August 20. Leave the 25th. I think you are going a bit earlier. :(

Your Back! YAY!

we had that!!! Look:

Proof! in 2010!

So cool. They kids in front of them don't even care. Mine would have been turned around staring the whole ride!

Your not kidding.. Tired of this dang cold.. walking yesterday was brutal. SO FLIPPING COLD!

So cold. And today rain, though I heard it's supposed to warm up today later? We'll see.

Oh hell no.

8. Hours. NO!


My kids are so spoiled.

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Oh! This is in reference to me on the carousel. I didn't get my own horse because I was helping them look for the perfect ones, so I got stuck standing. Jerks.

no way! those costumes are not soft and comfy!

Nope. I get itchy just touching them, but my girls love them. They do wear them for long stretches when it's not 90 degrees out.

loved the updated! and it's good to see you back!!! :thumbsup2

I hope not to be so full of slack. Every night for the last 2 weeks, I've said to myself "Do an udate, do an update," and I just get side tracked.
Glad my recommendations worked out for you! CHH is one of our favorites, as you know. Were you upstairs in the "super-(not-so)-secret-Fantasyland-overpass" room?
Glad my recommendations worked out for you! CHH is one of our favorites, as you know. Were you upstairs in the "super-(not-so)-secret-Fantasyland-overpass" room?

We loved it and plan to go back this year. And yep, that's where we sat! Loved it. We used a lot of your recommendations, as well as KatMark's, (Kathy), and mickeystoontown, (Lisa). I love TRs for this reason!
KatMark's posts were pretty much the big reason we tried out Coronado Springs in the first place. mickeystoontown seems to be the KatMark of CBR :)

So many helpful hints on this site!
BTW, did you happen to see that the rumored Haunted Mansion movie is essentially a "go" now? They're talking Ryan Gosling for the lead role. My reaction to that casting decision? "YES! Finally, they're making the Haunted Mansion movie!"
Lucy did such a great job on her report! :cool1:

Ah yes the ever coveted A&E M&G. Not gonna lie, I'm not going to be using a FP+ for this and I am quite glad about it. Although if DD was as psyched as your girls I'd likely be crying same as you were! The photos of the girls are great. It's very endearing that little Maura would rather look at a princess than be photographed next to one; such a cutie. It's funny to me that while Anna is clearly the more personable princess all the little ones like Elsa. Guess it's a magic thing? Maybe the dress?

Love the carousel pictures. And the Sword. In the stone shots are fantastic!

We like CHH too! Not just for food stuff, but I like the location, it's very central.:thumbsup2
What fun updates.

First...congratulations to Lucy on her first book report Awesome job sweetie. :thumbsup2

What fun interaction with Anna and Elsa. We loved meeting Anna...she was such fun.

And what fun pictures on the carousel and trying to pull out the sword.
KatMark's posts were pretty much the big reason we tried out Coronado Springs in the first place. mickeystoontown seems to be the KatMark of CBR :)

She totally is! She has stayed there so many times she knows it all! Her TR was the first one I ever read because she was staying there and so were we and we got a lot of tips from her.

So many helpful hints on this site!

I have learned so much from this site. I love it.

BTW, did you happen to see that the rumored Haunted Mansion movie is essentially a "go" now? They're talking Ryan Gosling for the lead role. My reaction to that casting decision? "YES! Finally, they're making the Haunted Mansion movie!"

I did not see that! This is fantastic news. I don't care who they cast in it, it's just awesome they are making it! Thanks for the info!

Lucy did such a great job on her report! :cool1:

She did. She made us proud.

Ah yes the ever coveted A&E M&G. Not gonna lie, I'm not going to be using a FP+ for this and I am quite glad about it. Although if DD was as psyched as your girls I'd likely be crying same as you were! The photos of the girls are great. It's very endearing that little Maura would rather look at a princess than be photographed next to one; such a cutie. It's funny to me that while Anna is clearly the more personable princess all the little ones like Elsa. Guess it's a magic thing? Maybe the dress?

I seriously can't figure out why Elsa is the favorite. Maura liked Anna better for about 2 weeks and then changed her mind. Maybe because she sings "Let it Go?"

I didn't feel too bad "wasting" an FP+ on Anna and Elsa because I knew they'd love it, but also because I knew crowds wouldn't be terrible, so waits for other stuff wouldn't be awful! And I can't resist my girls being so excited about something like meeting them.

Love the carousel pictures. And the Sword. In the stone shots are fantastic!

Thanks! Those are ones we have to do every year too!

We like CHH too! Not just for food stuff, but I like the location, it's very central.:thumbsup2

Yes! I agree, perfect location! Especially close to HM, the best ride ever. :)

What fun updates.

Thanks, Kathy! I can't believe you leave again so soon!

First...congratulations to Lucy on her first book report Awesome job sweetie. :thumbsup2

Thanks! I will tell her you said so!

What fun interaction with Anna and Elsa. We loved meeting Anna...she was such fun.

Anna was the best. Jason and I talk about her often!

And what fun pictures on the carousel and trying to pull out the sword.

Those 2 spots always make for great photos!

Now, on with the report.
Okay, so we just finished a late lunch at CHH. We will definitely be back there! So, where to next? Why, look, the Haunted Mansion is right here. Don't mind if we do! I knew it would probably be our last ride on HM for this trip, but knew we had to do it one more time. It's my favorite if you haven't figured that out yet. In line we got!

Lots of mischief and some bunny ears:

Lucy got the time/line card again. They sure liked her this trip.

More silliness ensued. I love this picture.

"Hey Mommy, take our picture with these guys."

Love this cue.

Hey, that's my name, and it's spelled the "right" way!

After another great ride, Lucy wanted a picture of the Pet Cemetery during the day. Not as fun as at night.

There was a PP outside of HM, so of course we had to get a couple pics!

Look at the Jack Skellington moon!

I wish they'd do the HM like Nightmare Before Christmas for Halloween like they do at DL. We'd absolutely take a trip to see that.

We still had a little time to kill before our Splash FP+ came up, and the girls really wanted to go on every body's favorite ride again, IASW. We agree, but have no photographic proof. We have enough pics already, and you've all seen it. Just know we went on it. For the last time this trip. I will admit this, annoying as that ride is, it's SO Disney, that I always get a little sad when I know it's the last time for a trip. I know we'll be back but it's still a little sad.

No time to waste sadness on IASW, though. Our FP+ time was up for Splash! We were all excited to ride it again. Maura had kept mentioning Br'er Rabbit and friends all week. We are also lucky enough to own Song of the South which is no longer released (but I'm sure you know that), so the kids had actually seen the movie and were familiar with the characters. Maura is still confused about the whole briar patch and why he wants to be thrown in there, but I digress. The girls had to have their picture taken with their new favorite characters.

On we went! Jason managed to get a few decent pictures with his phone this time!

Once again, I had a stellar performance in our ride photo. Jason was ducking so we could see Maura, but you can still barely see her!

Back out to Frontierland and we checked the schedule. Lucy REALLY wanted to meet Merida, because we hadn't met her, but also because her best friend Josie looks exactly like a young Merida. Bright red curly hair that has a mind of it's own! We went to see BRAVE in the theater with Josie and her family and after the movie people were staring at her and commenting that she looked just like her!

We saw that we could still get in line for her last meet and greet. We actually thought we had missed it and would have to settle for seeing her from afar, but we were wrong and were able to be 3rd in line for her last M&G of the day!

Here are the girls waiting in line.

No matter how many times we told them not to hang on the railings, they did it anyway. I guess they can't help themselves. It was finally our turn and talk about bad hair days! Merida was having one.

The kids didn't care though, and had a nice visit with her.

Love Merida's face in this one.

It was another new, fun meet and we were so glad we got in! Lucy couldn't wait to get home and tell Josie!

I'm stopping her for tonight. My hamster is running loudly on her wheel and I have to leave the are before I go crazy. I have a super busy weekend, but I hope to get this wrapped up soon! Okay, I don't really, but it's getting ever-closer.
hey there! :wave:

Great update!!! everything you just did were all favorites!!! HM? can't get enough.. Did you know they are doing ride photos now? I CANNOT WAIT!

Splash! incredible theme! and i adore your ride photo! You can only see her eyes! :rotfl: thanks for NOT post IASW.. just sayin..

Then Merida! she is a hoot isn't she? we had a great time with her.
Josie sounds like a doll!!!

Not happy about this trip being over.. BUT i am happy about you starting a PTR on another trip.
Maura is still confused about the whole briar patch and why he wants to be thrown in there, but I digress.

I'm confused by that as well, but just assume the reason he wants to be thrown in there is disgustingly racist, so I might be better off remaining clueless on that.

Love the HM queue as well! And basically everything about the HM! The Nightmare Before Christmas theming is definitely something I'd like to see sometime.

I really like the Magic Shots there, too. Do they only do that at Halloween?

We've never met Merida, but she seems like she would be a fun meet and greet. I agree with you about her hair, though, and am assuming you stopped complaining about your hair when you saw that mop!

You complain about the hamster wheel noise, but these computers don't power themselves.

Great updates, as usual!
Great updates, Clare. Where else would one go but the Haunted Mansion after eating at Columbia Harbor House. Thank you for NO pictures on It's a Small World. :lmao::lmao::lmao:.
I'm so glad you got on Splash Mountain. Mark never wants to do it because he hates getting wet. :(

Looks like a great meet with Merida. We've not yet done her.
Just read your whole report! Love all the photopass pics. Seems totally worth the $. The guy's comment to you in IASW would have really annoyed me! It's great that your kids are so into the characters. Mine never have been, but I'm going to make them meet a bunch when we go in August! They'll be 13 and 11 and none too thrilled, but I want the photos.


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