Emma Watson

Technically two different processes, though you could call deepfakes a FORM of AI, it's typically specifically someone using a lot of specific images to train on an output vs. typing a command into a regular AI image generator like Midjourney that has already collected millions of images. This looks like something like Midjourney kind of output vs. someone specifically training data on several images of Emma Watson (hence the piano name issue)

The problem with a lot of "AI" discourse is that "AI" is a massively broad statement that has been used for things for decades.
It's definitely a different actress. I can kind of picture the movie I saw her in, but can't remember her name right now. Maybe after coffee. :surfweb:
It absolutely looks "off" - The positioning, especially of the arms, is awkward. AI ain't quite there yet for stuff like this - thankfully!
Doesn't look like her. Not sure of the point of this picture or posting.
Random picture of some lady at a piano. Is this controversial some how or just an example of AI?

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