I have been using Gold Mobility for many years and been very happy with them most of the time. However, I don’t know if their ownership has changed or just their customer service policies but this last trip I’m sorry to say that my experience with them was a disaster and I don’t think I’ll be using them again. I have trips planned for May, June, September, and December.
this last trip was actually a solo trip and I came because I got a ticket for the After Hours event at HS the evening of my arrival and a ticket for the “Keys to the Kingdom” tour the next morning. My
ECV was delivered as requested and certainly looked like a brand new model that was fully charged. I had a late lunch at the resort and my room was ready so I unpacked and rested until around 4:30 when I decided to take Skyliner over to HS. I was very surprised after I went through security and entered park to see that the
scooter was already down to 3 bars and I had barely used it since it had been delivered with a full charge. At that point I was worried that the battery did appear to be holding its charge so I left the park and returned to the resort hoping to call Golden Mobility and get help so I could use scooter to attend the AH beginning at 9:30. A wheel chair was not an option since I couldn’t push myself far enough. And I didn’t think I could walk far enough to rent a scooter at the park. So I called Golden Mobility and got a recording so I immediately texted them instead as I usually receive a response quickly and I know ther business hours are from 7am to 7 pm. I got no response and even though I immediately hooked scooter up to charger I was afraid to take a chance. So I missed the After Hours at HS. I called guest services to see if I could reschedule the Keys to the Kingdom at MK as I had to check in for that at 9:00 am at MK and I didn’t see how I could make it. I was told there was no availability and I had passed the deadline to cancel for a refund. I sent another text message to GM explaining my situation. I did not receive a response that evening. I began calling right at 7 am the next morning and called repeatedly until I got through the woman I spoke with was apologetic and said she would arrange to have a different scooter dropped off.
A few minutes later I got a response to the text message I had sent the night before. I think it was from a different person from who I had just spoken to on phone. The text message informed me that the scooter would be replaced and they would “run a diagnostic on the scooter once it was back and it something did happen to be wrong they would refund a days worth of order” they also said that if scooter came back working completely fine there would be a convenience fee of $25.
Of course by the time another scooter was delivered I had missed the Keys to the Kingdom tour and I hadn’t bought the LLmultipass since I figured I would be doing the tour. The lines were so long I just returned to the resort and the day was pretty much wasted. I never heard back from Gold Mobility. I never got a refund which I hadn’t even asked for anyway and I haven’t seen a “convenience charge” On my credit card.
If. I hadn’t plan to go the After Hours event and the Keys to the Kingdom tour I wouldn’t even have come back to Disney until the trip scheduled for June. So extra disappointing.
Now I’m considering using the company that leaves scooters at the resort with Bell Services. The scoters I have seen from that company don’t look anywhere near as nice as the Gold Mobility scooters but I believe they have longer business hours and respond quickly if you have a problem. Has anyone used “scooter Bug”?