DVC did define renting for commericial purposes in 2008....they indicated that a membership that had more than 20 reservations in a rolling 12 month period would be subject to review, and it would be assumed that the owner was engaging in a commerical purpose. Any reservations over 20 would be canceled, unless the owner could provde to DVC's satisfaction that none of the 20 were rentals.
So, we have some insight into where DVC drew the line....now, they have since gotten rid of that language and made it less clear in that it is a "pattern of activity" that one can reasonably conclude is you running a business. In my conversations with them last year, they pointed to the terms of the contract and the summary of all of it was that, I, as an owner, it is my job to follow the terms of the contract....and understand the intent of that clause.
That tells me that as long as what I am doing seems reasonable, I should be fine. If DVC decides it is not, they will let me know.
I am taking the statements by the board at the meetings as a guide. They mentioned several times large point owners who have found away around the rule but are the ones savy enough to know how to capitalize on it.