DVC Mike Live from BWV/SSR (3/7-3/15/09)

Wondering if you're as sad as we all are that your trip is over...

Yep, I've only spent one day at work and I'm already looking forward to our next trip. We hit the 60 day window for making Disneyland Priority Seating dining reservations.
Thank you Mike! I have really enjoyed reading your posts. Happy belated birthday, my DD (who just turned 6) is also a St. Paddy's day birthday, what a fun day to celebrate your bday. After seeing your name, my DH (who regularly makes fun of me for my disney addiction but he knows he is just as bad as me) said he wants to be DVC Dan. I said "Honey, if you buy us as many points as DVC Mike, I'll call you anything you want! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
It has been said that you should have a goal in life and my goal is to be like DVC Mike! 1000 points and 4 or 5 weeks at Disney a year![/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]:goodvibes[/QUOTE]
Me too!
:worship: :worship: :worship:
Yep, I've only spent one day at work and I'm already looking forward to our next trip. We hit the 60 day window for making Disneyland Priority Seating dining reservations.

So will you be making ressies for Napa Rose Chef's seating? Will be interested in your review and I'm sure the chef will have something wonderful for your wife.
Since today's my birthday (My mom named be Michael since it was St Patrick's Day), I went to the MK to pickup my $70 Birthday Fun Card. It's been very cloudy and overcast today.


The guy on the right is hamming it up for the camera, while the guy to his right is having a bad day.


The "ham" looks like a thinner version of the actor, Wayne Knight from Seinfeld! You know, "Hello.....Jerry", "Hello....Newman". LOL :lmao: :lmao:

Really enjoyed the TR Mike, hope you do one for DL also.
Thanks for the great report! We were out of town for the end of your trip, and I just caught back up. I appreciate you taking the time to share your trip with us. Have fun waiting for Disneyland! Enjoy the anticipation. :goodvibes
Mike, will you be doing a TR while at DL? DW is trying to motivate me to go there and see the new DVC when its up and running and I am less then "warm" about the idea. Looking for a little motivation...Shawnpirate:

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