Does Pixie Dust Help with Decision-Making? A 2012 PTR! NEW! 6/30 pg.85

If you have a couple of Lapu Lapu's before heading to mini golf, well, let's just say I would love to have a video camera handy :laughing:

The Sorcerers of the Magic Kingdom game looks like fun, can't wait to hear what you guys think of it!

Mini-golf is sure to be fun! LOL!

I haven't even told Connor about Sorcerers -- I know he will love it!

We went to Winter Summerland for the first time last week and we had a blast.

I am really looking forward to it!

Your plans look great Jackie! 'Ohana sounds so yummy! I'm sorry you have to bring your laptop along with you for work though. Bummer! I will have to do the same on my October trip. :sad2:

I am actually hoping to have it all finished before we go. I just fear I won't be as focused as I need to be if I have to do it at Disney.

Fabulous day planned.

Diner should be great with Disers! Please eat some bread pudding for me.

I plan on eating lots of bread pudding! :thumbsup2

So fun to hear all about the 5th and the fun we are going to have! I forgot about the Sorcerer's game, I think we will have already tried it out earlier in our trip, but that won't stop me from showing Matt if he wants to try it :thumbsup2

I love that airstream! I can't wait to play miniature golf!! And set up our tailgate party....:rolleyes1

Is it weird of me that I have visions of posing by that Airstream with a drink in hand? :rotfl:

I can't believe you are in the teens! That's so exciting, but also :scared1: :faint: Sorry you have to bring your laptop to do work - I'll be doing that when I go down the Cape for a week. It stinks!

Ohana and mini golf sounds like a BLAST! I love mini golf and Disney mini golf would be even better than my beloved Pirate's Cove!

We haven't played mini-golf since '06 at Hilton Head, so we are looking forward to it!

Sounds like a fabulous day! Love dinner at 'Ohana, especially when there's a DIS meet involved! :)

These eighteen days are going to fly by!

Those days are flying by -- only seven more! :eek:

Fun plans! I hope you don't have to do too much school work while you are gone. You deserve some time away form all school/work obligations!

Tomorrow, we will begin playing One Week From Today, and with camp starting Sunday, I think that is going to turn into We Are Standing Here Already before I can think about it! I know for a fact that this week started on Monday, and the next day it was already Thursday! ::yes:: I couldn't even believe how fast it went by! :eek:

And now you are actually THERE! Hope it stops raining for you soon!

Wow! 18 days!:banana: I got caught up a couple of days ago, but must not have posted. I'm having trouble keeping up these days. You will all have so much fun - it will be fun to read all about your adventures! Somehow you'll have everything done and you'll have a wonderful trip!

I hope so -- I am so ready to leave for vacation even though I haven't even pulled out the suitcases yet! :eek:

It sure is getting close to your trip. Summer is going too fast!

I'm anxious to hear about your meal at O'hana's as we are eating there in Sept. We have never been there & I'm seeing so many bad reviews of the place. I wondering if I should cancel, but don't really want to.

I want one of those Lapu Lapus, been waiting many years to try one!:cool1:

I see mixed reviews about all the restaurants at Disney, so I am sure it will be a good meal. I think some people are just really hard to please. You know?
I can't believe your trip it so close! Your MK day looks like a lot of fun. I have never played mini golf at WDW, but I really need to make the trek to Winter Summerland! The themeing is so cute!

I have taken work with me to WDW before. I usually worked during afternoon breaks and I also did stuff before we went to the parks so I wouldn't stress out about what was "there" when I needed to be hitting the rides before the crowds came! It wasn't bad at all! I actually enjoyed the connection to reality!

Charles and I played at Fantasia back in 1998, and it was fun, but I have a feeling this will be even more fun!

I am hoping to be finished with everything before we go. Fingers crossed!

Hopefully you aren't too serious about your mini golf score after the Lapu Lapu's! :rotfl: Your plans sound great! The Sorcerer's of the MK game does sound really cool!

Nah, even without any drinks I know my score wouldn't be the greatest! :lmao:

Jackie if you plan on playing the Sorcerers game pick up game cards every day that you go to MK (even on days that you don't plan to play). Get cards for every ticket that you have (ie 4) even if you or Charles are not going to play. The idea is to collect as many cards as you can. And if the Fire Station has a line, there is a little sub station for the game behind the Christmas Shop in Liberty Square.

Good to know, Heidi! Thanks! I am writing this down in the trip notebook so I don't forget!

Hurray for your trip being so close!!! :woohoo: Your plans look must be getting excited! The mini golf at Winter Summerland is fun...we took time out to do that one year. :thumbsup2 The Lapu Lapu's should make it a bit more interesting! :laughing:

Definitely on all counts! :rotfl: Hard to believe that a week from today we will be on the road!

so much fun! I can't wait to hear what Conor thinks of Sorcerers. I hope by the time we make it back to MK the E's will still want to do it! I know they will be excited for Perry, Eric in particular.

Connor has never met an interactive game that he didn't like! He is my gaming son, for sure!

Your plans are looking great! :thumbsup2 I hope you don't have too much work to do while you are on vacation. And I hope there aren't any Epcot meltdowns. :goodvibes

No meltdowns is one of my goals for this trip! :goodvibes

Omg you guys are so close!! Love the MK/Winter Summerland plans, sounds like a really fun day!

Seven Days Close!

Don't forget that we want video of the drunken mini-golf playing!

:rotfl: Not sure if we will video but we will take some pictures!

Less than two weeks! Are you excited yet? :)

Excited and starting to feel panicky!

Winter Summerland is so much fun!
You're going to have a great time.
Have you started packing?

Nope on the packing! :scared1: I need to get my act together...
Your plans all sound so great and while I was reading Happy Dog's TR I realized that you are all leaving so soon. It's hard to believe its almost the end of June. Phew. time flies!

I really hope you don't have to do too much work on your vacation. That sounds like a terrible drag. It's hard to take your real life into the Disney bubble! :rotfl:

Time is flying!

I am trying to get everything done because I don't want any intrusions into my Disney bubble, either!

I was telling my sister today how I can't believe July 4th is NEXT Wednesday, and it made me remember that you guys are leaving really soon. I am SO excited for you! :banana:

I can't believe I am already at the one week countdown!

Thanks for sharing my excitement!

Yay you're SO CLOSE!! Woo hoo!! :)

Your July 5th plans sound fun!! How did I miss seeing the Airstream?! Hmm, I'll add that to the list of October pics to take! :)

SOCLOSE! I can almost smell Disney! :goodvibes

Just joining in and have a lot of catching up to do, but I should be done by the time you come back! ;) Looks like fun - looking forward to seeing how you do at POR. We're heading there for the first time in October. And I know your pain in terms of the stress of getting classwork done before a Disney trip...I did that before our 2010 trip and it was a killer! Once it's done, though, it's great!

Hope you're having fun packing and getting ready! :goodvibes

Hi!!! We liked POR when we stayed there in 2004, so we are looking forward to being there again!

You've probably seen this, but just in case:

Thanks, Tammie! I did see it last week -- very excited! I want my picture made with the patriotic characters!
And then suddenly we were ONE WEEK AWAY FROM LEAVING!!!!




This is pretty much a yes-I-am-still-here kind of update.

Classes are kicking my tail, so I am trying to cram a bit of Disney planning in between massive amounts of school work.

If I took a picture of the trip shopping so far, this is what it would include...

Three shirts for me.

Black flip flops for me.

Two shirts for Connor.

Two boxes of granola bars.

Some patriotic glow bracelets.

A roll of paper towels.

That's it.

Charles and Connor got haircuts on Saturday.

I pulled one suitcase into the middle of the bedroom closet.

Oh, and I did online check-in.

And a list.

I made a list of everything I still need to do and buy.

It's pretty long. matter what, it will all be done soon because...

:woohoo: Woo Hoo for one more week!!!!!!!! :cool1: That's awesome! Just in time for the July 4th festivities and, hopefully, all the rain will be long gone!

I hope you all have a fabulous time! Can't wait to read all about it and if you don't get through you whole list, so what? enjoy!
Wow - one week!:cool1:

I guess we can understand if we don't see much of you around the DIS since you have so much keeping you busy. I'll start wishing away that dang Debby so the rain goes away! I'm sure you'll have a great time!!!
Ya know, who says you have to do a bunch of Disney shopping? I think you're doing great for being so busy and leaving in one week! Can I dance with you?!?!

:banana: :yay: :woohoo: :dance3:

So happy for you Jackie!
Yay for ONE WEEK! I am super excited for you!

I love doing the online check-in. It makes the trip feel so much more "real" somehow!
At least you still have a week!!! I have until, tomorrow.

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

SUCH denial... packing is no where started. Well, PILES have, but whatever.

CAN'T wait!!!! Your pre-packing/shopping looks just fine, you're just getting warmed up... :thumbsup2
:woohoo: for one more week! And here's hoping some pixie dust comes your way to help you get it all done. Hang in there - in a week, you'll be on cloud nine!
Wow only one week to go!:dance3: Have fun with the packing & finishing your work.

I've been buying things for our trip for a couple of months, I love to shop!

The patriotic Castle was so darn awesome! Lucky you getting to see that!


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