Does Pixie Dust Help with Decision-Making? A 2012 PTR! NEW! 6/30 pg.85

I can't believe you are in the teens! That's so exciting, but also :scared1: :faint: Sorry you have to bring your laptop to do work - I'll be doing that when I go down the Cape for a week. It stinks!

Ohana and mini golf sounds like a BLAST! I love mini golf and Disney mini golf would be even better than my beloved Pirate's Cove!
Sounds like a fabulous day! Love dinner at 'Ohana, especially when there's a DIS meet involved! :)

These eighteen days are going to fly by!
Fun plans! I hope you don't have to do too much school work while you are gone. You deserve some time away form all school/work obligations!

Tomorrow, we will begin playing One Week From Today, and with camp starting Sunday, I think that is going to turn into We Are Standing Here Already before I can think about it! I know for a fact that this week started on Monday, and the next day it was already Thursday! ::yes:: I couldn't even believe how fast it went by! :eek:
Wow! 18 days!:banana: I got caught up a couple of days ago, but must not have posted. I'm having trouble keeping up these days. You will all have so much fun - it will be fun to read all about your adventures! Somehow you'll have everything done and you'll have a wonderful trip!
It sure is getting close to your trip. Summer is going too fast!

I'm anxious to hear about your meal at O'hana's as we are eating there in Sept. We have never been there & I'm seeing so many bad reviews of the place. I wondering if I should cancel, but don't really want to.

I want one of those Lapu Lapus, been waiting many years to try one!:cool1:
I can't believe your trip it so close! Your MK day looks like a lot of fun. I have never played mini golf at WDW, but I really need to make the trek to Winter Summerland! The themeing is so cute!

I have taken work with me to WDW before. I usually worked during afternoon breaks and I also did stuff before we went to the parks so I wouldn't stress out about what was "there" when I needed to be hitting the rides before the crowds came! It wasn't bad at all! I actually enjoyed the connection to reality!
Hopefully you aren't too serious about your mini golf score after the Lapu Lapu's! :rotfl: Your plans sound great! The Sorcerer's of the MK game does sound really cool!
Jackie if you plan on playing the Sorcerers game pick up game cards every day that you go to MK (even on days that you don't plan to play). Get cards for every ticket that you have (ie 4) even if you or Charles are not going to play. The idea is to collect as many cards as you can. And if the Fire Station has a line, there is a little sub station for the game behind the Christmas Shop in Liberty Square.
Hurray for your trip being so close!!! :woohoo: Your plans look must be getting excited! The mini golf at Winter Summerland is fun...we took time out to do that one year. :thumbsup2 The Lapu Lapu's should make it a bit more interesting! :laughing:
so much fun! I can't wait to hear what Conor thinks of Sorcerers. I hope by the time we make it back to MK the E's will still want to do it! I know they will be excited for Perry, Eric in particular.
Your plans are looking great! :thumbsup2 I hope you don't have too much work to do while you are on vacation. And I hope there aren't any Epcot meltdowns. :goodvibes
Your plans all sound so great and while I was reading Happy Dog's TR I realized that you are all leaving so soon. It's hard to believe its almost the end of June. Phew. time flies!

I really hope you don't have to do too much work on your vacation. That sounds like a terrible drag. It's hard to take your real life into the Disney bubble! :rotfl:
I was telling my sister today how I can't believe July 4th is NEXT Wednesday, and it made me remember that you guys are leaving really soon. I am SO excited for you! :banana:
Yay you're SO CLOSE!! Woo hoo!! :)

Your July 5th plans sound fun!! How did I miss seeing the Airstream?! Hmm, I'll add that to the list of October pics to take! :)
Just joining in and have a lot of catching up to do, but I should be done by the time you come back! ;) Looks like fun - looking forward to seeing how you do at POR. We're heading there for the first time in October. And I know your pain in terms of the stress of getting classwork done before a Disney trip...I did that before our 2010 trip and it was a killer! Once it's done, though, it's great!

Hope you're having fun packing and getting ready! :goodvibes


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