Disneyland Reopening Speculation Superthread

For anyone visiting DTD soon, please tell the CMs how much they are appreciated and supported! This week has been very, very hard for them. We spoke with several CMs tonight, thanking them for their hard work and for continuing to make the magic during difficult times. There were big smiles and tears -- they are struggling. Give them a big smile and a caring word -- it means so much right now.
Does anybody really think that Disneyland would remain profitable at 25% capacity, “locals” (most likely AP) only? One of the big requirements has to go, or they won’t open. They would much prefer 25% capacity being reached by my family of 6, buying 3 day park hopper tickets, staying on property, with a large daily budget for food and merchandise. But we are out of state. And I have no doubt they could fill the 25% capacity with that most profitable demographic every single day. That’s nothing against APers, I would have one if I lived close enough. But from a simple numbers perspective, the choice for them is simple. I would even go as far as saying they may consider wiping out the AP system all together for the short term with these restrictions in place. If they are only allowed 25 or 50% capacity for the foreseeable future, I bet this is something they are considering. I just doubt the solvency of 25% capacity annual pass holders. You can only cut your labor so much.
family fun centers can open. Disney is basically a giant playground and family fun center.

I don't get it 😭 😭 😭

Technically indoor family fun centers can’t open until Orange. Which is why I believe Disneyland should be allowed to open in Orange as well. I do think there is a difference between the local fun center. The number of people that will be at Disneyland and potentially exposed to a contagious person each day is huge in comparison to a fun center.
We are still in a shelter in place order, which is weird given some counties that have opened up a bit more. But it's so weird that he won't reiterate that to remind us that, say, just because a movie theatre is now open (in my county) doesn't mean you should go. It's understandable that some people will feel inclined to believe that there is no longer a stay at home order.
Yes, and I do passionately support being cautious about reopening. Even though it is permitted here now, I would NOT watch a movie or get an indoor haircut at this point. I use restaurant take-out rather than dining inside (at 25% capacity). I’m glad that our school district is still doing remote learning. At this point, the risk to catch it is, in my (informed) assessment, low, but if I do, things could get serious quickly (I’m in my mid-fifties, there’s a history of diabetes & high blood pressure in my family, and any of the BMI charts that are out there would classify me as “obese,” so I’m a prime candidate for serious complications).

However, the parks are a controlled environment. Cast members are empowered to do what, for example, teachers in many school districts aren’t allowed to do: treating wearing a mask and wearing it properly NOT as “urgent recommendation” but as requirement and being able to kick people out of they refuse to comply. Teachers don’t have that option, which is why, despite the problematic PR optics, in-person-schooling, even part-time and with evidence-based restrictions, is probably far, far, far more risky for vulnerable family members than going to a theme park (as long as public health measures are enforced there and people are appropriately risk conscious). Don’t even get me started on the far higher rate of asymptomatic cases (kids who don’t have symptoms but still transmit the disease) among young children and the role many elderly family members play in helping out with after school child care.

If I go to Disneyland, I can rely on cast members to have my back and reign in mask haters, and I can also decide what level of risk I’m comfortable with (I might, for example, forego some of the indoor lines or put some extra distance between me and others and stay away from situations in which that is difficult).

I am somewhat of a skeptic about the claim that “there have been 0 transmissions that were tracked back to WDW.” It seems to me that Florida has been doing a bit of a sloppy job with their testing, tracing, and reporting, and many visitors go back to their home states and, if positive, get counted there (which is probably one of the rationales behind California’s suggested distance requirement—better metrics as to the public health effects of the opening). It is a good sign that there have been no reported cases among cast members in Florida, though, given that their exposure is most likely greater than the average guest’s.

However, I wonder how much of California’s reaction (and I don’t think it’s just up to Newsom—I figure he gets pressure from unions & watches public opinion in his state about this, via polls & surveys, like a hawk) is an stubborn overreaction, going overboard on precautions, just out of frustration about other states (such as Florida, Georgia, and now many Midwestern states) whose policies about reopening, though understandable given all of our worries about the economy, seem to have been more in the cavalier, lax, or even reckless side of things (this is merely my opinion; I hope I’m NOT offending anybody here by saying so; it’s not my intention to attack anybody or start a fight :hippie: ).

There is a reasonable middle path here somewhere!!!

Edited to add: Come to think of it, I should probably find Gavin Newsom’s (or his press secretary’s) “contact me” emails, copy this post, slightly rewrite it to add urgent pleas for an open mind on his end, and send it to my governor...
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Does anybody really think that Disneyland would remain profitable at 25% capacity, “locals” (most likely AP) only? One of the big requirements has to go, or they won’t open. They would much prefer 25% capacity being reached by my family of 6, buying 3 day park hopper tickets, staying on property, with a large daily budget for food and merchandise. But we are out of state. And I have no doubt they could fill the 25% capacity with that most profitable demographic every single day. That’s nothing against APers, I would have one if I lived close enough. But from a simple numbers perspective, the choice for them is simple. I would even go as far as saying they may consider wiping out the AP system all together for the short term with these restrictions in place. If they are only allowed 25 or 50% capacity for the foreseeable future, I bet this is something they are considering. I just doubt the solvency of 25% capacity annual pass holders. You can only cut your labor so much.
If you look at Disney's official announcements about DLR's reopening, whenever that might be, there is clear mention that the reservation system will include APs: Because theme park capacity will be significantly limited to comply with governmental requirements and promote physical distancing, the Disneyland Resort will manage attendance through a new theme park reservation system that will require all guests, including Annual Passholders, to obtain a reservation for park entry in advance.
(See the DLR website and the first page of the DLR REOPENING SUPERTHREAD (DL & DCA TBA) (DTD OPENED 7/09/20): Post Official News and Updates Here! KEEP CHECKING FIRST PAGE FOR DLR UPDATES!)
However, the parks are a controlled environment. Cast members are empowered to do what, for example, teachers in many school districts aren’t allowed to do: treating wearing a mask and wearing it properly NOT as “urgent recommendation” but as requirement and being able to kick people out of they refuse to comply. Teachers don’t have that option, which is why, despite the problematic PR optics, in-person-schooling, even part-time and with evidence-based restrictions, is probably far, far, far more risky for vulnerable family members than going to a theme park (as long as public health measures are enforced there and people are appropriately risk conscious). Don’t even get me started on the far higher rate of asymptomatic cases (kids who don’t have symptoms but still transmit the disease) among young children and the role many elderly family members play in helping out with after school child care.

If I go to Disneyland, I can rely on cast members to have my back and reign in mask haters, and I can also decide what level of risk I’m comfortable with (I might, for example, forego some of the indoor lines or put some extra distance between me and others and stay away from situations in which that is difficult).

THIS. I agree completely. Disney's enforcement of these rules are going to be fantastic and that's something nearly all public places don't have right now. I know we've used this comparison again and again on this board but I'll do it one more time... I'm probably less safe at Walmart where many folks wear the mask to get through the door and then pull it down to their neck while they're shopping. And don't get me started on the nose danglers haha! At least we know at Disney, there is going to be a considerable effort in to enforce the mask rules and that makes all the difference to me. I trust Disney to enforce things more than my own workplace, for crying out loud.
Does anybody really think that Disneyland would remain profitable at 25% capacity, “locals” (most likely AP) only?
Yes. It's totally normal for locals to go eat and drink for a few hours. I know lots of people (myself included) who will make a 90 minute drive just to go buy something. Most of the APs that I know spend thousands of dollars at DL in food/merch every year that they wouldn't have spent if they didn't have an AP. After a great 2 night stay in February, I was planning on staying for 2 nights every couple months instead of doing day trips. I had a weeklong stay scheduled beginning the day that Disneyland closed. While I wouldn't want to pay $700./night several times per year, I was willing to do that a couple times per year and stay at the cheaper places in between.
For anyone visiting DTD soon, please tell the CMs how much they are appreciated and supported! This week has been very, very hard for them. We spoke with several CMs tonight, thanking them for their hard work and for continuing to make the magic during difficult times. There were big smiles and tears -- they are struggling. Give them a big smile and a caring word -- it means so much right now.
I wish I could like this more than once!!! So true. I have actually made this a point here at home throughout this ordeal: take a moment for a smile and a few kind words for any of the essential workers (grocery store employees, delivery people, the Viacom repair dude, etc), thanking them for working so hard for us.

In a way, Disney cast members are essential workers, too. Human beings cannot be reduced to creatures who need food and stay-at-home work and not much else. Finding moments of joy in what lifts our hearts and spirits is essential, too (and for some of us Disney’s parks, even with restrictions, are a powerful source of such joy and the psychological and emotional well-being and resilience it brings).
I'm probably less safe at Walmart where many folks wear the mask to get through the door and then pull it down to their neck while they're shopping. And don't get me started on the nose danglers haha!
The keeping the nose out thing is something that's been bothering me a lot. It's one thing if they social distance while doing it, but I've been around a lot of people who do that and they keep stepping close to me, even when I am backing away. Really annoying. I haven't heard of that happening at WDW.
The keeping the nose out thing is something that's been bothering me a lot. It's one thing if they social distance while doing it, but I've been around a lot of people who do that and they keep stepping close to me, even when I am backing away. Really annoying. I haven't heard of that happening at WDW.
In DTD, CMs swoop in right away to ask the guest to pull the mask up over the nose. Plaids were walking the switchbacks in line for security yesterday announcing that masks must be worn over the nose, over the mouth, and over the chin -- all at the same time!
The keeping the nose out thing is something that's been bothering me a lot. It's one thing if they social distance while doing it, but I've been around a lot of people who do that and they keep stepping close to me, even when I am backing away. Really annoying. I haven't heard of that happening at WDW.

There are nose peekers at WDW but the CMs are all on it and tell the guest right away to pull their mask back up.

Yes. It's totally normal for locals to go eat and drink for a few hours. I know lots of people (myself included) who will make a 90 minute drive just to go buy something. Most of the APs that I know spend thousands of dollars at DL in food/merch every year that they wouldn't have spent if they didn't have an AP. After a great 2 night stay in February, I was planning on staying for 2 nights every couple months instead of doing day trips. I had a weeklong stay scheduled beginning the day that Disneyland closed. While I wouldn't want to pay $700./night several times per year, I was willing to do that a couple times per year and stay at the cheaper places in between.

This is so true! We’ve saved an unbelievable amount of money without having our at least weekly visits to DLR these past 7 months.
Distance travel restrictions make no sense. l. What's more dangerous inherently for a Californian - travel within state or outside and then coming back with whatever we pick up? We're considering WDW travel so that's safer for us vs going to DLR if it were open with all that transit time in Tx or Nv airports and through MCO?

I fully see the three tier system the WDW employs to be replicated for park goers WHEN DLR reopens. DLR Hotel stays get priority and the largest bucket, followed by ticket holders and then APs with APs having a limit of reservations. DLR has experience on reservation limits with the Flex Pass AP holders and that should transition easily.

This will prioritize dollar spend to DLR direct. During school year the weekday demand will be lower and will rely on AP holders to support as showed Knotts and Seaworld are only open on the weekend even at lower capacities due to low volumes .

Then again, with distance learning enacted for most families, I can easily see families take a week and do their Zoom sessions at the hotel and bust over to DLR afterwards.
In DTD, CMs swoop in right away to ask the guest to pull the mask up over the nose. Plaids were walking the switchbacks in line for security yesterday announcing that masks must be worn over the nose, over the mouth, and over the chin -- all at the same time!
I wish other businesses took mask enforcement half as seriously as Disney does. I’ve stopped going to several stores & restaurants (to pick up food) due to not only the lax enforcement of mask wearing but the lax compliance of the employees.
I wish other businesses took mask enforcement half as seriously as Disney does. I’ve stopped going to several stores & restaurants (to pick up food) due to not only the lax enforcement of mask wearing but the lax compliance of the employees.
This is why I prefer hanging out at DTD on the weekends. It’s a nice outing plus compliance is very high. I also see CM’s reminding people to distance yourselves if you get too close to people. The local mall and grocery stores are nowhere near as thorough as DTD.

ADDING: I was at target this morning and the man behind me was standing so close I could hear him breathing 😒
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People are saying that DL should open because 'family entertainment' and other venues are opening. It's apples and oranges.

IMHO the difference between theatres, mini-golf, etc & DLR is that these are 'smallish' venues that are mainly visited by locals & semi-locals AND that they have much smaller capacity. DL at 25% of what 'rumor' says capacity is would still be ~15,000. And if there's no park hopping add in another capacity of ~15,000 for DCA. DLR is a HUGE draw from all over. That's a potential 30,000 from all over God's green Earth milling around the two parks, the Esplanade, & DTD as well as local hotels and restaurants. So, just like Sturgis, you'll have people congregating from places with huge infection rates as well as low infection rates. Even with the best of practices there will be some contagion. And people, even if it's a small number, will bring that infection in and/or take that infection home. And the infection will spread. On a smaller scale, but it will still spread.

Putting in a geographical restriction will help mitigate this. But it won't stop all spread. It will just mitigate and theoretically 'contain' it to a smaller area, more easily contact traced. Even though I'm outside the rumored area, I have to say I think it's a good idea. Better yet would be to restrict it to counties/area that meet or surpass OC's 'color'.

I did a rough measurement on Google Earth and the 120 mile area would be (again roughly & as the crow flies) up the coast to just past Goleta on 1, arcs over to Bakersfield on 99, to Inyokern just off 395, to Ludlow on 40, Chiriaco Summit on 10, Golden Acorn Casino on 8, and just south of TJ. These are mostly red & purple counties and a lot of sparsely populated desert.
People are saying that DL should open because 'family entertainment' and other venues are opening. It's apples and oranges.

IMHO the difference between theatres, mini-golf, etc & DLR is that these are 'smallish' venues that are mainly visited by locals & semi-locals AND that they have much smaller capacity.

I agree. I do think people forget that. So 10 - 20 people may be at the bowling ally or arcade vs 10 - 20 THOUSAND in a theme park. People congregating in lines, eating in restaurants (no masks), etc. The risk is a lot greater at a theme park vs those smaller venues.

The same for the distance requirement. Keeping people within a smaller geographic area reduces the spread if one was to contract the virus at the parks. An asymptomatic employee passes it along to people from all over the state/country. Then they bring it back to their home area and spread it there.

And let's not forget that at the beginning of all this Theme Parks were not even an OPTION to reopen until the end of the pandemic. So the fact that they are thinking about allowing theme parks is progress.
Let's not forget that at the beginning of all this, Theme Parks were exempt from the closures.
Exempt as MASS GATHERINGS yes. I sincerely doubt that if Theme Parks had not closed on their own that they would have been allowed to stay open once the state had ordered the "Stay at Home" order.


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