Diane's Journal to a Happier/Healthier me...encouragement welcome!

Thanks for stopping by Denise! I have found that I dwell on the negatives, so the things I'm proud of is getting me to think away from negatives and into the positives.

Thanksfully the snow missed most of downtown, so when I left to go work out it wasn't as bad as it could be. Had some good perks today on our team call today - we always start with recognition and sometimes it gets to the point that someone is basically recognizing someone for breathing...us at HQ have our own name for it, but I don't think it is allowed on the board, so I better not say it. Anyway, it was nice to be recognized by someone for everything I do behind the scenes that no one knows or sees, but all they have to do is ask a question that starts with..."I wonder how many..." and usually within a day or two you have all the information you need. Was nice to realize that one person out of 35 on our team get what I do.

I had to give my pre-review today and usually I just go through the motions because scores are already determined prior to your review due date. They fixed that this year and one of my best friends at work told me that last year my boss really fought to get the score I got, and he received push back from someone about - "I understand how much she does, but isn't part of your review score based on being a (insert company here) Brand Manager". Bless my bosses heart - he went to bat for me and pushed back saying that we've put this person in a no-win position. She is doing at least the job of 2 people and my best friend echoed saying....at what point do we need to look at all of us in the room and wonder why we've put someone in this type of position. All in all, I found out I received the 3rd highest review score last year, so I felt a lot better going into my pre-review this year and explaining very clearly why I felt I deserved the score I put down, and why I didn't think I deserved a score in the higher level. I made it clear I understand where I fall in the team dynamics and that I felt my work completed during the year and the personal improvements I have been working towards justified that score. I have never done that before - I just have said...well, I think I should get this score and go with the score I end up with. This year I said...this is the score I put down and here is why I feel this is the score I should receive. I think I surprised my boss because he took notes! He never takes notes during my pre-review!

Is this what self-esteem feels like? I sure hope so because it made me feel great! I did have to own up to my developmental opportunity of Work/Life balance and improving it. Yeah for me! That felt so good to be able to stand up for myself. I am definately not used to it.

I really have to thank anyone and everyone who has encouraged or supported me through this process. I fell like I'm just starting to realize who I am - at 44!

I really feel like I'm getting into the groove again - and that I'm on an upswing for a healthy and happier me. I know that there will always be challenges, I just need to remember to stay positive and check into this journal often.

Overall it turned into a pretty good day. Just need to never wear the sweater I'm wearing again without a shirt underneath it - it is VERY scratchy!

Things I'm proud of today:
1. My pre-review and pushing for the score that I feel I'm worth.
2. Major system issues today and I didn't get frustrated, I just took it all in stride. Another thing I'm working on...don't worry about the stuff that you can't control
3. My work-out. I'm 5 for 5 and only 55 days away from a free massage!
why oh why can't I keep a good streak going when I get one going? It seems that I don't want to see myself be successful and while I might understand it logically, I can't seem to get past it mentally. I've gone on a poor food choice binge the last 24 hours. It's got to stop NOW! I felt so good on Monday and Tuesday and then it was a tough workout where everything seemed hard because it was new to me and I don't know why but it went down hill from there. Definately a bump in the road. I also don't know what I did during my work out, but I strained a quad muscle...walking up/down stairs is painful as is getting up or sitting down. Walking isn't that bad and I did a workout tonight, so I'm 7 for 7...in the past, I would have skipped a night. I guess that is some progress. I've overslept 3 mornings already this week - must be due to some exhaustion all I seem to do is work lately. I need sleep!

Things I'm proud of today.
1. I went and worked out even with a strained muscle.
2. I came her and admitted some of the feelings.
Diane, you are doing great! You are 44 (I am 43) and I am finding that undoing years of habits is a long, slow process! I think you are doing so well with your journaling. Your feelings are coming down on paper where you can express them, analyze them and then find what is working and what is not. You are doing amazing with that and you have only been doing this a couple of weeks! As for your bad food day, those happen. Move on and it will be a memory that isn't even a blip on the radar. You can't be perfect all the time so don't beat yourself up for being human! It sounds like your review thing went well, great job. As for this thing with your parents not wanting to go to WDW with you. Well there could be a lot of reasons that are very valid. However, you won't know until you ask! I would just call them (do they live close by, can you go over) and just sort of wind the conversation to a "so what's up with your not wanting to go?" Is there another place they might like better that you could go to. Until you find out for sure, your mind will understandably jump to conclusions. Don't torture yourself, just ask them why and then go from there! I don't blame you for being hurt, we are all still children where our parents are concerned and as such those emotions run high and deep.

I am proud of you and how well you are doing! Keep up the hard work Diane, it is paying off. And I am going to have to try those Mrs. Smith apple things, that sounds like heaven to me too!

Have a great weekend!:)
it's been a few days and while I haven't been hiding out, I just use two words at this time of year. "Year End". My week of 12+ hour days is hopefully behind me until the next two dreaded words.. "Mid Year". Yikes! I better have help by then, or I might just need to find a new position within my company. It's a $56B company - they can't find money to pay for 1 person? No, because I get everything done, regardless of how many hours it takes me to do it. I'm working on standing up for myself and I am making progress - at my statuses with my boss, I am always asking about where we are for that position and when there is no progress, I do the best I can to understand. I've started sending requests back to people (most are from the team I'm part of) asking them to prioritize their requests because while they are all good requests, there are not enough hours in the week to get them all completed. I struggle with this because I've never been good at saying 'no' and have this need to please people so I end up doing it all regardless of how long it takes.

This week was tough with a strained quad muscles - I feel like I go 2 steps forward with getting myself to run and then go 1 step back. Those 1 step back moments really frustrate me. Here I am running am improving my cardio and then I wake up with a quad muscle that makes it painful to walk! It seems like there are forces out there making sure I don't succeed. I know the phrase 'no pain, no gain', but I'd really like to go 10 days without pain!

Thursday at work people kept coming up to me asking if I was alright - they said I looked exhausted. I was! All I wanted to do was go home and sleep, except I had to do cardio that night. I kept thinking...well, I will go home and sleep and then just tell Tim that I went walking with a friend and work out twice on Saturday so I wouldn't be missing a cardio. If I wasn't so d*** honest, it probably would have worked, but I'm too honest and knew I wouldn't be able to face him if I did that. I stopped at the running shoe store after I left work and bought 2 new pairs of running shoes. By the time I left there I was more pumped up to work out and went and walked for a while - even with the pain. I saw Tim (trainer) and did some stretching on me that seemed to have helped. So, now I've learned, when I really don't want to work out - go buy something workout related! Let's hope the next time this happens and I just buy a t-shirt that I have the same pumped up attitude to work out in a new t-shirt. I can't keep buying running shoes - they are expensive!!

Friday had much less pain in the quad and I worked at home which is always good for an attitude adjustment. Just to get away from it all at the office. Tim was sick so we moved our workout to today, but I still did an hour of cardio, so counting today I'm 10 days straight at the gym. I'm counting days to that massage! I'm 16.7% of the way there and I add 1.6% each day. I'm a numbers geek and if I can put it into numbers, I can understand it. I was kinda upset he was sick yesterday because I wanted to do the boxing thing and I didn't get to hit anything! I'm not a violent person at all, I just really like boxing in a work out - you get some agression and frustration out and it is a lot of calories burned.

No pain in the quad today! yeah, hopefully that issue is now resolved and will stay that way!! Tim double booked today, so I volunteered to go walk for an hour and then train with him - the result was a free session, so I'm all for free! We had a great session and I rewarded myself with a salad. yes, that sounds healthy and for the most part it is, until you get to the dressing. It is a parmesian dressing that is fabulous! and fattening. I'm still ok with it.

Things I'm proud of:
1. I kept the workouts going, even with a sore quad.
2. I have made good food choices the past two days.
3. I was only online for work for 60 minutes today!
Diane, you are doing great! You are 44 (I am 43) and I am finding that undoing years of habits is a long, slow process! I think you are doing so well with your journaling. Your feelings are coming down on paper where you can express them, analyze them and then find what is working and what is not. You are doing amazing with that and you have only been doing this a couple of weeks! As for your bad food day, those happen. Move on and it will be a memory that isn't even a blip on the radar. You can't be perfect all the time so don't beat yourself up for being human! It sounds like your review thing went well, great job. As for this thing with your parents not wanting to go to WDW with you. Well there could be a lot of reasons that are very valid. However, you won't know until you ask! I would just call them (do they live close by, can you go over) and just sort of wind the conversation to a "so what's up with your not wanting to go?" Is there another place they might like better that you could go to. Until you find out for sure, your mind will understandably jump to conclusions. Don't torture yourself, just ask them why and then go from there! I don't blame you for being hurt, we are all still children where our parents are concerned and as such those emotions run high and deep.

I am proud of you and how well you are doing! Keep up the hard work Diane, it is paying off. And I am going to have to try those Mrs. Smith apple things, that sounds like heaven to me too!

Have a great weekend!:)

Thanks Amy, I needed to hear that. I didn't get unhealthy overnight, I won't get healthy overnight either.

My mom turned down the Disney trip (2nd year in a row now) because she is going to be in Africa with my dad. I asked about going earlier for the food/wine festival - mom believes wine is one of the 4 basic food groups - and she has turned that down 2 years in a row. My mom and I aren't that close and I'm trying to reach out and ask her to do things, but I ask and she says 'no', and then she wonders why I can go 2-3 months without picking up the phone and calling them. My dad is not a Disney person, he has said many times, "If I've been somewhere once, I don't need to return because I've seen it already". I know better than to ask him, besides Disney isn't his thing. I have an interesting relationship with my parents - I'm extremely different from both of them and we really don't have many similar interests.

I asked my dad about taking a trip to Washington DC, I enjoy it there and I could do that on a small budget and he didn't want to go there - he made the comments that the wrong people are there now and until they are gone, he isn't interested in going back. While I understand, but not necessarily agree with his viewpoint, that option was a no go as well. They enjoy traveling oversees and since I'm on call 24/7 until I get help, that isn't an option for me.

I appreciate you viewpoint, it makes me look at things a different way! Thanks!!
How depressing....I just did my taxes and while I'm getting a refund, it isn't as much as last year. It's 25% less! Now, I could do the logical thing and pay off a bill, or I could do the frivolous thing and plan a trip to Disney. I'm not sure what I'll do yet - maybe more personal training sessions.

I've only gone to Disney once in the spring and I didn't really enjoy it, I really enjoy going during the Christmas season for the music and decorations. I am still researching Washington DC, but I'm not sure how safe it is for me to traveling there as a single and I'm not sure I would enjoy myself.

I'll have to think more about that. I maxed out my vacation time last year due to the inability to ever take any time off and I'm not going to let that happen this year. Even if I take 3 weeks of vacation this year, and my 5 personal days, I'll still have 6 weeks of vacation banked and 5 personal days banked - how sad is that? Not that I have that much, but that I let it get to be that much. I looked back, I took 6 days off last year! Goal for 2007 is to take vacation time and relax!
Yeah! Another day with only an hour or so of work....so this is what it feels like to not work weekends! I could get used to this.

I didn't think I'd be sore from my workout yesterday, but I suggested something for the end of the workout not knowing that my suggestion was going to result in my behind and hamstrings being so sore today. Even with the pain, I would do the same circuit again, it was a great workout.

It's -9 degrees here today and I went an worked out. Yeah! I'm on day 11 of 11. I also cleaned out my closet - how refreshing is that. I moved all the clothes that I don't fit into anymore and put them in the spare room, went through workout clothes and threw away stuff that is too big....now I just need to pack it up, bring it to Goodwill and keep a copy for my taxes next year.

I've decided to go through my house room by room and clean, organize and minimize. anything that isn't needed is getting tossed out or donated. Then I'm going to look at putting my house on the market. While I love my house, I am 44 years old, and do not need a house the size of my current house. The nice part is that since I don't have to sell, I can wait until the market gets better to put the house on the market - it may be a year or it may be 6 months. I know what I my house is worth and I've gotten to a point in my life where if my house sold in a day, I could find a place to live pretty quickly. I've learned that I can find what I like pretty easily - especially because there is so much on the market.

Things I'm proud of today.
1. I left the house to workout, even at -9!
2. I cleaned my master closet and took out all my clothes that are too big.
It's amazing how a day can just start off like you got out of bed on the wrong side and end up being a pretty good day.

I think I hit a wall or something because I just couldn't get myself going today. I was still at home when the 'Today' show started! Unless I'm working at home, I can't remember the last time I heard that Today show music. Not a good sign, I knew leaving my house I was going to hit traffic and my normally 30 minute drive was going to be 60 minutes and I was frustrated with myself for being so late. It's sad that I consider getting to work at 8:00am being late. Traffic was bad, but when I got to work, someone had taken my chair :confused3 and I had to go search for it! It was making for a bad morning when I didn't want to be at work anyway.

The day started getting better by going out to lunch with a friend, made a bad food choice, but I was ok with the choice. I wish I understood where the frustration came from this morning, it wasn't a bad weekend, I just woke up not wanting to go to work. It felt like the walls were closing in and I just needed to escape for a while - the day eventually got better. Let's hope tomorrow isn't like today.

Ended up getting to the club late and if it wasn't for the 60 day bet, I probably would have skipped it, but I'm glad I've got that bet - it holds me accountable! Ran into a friend that I used to work with and we walked together and it made the workout go so much faster. I miss him at work and he always has some great advise.

Things I'm proud of today.
1. I'm 12 for 12 (that's 20% of the way there!) for workouts.
2. Started looking at ways to get debt free.
3. Called my parents to say hello.
Diane you are doing well! I think you and my husband are of the same work ethic. He works a lot from home in the evenings and considers anything less than an hour of late night work (after a 10 hour day) to be goofing off! Stay home and watch the Today Show for a few minutes, you'll live longer!

I think where your parents are concerned you have done all you can. I would be hurt and puzzled if I were you but in the end, you made the offer, what else can you do? Just be proud that you were a terrific daughter and reached out. My husband goes through this with his dad all the time. He just doesn't really want to spend time with us, his loss. But it still hurts I know.

Keep up your good work, I am really impressed with how you work out in spite of your busy schedule. Good for you!
It's been a few days since I checked in with myself....I blame that on lack of caffeine! I made a goal to give up Diet Pepsi in 2008 and that time came last weekend. I never really drank that much, just a 20 oz bottle every day, and I moved it to 12 oz and then finally to 0 oz. Who would have thought the headache would come 5 days after my last taste??? I was home yesterday with a migraine on top of the caffeine headache. Thankfully today the migraine is gone and the rest of the headache is down to a dull roar. I don't think it has anything to do with caffeine after 5 days, since I drank so little, it has to do with work stress!

I found out Wednesday that we got approval for 1 headcount in our department for the next 3 years and the department managers are looking at the best way to staff that headcount, I don't think it will be what I need help with, but I think ultimately it will relieve some work off my plate.

I'm glad I started looking at restructuring some debt that I have - stupid, stupid, stupid to hold it in credit card debt when I have 50% equity in my house! I'm changing that around and am going to finish off my basement. I still know that ultimately when the market is better I will sell my house and downsize, but in the meantime, I'm going to make use of the space. I am a bit anxious over the bids when I get them - I have no clue what a basement will cost to finish. Thankfully the builder framed, insulated and covered it in plastic, so that work is all completed. I know I'm doing a home theatre and then maybe a sewing room in the extra area, or maybe a home gym. I can't picture myself going downstairs in the winter to work out, but you never know. It's too big of an extra area to be storage, so that isn't an idea and there isn't a window so I can't have a bedroom. The builders definately didn't think of basement space planning when building the house!

I'm still a bit frustrated over my parents, but I'm getting past it, it is so easy for me to just go inward to myself and become a hermit or recluse and I want to get past that and be more outgoing - it's tough because I have to be an extrovert all day at work and I need night time to recover from all that energy. I don't quite understand why I can talk to a total stranger with no problem, but I can't keep in touch with friends on a regular basis?

Things I'm proud of so far today:
1. I checked in with myself
2. I have a workout planned with my trainer tonight
Wow self - I've left you hanging for a week or so. You know what's been going on though. I'm realizing when I start to think through a lot of things I pull into myself and not put things out. Old habits die hard they say.

So much going on and I think I made some major progress this week that I'm proud of. I've been sick almost the entire week - who wouldn't when the high all week was a negative number! Even when I was home sick, I was trying to work during the day because I didn't want to let my co-workers down. I tried to do some things that I had committed to because I didn't want to let my friends down. I suddenly had this clear moment of why is it more important to me to ensure those around me are happy and not feeling let down, regardless of how I feel. If I'm sick, I should be allowed to be sick and the world will go on. If they are disappointed or something has to wait, then something has to wait....it was such a clarifying moment in a haze filled week. Once that was clarified, I fell so much better in turning off a cell phone, turning off the ringers on the house phone and going to sleep!

I felt so good with that realization, I made myself start looking at other friendships out there. Am I getting from the friendship what I'm putting into it? Could I be putting in more than I am? Why do some of my friendships seem to require me doing all the work - and should those really be friendships. What decisions were finally made.....I've got to make myself #1 in my lift and not just say it, but mean it. I've got to continue to look at what is causing me struggles in my journey and as they say...cut the fat, or vote the person off the island as well as reach out and try and reconnect with the ones that I should be re-connecting to.

I just hope I have the courage to know the difference between the two.

Things I'm proud of:
1. No matter how crappy I felt, I still went in for a cardio workout. They do make you feel better!
2. I am rededicating myself to making sure I'm making choices that are good for me, not necessarily good for those around me and I'll make do.
3. Saying goodbye to those that are not good for me, no matter how much it short term pain it causes.
It's good to see you posting again. I'm sorry to hear that you were sick. Good for you to work out even when you weren't feeling well!

I'm curious...when you did WW, what plan did you follow? Core or Points? I'm going to start back when my treatment is over, so I'd like to hear what worked best for you.
It's good to see you posting again. I'm sorry to hear that you were sick. Good for you to work out even when you weren't feeling well!

I'm curious...when you did WW, what plan did you follow? Core or Points? I'm going to start back when my treatment is over, so I'd like to hear what worked best for you.

Thanks for stopping by! It has just been a crazy week up here in the frozen tundra.

When I did WW I followed the Core Plan. I still do mostly, I just weigh in with my trainer instead of with WW and now I'm in the middle of the 8 week no-weigh in to get my mind off the number.

I love the Core Plan as I find it easy to follow and it took the emphasis off of food for me. I didn't have to plan and measure or count points at every meal. I just knew from the list what I could eat and what I couldn't eat. I tried doing points for a week just to compare and I found myself negotiating with myself by day 2....well, if I have a Snickers bar it is only this many points and I'll just skip something later to make up for ir. The points system just isn't for me. If you've never done the core plan - try it out, I found it easy to follow.
I'm so glad to have this stomach bug taken care of! My trainer told me to do a long zone 2 walk on Saturday with a sweatshirt on to help get some of those fluids out of my system, well it must have worked - after 7 miles, I felt really good - if you exclude the gross feeling of a soaking wet sweatshirt. I treated myself with a salad! I never eat salad because I like so many vege's on it that it isn't cost effective to store all that in my house, so I go to Byerly's to get a salad. Anyone from MN knows just how good a Byerly's salad can be! There are choices for anyone. There's chicken, crab, turkey, tomato's, broccoli, sprouts, carrots, peas, cucumbers, 4 kinds of lettuce, fresh cut fruit, eggs, etc. I can't remember it all and it does come with a price, it can get expensive, but so worth it. It's such a healthy option after a great workout and I feel so good.

Started running again today and went back to timing how long it takes me to get to 3 miles between running and walking. I think I took 20 seconds off what my best time was before I got sick. I wasn't expecting that and that made my day. I really think I could get this running thing down if I didn't get so darn bored while doing it. I'm not sure why I don't get bored when walking, but I get really bored running - maybe it is because I'm always changing the speed on the treadmill when walking, but for running I just go to 5.0 or 5.1 and run.

For you runners out there - how do you keep yourself interested? I've got the Remember....Dreams Come True fireworks performance on my Zune and even that works for the first mile, but then I get bored. Help!!! I really want to work my way up to 2 or 3 miles because I know it is good for me, so please send any and all ideas my way.

I'm started today looking back at one particular friendship and made an extremely difficult decision to walk away from it. It was the very first internet friendship I had and we had been friends for almost 15 years in an internet type of way. I've been there for him through a divorce, 3 kids, 2 job eliminations and 2 health scares and when ever I have reached out needing a friend, he hasn't been there for me. He'll come back and apologize after the fact, and I've told him to make a decision, he either needs to have this friendship work both ways, or not at all. He always acknowledges that he really hasn't been a good friend but doesn't do anything to change the behavior. Well, I deserve better than that and I want to surround myself with friends who will be there for me when I need them, who will be my bamboo and push me back to the top when I feel like I'm drowning. I need to know that I can reach out to my friends when I need to, just like they know they can reach out to me when they need to. I thought I would be sad about the decision, but I wasn't, I was sad and hurt earlier in the year when I reached out over and over to have a friend when I really needed someone and he wasn't there; I think the decision was made then, it just took me this long to accept it and acknowledge it. I can finally cancel my aol account, he was the only reason I was keeping it. It's a good decision, WW talks about enablers and I really think this friendship was a negative enabler to me and I need to cleanse myself of those negative enablers and those saboteurs. while I may not go to WW meetings currently, I still follow many of their guidelines, it is a great program and I need to go back, I just have to find the time.

Wow - didn't expect to be this wordy with myself tonight, but I'm glad I have been. I can feel me moving through some of the junk that is holding me back and I can see the first part of that wall coming down. Just one more step in the long process to a healthy and happier me.

Things I'm proud of today:
1. I started running again
2. I started working on the psychological aspects of getting healthy
Diane, I am glad you are feeling better and just amazed and in awe that you can walk 7 miles after being sick! Great job!!!

As for eliminating some friends I can tell you that you won't regret losing someone who is not there for you. The relief will probably amaze you. I had to do this myself. I had a best friend for almost 30 years that I began to realize was a very negative influence in my life. It took awhile and almost a state of mourning to let that go but in the end it has made me realize life is too short to count people like that as friends, let alone "best" friends! I saw her for the first time in many months (maybe even a year or more) at my mom's funeral. She managed to irritate me right off the bat, good riddance! Be proud of yourself that you are examining your life to this extent. I have to say many people I know who struggle with food issues (myself very much included) also struggle with issues of being used by people close to them. We need to please and often the stress of doing that gets taken out via the refrigerator! So you might lighten up your load emotionally and on the scale!

You have come such a long way, you should be so proud of yourself! And great job taking some time to be sick! Thats another step towards treating yourself with respect and kindness. You deserve nothing less!

Thanks for your support in my journal, keep up the good work!
I remember in WW one of the topics was determining what piece of the weight loss pie is mental, food and physical and that the three of them total to 100%. My physical piece of the pie works well on it's own and the food and mental pieces seem to work off each other. Right now they are working together with the physical and I have had some great workouts and I feel like I'm making such forward strides. I feel good, the workouts are good and I'm eating good, well - except for that small piece of chocolate cake today - which I had, I enjoyed and I'm not beating myself up over. Right now I'm hitting my stride and I really feel good about it.

Heard from the bank and I was approved for the home equity loan, yeah! Credit cards can get paid off and my basement can get finished. And, I might be able to work in a trip to DL to go to Club 33 with friends, they've got reservations for June 1 and can add me if I let them know soon enough. In the basement is going my workout equipment. Right now it is in the guest room and I never use it, so it is going to have it's own home down in the basement off the home theatre, so I can workout and watch a movie or something. Now I just have to decide on a contractor to do the work. Decisions, decisions, decisions....

Things I'm proud of today:
1. 60 push-ups with my hands on medicine balls. Boy are my shoulders sore!
2. Keeping a positive attitude all day long and looking forward to my workout.
I'm really liking this stretch I've got going right now. I'm feeling in a really good spot. Work went well - no surprises for a change. I'm 80% of the way there in making my decision on the basement, I really like the first guy who came to the house and he had some great ideas. I know it is going to come down to going with my gut and trusting my gut - right now it is the first guy.

I wonder - do you call and tell the ones you don't choose that you didn't choose them? what's the protocol?

Tonight was a running night and I did my 3 miles in 42:06, on Sunday my time was 43:31. I'm not sure what is getting into me, but it's working out right now. I still can't run for longer than 4-5 minutes without getting bored, but those 4-5 minutes stretches get longer and longer in the 3 mile run. Instead of just 1 or 2 sets like that it is now 4 or 5 of them. My goal is running 3.0 miles without stopping. I wish I knew what happened to my goal of just a mile, since I met that so easily my trainer decided on 3 miles. I didn't object because I like the challenge.

I ran into an ex-coworker at the club, he's moved on to a bigger position at another company and I keep asking when he is going to hire me! He knows I'm half joking, but it is always nice to see him. He and his wife are going to come over to the new basement when it is done.

Things I'm proud of today:
1. Running and improving the time from the last time.
2. Being happy - I'm working on this one and I am really in a good place.
Diane, its so great you are in this great spot right now. You put yourself there with your good attitude, hard work and determination. I think its always nice to let the other candidates know you have chosen someone else to do your basement. If you have email addresses for them, thats a nice way to let them know. Definitely go with your gut and instinct, its usually right!

Keep up the hard work, you have come such a long way and are such an inspiration to me and others who read your journal!

And I really hope the Disneyland thing works out for you! Club 33, I am so jealous!
Is winter over yet??? I just don't understand why when it snows, every seems to go from driving like normal people to driving like you are riding a bike and you can't go to fast because that 1 snowflake might make you slide. MN puts more salt/sand on the road than any state I know, so it doesn't get bad, people just think it does. Grrrrrr. Ok, frustration aside. This delay just added to what was a pretty long day.

I need to remember that it is ok to say 'no' to my boss. He asked for a volunteer to be part of a planning committee for our team meetings and I didn't reply, because I really don't have that type of time on my hands - until they get me help, yet today he told me that he added me to the planning committee for these meetings. This man has 8 people that are at HQ that he can choose from and I always seem to be the lucky person. I know I should be flattered that he thinks that highly of me because I get added to these projects, but at times I think I get asked because he knows that I don't say 'no'. I'm choosing to look at it as a positive, that he respects my knowledge and knows that I will take on a challenge and make it a success.

I wish they didn't give you that 3 day 'think about it period' when you make major decisions in your life. The bank has a 3 day period where if I change my mind about taking a loan out on the house that I can cancel everything with no penalty. I know some people need this time, but I made the decision when I called them, let's just finish this already! Wow, really was a day of little things that just frustrated me a little bit. I'm definately glad tomorrow is Friday.

I tried to move my training session tomorrow until earlier in the day and I can't do that either. I should just permanently move it to 3:00pm, since I always seem to want that time and I work at home most Fridays, then on the days I can't work at home, just change the time to 5:00pm.

Still got my workout in, I'm 50% of the way to meeting the challenge of 60 days without missing a workout....woohoo! Massage here I come :yay: :yay: :yay:

Amy - thanks for stopping by and offering words of encouragement! They are always appreciated!

Things I'm proud of today:
1. While the little things got to me, I didn't let them ruin my food day and made good decisions all day.
Wow Diane, half way there with your exercise challenge! Its all downhill from here, that massage will be well earned. Excellent job getting through an aggravating day and not turning to food. I think you have learned some new habits!

It appears to be spring here for today and tomorrow then snow on the weekend. I am ready for the real thing! Hope you get a warm up, not sure I could take a Minnesota winter.

I am not good at saying no either, but its never too late to learn! Can you tell your boss you just cannot do this? There's always next time to say no, just keep practicing!


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