Debt Dumpers - 2018

Thank you! I tried, but it was a no go. I booked with my CSP but the rep said there was nothing they could do. I haven't been a Chase customer very long (barely 6 months), otherwise I might have tried the "I'm a long time customer, spent a lot of money with you..." yada yada, but I'm sure it wouldn't have worked in this scenario. I guess the bright side is I haven't lost any cash out of my pocket, but I would've happily kept those extra UR points to use towards our Disney vacation for 2019.
Aww, yes you have to look at the bright side that there was no cash outlay :). Hopefully, you and DH get to go on a trip soon :).
My final loan payment FINALLY posted this morning (12 days later!). So 0 balance on that! My IRS refund says it will be sent to my bank account by Wednesday, so the final loan payment I put on my credit card for points is scheduled to be paid off Friday. It'll be nice not to budget that $150 in for March's budget!

Other than that, I had a pretty disappointing weekend, though mainly just first world problems-type stuff. I can't remember if I had mentioned here before that DH and I were taking a three day trip to Miami this week for a work conference. They were putting us up in a nice hotel and I was very excited since our only expense was my plane ticket that I was able to purchase through credit card points. I had told everyone at work that I was going and was ecstatic since I've never been to Miami. Well, at 4:30 Friday DH's work informed him that they needed him on a huge work project and were taking away all his work for the next two weeks for him to focus solely on that- including the conference. So trip is canceled, no vacation for me, and, of course, my plane ticket is non-refundable. I was pretty bummed, to say the very least. I realize it is not DH's fault at all, and in fact the project he has been asked to work on is very important, but it's still disappointing. He told me he would take me somewhere else to make up for it this summer, but it's not like we just have the money lying around right now to take a three-day trip somewhere. So we'll see. We've been tentatively discussing a birthday trip for him to Universal this year, but that wouldn't be until November.

And of course now I'm at work and everyone is excitedly asking me when I'm leaving tomorrow :headache:

Sorry the trip fell through. That is definitely the risk of mixing work and leisure. But congrats on the final loan payment!
Sorry the trip fell through. That is definitely the risk of mixing work and leisure. But congrats on the final loan payment!

Thanks! It definitely is. I've been very fortunate to join him on a lot of work trips. I probably wouldn't feel as bad if it was Maine in February, but Miami in February really sounded nice! I am significantly more cheered up by the prospect of showing my horse in ten days, even though I'll be eating light until then to fit into my horse show clothes!
Ugh. I just needed somewhere to release a bit. Ok, let's be real. Whine ;) This summer we had planned to do a 10 day CA trip. Two nights at Legoland in the new Castle Hotel and then 7 nights at DL split between a DVC room and an off-site hotel. When cramming numbers I realized that if we cut back on the trip we could pay off a big credit card, with a big monthly payment, several months ahead of schedule. So, the Hubs and I decided together, last night, that we are going to cut out most of our sit down meals (saving roughly $400) and the Legoland portion of the trip (saving about $1500). Now, we've been so I know it isn't the greatest park ever or anything. But our family had a blast there last time and the kids were super excited about it. We are telling them tonight that we had to cut that piece of the trip out. And I just feel so. darn. guilty. I know that they are lucky they still get to go on a trip. And I know that even though they don't understand (and they are too young to even explain the specifics) this is the smart, adult, right decision. But it still sucks. First world problems. I know. Sigh.

Here's a thought...skip one day at DL and drive down to Legoland. I can't imagine 7 days straight of just Disneyland...that seems like overkill and I go like every week. Legoland is only an hour away. It's an easy drive. They always have buy an adult admission, get a child free deals for Legoland. Seems like your kids are really looking forward to it and it doesn't have to be completely off the table.
Our new budget as we reworked it on the 17th starts tomorrow! I'm so excited- we're finally saving significantly for retirement, an emergency fund, house down payment fund, and vacation fund. We're going to get 3 months of expenses in the emergency fund, then roll over what was going in there into a house fund (in addition to what we already contribute monthly), and then once those are both done in a few years, our long term goal is to save that money to buy 2 DVC contracts: a small one direct through Disney for the benefits and a larger one resale. Even though that particular goal (DVC membership) is probably about 8 years from being realized, we created a bucket for it in the budget and put $50 in it, with a plan to drop any "found" money into it here and there, and I also pledged any rollover I may have from my newfound pocket money (more on that below!) at the end of the month. Obviously it won't amount to anything substantial for quite a while, but it helps just to have the bucket in the budget as a reminder for why we live so far below our means while our friends are spending every penny they have.

We've also decided to become a single car family for awhile. I will be working part time opposite DH at least for now, so we don't need a second car. We have great credit and enough for a small down payment if need be, so at a moment's notice we could change our minds, but we can put the car insurance cost savings as well as the money we got from selling my (broken beyond repair) car into paying off his car a year early and getting much better coverage on our remaining car- so that's what we are going to do. I want to take advantage of this very short time in our lives when we can get away with one car and get a little ahead of the game on some things.

Now onto the new addition in our budget- pocket money! Here and on other budgeting websites I've always seen the recommendation that couples each have their own pocket money. Always seemed like a good idea, but with our savings goals being so ambitious it never seemed realistic. Now that DH has a better paying position, we are able to each have $75 a month of our own. No questions asked, no raised eyebrows from each other, not to be used on basic needs like clothes (unless they're not something we need)\- just our own blow money for things outside of regular spending that isn't an immediate need. I cannot describe how freeing this is! DH is a huge computer nerd- built his computer and desperately wants to make a "battle station". This always gets a groan from me, who can barely turn my computer on. It just seems like a waste to me (I;m the type who will use the same $200 junk computer until it is literally smoking), but it's important to DH. With this new budget, he can build his computer in peace with his pocket money and I can load up on Disney goodies that he thinks are pointless! It's taken a lot of the strain out of our money talks already and the new budget hasn't even started yet!

Tomorrow starts a whole new chapter for me and the first time I haven't worried constantly about money in 6 years, since my dad died. This group means so much to me! Thank you all for your tips, tricks, and for being completely honest about your debt and debt dumping. I'm in a very, very different place than I was when I joined in 2016, and so much of it is because I kept (and will continue to keep) myself accountable here and got so many tips from others!

@Dentam I'm sorry to hear about your housing situation. This is always my fear as a renter, and I've definitely had a landlord who would have done this. I really, really hope something wonderful and pet friendly comes your way soon. We have two cats, and I know how aggravating it is to find the perfect place only to see "no pets" at the bottom of the listing.
Ugh. I just needed somewhere to release a bit. Ok, let's be real. Whine ;) This summer we had planned to do a 10 day CA trip. Two nights at Legoland in the new Castle Hotel and then 7 nights at DL split between a DVC room and an off-site hotel. When cramming numbers I realized that if we cut back on the trip we could pay off a big credit card, with a big monthly payment, several months ahead of schedule. So, the Hubs and I decided together, last night, that we are going to cut out most of our sit down meals (saving roughly $400) and the Legoland portion of the trip (saving about $1500). Now, we've been so I know it isn't the greatest park ever or anything. But our family had a blast there last time and the kids were super excited about it. We are telling them tonight that we had to cut that piece of the trip out. And I just feel so. darn. guilty. I know that they are lucky they still get to go on a trip. And I know that even though they don't understand (and they are too young to even explain the specifics) this is the smart, adult, right decision. But it still sucks. First world problems. I know. Sigh.

Oh I'd love to take my kids to LEGOLAND again! Before they are fully grown :) They were just babies last time, 18 months and 3 years old. That would be such a tough call!
Ugh. I just needed somewhere to release a bit. Ok, let's be real. Whine ;) This summer we had planned to do a 10 day CA trip. Two nights at Legoland in the new Castle Hotel and then 7 nights at DL split between a DVC room and an off-site hotel. When cramming numbers I realized that if we cut back on the trip we could pay off a big credit card, with a big monthly payment, several months ahead of schedule. So, the Hubs and I decided together, last night, that we are going to cut out most of our sit down meals (saving roughly $400) and the Legoland portion of the trip (saving about $1500). Now, we've been so I know it isn't the greatest park ever or anything. But our family had a blast there last time and the kids were super excited about it. We are telling them tonight that we had to cut that piece of the trip out. And I just feel so. darn. guilty. I know that they are lucky they still get to go on a trip. And I know that even though they don't understand (and they are too young to even explain the specifics) this is the smart, adult, right decision. But it still sucks. First world problems. I know. Sigh.
It’s ok to be disappointed even if it’s a first world problem. But in the long run, will you be happier having paid off the card? If the answer is yes, then you are doing the right thing. I’m glad you still get to go for part of the trip though.
Here's a thought...skip one day at DL and drive down to Legoland. I can't imagine 7 days straight of just Disneyland...that seems like overkill and I go like every week. Legoland is only an hour away. It's an easy drive. They always have buy an adult admission, get a child free deals for Legoland. Seems like your kids are really looking forward to it and it doesn't have to be completely off the table.

Sorry, I should have been more clear. We won't be spending 7 days inside Disneyland. Our arrival is around dinner so we will do our grocery pick-up, check into our offsite hotel and eat dinner. Our departure is in the morning so no park day there either. Plus we will be taking one day off with family to go to the beach :). We did discuss taking a day to go down to Legoland, but it would add those park tickets (DL tickets are already purchased) plus another day of rental car fees. If we are able to stay on track with our debt payoff I think we have decided that we will do a long weekend trip to San Diego to go to Legoland (and possibly SeaWorld) :)

Oh I'd love to take my kids to LEGOLAND again! Before they are fully grown :) They were just babies last time, 18 months and 3 years old. That would be such a tough call!

That's our thing...before the kids are grown! They are 7 and 4 now, so I have a feeling we are short on time left for the big guy. Though his love of Lego is fairly recent, so maybe not. Hope you get back with your kids soon!

It’s ok to be disappointed even if it’s a first world problem. But in the long run, will you be happier having paid off the card? If the answer is yes, then you are doing the right thing. I’m glad you still get to go for part of the trip though.

Thanks for the encouragement! And, yes, I know in the long run we will be happier. It's a $300ish a month payment, so not going to Legoland allows us to pay off the card 5 months earlier :)
@Dentam I'm sorry to hear about your housing situation. This is always my fear as a renter, and I've definitely had a landlord who would have done this. I really, really hope something wonderful and pet friendly comes your way soon. We have two cats, and I know how aggravating it is to find the perfect place only to see "no pets" at the bottom of the listing.

Thank you. It is definitely tough to find a pet friendly place. I've found a few apartments that will allow large dogs in my neighborhood that are also in my price range. If a duplex with a yard doesn't open up in the next month, I will have to go the apartment route or stay with a friend for awhile while continuing to search for openings. Thanks for your understanding and for sending good thoughts my way! :)
Finishing the month with

Emergency fund $1000 (took a hit with a $240 vet bill last weekend but could put straight back in)

Travel CC (priority, highest interest) was -$2814.13 now -$2274.19, paid off $539.94

Everyday CC (Put on $1200 of insurance fees for the year, getting off the credit card float is my mission after we pay off the travel card, this one has MUCH lower interest and I'm not paying any anyway, just not making a dent...) was -$2072.43 and now $1759.52, paid off $312.91

I have an extra fortnightly payment on our mortgage too, next month is 3 checks for us so will be a full month buffer there by the end of the month. Slowly building.
Tomorrow starts a whole new chapter for me and the first time I haven't worried constantly about money in 6 years, since my dad died. This group means so much to me! Thank you all for your tips, tricks, and for being completely honest about your debt and debt dumping. I'm in a very, very different place than I was when I joined in 2016, and so much of it is because I kept (and will continue to keep) myself accountable here and got so many tips from others!
Woohoo!!! Mine started in January and it's been a hard, but wonderful trip so far. I'm so grateful to this group, too.
Since my rent was pro-rated this month it allowed me to put extra money towards our every day credit card to pay off some of the new house stuff we've bought. I was also able to add a little extra to 2 of my credit card payments. I had a panel interview today for a promotion within my work, fingers crossed I did a good job and rank in the top 3 for the final interview! (My work has a weird/lengthy process.) We move into our new house this weekend so it will probably be a long weekend. I also leave for a work conference next Thursday, so I really should say it's going to be a long week and half.

Happy hump day!
Since my rent was pro-rated this month it allowed me to put extra money towards our every day credit card to pay off some of the new house stuff we've bought. I was also able to add a little extra to 2 of my credit card payments. I had a panel interview today for a promotion within my work, fingers crossed I did a good job and rank in the top 3 for the final interview! (My work has a weird/lengthy process.) We move into our new house this weekend so it will probably be a long weekend. I also leave for a work conference next Thursday, so I really should say it's going to be a long week and half.

Happy hump day!
You have so many GOOD things going on. Good luck on your interview and moving into your new home!
You have so many GOOD things going on. Good luck on your interview and moving into your new home!

Thank you! It seems like whenever something good work related happens, I always have so many other things going on in my life lol. When I first interviewed for my current position I was 2 months away from getting married. When I started the job I was 3 weeks away from getting married. Luckily we didn't plan on taking a honeymoon right away so I only had to ask for a few days off vs. a week or two.
To everyone who chimed in about car insurance....we went with the company we're already with because we have our homeowners with them and get a discount. I was surprised it's "just" $850/year but he got a good student discount and we did not put him as primary on any of the cars. The old minivan is going to be "his" car and just has liability coverage but even so, it was cheaper (and legal) for him to be secondary on that and me as primary, I think (or DH but I think it's me). I just added him to AAA today, that's prorated until next fall when we renew but it's an additional $77.50 to add him yearly. We have heard the student parking lot is full for the year but when the time comes we'll find out (you need your license for a month before applying) but he'll definitely get in for next year and that's only $25. So, overall, not so bad. He drove by himself yesterday afternoon to the store and it was surreal to watch him leave. I made him text me when he got there (like 3 miles away!). And I get to start the whole process again in less than a year with my younger DS!

Omg, this sounds like us the first time we sent ds21, then 17, out to pick up a pizza. It felt like an eternity and dh was about to go drive to the pizza shop when ds walked it looking at us like we were crazed. It's still hard to get used to it but it will get better. What eases my mind is that this child has always been a rule-follower, almost too much, so I know he isn't driving carelessly. When I say too much, we went to the car wash together for some reason a while back on a fluke warm day, maybe a month ago. This car wash allows you to sit in the car going through the automated part but you have to finish drying it and vacuuming it yourself and there is a parking area for that. The sign says 10 min limit. No music. I don't blast my music but just enough that I can hear a little while drying. People often do and no one cares as long as it's not loud and others can't really hear it much. He told me I need to turn it off bc the sign says so. :o :rolleyes1 He's not wrong but sheesh there's no music police...
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Thank you! I tried, but it was a no go. I booked with my CSP but the rep said there was nothing they could do. I haven't been a Chase customer very long (barely 6 months), otherwise I might have tried the "I'm a long time customer, spent a lot of money with you..." yada yada, but I'm sure it wouldn't have worked in this scenario. I guess the bright side is I haven't lost any cash out of my pocket, but I would've happily kept those extra UR points to use towards our Disney vacation for 2019.

We are long time Chase customers, had their SW cc since 2006 until recently when we switched to CSP, and have 2 Disney visas, currently $0 and we never use. We've paid off at least 2-3 cars through them and our mortgage is with them. I never asked them to bend the rules but so far all that loyalty hasn't helped much.

Maybe you can just pay the change fee to the airline and take a weekend escape some time. Prob 10 yrs ago, we once went to Orlando overnight from early Sat am to late Sun night. Send the kids to the shore with my parents and dh & I escaped. He said it was such a silly idea until we arrived and relaxed quietly by the pool with pretty waterfalls. Ahhh it was so nice. Within a few hours he said, This was a GREAT idea!. We didn't even go to parks but it was nice to go out to dinner without kid's opinions being injected into conversations.
Ugh. I just needed somewhere to release a bit. Ok, let's be real. Whine ;) This summer we had planned to do a 10 day CA trip. Two nights at Legoland in the new Castle Hotel and then 7 nights at DL split between a DVC room and an off-site hotel. When cramming numbers I realized that if we cut back on the trip we could pay off a big credit card, with a big monthly payment, several months ahead of schedule. So, the Hubs and I decided together, last night, that we are going to cut out most of our sit down meals (saving roughly $400) and the Legoland portion of the trip (saving about $1500). Now, we've been so I know it isn't the greatest park ever or anything. But our family had a blast there last time and the kids were super excited about it. We are telling them tonight that we had to cut that piece of the trip out. And I just feel so. darn. guilty. I know that they are lucky they still get to go on a trip. And I know that even though they don't understand (and they are too young to even explain the specifics) this is the smart, adult, right decision. But it still sucks. First world problems. I know. Sigh.
Oh that's hard. Is there a way to cut something else instead? Or maybe let them choose what to cut if it's something you both agree with too? I don't know, then it's hard when you feel like you're giving kids too much control. No easy way around it.
Don't feel guilty; all of our problems are first world. ;)
So I went back to work today, a miserable failure. First I had to stop at Employee Health to be cleared to return. This is routine when anyone is out more than 3 days. Well, they wouldn't clear me. I saw the nurse practitioner and while she stepped out of the room for a bit, the heat came on and it was such a little room and no way to escape this heat in my face. After a bit I started feeling weak & dizzy and put some cold, wet paper towels on my forehead and laid down on the exam table. So that doesn't look good when you're trying to convince someone you're ready to go work in a hospital. I was sitting in a chair when she left and returns to find me half passed out and sweating all over. They eventually sent me home and wanted to talk to my doctor and would call me back.
Well, the awful part with this chronic fatigue is when the fatigue hits really bad like that, and I have to lay down, it also creates this kind of brain fog where I don't really comprehend. It makes me want to tell everyone to put our conversations in writing because I will forget in 1 min what was said. So after I went home took a 2 hr nap and later when employee health called, I still had the fatigue bad and I really can't recall where our conversation left off. I know she's off tomorrow. and that she spoke with my doctor but honestly I can't remember if I'm supposed to come in tomorrow or wait and get another doctor's note or what.
I'm no genius but I did get As in Radiation Physics and got a 93 on my boards. I know there's something between my ears. Now I feel like a complete moron. I took notes and don't even understand what I wrote
She gave me a fax number and sent me an email just so that I'd have her email address but I have no idea what it's for.
Ugh. Such a scary feeling. I'm really losing it.

I spoke with our rep in HR about whether we really lose our jobs after 12 weeks of FMLA. He said it's subjective, that if I came back 2 weeks later, that's not even enough time to fill my position. If I came back 6 months later, they'd have to fill it. So I have a little more time and that's a huge relief.
He also said sometimes people have to come back with restrictions such as frequent breaks or working less than a full day. What a wonderful idea!
If I can maybe just work 8-12 and gradually build up to a full day I think my chances of success would be much better. Maybe every few weeks, add another hour. Today, I was exhausted just doing my normal getting-ready routine, commuting and walking around campus, and going home at 9:30.
I texted my boss with the idea and asked if that's possible and she said to call her tomorrow morning. (It was after 5 by then and I know she wants to get home to her own family.)
I used to get up at 5:30am and get home at 5:30pm. I can only hope some day I can get back to that.
Omg--that sounds so excruciating. :-( I am so sorry you are facing all this.

I think I missed the original story of your illness, but I am wondering if you have had your thyroid worked up? The exhaustion and brain fog sounds like hypo, while the over-heating sounds like hyper. There are some thyroid conditions that go back and forth between the two extremes. But maybe this is par for the course for chronic fatigue and doesn't include thyroid troubles at all. I hope that things can improve soon for you!


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