DDP Causing Some Issues?

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Why are we all humoring this OP? It's obvious that he just wants attention. If we leave him alone, it will end.
Let's all enjoy our Disney vacations with or without the DDP.:hippie:
DDP or not we all have the same chance of getting or not getting a ressie at any of the restaurant. Who gives a hoot if we are on the ddp or paying out of pocket??? Disney doesn't...allowing all guest the chance to enjoy WDW at its best. My advice to OP if this is an issue for you just don't go to WDW anymore if you do not like the idea that some of us have to or choose to use the ddp.

You are SOOOOO off base. The intended issue of this post was and remains to be that since the DDP has taken effect it has has opened dining options to individuals that usually would not book at certain restaurants and it has caused a ressie issue for some.
You are SOOOOO off base. The intended issue of this post was and remains to be that since the DDP has taken effect it has has opened dining options to individuals that usually would not book at certain restaurants and it has caused a ressie issue for some.

Im sorry but your posts are really beginning to sound stuck up. What is wrong with people who wouldnt normally get a chance to dine at California Grill getting a chance to dine there? If you plan well in advance for your ten days at disney you shouldnt have a problem getting your ADRs at the restaurants of your choice.
You are SOOOOO off base. The intended issue of this post was and remains to be that since the DDP has taken effect it has has opened dining options to individuals that usually would not book at certain restaurants and it has caused a ressie issue for some.

Who do you even mean by 'some'? People not on the DDP? People who take last minute trips? "Wealthy" people?

But why does it matter? So now some restaurants are more affordable, is that the problem? You seem to feel like you should be entitled to the 'certain restaurants' for what ever reason. Everyone is allowed to make ADRs 180 days in advance, regardless of their dining plan status.
You are SOOOOO off base. The intended issue of this post was and remains to be that since the DDP has taken effect it has has opened dining options to individuals that usually would not book at certain restaurants and it has caused a ressie issue for some.

IMO, you are off base. Anyone has the opportunity to book an ADR at any restaurant - if there is availability - not only DDP guests and not only people you think are the ones who should be there.
The DDP doesn't cause any issues for me. Of course, I quite enjoy planning.

I know many people who utilize the dining plan. One is a millionaire. Many times over. And, he is very unpretentious.

And, before the OP asks, my point is that complaining about the DDP filling restaurants is absolutely hilarious from a business perspective. I mean, come on, Disney WANTS to fill restaurants to the gill. Disney is laughing all the way to the bank, and if you can't understand that, because you lament the DDP only costs $38.99 per day, then you really don't understand the first thing about business. Luckily, Disney does. Until it stops being profitable (and not just each individual meal, you need to look at the big picture), they will continue it.

So, to answer your question - is the DDP causing issues? Not for the masses, who they are trying to please. Not for Disney, who is concerned with it's bottom line. It looks like people like the OP are the only ones who are experiencing an issue. Maybe you should write to Disney with your concerns. Or, stop visiting or spending your money onsite if it really bothers you that much, because that is what is going to affect Disney - their bottom line.
OP you are starting to sound very uppity. Yes the restaruants are more crowded, but that is what Disney wanted. They saw a need and they filled it!
Just think of it this way, no more lil ones have the chance to eat in a aquarium, or have breakfast with Mickey. Maybe you need to adjust to the new way!
I (almost) believe that we are the only ones that do not participate in the DDP. The issue we are having (along with others that pay cash) is that people that would not normally dine at high end TS are booking like crazy and ressies for a last minute trips are almost impossible.

Has anyone else experienced this? When does this dining plan option come to an end? Why was this ever a good idea?

Hold back the flames it is an observation & a follow up to a conversation we had with cast members at CG as well as CG regulars.......The only place we didn't have a ressie issue was V&A's is that not part of DDP?

Exactly so. At certain times of year you must have a reservation to get into pretty much any TS restaurant on property, never mind the high end ones.

As long as WDW is filling up the restaurants, the dining plan option will probably continue. They WANT the restaurants full. It's apparently a good idea because the restaurants are full. Even the ones they couldn't get anybody to try before are full. Why would they want to end it?

I preferred it the way before, when the food was very good instead of just good, menu items that included expensive ingredients were actually available, and you could walk into a restaurant without having to decide 6 months ahead of time. I'm not a local. And I'm not swayed by the argument that the restaurants are more affordable. I could afford them before and they used to be more worth the price. And who, from the standpoint of a patron, enjoys dining in a jam packed restaurant all the time?

Bluezoo isn't part of DP and I have been eating there more often, it's expensive but the food is worth the price.
There are many long timers (30 plus years of going to WDW)who HATE THE DDP! First, it packs the restaurants. Second, because it's such a deal, it's RUINING THE MENUS at WDW, which used to be innovative. The prime example is Yachtsman Steakhouse, which is now a JOKE!!! Crappy steaks may make some people happy, but not us, because we remember when Yachtsman was good.

I can't believe there are people who shell out 700 bucks for a week of the DDP, but then cry poor mouth that the can't afford certain table service restaurants. It's laughable....most of the entrees are in the 20 dollar range, so if you can afford 700 bucks, you can afford a 20 dollar entree.

And all the cost savings ignore the fact that they are getting an appetizer, dessert, and entree for each person, which most people wouldn't normally order. IT"S TOO MUCH FOOD MEAL AFTER MEAL!!!!

My family of 3 can eat for way less than $700 for a week at WDW, and that's including eating out at the TS restaurants.
You are SOOOOO off base. The intended issue of this post was and remains to be that since the DDP has taken effect it has has opened dining options to individuals that usually would not book at certain restaurants and it has caused a ressie issue for some.

IMO you are "SOOOO off base" how do you know that everyone who does the ddp would or would not book at these "certain restaurants?" My dh and I would book at the restaurants we have chosen with our without the ddp. But it makes a lot more econmical since to us to use the ddp which is cheaper than the meals than pay more out of pocket for the samething. If Disney is willing to allow us to eat at the higher end TS restaurants on the ddp instead of paying cash that is on them. I will repeat if you don't like don't go to WDW!
We are annual passholders and I wish we could get the DDP. We get discounts with the pass but would prefer the option of being able to get the plan. We do several last minute trips a year, next week being the next one. We don't make any ressies in advance because they always are full. But we have never been turned down when we get there. Last minute cancellations happen all the time and we snatch them up. I would prefer the plan though, so hopefully they will give it to us annuals eventually.

You can get on the DDP. Buy your next trip as a package with a one-day base ticket and the dining plan. The one day base ticket never expires and you can use it toward the renewal of your annual pass.
Are you looking to be flamed? Do you think the people that pay for DDP don't pay for their meals???
I just don't get the problem, I hardly ever book diners, I decide that morning and never have had a problem, not even for California Grill? I mayeat those words after next week, we have one meal planed, at Fulton's and only because the inlaws will be with us and want to head home by 9:00pm.

Fulton's isn't on the dining plan.
Just so you know OP, when I took my DH and DS as a family for the first time in 2002 they offered a dining plan for a lot of money, I believe it was called the gold plan or platinum plan, it was so expensive. So we decided to pay out of pocket. I guessed for 9 days a good $900 would do. My DS at the time was 3. So I figured we'd be fine. I chose 1-2 table service meals a day. Well by day 4 I went into my wallet to check my cash in our room. And I freaked out, I was crying and just going nuts. We had a whole $19 left and 4 days to go. Thank God for credit cards I brought in case of emergency. I swore at that time we would not return to WDW unless they designed a plan that included food, that didn't cost an arm and a leg. And I love the DDP. We went last year and used it/loved it, and are returning this year and using it/still loving it, and yes it does save you a ton of money. My DH is a HUGE meat eater, and at Le Cellier in Epcot I recall our bill for 1 meal comming up to $178 for the 3 of us last year. Also, we had saved reciepts to see exactly what we have saved and all I can say is in the 2 weeks we were there we saved well over $300. Now we normally do not eat that much but it's like they are spoiling you, Appetizer, Meal , and Dessert. It's awesome, what's not to love!
I (almost) believe that we are the only ones that do not participate in the DDP. The issue we are having (along with others that pay cash) is that people that would not normally dine at high end TS are booking like crazy and ressies for a last minute trips are almost impossible.
Your not the only one who does not do the DDP. We stayed away from it for a while and then once we tried it...we will not go back without it! And you answered your own question...People who could not normally afford to dine at the higher priced TS meals, but with this plan they are able to pre pay and ease the pressure...plus they almost always are getting to eat the CS meal and a snack for almost free (if use the plan right). Another thing that may be making it harder to book dinning last minute is the fact Disney now allows you to book 180 days out instead of the 90 that was offered before.

Has anyone else experienced this? When does this dining plan option come to an end? Why was this ever a good idea?
Like I said above...I love the plan and hope it does not come to an end.
Hold back the flames it is an observation & a follow up to a conversation we had with cast members at CG as well as CG regulars.......The only place we didn't have a ressie issue was V&A's is that not part of DDP?
Hope you didn't think I was flamming...just putting in my 2 cents. And with V&A's it is not on the "regular" dining package but if you go with the top of the line package it is.

For the record...We usually tried to do 1 TS meal a day even before the DDP...it just made since for us to save a little money and go with the plan...not to mention it includes tax and 18% tip. It is a win win!
Well OP, If you are suggesting that Disney discontinue the DDP because it's crowding YOUR space at restaurants, maybe they should discontinue the AP's while their at it. If you take away the AP privledges- it will make it more expensive to visit WDW and then there won't be any lines for you to wait in for YOUR favorite rides!!
It's all about YOU and we all want to make YOU happy right????
I'm just at the beginning stages of planning our first trip to the World for my husband and myself. I looked at the dining plan but immediately dismissed the idea as being too restrictive (ie having to plan my meals this far in advance) and I didn't want to have to commit to a set plan. I was also pretty sure that I wouldn't really be saving all that much money since we aren't huge eaters.

Anyway, I've gone back and forth on the idea many times in the past two weeks and the final decision is I will go with the plan. The reasoning behind this? Because I can pay for it ahead of time and the meals have now become a part of 'the package'. While I can prepare myself mentally now for how much a TS meal will cost, I know myself and I know every time I reach for my wallet on holiday to pay for a meal I will cringe and the penny pincher side of me will kick in and I'll get all frugal again. Who wants that whilst on holiday? So yes, I think this dining plan is an excellent idea. Yes, we'll eat more TS meals than we might have without it but I refuse to apologize for that. For us, this is a once in a lifetime trip and I intend to enjoy it to the fullest :flower3:
To clarify we DO NOT walk up to TS restaurants expecting to be seated but for those of us who throw together a last minute get aways to Disney 4-6 times a year it is quit annoying. Plus they are going to start loosing people who actually pay for their meals....some flames back at you!

With DDP aren't meals still "actually" paid for?
I thought people were reading the OP incorrectly until this post...oh well...
to the original question, yes, we had a heck of a time getting a table for DD's b-day. But I don't want the DDP to be discontinued because I look forward to using it one day; I'v learned to call early for a table...no more making dinner plans a week ahead, but that's okay with me :thumbsup2
This is hilarious.

neverenoughwdw - I understand your pain, but really, what you should do is book your reservations in advance (as far in advance as possible). I am sure that many people (be them DDP partakers or not) do the same thing so that they can enjoy meals at nice restaurants.

Sure there's a price difference, but I ask you - why waste your money paying full price when you can use the DDP to get it at a reduced cost. Then, you can use the extra money to buy something else or add on to a meal that you wouldn't normally do.

I think that the DDP is a great idea, both for people who cannot afford some meals at nice places (like me) and those who can. You just need to understand your needs and then go for it.

If you're complaining about not being able to get a seat, then you need to adjust for reality and book things sooner, or get a man on the inside to get you a table.

There are many pros and cons to this plan, but there's no sense in arguing back and forth about it.

The reality is that it is here, and is probably not going anywheres anytime soon. You know what's happening, now we all (it's not just you who is missing out on reservations, y'a know!) just need to be smart about it and plan better. Understand that last minute reservations may not be as easily obtained as in the past and adjust your travelling style accordingly. If you do not, then you are being naive about the state of things and state of change at "The World" and deserve not to get your reservations.
Besides, OP, if you can afford 4-6 last minute trips to WDW a year then I'm sure there is SOMEPLACE that you want to eat. For some of us WDW is a once in a lifetime opportunity that we'll never be able to afford again. Suck it up and let some of us enjoy it. DDP for the win!!
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