DDC XXXIV: The Original Home Of The DISDads!!!

Care to elaborate?
Are you impressed or unimpressed?
I can't for the life of me work out how they thought it was a good idea not to have a flat access out of a baggage hall. You have to collect your cases,
put them on another carousel, and then go up a single escalator. Its an airport. Did they think international travellers who have spent 9 hrs on a plane wouldn't have any luggage?
It has never taken me less than 3 hours to get out of that airport.
I like the 1900 Park Fare breakfast and interaction with Alice and Hatter. Make sure you post a picture of your disdad meet here if you have a chance.
Yep, they were awesome. Mad Hatter was particularly good. It was great meeting Mike and his lovely girls for an hour or so, I'll stick up a picture later.
Have fun stormin' the Castle.

Oh and Man U is winning this morning. Just scored again as I was typing this (3-0) Mata, Rooney and Zlantan
I saw that walking past on the TV. I also the saw a bit of the Liverpool Arsenal game, it was like watching 2 drunks fighting....
West ham have Chelsea away tomorrow, so tough start.
I’m lucky for a US working stiff in that I get an incredible four whole weeks of vacation time.

But of course, I can’t take more than one week at a crack…
I’ll never receive any additional time per year regardless of my service…
They regularly discuss cutting it back to three (or less)…
The Mrs. only gets two weeks so I can’t take advantage of half of what it offered…

Like I said… excellent benefits for the US.

That my friend, is positively Victorian. No two weeks off? How do you not go insane? We work like dogs at home, but everyone needs a decent break....
In addition to the dds going back to school, youth group at church is back in session so that meant DW and i had the house to ourselves for 2 hours. We had a bottle of wine and .....

Well then I’ll not be worrying about her none.
Sounds like she’d be good to go.


Keep worrying about her and pray for her. I still want to make everything perfect for them, but I'm trying to realize that they have to live their life.

That my friend, is positively Victorian. No two weeks off? How do you not go insane? We work like dogs at home, but everyone needs a decent break....

Yeah, make 'Murica great again. I don't understand why we think this way over here. My aunt married an Italian and they run a campground in Sardinia. They've shared that European philosophy of vacationing for extended periods, which is far superior to the way idiot USA bosses look at it. Of course, they run the summer campground and then vacation the rest of the year in Rome.
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In addition to the dds going back to school, youth group at church is back in session so that meant DW and i had the house to ourselves for 2 hours. We had a bottle of wine and .....
But while the kids were at church?
Happy Monday.

Decided to try to head back to Key Largo later today. Meet up with a couple of friends and have lunch. Hopefully this time I'll only be going 60 when the tire bows out.

Morning chaps, from a very early Orlando. True to form, the kids woke up at 0445. I don't know what it is but every year I forget what a shocking piece of civil design Orlando airport is for internationals.

You should try to navigate through Miami International. Worst airport in the world and I am including third world nations.

Top O thr Mornin Dads! Had a nice dinner here in Chattanooga for DWs bday.

Belated Happy Birthday to your better half

Sunday afternoon check-in. The official temps have hit the mid-90's and the heat index is something silly like 107.

Just plain nasty.
Thus the decision to do nothing for a while.

Worked all weekend in the back yard and the shed. Was not a fun time. Stay hydrated and safe out there. While we had a lot of rain, nothing like Louisiana was hit with. Feel for them.

Yep, they were awesome. Mad Hatter was particularly good. It was great meeting Mike and his lovely girls for an hour or so, I'll stick up a picture later.

Never did 1900 but every time I walked by there, it seemed everyone was having a good time.

Keep worrying about her and pray for her. I still want to make everything perfect for them, but I'm trying to realize that they have to live their life.

Found out a while ago, that is all you can do.
And the lines are not bad at all.

It includes weekends....not back until 30th August.
Its one of the perks of working over here, 7 weeks vacation is pretty standard.

Have fun at the World, guys!

7 weeks...a man can only dream. After 15 years with my employer, I finally maxed out my vacation time--I get 4 weeks a year. Thankfully, my sick time is separate so that truly is vacation time.

For those of you not in the Facebook group, one of our brothers passed away suddenly today. bdoyledimou (Bern Doyle-Dimou) lived in the Toronto area.

RIP Bern, you will be missed.

Amen. This is just so shocking and sad.

Trying to conserve energy and avoid the heat so I figured I ought to drop in over here while I’m basically vegetating. We had a thunder storm pop up out of nowhere a bit ago… it turned everything from an approximation of a pizza oven into the equivalent of the inside of a pot at a crab boil.

Man, you're not kidding. I had to mow the lawn and waited until 7 p.m. so the sun would be going down and still practically melted into the grass.
Happy Monday morning. In the office the next two weeks and I have cleared my inbox already this morning, 10 minutes into the work day. It's going to be a short day at the office.

But while the kids were at church?

Even at the peak of my physical prowess, the only reference to playa that could be applied to me would include the word tennis in front of it. :lmao:

Decided to try to head back to Key Largo later today. Meet up with a couple of friends and have lunch. Hopefully this time I'll only be going 60 when the tire bows out.

More life of CJ. Are you diving as well? Hope Eeyore doesn't get you today.

Man, you're not kidding. I had to mow the lawn and waited until 7 p.m. so the sun would be going down and still practically melted into the grass.

I thought you were making oldest boy mow the grass now. I tried to talk my dds into it, but they aren't going for it. They said it's not work for women/ girls.
‘Morning all…


Dang it…

That my friend, is positively Victorian. No two weeks off? How do you not go insane? We work like dogs at home, but everyone needs a decent break....
Who says I’m not insane?

Lack of options.
Meaning: there are no better options.
I’ve considered immigration, but most places require you to already have employment and/or vast amounts of cash on hand before even being considered, so that won’t be happening anytime soon either.

Keep worrying about her and pray for her. I still want to make everything perfect for them, but I'm trying to realize that they have to live their life.
That letting go thing there…
Yeah, that’s the tough one.

Decided to try to head back to Key Largo later today. Meet up with a couple of friends and have lunch. Hopefully this time I'll only be going 60 when the tire bows out.
Beats my Monday plan…
So long as the tires hold up, that is.

Worked all weekend in the back yard and the shed. Was not a fun time. Stay hydrated and safe out there.
I suspect you’ll be plenty hydrated today.

While we had a lot of rain, nothing like Louisiana was hit with. Feel for them.
And there need to be many, many prayers for the folks down along the bayous.
No place is perfect, but some places seem to get hit either harder or more often.

Man, you're not kidding. I had to mow the lawn and waited until 7 p.m. so the sun would be going down and still practically melted into the grass.
I’d imagine so…
We might just need to consider completely switching over to a nocturnal lifestyle during the eight months of unending summer we’ve been experiencing the last few years now.
You should try to navigate through Miami International. Worst airport in the world and I am including third world nations.

WE heard that before we traveled down at Christmas, big part of the reason we went through Fort Lauderdale.

Happy Monday morning. In the office the next two weeks and I have cleared my inbox already this morning, 10 minutes into the work day. It's going to be a short day at the office.

Home yet?
So here's a good one for you guys. The airlines and their computer systems strike again...or tried to at least! I spent a good portion of last night on the phone with a rep from American Airlines.

I received an email from them around 7:00pm last night, politely telling me that our 8:00am flight due to arrive in Orlando at 1:00pm was no longer being offered, so they graciously re-booked everyone on an 11:30 flight that stopped for two hours in Charlotte and landed in Orlando at 7:00pm.

I can't even imagine what that day would be like if we put the kids on an airplane just before nap time and, after two hours in the craziness that is Charlotte, didn't get them into the resort until bed time. Suffice to say that would NOT be a good start to the vacation. Not to mention I'm already going to be there on business just waiting for the wife & kids to arrive. Could you imagine my wife's face when she steps off the plane with two hungry, sleep-deprived hellions, knowing I've spent the day waiting for them beside Storm Along Bay? Dear Lord, in the words of William Shakespeare "Though she may be little, she is fierce".

In the end, the representative from American was great. She kept apologizing for putting me on hold, but I continually assured her that if she could fix this, I'd happily stay on the phone with her all night. Turns out they didn't actually eliminate our flight, they just assigned it a new flight number, and the American computer system, in all its brilliance, decided to re-book us on a later flight instead of just changing us over to the one that took its place under a new number.
Home yet?

Didn't see your post. I had to go get gas for the lawnmower as well as the 2 cycle oil/ gas for the weed eater. I really didn't want to mix a new batch in August, but I'm out. Then, I went to the grocery store. Then, I came home and put up the groceries and ate lunch. Then, I went to the gym and am back home now. I could have picked you up something while I was out. :lmao:

So here's a good one for you guys. The airlines and their computer systems strike again...or tried to at least! I spent a good portion of last night on the phone with a rep from American Airlines.

I received an email from them around 7:00pm last night, politely telling me that our 8:00am flight due to arrive in Orlando at 1:00pm was no longer being offered, so they graciously re-booked everyone on an 11:30 flight that stopped for two hours in Charlotte and landed in Orlando at 7:00pm.

I can't even imagine what that day would be like if we put the kids on an airplane just before nap time and, after two hours in the craziness that is Charlotte, didn't get them into the resort until bed time. Suffice to say that would NOT be a good start to the vacation. Not to mention I'm already going to be there on business just waiting for the wife & kids to arrive. Could you imagine my wife's face when she steps off the plane with two hungry, sleep-deprived hellions, knowing I've spent the day waiting for them beside Storm Along Bay? Dear Lord, in the words of William Shakespeare "Though she may be little, she is fierce".

In the end, the representative from American was great. She kept apologizing for putting me on hold, but I continually assured her that if she could fix this, I'd happily stay on the phone with her all night. Turns out they didn't actually eliminate our flight, they just assigned it a new flight number, and the American computer system, in all its brilliance, decided to re-book us on a later flight instead of just changing us over to the one that took its place under a new number.

Stay on hold all night to put me back on the same stinking flight. Glad it worked out for you, especially with your SAB scenario. Here's the question though - Are you actually planning on meeting DW and family at SAB after she rides DME to the resort?
I can't for the life of me work out how they thought it was a good idea not to have a flat access out of a baggage hall. You have to collect your cases,
put them on another carousel, and then go up a single escalator. Its an airport. Did they think international travellers who have spent 9 hrs on a plane wouldn't have any luggage?
It has never taken me less than 3 hours to get out of that airport.

Wait... collect and put on another carousel?
I don't remember that!
My recollection was: gather suitcases, go to DME.

So here's a good one for you guys. The airlines and their computer systems strike again...or tried to at least! I spent a good portion of last night on the phone with a rep from American Airlines.

I received an email from them around 7:00pm last night, politely telling me that our 8:00am flight due to arrive in Orlando at 1:00pm was no longer being offered, so they graciously re-booked everyone on an 11:30 flight that stopped for two hours in Charlotte and landed in Orlando at 7:00pm.

I can't even imagine what that day would be like if we put the kids on an airplane just before nap time and, after two hours in the craziness that is Charlotte, didn't get them into the resort until bed time. Suffice to say that would NOT be a good start to the vacation. Not to mention I'm already going to be there on business just waiting for the wife & kids to arrive. Could you imagine my wife's face when she steps off the plane with two hungry, sleep-deprived hellions, knowing I've spent the day waiting for them beside Storm Along Bay? Dear Lord, in the words of William Shakespeare "Though she may be little, she is fierce".

In the end, the representative from American was great. She kept apologizing for putting me on hold, but I continually assured her that if she could fix this, I'd happily stay on the phone with her all night. Turns out they didn't actually eliminate our flight, they just assigned it a new flight number, and the American computer system, in all its brilliance, decided to re-book us on a later flight instead of just changing us over to the one that took its place under a new number.

Wow. I'm glad it worked out, but... that whole situation was totally unnecessary and due to a stupid computer.
Wait... collect and put on another carousel?
I don't remember that!
My recollection was: gather suitcases, go to DME.

Yep. You get through Border Control, pick up your bags from the airline carousel. You then have to go through the customs check, and then you are in a lobby with 2 baggage handlers, a single staircase, and a single line escalator. If you can take your case yourself, you go up the escalator. If you have kids/strollers or can't carry your suitcase, they put it on the carousel and it gets transported to terminal A, where all the car hire desks are. you get on the monorail to terminal B, and then walk through the airport and go down a couple of levels to pick up your stuff in terminal A. You then have to go up two levels to get to the concourse again, cross the airport back to terminal B, and drop down two levels to get to the DME. Simple. Because obviously anyone coming to Disney World doesn't have kids.

Based on what I've paid for elevators over the last 2 years, I reckon they could get one in including the works for about 2M. if they set up a crowd fund, international families would have it paid for in about a fortnight.
Happy Tuesday. Just another day in my version of paradise, which really isn't all that close at all. I did manage to get some tennis again last evening before another deluge. Back at the office this AM and already completed my one email task. I proof read a training manual and found 5 errors that I'll need to work diligently on today.

Who says I’m not insane?

Couldn't have been anyone here! :lmao:
Stay on hold all night to put me back on the same stinking flight. Glad it worked out for you, especially with your SAB scenario. Here's the question though - Are you actually planning on meeting DW and family at SAB after she rides DME to the resort?

The plan is to check out of my hotel in Disney Springs, Uber to BC to drop my bags with bell services, and Uber back to meet them all at MCO and ride the Magical Express to the resort.
Ahhhhh Tuesday.
Time to just sit back and relax.
Well.... after I take the kid to her orthodontist appointment... and go shopping.... and cook dinner.... but otherwise... aaaahhhh....

Yep. You get through Border Control

That explains it.
We go through Border Control in Canada. Major airports with flights leaving to the US have US Customs right at the airport. Technically, when you go through, you're on US soil even though you're still in your own city.
(The reverse does not hold true to this. We clear Canadian customs at the point of entry in Canada.) This saves a ton of time when we arrive in Orlando. We do the same as you (monorail to B, to A for bags, up then down back to B) for the rest though.

Simple. Because obviously anyone coming to Disney World doesn't have kids.

Of course! Makes perfect sense!


Based on what I've paid for elevators over the last 2 years, I reckon they could get one in including the works for about 2M. if they set up a crowd fund, international families would have it paid for in about a fortnight.

Look into that! Let me know how it goes.

Point of interest. As far as I know, no one on this side of the pond uses "fortnight". We'll say "two weeks". Just another word that sank on the way across the pond.
The plan is to check out of my hotel in Disney Springs, Uber to BC to drop my bags with bell services, and Uber back to meet them all at MCO and ride the Magical Express to the resort.

Sounds like a plan. I was trying to think how the alternate idea would work with my DW. Every scenario I played out didn't seem to work out very well for me.

Point of interest. As far as I know, no one on this side of the pond uses "fortnight". We'll say "two weeks". Just another word that sank on the way across the pond.

Or does that translate into fourtnight in Canadian? :lmao:

It's really difficult translating both Canadian and English into American. :sad2:


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