Days of Our Lives Watchers Part Three...

Yes she is an annoying little twit. I loved the self satisfied look on her face when she heard that Ciara was mad at Trip. I know it's only how they write her, but I so want to smack her one upside the head. LOL
Playing catch-up on viewing.
  • Why wasn't there a bailiff on someone else in the restroom with Gabi so that they could rebuff Abigail's statement?
  • I enjoyed Abe's fury towards Valerie.
Playing catch-up on viewing.
  • Why wasn't there a bailiff on someone else in the restroom with Gabi so that they could rebuff Abigail's statement?
  • I enjoyed Abe's fury towards Valerie.

Yeah the court room scenes were hard to take, they just let Gabi waltz out of the court room on her own to to to the wash room ,or leave her alone in the court room before everyone was there. She wasn't out on bail either.

Haven't watched today's show yet.
She did have a bailiff go to the ladies room with her. But he was male and waited outside. In real life I'm sure they have a female bailiff go with a female to the ladies room.
These court room scenes are terrible. Laughed when the Judge total Gabbi to calm down or he would have the baliff cuff her. Well should he be doing just that she was just convicted of killing someone.

Why is it that every scene now with John he is sitting at the pub with a beer. Everyone comes to him to sit at that Hope he finally gets up and goes to find Marlena.

I don't like how they are playing this Steve being blind thing. I would be pretty angry not , oh it's ok.
I'm over the Gabigail storyline. It's moving too slow for me. I also want to see the female lawyer eat crow when it comes out the Gabi didn't kill Andre.
Maybe John is still taking it easy from his fall. I don't think we will see him doing any fights anymore.

I guess I'm in the minority because I like the Gabigail story line. I think she is doing a great job at portraying all the different characters.

As for Steve being OK with being blind, it's just his acceptance of something he can't change. Good golly, I sound like Dr. Laura myself. LOL
So Claire did cheat with Wyatt's help. Not sure where they are going with this.

Don't really care about Brady and Eve but I do believe Theresa is coming back for May sweeps so that would bring some tension. Wonder if the guy that wants Chloe is the same person that took Theresa. I knew right away that there was going to be a hit on Lucas.

Having been on in awhile but why could Marlena and John just walk right in the Dimeria's where Kate had to fumble for her keys that day. Details on this show drive me crazy. Today Vivian was sitting in the pub drinking , I think the other bar would be more upscale for her not the pub. Lucas is always there too. She looked out of place.

So I think Leo is going to go for a sexual harassment suit with Sonny since he works there.

It's been a nice break from the DID story.
So caught up on the last two shows. So how long has Marlena been down there ? Just overnight. She looks pretty good , hair is perfect what she been doing that whole time. When Vivian was thrown in there she just took a seat on the chair. Didn't even try to get out. Then came Kate. Did they even feed her or give her water while down there.

How could Paul say Kate was missing when she was sitting on the couch when he texted her. This time line is really screwed up. Abby has an appointment Chad going to take , goes the station then goes to the prison. I'm sure Gabby and Stephan could have hid better then his room , which everyone just came into. Except Kate the doors are always locked when she wants

I saw the previews for next week so know what happens with Stephan and Gabi.
Not for nothing, but Stephan is in great shape. Unbelievable he couldn't fight back with Chad. He just laid there and took it? :confused3
BellaBaby, I think Stephan didn't want to get Gabby in the middle. Chad sure was in a rage and I can understand that. He was betrayed by his wife (he thinks) and his brother.
Not for nothing, but Stephan is in great shape. Unbelievable he couldn't fight back with Chad. He just laid there and took it? :confused3
I think he was hoping to keep Chad focused on him so he wouldn’t figure out what was really going on. I’m kind of surprised Abby didn’t come out when she heard how upset Chad was. WHY didn’t Chad go after her? I may or may not have been yelling at my TV...

Lot's of violence today, kinda unpleasant.
My DD (12) watches with me sometimes. She got a little upset.

Why didn’t Gabi fight back though? She’s tougher than that. Especially after having done time. She didn’t even try to defend herself.

eta: I haven’t been feeling the Stephan character but I have to say he’s made me feel like he’s truly in love with “Gabby.” He’s still no Stefano though. Just tossing women in the tunnels with no plan. Total amateur. :rotfl2:
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Boy Steve is doing really well walking all over Salem by himself and knowing it was Abby in the Park. I'm sure tomorrow he is going to tell Kayla that she was standing by the elevator too. I know he might know Abby by her sent but come on.

I too thought that Stephan could have took Chad out . I'm surprised Chad stayed put in the police station.

Love the little digs the locked up ladies are giving each other. Wonder who will rescue them and when.

It is sad Gabi was beat up but I really don't care for her character anymore I fast fowarded so not even sure what it was about. I read somewhere it was about Raines. Give her a rest after this.

Want to see Will digging into his past.
Boy Steve is doing really well walking all over Salem by himself and knowing it was Abby in the Park. I'm sure tomorrow he is going to tell Kayla that she was standing by the elevator too. I know he might know Abby by her sent but come on.
I agree he is doing quite the job of getting around on his own, but I believe he heard Abby on the phone, that's how he knew it was her.
So Will is in a prison but allowed to keep his coat , bag and phone. I know he is doing a story on another prisoner , Clyde? But still come on....Why didn't he let Gabi call Ari and talk to her, not facetime since she is in bad shape but just talk to her.

Poor Stephan is going to need Marlena's help after this , he is so in love with Gabby. Doesn't mean he didn't rape Abby though so I wonder how that will play out.

These ladies were locked in there but they sure are moving around and going places , Vivian went to the hospital but to see her son not to get checked out. Thought they were hungry too. They should all have major headaches too.

Thought it was funny that Eric made a big deal of Brady drinking again , he was drinking the whole time with Eve , maybe not that night.

Chloe/Theresa storyline coming up this month.
I just saw that Kate Mani is coming back to play Abby for a short bit. Maci quit. They tape so far in advance we won't see this for awhile. Not sure why Kate is coming back for a short bit, I know to close out a story line, maybe she will stay.

I have actually watched all the shows lately. I know I shouldn't but I almost feel sorry for Stephan. Is this a start of an obsession storyline like Stephano was with Marlena. She did use that word for Stephan . It was hard to tell if Chad just caught Abby today or he grabbed her away while he was kissing Gabby. Laughed when Hope said the evidence was gone , I said why is evidence just laying around for someone to take and sure enough

Please don't put Rafe and Hope back together, give it up Rafe. Gabby sure is allowed a lot of visitors.

I know someone dies, even know who but I won't spoil if some don't know already.

Since it is May sweeps it should be good....but no guarantees .

Oh forgot to say , I did not miss Theresa....
I need to play catch up for the last week and half. Not thrilled about Theresa's return as I never cared for her. I'll probably snoop to see who gets killed.

Really hoping that May sweeps picks up the pace and gets good because I'm bored these days.

Yay to Kate Mansi returning. Miller did fine, esoecially as Dr. Laura, but I prefer Mansi.


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